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The Direct Method

By Group 1
Asep Junaedi 20227479039
Tri Wijayanti 20227479018
Dwi Wahyu AS 20227479035
What is Direct Method ?

1.The instructional goal is learning how to use

a foreign language to communicate.

2.The basic rule is that meaning is to be

conveyed directly in the target language
through the use of demonstration and
visual aids. No translation is allowed
in the classroom.
Translation deductive

Direct Method inductive

The Direct Method in the classroom-1

1.The teacher places a big map of the united

States in the front of the classroom.

►Visual aid
The Direct Method in the classroom-2
2.At the beginning of the class, the teacher
asks students to read aloud a passage about
the United States geography first and he
points to a part of the map after each
sentence is read.
► Reading skill will be developed through the
practice with speaking.
►Visual aid
The Direct Method in the classroom-3

3.Then the teacher uses the target language

to ask students if they have any question. If
the students have some, they are asked to
use the target language to ask the teacher,

►The native language is prohibited.

The Direct Method in the classroom-4

4.The teacher answers the students’

questions by drawing on the board or
giving examples.

►No explanation & translation

The Direct Method in the classroom-5

5.The teacher asks questions about the map in

the target language and the students are
asked to reply in a full sentence in the
target language, too.

►Ask students to think in the target language as

quickly as possible.
The Direct Method in the classroom-6

6.The teacher encourages his students to ask

questions about the map.

The Direct Method in the classroom-7

7.The teacher will work with students on their

wrong pronunciation, and he will also help
them to correct grammar errors by asking
them questions to let them choose.

The Direct Method in the classroom-8

8.The students are asked to practice using

prepositions in the lesson by filling in
blanks because the teacher won’t directly
teach explicit grammar rules to them.

►Grammar be taught inductively.

The Direct Method in the classroom-9

9.In order to develop students’ writing

abilities, the teacher dictates a paragraph
about the geography of the United States.

►Writing is an important skill.

The Direct Method in the classroom-10

10.All of the lessons of the week involve the

geography of the United States.

►Syllabus focus on situations or topics.

The Direct Method in the classroom-11

11.A proverb is used to discuss in the

classroom in order to help students learn
how speakers of that language live.

►Learning culture
The Principles -1
 What are the goals of the Direct Method?

► to communicate in the target language

► to think in the target language
The Principles -2
 What are the roles between the teacher
and the students?

► Partners
► Students are more active (than GTM)
The Principles -3
 What are some characteristics of
teaching/learning process?

► Demonstrate the meaning by using realia, pictures,

or gesture (no explain or translate)
► the syllabus is based on situations or topics. ( as if
students were in real situations)
► Grammar is taught inductively, no explicit
The Principles -4
 How is language viewed? How is culture

► Language is primarily spoken, not written.

(common speech/everyday speech)
► Culture consists of history, geography ,and
the daily lives
The Principles -5
 What areas of language are emphasized?

► Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar.

► Oral communication → reading → writing
► Pronunciation receives attention at
The Principles -6
 What is the role of the students’ native

► Native language is not allowed.

The Principles -7
 How does the teacher respond to
students’ errors?

► try to get students to self-correct.

The techniques -1
 Reading aloud

► Students take turns reading. At the end of

each student’s turn, the teacher uses
gestures, pictures, realia, examples, or other
means to make the meaning clear.
The techniques -2
 Question and answer exercise

►only in target language

► Students ask questions and answer in full
The techniques -3
 Getting students to self-correct

► by asking them to make a choice

► using a questioning voice
► stopping before the error
The techniques -4
 Conversation practice

► Teacher asks students some questions in the

target language
► questions contained a particular grammar
The techniques -5
 Fill-in-the-blank exercise

► all the items are in the target language

► no explicit grammar rules would be
The techniques -6
 Dictation

► Teacher reads the passage 3 times

► normal speed
► phrase by phrase with pausing long
► normal speed again
 There are many learning methods that can
be used in teaching English. This method is
suitable for all levels of students' language
abilities. However, it is not effective to
apply to classes with a large number of
Thank You

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