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Objectives: Build up the sense of what to learn.

Have a brief introduction of the reading skills in this


6% Language and Vocabulary Foundational Skills 16%

Learn and apply the science vocabulary: 1. Read and decode the spelling words with: i_e.
insect, change, caterpillar, butterfly, chrysalis, 2. Read and spell the high frequency words:
pupa. almost, both, kind, over, two, was.

Listening and Speaking 20%

1. Describe how an insect (butterfly) grows

and changes with more
key words.
2. Talk about how a baby flamingo
54% Reading (chick) grows up.

1. Decode and read the Flamingos fluently. 4%

2. Introduce the Main Idea and Details Chart. Writing
3. Identify the main idea and details in the text
Write about how an animal
and fill out the Main Idea and Details Chart.
changes as it grows.

Objectives: Discuss the photos and lead in the topic.
1. Have Ss ask and answer the questions.
2. Teach the words: butterfly, dragonfly and insect.
Answers for reference:

butterfly 1). I see a butterfly and a dragonfly.

2). Yes, they are insects.
4). I know grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, ants,
ladybugs, bees, and mosquitoes, etc.


Use Visuals
1. What animals do you see?
2. Are they insects?
3. Do you like insects? Why?
4. What other insects do
you know?
Objectives: Recognize and name more insects in the garden.
1. Have Ss answer the questions below.
2. Have Ss circle the insects that they are talking about.
Answers for reference:
2). I can see a snail, two caterpillars, two ants, a bee,
a butterfly, a ladybug and a grasshopper, etc.

Luna wants to go
on a bug hunt
in the garden.
Would you like
to join her and
meet some bugs?

A Bug Hunt Game

1. Look carefully, can you find insects?
2. Name and circle the insects
as many as you can. 2
Objectives: Teach and apply the science vocabulary.
1. Click to show how the insect changes as it grows.
2. Teach the words. Explain the meanings with illustrations.


See how an insect

What happens first/
changes as it
butterfly egg next/then/last?
chrysalis grows.



Objectives: Delete initial sounds to make new words.
1. Have Ss identify the initial sound of each word first.
2. Have Ss decode each word.
Delete Initial Sounds 3. Have Ss delete the initial sounds and say the new

crow row

seal eal eel

slip lip
Say a word: crow
leg eg
Delete a sound: I will take away /k/ from the beginning: /k/ row.
Say the new word: What word is left? (row)
Say the word with me. (row) (Click to show more words and practice.)

Objectives: Contrast long and short vowel i.
1. Have Ss say the word and focus on the initial letter sound.
2. Have Ss contrast the long and short vowel i.
3. Have Ss read and understand the “silent e” rule.
1/2 Contrast
2/2 Distinguish thelong
longand short
vowel vowelthe
i from i. short vowel i. E,
I’m Silent
I don’t make

What’s this?
fin fine the sound. Shh!

What sound does

letter i make in
each word? hid hide
i dime
insect bite ice
slid slide
(Click to show the answers.)

Objectives: Identify the words and complete the sentences.
Identify each word, read and complete the sentences.
1. Have Ss say the word and complete sentences.
2. Click to show the answers.

(Click to show
the answers.)

This is a ______. It is a ______.
dime bite
The girl can _____.

I see number _____. kite flies in the sky.
The _____ Here is a _____.
Objectives: Learn the high frequency words.
1. Have students work together to read the high
frequency words.
2. Reward them with stars through WE platform.

over almost
kind both

High Frequency Words

Read and spell the words.
Objectives: Review and apply the high frequency words.
1 1. Have Ss observe the flamingos and answer the questions.
2 turn.
2. Have Ss read the sentences in

Pink Birds
3. Have Ss focus on the HFWs and explain them further.

1. This kind of bird has pink legs.

2. A mother bird watches over the

3. The mother bird was almost white
when she was a chick.

4. Both the mother and the chick

stand on one leg not two.
(Have Ss read the sentences in turn, and pay
attention to the high frequency words.)

Objectives: Introduce the Main Idea and Details Chart.
1. Have Ss read and understand how to use the chart.
2. Click the audio player and haveMain
Ss listenIdea and Details
the chant.
Main Idea and Details Chart 3. Have Ss answer the questions. Click to show the answers.
Write the main (Listen and answer
Main Idea: idea here. the questions below.)
Animals change as they grow.
The main idea tells about
Detail: what a text is mostly
bigger and taller about. Grow
get __________________
Detail: Other ideas tell more
moving Write the about the main idea.
start _________________ details here. These are called details.
shape and color Details help you identify,
change ________________
or find out, the main idea.
What’s the main idea?
(Click to show the answers.) What are the details? 2
Objectives: Preview and talk about the photo.
1. Have Ss answer the questions.
2. Have Ss share their knowledge about flamingos.
3. Lead in the topic of the following article.

Use Visuals
1. What do you see?
2. Have you ever seen flamingos?
3. What do flamingos look like?
4. What else do you want to know
about flamingos?
Objectives: Pre-read and predict the story.
Have Ss observe the book’s cover and answer the questions.

Concepts of Print
1. What is the title of the
Who is the author?

2. Flamingos is an
informational text.
It is nonfiction.
It tells about real

Make Predictions
3. What do you think the
book will be about?

Objectives: Read, comprehend, and analyze.
1. Have Ss read the text and monitorConfirm
the reading. Predictions
2. Have Ss answer the questions.
Answers for reference: 1. Was your prediction
2). A flamingo is a bird. correct?
3). Yes, flamingos can swim, because they have webbed feet.
4). The flamingo is hunting fishes here. How do you know it?
5). It is an adult.
6). Yes, flamingos lay eggs. Classify
2. What kind of animal
is a flamingo?
A flamingo is a ______.
(Click to show the answer.)

Make Inferences
3. Can flamingos swim/
fly? (Yes/No)
4. What is the flamingo
doing here?
Make Predictions
What kind of bird is this? 5. Is it an adult or a
baby flamingo?
It’s a flamingo. 6. Do flamingos lay
Objectives: Read, comprehend, and analyze.
Read Fluently
1. Have Ss read the text and monitor the reading.
2. Have Ss answer the questions.
1. Decode and spell the
Answers for reference:
3). A mother flamingo has an egg inwith
a mudlong
nest. i.
4). The mother will watch Readthe and
egg. spell HFWs.
5). The mother will watch the egg for many days
because the egg needs many days to hatch.
Identify Details
3. Where does a mother
flamingo have an egg?
4. What will the mother
do next?

Make Inferences
5. Will the mother watch
over the egg for one
day or many days?
How do you know?
6. Do you remember
A mother flamingo has an egg how Ruby’s mother
in a mud nest. The mother will watch watches over her
eggs? (Yes/No)
over the egg almost all of the time.
Objectives: Read, comprehend, and analyze.
1. Have Ss read the text and monitor the reading.
Read Fluently
2. Have Ss answer the questions.
Answers for reference:
1. Decode and spell the
2). A baby flamingo is called a chick.
3). The chick is soft, white, words with long i.
and small.
4). No, the chick can not move now.
5). The baby chicken is also called a chick.
Use Visuals
2. What is baby
flamingo called?
3. What’s the chick like?
4. Can the chick move
now? (walk, swim, fly)

Make Comparisons
5. Do you remember
chick what the baby
chicken is called?
How are they alike?

Make Predictions
When it’s time, a soft, white chick will hatch. 6. What will happen
Objectives: Read, comprehend, and analyze.
1. Have Ss read the text and monitor
Read the reading.
2. Have Ss answer the questions.
Answers for reference: 1. Decode and spell
2). The chick can flap its wings and walk.
the word with long i.
3). No, the chick can’t fly yet.
4). They are alike because they are all birds and
born and form in eggs.Identify Details
They all have wings,
feathers, a beak, and almost the same kind of
2. What can the chick
They are different becausedothey
are in different
colors. 3. Can the chick fly now?
Why or why not?

Make Comparisons
4. Do you remember
what baby ducklings
look like?
How are they alike
and different?
They are alike because
The chick can flap its wings. _______________________
But it can’t fly yet. It needs time to grow. They are different because
Objectives: Read, comprehend, and analyze.
1. Have Ss read the text and monitor the reading.
2. Have Ss answer the questions.
Answers for reference:
3). The chick is gray now.
Read Fluently
4). Because the mother needs to keep the
chick safe. The mother worries about the chick.
1. Monitor and prompt
reading fluency.

Use Visuals
2. What does the chick
look like now?
3. What color is the
chick now?

Analyze Details
4. Why does the mother
have to stay with the
5. Will the chick grow up
The mother keeps the chick safe. one day? (Yes/No)
One day, the chick will grow up.
Objectives: Read, comprehend, and analyze.
1. Have Ss read the text and Read
monitor Fluently
the reading.
2. Have Ss answer the questions.
Answers for reference: 1. Decode and spell the
3-4). The left and smaller onewords withflamingo.
is the young long i.
The right and bigger 2.
is the mother flamingo.
and spell HFW.
5). Flamingos are actually white or gray, but the
shrimps they eat turn them pink.
6). No, they are not born pink.
Use Visuals
7). They usually eat fish, shrimps, etc.
3. Look at the picture,
which one is the young
/mother flamingo?
4. How do you know

Analyze Details
5. Why are flamingos
6. Are flamingos born
Then it will have pink on its body like its mother. 7. What do flamingos
eat usually?
They will both have two long legs. They usually eat fish, shrimps, and the
shrimps they eat turn them pink.
Objectives: Read, comprehend, and analyze.
1. Have Ss read the text and monitor the reading.
Make Connections
2. Have Ss answer the questions.
Answers for reference:
1). Yes, I can stand on one1.leg.
Can you stand on
2). Yes, they have very good balance.
one leg like a
5). I learned that how a baby flamingo changes
as it grows? It gets biggerflamingo?
and taller, starts moving
and changes color. Flamingos have a long neck,
two long legs and pink feathers.
Express Opinions
2. Do you think flamingos
have good balance?
3. Do you think flamingos
are a beautiful bird?
4. What kind of bird do
you like best?

5. What have you learned
about flamingos today?
(baby/adult flamingos
Look! It can stand on just one leg. /color/legs/neck, etc.)
I learned ____________.
It’s such a fine flamingo! ❖
7 End
Objectives: Identify main idea and details.
Main Idea and Details Chart 1. Have Ss ask and answer the questions.
Identify Main Idea and Details
2. Have Ss read and fill out the chart.
3. Click to show the answers.
Main Idea:
change as they grow.
Baby flamingos _________

bigger and taller
get _______________
Detail: 1. What’s the main idea of
(actions) the book Flamingos?/
moving (swimming and flying)
start ____________________ What does the book
Detail: mostly talk about?
(white-pink) 2. Can you tell and list the
change ______
color details in the Flamingos?
3. How do baby flamingos
grow and change?
(Click to show the answers.)
Objectives: Oral reading test.
1. Have students read the passage one by one.
2. Use the timer to record time.
3. Record the number of their mispronounced words.
What kind ofkeeps
The mother bird is
chick 60 words
6 words Use the WCPM chart.

safe.a One
day, the chick will 66 words
9 words
68 words
words Oral Reading Test
grow up. flamingo has an
A mother 14
75 words
words Set the timer for one
in a it willnest.
mud haveThe
on its 21
minute. Have the students
like its mother. They will 81 words
will over the egg almost 27
read the passage in turns.
86 words
all of have two long legs.
the time. 31 Then input the number of
93 words
When It can stand
time, onwhite
a soft, just one 36 students’ errors in the
107 words WCPM chart.
leg. It’s
chick willsuch a fine flamingo! ❖
hatch. 39 words
45 words
Total: 107 words
The chick can flap its wings.
But it can’t fly yet. It needs time 53 words
55 words
to grow.

Click to start again. Click to move on.

Objectives: Learn the possessive word: her.
1. Have Ss say the word she and her.
2. Explain how and when we use the possessive
word her.

She is Luna.
Look! A butterfly
her arm.
lands on her

she her Use her for one

girl or one woman

The word her tells that

one girl or one woman
owns or has something.
Objectives: Learn the sample with the possessive word her.
1. Have Ss read the definition of possessive words.
2. Have Ss read and understand the sample.

What can a
Grammar Rules Possessive Words possessive word
tell you?

A possessive word tells who owns or has something.

Including my, your, his, her, its, our, and their.


This is Nikki’s kite. Nikki is a girl. Nikki

Use her for one
This is her kite.
girl or one woman.

Objectives: Apply the grammar rules.
1. Have Ss read the sentences in turn.
2. Have Ss distinguish she and her in the sentences.

She or her? How do you know? (Click to show the answers.)

1 2

Her (She/Her) name is Ruby.”

“_____ Her (She/Her) name is
said Mother Duck, “because Mariana Fuentes.
_____ (she/her) is small and She (She/Her) studies sea
precious.” turtles.
Objectives: Oral-write about how animals grow and change.
Life Cycle of a Flamingo How
1. Have Ss look and label Life Animals Grow and Change
Cycle of a Flamingo.
2. Click to show the answers.
3. Have Ss describe the lifeHow doa flamingos change
pink 1 cycle of flamingo
2 white
with writing frames. as they grow?
Main Idea:
_________ change as they grow.
get bigger and taller
: start moving
change Detail:
color change color
taller 3
5 start Writing Frames
_________ change as they grow.
When they were babies,
they ___________________.
get The ______________ changes
bigger gray into a _______________________.
(Click to show the life cycle of a flamingo.) 2
Objectives: Explain the online exercise.
1. Explain the online exercise to students.
2. Remind students to shoot and post their writings.

• Online Exercise

• My Writing Journal Lesson 4

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