Secretos Del Pasado

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Secretos del pasado

Star wars La fuerza y el destino


Azaasha Viks Jaino Juan Josep


Seeker/hunter Warrior/Shi-cho Mystic/Advisor Mystic/ Seer

Sentinel/ Artisan

Justicia/crueldad Valentía/Ira Ambición/ Disciplina/

Codicia obstinación


1.500 creditos
1x Cristales
1x Diamantes
Val Isa

P: Disciplina

P: Medicina

Saber Arcaico 3
Mundos visitados

Corellia Eriadu Phemis

Oruba Ashur sungaze Kyber

Eren garai
Mercado negro
The flickering holographic image nods knowingly. "Suljo cron while on the planet Arbooine. He entrusted one of
Warde was known formally accomplishments and feats, the crystals to a young Force-sensitive Mirialan named
both before and during the Clone Wars. His greatest Gel Marcolf. He saw great potential in Marcolf. whom
contribution to the Jedi Order, however, was his refine- he hoped would become his Padawan. Warde kept the
ment of the ability to predict the future. Although many other crystals with him. and where they are now. I can
Jedi are capable of foreseeing future events. Warde's not say. If you hope to learn the technique behind his
ability was different. Rather than focusing on visions of predictive abilities and unlock the full potential of this
events yet to come. Warde perceived the future deci- holocron. you must travel to Arbooine and retrace Mas
sions. actions, and intentions of other sentients. Not ter Warde’s steps."
only could Warde see beyond lies and deceptions, he
could predict another's decisions long before that per
son even contemplated the matter.

"The secrets of this technique, as well as the most sen-

sitive knowledge Warde possessed, are not contained
in this holocron. but in a set of three kyber crystals he
created alongside it. This holocron is the only means by
which to read those crystals.
“Suljo Warde completed the construction of this holo-
"Suljo Warde met Gel Marcolf on when they were at- As you break through Arbooine’s atmosphere, a dense,
tacked by Separatist assassins on Eriadu, and he impenetrable canopy of green spreads out before you,
sensed that the young Mirialan was strong in the Force. broken here and there by mountains and massive lakes.
He hoped to induct him into the Jedi Order and perhaps The gatekeeper provides you with coordinates for the
even take him on as a Padawan after the war town of Quolas, but when you arrive, the thick foliage
As of mycreation, however. Warde had not yet explained prevents you from visually confirming the settlement’s
this to exact location, let alone landing there. Finally, you spot
Marcolf. He was not yet mature enough. ” a clearing along the bank of a river, several kilometers
The gatekeeper crosses his arms and gazes upward, from where you believe the town to be.
as if remembering. “Suljo Warde had Marcolf with him
when he headed to Arbooine to set the groundwork for
a Republic base. The area surrounding the town of Quo-
las was an ideal location. At the time, Republic intelli-
gence indicated that Quotas was torn by a violent feud
between two families, those of Helshar and Tumris. The
Sathari of Quotas are fundamentally good people, but
prone to long-held grudges. Warde brought Marcolf with
him in the hopes that the young man might learn some-
thing about conflict resolution and the real responsibili-
ties of a Jedi Knight."
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