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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22

• Cologne - 24 January 2023 - Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - Strictly Confidential (S1)
1. All sub-projects further delayed compared to November 2022 planning. Catch-up will start from Q1 2023, as
backbone and LTE technology are now available for commissioning LTE sites.

2. Radio planning pipeline now "in front of the wave", problematic is the implementation with all site suppliers, i.e.
both shareholders (anchor customers, regional projects and target sites) and commercial site suppliers (DFMG,
Vantage, ATC).

3. The critical bottleneck is currently the construction planning resources that all sub-projects access in parallel.
According to the JV, there is no problem with construction resources in view of the comparatively small number of
sites, provided that a forecast is available.

4. The problem of radio relay connections will continue to decrease with increasing network expansion, as the
number of remote stations available for connection increases with the rollout.

5. Process optimisation with site suppliers initiated, further escalation with selected suppliers, including
shareholders required

6. The basic problem of the many sub-projects - which prevent a concerted, uniform approach and repeatedly lead
to rescheduling - remains.

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1. RAN Planning Pipeline

Phase 1 to 4, plus Regional Deployment Projects

2. anchor customer projects

Status, Forecast, Speed-up

3. overview of target figures (budget Nov 22) versus forecast figures from the projects
Regional deployment projects and phasing 450c and target projects

4. actual figures Phase planning 450c and target projects - Phase 1 WK

Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current status A0 plot

20.04.2024 Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive - Strictly Confidential S1 4


1. RAN Planning Pipeline

Phase 1 to 4, plus Regional Deployment Projects

2. anchor customer projects

Status, Forecast, Speed-up

3. overview of target figures (budget Nov 22) versus forecast figures from the projects
Regional deployment projects and phasing 450c and target projects

4. actual figures Phase planning 450c and target projects - Phase 1 WK

Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current status A0 plot

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
1. RAN Planning Pipeline
Phase 1 (Western Corridor)
• Initial radio planning completed

• Expected 180 locations

• Planning has been adjusted in many cases and will

probably have to be adjusted again in individual
cases, since e.g. target locations are no longer
available and the acquisition of roof locations is

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
1. RAN Planning Pipeline
Phase 2 (West Energy to EDIS)
• 263 sites identified

• corresponds to 106% of Q4 23 and 73% of

total (360)

• TARGET site provision

• EON EDIS (151)

• EON Westnetz (36)

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
1. RAN Planning Pipeline
Phase 3 (Bavaria/South Saxony/South
• 196 sites identified

• Corresponds to 170% of Q4 23 and 64% of

total (307)

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
1. RAN Planning Pipeline
Phase 4 (SHW/South Eifel/Hunsrück)
• 23 sites identified

• Corresponds to 77% of Q1 24 and 21% of

total (109)

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
1. RAN Planning Pipeline
RB Middle Rhine
• Initial radio planning completed

• Expected 27 sites (unchanged)

• Further radio planning adjustments may be


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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
1. RAN Planning Pipeline
• Initial radio planning completed

• Expected 17 sites (plus 1 site)

• Further radio planning adjustments may be


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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
1. RAN Planning Pipeline
• Radio planning continuous

• 142 sites identified

• Corresponds to 89% of Q4 23 and 80% of total


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1. RAN Planning Pipeline

Phase 1 to 4, plus Regional Deployment Projects

2. anchor customer projects

Status, Forecast, Speed-up

3. overview of target figures (budget Nov 22) versus forecast figures from the projects
Regional deployment projects and phasing 450c and target projects

4. actual figures Phase planning 450c and target projects - Phase 1 WK

Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current status A0 plot

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
2. anchor customer projects
Planning update
 Preparation of the plans by the end of 2022
 LTE technology could not yet be put into operation, as acceptance tests for the LTE technology were still in progress.
 Therefore focus of planning on completion of infrastructure
 Adoption of the unit numbers reported by anchor customers (forecast data)
 Focus from December 2022 as part of the new rollout organisation
 Preparing for the commissioning of LTE sites at anchor customers by March 2023

 Re-examination of the expected completion dates

 Material deviations / delay caused by delayed completion

 Radio planning not causal

 Problems lie within the framework of construction, partly also with permits (joint use, building applications, etc.)

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
2. anchor customer projects
Ü Radio planning Infrastructure In operation
Anchor lore Brief description AK contract Plan end 2023
solution available ready (CDMA)
CDMA, realised except for one location, upgrade dual mode by
eNetwork Yes 12 11 11 11 12
February 23

For test CDMA, more than half realised, upgrade dual-mode initially only
EWE 99 95 55 55 90
only at 4 locations for tests

CDMA, realised in all but three locations, dual-mode upgrade by

Resin Yes 8 7 6 5 8
February 23

NetAachen Yes CDMA, fully realised, dual-mode upgrade done 14 14 14 14 14

CDMA in 4 locations, others directly with LTE. CDMA dual-mode

TEN Yes 73 72 11 11 52
upgrade by Feb 23, also first LTE

CDMA, more than half realised, upgrade dual-mode at all

WWN Yes 45 43 24 24 37
existing sites by February 23

NetCologne Yes LTE - first locations expected to be implemented from March 23 24 24 0 0 15

LTE - first locations expected to be realised from May 23 (after

SachsenNetz Yes 39 40 0 0 8
backbone connection)

LTE - first locations expected to be implemented from May 23

EAM Yes 40 39 0 0 24
(after backbone connection)

LTE - first locations will be realised as soon as backbone

WEMAG Yes 34 33 8 2 31
connection is established, probably May 23

LTE overbuild required as CDMA Huawei, could be done within 3

SWD/NGD Open 6 6 6 (CDMA) 6 6
months at all sites.

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
2. anchor customer projects
New status at the end of Q4 22 - Change of figures from completion of infrastructure to commissioning of LTE
Anchor Customer Forecast Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024

Total 128 185 220 244 278 308 334 359 372

e-netz Südhessen / CDMA 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12

EWE / CDMA 55 68 75 83 90 94 99 99 99

Resin / CDMA 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8

NetAachen / CDMA 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

TEN / CDMA/Nokia mix 11 36 44 44 52 52 60 67 73

WWN / CDMA 24 27 28 33 34 35 37 39 41

NetCologne1 / Nokia 0 8 10 10 10 14 14 14 14

SaxonyNetwork /Nokia 0 0 0 1 8 15 22 32 37

EAM / Nokia 0 0 2 9 15 24 27 33 33

WEMAG2 / CDMA 2 8 23 26 29 34 35 35 35

SWD / Nokia (superstructure) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

1) +10 locations in Q1 25
2) +5 locations in Q1 25

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
2. anchor customer projects
New status at the end of Q4 22 - Presentation of the deviation : Forecast Q4 (commissioning) to Forecast Q3 (Plan
Anchor Customer Forecast Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024

Total -79 -59 -53 -49 -57 -42 -37 -27 -22

e-netz Südhessen / CDMA 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0

EWE / CDMA -8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Resin / CDMA -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NetAachen / CDMA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TEN / CDMA/Nokia mix -25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WWN / CDMA -5 -4 -5 -3 -4 -5 -5 -5 -4

NetCologne1 / Nokia -2 -3 -5 -8 -14 -10 -10 -10 -10

SaxonyNetwork /Nokia -12 -13 -13 -12 -17 -15 -13 -7 -2

EAM / Nokia -20 -25 -27 -23 -20 -12 -10 -6 -7

WEMAG2 / CDMA -5 -14 -2 -2 -2 0 1 1 1

SWD / Nokia (superstructure) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1) +10 locations in Q1 25
2) +5 locations in Q1 25

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
2. anchor customer projects
Measures for the short-term commissioning of LTE are being implemented
 In the interest of a pragmatic and accelerated approach to the rollout, an interim solution has been agreed with anchor customers.

 Short-term connection to LTE central technology/backbone, achievable for most anchor customers by March

 Commissioning of all available sites with LTE technology by March 2023

 SIM card procurement realised at an early stage over 50 test SIM cards per anchor customer

 Publication and ongoing processing of a terminal whitelist in coordination with the anchor customers

 Site rollout is escalated with anchor customers

 Targeted tracking of locations with a view to rapid realisation of infrastructure and then short-term LTE commissioning

 Escalation in case of delay at management level

 In parallel, the adjustment of the anchor customer contracts is to take place by summer 2023

 Technical and operational clarifications

 Additional services from anchor customers (network upgrades) and 450connect (especially services & IT)
 Aiming for a sufficiently uniform and fair solution within the framework of existing business planning

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
2. anchor customer projects
Current timetable
January February March April May June

Creation of contract adjustment template

Coordination of the transitional solution with all ACs has taken place

Construction of commercial dual-mode base stations and connection to Nokia Core - transitional solution LTE

Solution Finding Test SIM Provisioning

Sending of test SIMs ordered until then

Web portal can be used for customer service (test SIM


Create product catalogue AK

Use of web portal by anchor customers (testing & provisioning of commercial SIMs)

Commissioning LTE locations1

Clarification AKV

1) LTE & CDMA/LTE dual mode after completion of infrastructure

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1. RAN Planning Pipeline

Phase 1 to 4, plus Regional Deployment Projects

2. anchor customer projects

Status, Forecast, Speed-up

3. overview of target figures (budget Nov 22) versus forecast figures from the projects
Regional deployment projects and phasing 450c and target projects

4. actual figures Phase planning 450c and target projects - Phase 1 WK

Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current status A0 plot

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
3. overview target figures (budget Nov 22) versus forecast figures
Determining the numbers
 Regional projects
 Enquiry at the Regional Projects
 NetzeBW project currently experiencing severe delay due to slow progress of construction planning, joint
escalation with 450connect. Whether and to what extent catch-up is possible is to be established by the end of
 In the Middle Rhine project, requirement due to rescheduling as a result of site provision
 450connect phases 1- 4
 Western corridor Detailed planning based on forecast of actual implementations; see also section 4.
 Phase 2- 4
 by Q03/2023 based on forecast of actual conversions
 From Q04/2023 forecast based on target figures (Nov 22 budget) with risk discount.
Sufficient radio sites have already been identified, critical at present are the planning/construction capacities
on the market -> close coordination with JVs is currently being carried out.
 Special feature of phase 2: high proportion of E.ON target locations, very long lead times here, partly due to
new construction

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
3. overview target figures (budget Nov 22) versus forecast figures
Regional deployment projects - delayed ramp-up due to late provision of site infrastructure

Budget Nov 22
Regional projects Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Total 25 51 113 156 195 219 219 220 221
EnBW 16 38 90 125 160 178 178 178 178
Middle Rhine 6 8 15 22 24 27 27 27 27
OVAG 3 5 8 9 11 14 14 15 16

Query Q4.22
Regional projects Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Total 0 11 29 78 121 153 172 189 221
EnBW 0 9 24 64 88 118 136 153 178
Middle Rhine 0 1 2 7 25 26 27 27 27
OVAG 0 1 3 7 8 9 9 9 16

Regional projects Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Total -25 -40 -84 -78 -74 -66 -47 -31 0
EnBW -16 -29 -66 -61 -72 -60 -42 -25 0
Middle Rhine -6 -7 -13 -15 1 -1 0 0 0
OVAG -3 -4 -5 -2 -3 -5 -5 -6 0

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Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
3. overview target figures (budget Nov 22) versus forecast figures
Phasing 450c and target projects - delayed ramp-up due to late provision of site infrastructure
Phase 1 (WK) Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Budget Nov '22 54 149 181 182 182 182 182 182 182
Project (forecast figures) 18 91 138 168 182 182 182 182 182
Delta target to plan -36 -58 -43 -14 0 0 0 0 0
Actual figures 3
Delta plan-to-actual -15

Phase 2 (West Energy to EDIS) Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Budget Nov 22 0 26 83 165 247 295 320 342 360
Project (forecast figures) 0 7 7 69 198 266 304 342 360
Delta 0 -19 -76 -96 -49 -29 -16 0 0
Forecast based on
target figures (Nov
Phase 3 (Bavaria/South Saxony/South Hesse) Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024 22 budget) with risk
Budget Nov 22 0 0 0 55 115 175 235 295 307 discount

Project (Plan/Forecast) 0 0 0 20 86 154 223 295 307

Delta 0 0 0 -35 -29 -21 -12 0 0

Phase 4 (SHW/South Eifel/Hunsrück) Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Budget Nov 22 0 1 2 4 4 30 67 90 109
Project (forecast figures) 0 0 0 0 4 30 67 90 109
Delta 0 -1 -2 -4 0 0 0 0 0

Total Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Budget Nov 22 54 176 266 406 548 682 804 909 958
Project (forecast figures) 18 98 145 257 470 632 776 909 958
Delta -36 -78 -121 -149 -78 -50 -28 0 0
20.04.2024 Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive - Strictly Confidential S1 23

1. RAN Planning Pipeline

Phase 1 to 4, plus Regional Deployment Projects

2. anchor customer projects

Status, Forecast, Speed-up

3. overview of target figures (budget Nov 22) versus forecast figures from the projects
Regional deployment projects and phasing 450c and target projects

4. actual figures Phase planning 450c and target projects - Phase 1 WK

Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current status A0 plot

20.04.2024 Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive - Strictly Confidential S1 24

Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
4. actual figures phase planning 450c and target projects - phase 1
Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current status + "A0-Plot
West Corridor
Overview of growth Plan date Completion of infrastructure
01/2023 02/2023 03/2023 04/2023 05/2023 06/2023

39 87 105 124 137 155

Overview Growth Installation/Integration

01/2023 02/2023 03/2023 04/2023 05/2023 06/2023

28 39 91 110 125 138

Western Corridor/Commercial Launch

 "new" or "complementary" sites with completion by 28.02.22 identified for CL (as at 31.12.2022).
 Currently 97 locations to be tracked (location Wuppertal03 will no longer be realised - sale by owner)
 Of which currently only 87 sites with a plan date of completion infra by 28.02.2023

20.04.2024 Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive - Strictly Confidential S1 25

Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
4. actual figures phase planning 450c and target projects - phase 1
Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current state of affairs + "A0-Plot".

Status DFMG Vantage ATC Shall Other Total

BTB released - - - 2 - 2

BTB carried out 1 - - - - 1

EP released - 1 6 5 - 12

AP released - 2 3 1 - 6

GU commissioned 42 10 1 - 2 57

Infrastructure ready 11 2 2 1 1 17

eNodeB installed 2 - - 1 - 3

Total 56 15 12 10 3 96*

* the 97th location is Cologne (01KOELNXXX01) Project status 020_Candidate

20.04.2024 Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive - Strictly Confidential S1 26

Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
4. actual figures phase planning 450c and target projects - phase 1
Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current state of affairs + "A0-Plot".

Status DFMG Vantage ATC Shall Other Total Open

STOB applied
12 1 1 - - 14 13

STOB received 41 13 10 5 2 71 27

 103 Link (segments) created in ST

 99 RiFu licences applied for
 78 RiFu licences obtained

20.04.2024 Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive - Strictly Confidential S1 27

Roll-out RAN TA Report Q04/22 - DeepDive
4. actual figures phase planning 450c and target projects - phase 1
Western Corridor/Commercial Launch until 06/2023, presentation of current status + "A0-Plot

 All sites in WK with planning date Infra completion by end of June `23
 Locations for CL in WK with plan date completion infra by February/mid-March `23
 Locations provided by Vantage or ATC -> Power supply issue
 The following colour coding is shown:

Next step:
 Identifying the "clusters" that can be integrated, e.g. Hanover
 Identify the sites to be prioritised to ensure the link chains for CL, e.g. the Burgdorf/01BURGDORF01 site.
 Close coordination and synchronisation with RiFu planning, prioritisation of frequency applications if necessary.

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Thank you very much for
your attention!

450connect GmbH T +49 221 5000 0

Melli-Beese-Str. 11 M +49 221 5000 260
50829 Cologne

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