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The Delayed Entry of the USA into World War

I, And Its Far-Reaching Effects

By Bemwa Basem
World War I, often dubbed "The Great War," marked a turning point in global history.
While many nations were embroiled in the conflict from its outset, the United States
notably delayed its entry until April 1917. This delay was influenced by a myriad of
factors, ranging from domestic sentiment to strategic considerations. Moreover, the
aftermath of the war left an indelible mark on the global landscape, reshaping
political, economic, and social dynamics for years to come.
Why did the USA join WWI late?
Neutrality and Isolationism
● At the outbreak of war in 1914, the United States declared its
neutrality, adhering to a longstanding tradition of avoiding
entanglements in European conflicts.
● President Woodrow Wilson, who was re-elected in 1916 under the
slogan "He kept us out of war," prioritized neutrality and pursued a
policy of isolationism.
Economic Interests
● Despite its neutral stance, the United States maintained significant
economic ties with European powers, particularly the Allies
(France, Britain, Russia).
● American businesses profited from supplying goods to the Allies,
leading to economic prosperity and influencing public opinion.
German Provocations
● German unrestricted submarine warfare, notably the sinking of the
RMS Lusitania in 1915, which resulted in the deaths of American
civilians, strained relations between the USA and Germany.
● The interception of the Zimmermann Telegram in 1917, wherein
Germany proposed an alliance with Mexico against the USA,
further aggravated tensions.
Effects of World War 1
Human Toll and Destruction
● World War I resulted in unprecedented human casualties, with
millions of soldiers and civilians perishing in the conflict.
● The war also inflicted massive physical destruction across Europe,
leaving cities and infrastructure in ruins.
Political Realignments
● The war precipitated the collapse of empires, including the Austro-
Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian, and German Empires, leading to
significant political upheaval.
● New nation-states emerged, reshaping the geopolitical landscape
of Europe and the Middle East.
Economic Consequences
● The war severely disrupted global economies, causing widespread
inflation, unemployment, and economic instability.
● The Treaty of Versailles imposed reparations on Germany,
contributing to economic hardships and sowing the seeds of
resentment that would later fuel World War II.
The delayed entry of the United States into World War I was influenced by a
complex interplay of factors, including neutrality policies, economic
interests, and strategic considerations. However, once committed, the USA
played a pivotal role in tipping the scales in favor of the Allies and shaping
the postwar order. The effects of World War I reverberated far beyond the
battlefield, reshaping global politics, economies, and societies for generations
to come. Understanding the causes and consequences of this conflict is
crucial for comprehending the complexities of modern history.
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