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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Aid to the Church in Need invites you to connect with the
world in prayer and peace.
The Rosary Campaign will encourage children to pray with
Our Lady and learn the importance and beauty
of prayer.
Please encourage your children, your students, your
young family members to participate in a day like no
other – a day when they are on the world stage- praying
for peace, love and hope for all.

The objective of a Rosary

Corner competition in a
classroom aim to foster
spiritual growth, creativity, and
a deeper understanding of the
1. Select a location on the wall where you can hang or
display a prominent image of a Rosary bead. This image
could be a poster, a framed print, or any resources available.
2. Include Instructions:
- Create a signage explaining the significance of the Rosary,
its prayers, and how to use the Rosary beads. This
information can help those who may not be familiar with
the practice.
3. Regular Maintenance:
- Keep the Rosary Corner clean and well-maintained. Ensure
that the image and other items are in good condition.
4. You may begin setting up your Rosary Corner next week on
October 16, 2023. Judging will take place on October 23,
Rosary Corner Rubric:

ORIGINALITY How well is the How well is PRAYER
Rosary Corner the corner
How creative constructed and presented, Does the
and original is detailed? including Rosary Corner
the design of neatness and encourage
the Rosary organization? reflection and
Corner? prayer?

30% 25% 25% 20% 100%

The term "Servant of God" is
a title used in the process of
canonization within the
Roman Catholic Church. It is
one of the initial steps in the
formal process of recognizing
an individual as a saint.
When someone is referred to as
a "Servant of God," it means
that the Church has officially
initiated an investigation into
their life and virtues to
determine if they lived a life of
heroic virtue and holiness of life.
The process of canonization
typically involves several
1.Servant of God: This is the
first step, where the local
bishop or religious authority
initiates the investigation into
the person's life, virtues, and
potential for sainthood.
2. Venerable: If the
investigation finds evidence of
heroic virtue, the individual
may be declared "Venerable."
This means that the person's
life and deeds are recognized
as virtuous and worthy of
3. Blessed: To be declared
"Blessed," one miracle
attributed to the intercession
of the Venerable is typically
required. This step usually
involves more rigorous
investigation and
4. Saint: Finally, to be
declared a "Saint," another
miracle (in addition to the
one required for beatification)
is typically needed. This
confirms that the individual is
in heaven and can intercede
on behalf of the faithful.
So, when someone is called a
"Servant of God," it means
that they are at the beginning
of the process of potential
canonization, and their life is
being investigated for signs
of sanctity and heroic virtue
by the Catholic Church.
In celebration of the 116th death
anniversary of Fr. Jules, the founder of the
Missionary of the Sacred Heart, we will be
conducting a quiz bee to commemorate his
remarkable life and legacy.

The primary objective is to educate

students and the community about Fr.
Jules' life and inspire them to embody
his values of dedication, compassion,
and service.
October 18, 2023
- Quiz bee Elimination
round (classroom based)
the top 3 with highest
score will compete on
October 20, 2023
Parade of Saints

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