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Name: Nicolás Casas Ballesteros

My family
• My mother
She is working in a company five days in the week. She likes her job.
Her name is Ana

• My father
he is working in a hospital all week. He Works eleven hours in the
nigth. His name is William.
• My grandmother
She is housewife, her name is luz my grandmother is looking tv show in
her bedroom

• My brother
He is a student, his name is Esteban, he is playing soccer bicauhe is on

• In my football school ALL the students has a ball, NEARLY ALL carries
wáter, MOST students have the uniform, Many the training is dificult,
A LOT OF the students are womans, SOME teachers are better than
other teachers, in my football school, NOT MANY people play
tournaments, FEW the students are my friends, and NO ONE is a bad
• I play soccer twice times a week, almost always i play in the morning
two hours.
• I usually practice leg exercise but i’m not that Good.
• I sometimes in the weekends watch tv one hour.
• I never play basketball, i don’t like that sport.
• I play videogames every day trhee times a week.
• I always ride a bicycle to go to study five times a week.
• I usually go jogging or walk before the study.
• Almost never go swim, twice a year I Good swiming.

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