Marketing Objective

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What are marketing objectives?

• Marketing objectives are measurable

goals that outline what the end results of
your marketing strategy should be. Their
main purpose is to guide your marketing
efforts toward set milestones. The most
effective objectives should also align with
your business plan and complement your
overarching business goals.
Examples of Marketing Objective
 To increase sales by 10% in one year by building relationships with current
and new customers on social media

 To attain 3,000 pre-orders by our new product’s launch date using a three-
month email marketing campaign

 To increase our customer acquisition rate by 5% in four months by adding a

search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to our content marketing efforts

 To decrease our customer turnover rate by 10% in six months by creating a

loyalty program for our existing customer base

 To increase market share by 15% in 18 months by investing in quarterly

market research about our target audience
SMART Objective

• In order for your marketing objectives to be specific, it needs to clearly

define what you’re setting out to do. As you’re brainstorming, ask yourself:

 What exactly do you want to achieve?

 Whose actions or behaviors are you trying to change?

 Are any stakeholders involved?

 Will your objective require digital marketing tactics or offline marketing


• Once the foundation of your marketing objective becomes

clear, you want to make sure you can track your progress.
The success of a measurable objective can be supported by
quantitative data, so you never have to second guess
whether or not you’re on the right track. Here are some
questions you can ask to set measurable marketing
 How do you know if you’ve completed your objective?

 What benchmarks do you need to meet to achieve your

objective or your broader business goals?

 Are you currently tracking any KPIs that could help you
measure your progress?

 Do you need to start tracking a new KPI to make your

measurements accurate?

• Just because you’d like to increase your profit margin by 3,000% in

the course of one month doesn’t mean it should be your objective.
Your marketing objective must be attainable, which means it must be
feasible to achieve — even if you’re trying to challenge yourself. This
is because a realistic objective will help you and your team members
envision the path you need to take, whereas an idealistic one will end
up hindering your commitment and accountability. To keep your
marketing objectives attainable, ask:
 What resources do you need to achieve your objective?

 Do you have any budget or time constraints to work around?

 Do you have the proper equipment or software to reach your


 Do your employees have enough training or experience to

help you accomplish your objective?
Relevant/ Realistic

• Most objectives take at least a month to achieve, which

means you’ll be putting in a significant number of
resources toward it. A strong marketing objective must be
worth this effort. Otherwise, you may mistakenly set
goals that end up pushing you backward instead of
forward. Here are questions you can ask yourself to keep
your objectives relevant:
 Does this marketing objective contribute to your overall
business objectives?

 Will this objective help your business grow?

 Do you need to accomplish another large milestone

before this one is possible?

 Can your resources be better used elsewhere?


• Lastly, your marketing objectives should be tied to

a specific time frame. Setting a deadline is the
best way to keep yourself accountable and on
track, as it puts a greater sense of urgency behind
your goals. To set time-bound objectives, ask:
 Given the current status of your KPIs and resources,
how long would it take you to achieve this objective?

 How fast could you achieve your objective if it were


 Are there any business events or holidays that may slow

you down?

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