CGP Grade 10 Module 3

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mean two more years

of High School?

Charting Your Own Course

Module 3

Mrs. Marilut Landagan

mean two more years
of High School?
Journal Entry #3

• How do you find the activities we had today?

• What part of the session did you enjoy the most?

• Do you find the session helpful in deciding for an SHS track?

• How do you find the last two tracks? Did they catch your

• Do you already have an idea of which track you will pursue?

My First Resume
Phone Number:
1. My dream job is because…
2. I feel proud of myself when I…

3. If I were to win an award for a special talent or quality, it would be:

4. At school, I have done best in these subjects or activities:

5. At home, I can be counted to do a good job at:

6. Teachers, family members, friends, or others have praised me when I…

mean two more years
of High School?

“We can Be Anything”

mean two more years
of High School?


What I want What I have What to do
To spend time with P1000 only On Dec. 23:
family on
Christmas and buy Bargain skills • Grocery for salu-salo
them gifts (P300)
Commuting skills • Buy gifts for mom,
Take some time off dad, sisters, and
from work Cooking skills younger relatives (P600)
• Commute and eat lunch
mean two more years
of High School?
Improving on the learners’ “What I Have”
Consider the possible and present resources available that will aid them in acting on their

Available resources pertain to:

•individual skills (e.g. writing, speaking, etc.),
• material resources (e.g. money and property),
• social capital (e.g. friends, family, and relationships)
• natural resources (e.g. environment, nature, etc.)
• NCAE Results
• Labor Market Information
• SHS Tracks
mean two more years
of High School?

Improving on the learners’ “What To Do”

It is important for the learners to be SMART
• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Realistic
• Time-bound
mean two more years
of High School?

What career I want
What I have What to do
To teach Academic track in SHS or; On September:
Choose the STEM (Science,
Any SHS track that I may technology, engineering, and
teach after high school mathematics) strand in the
Academic track
Skill in mathematics and
science Do better in my Math and
Science subjects
Skill in tutoring my peers
Pursue a Bachelor of Arts in
My education Education

Pass the Licensure

Examination for Teachers
mean two more years
of High School?
Mock SHS Early Registration Worksheet
Name (last name, first name, & middle initial):
School (do not abbreviate): Address (city, town, province, or region):
Instructions: Answer the following questions below. Write your answers in the box
What school in our region is your first choice What school in our region is your second
for Senior High choice for Senior High
School? School?

Name your top 2 choices among the tracks. If Name your top 2 choices among the tracks. If
that track has strands, please include the that track has strands, please include the
strand in your answer. Write your answers in strand in your answer. Write your answers in
the box provided. the box provided.
1. 1.
2. 2.
Signature over Printed Signature over Printed
Name of Student Name of Parent

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