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MongoDB is

Open Source
Document-oriented data store
It consumes less space as compared to the
text-based JSON.

Each document should have a unique identifier. It

is the _id key. It is similar to the primary key in
relational databases.

The _id field is primary key for every document.

It's called _id and is also accessible via id.
Attempting to use an id key may result in a
illegal ObjectId format error.
GridFS : It is used to store binary data. GridFS
helps us in storing audio and photographs.

How MongoDB stores movie clips?

It stores the meta data in a
collection called file. It then breaks the data into
small pieces called chunks and stores it in the
chunks collection.

Instead of storing a file in a single document,

GridFS divides the file into parts, or chunks ,
and stores each chunk as a separate
It provides data redundancy and availability.
It helps to recover from hardware failure and
service interruptions.
Write takes place in the primary replica and then
the write is logged in Oplog. Then, Oplog is used
by secondary replica members to synchronize
their data.
Sharding: Large dataset is divided and distributed over multiple
Advantage: If we have to insert data, then application needs to
access only that shard(piece) which houses that data.
MongoDB updates can happen “in place”
– The database does not have to allocate and
write a full new copy of the object. It does not
allocate separate space.

MongoDB disk writes are lazy. If we receive 1,000

increments in one second for the object, it will only
be written once. Physical writes occur a couple of
seconds after the operation.

Updates an existing document or inserts a new

document, depending on its document parameter.

The save() method uses either the insert or the

update command
If the document does not contain an _id field, then
the save() method calls the insert() method.
During the operation, the mongo shell will create
an ObjectId and assign it to the _id field.

If the document contains an _id field, then the

save() method is equivalent to an update with
the upsert option set to true and the query
predicate on the _id field.

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