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Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science & Engineering)
Mobile Application Development(21CSH-355/21ITH-355)

Effective Use of Screen Real Estate
Prepared by:
Parveen Kumar Saini(E13339)

Computer Science and Engineering Department
Effective Use of Screen Real Estate Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Screen real estate in e-learning
• Screen real estate in e-learning refers to the physical space available on a computer or device
screen that is used to display educational content.
• Effectively utilizing screen real estate is crucial in creating engaging and user-friendly e-learning
• Screen real estate refers to the amount of space that is available on a screen. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Use white space, but not too much

• White space can help a page look elegant and clean.

• Also known as negative space, white space is the part of the page we leave blank, such as the
margins and the space between paragraphs.
• Used properly, white space can unclutter a page without it looking sparse.
• It also applies to e-learning slides.
• We want to teach the users everything we can, but we do not want to overwhelm them by putting
too much information on one slide. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Use white space, but not too much

• Each e-learning slide should cover only one topic.

• In doing so, we will not only control the white space on the slides, but also limit how much
information we share at one time.
• We tend to use white space as borders to separate topics; these very paragraphs that you are
currently reading are separated from one another using white space to help you see where one
paragraph ends and where another one starts.
• If we focus on having only one idea per slide, we can decrease the use of white space typically
reserved for separating topics.
• Then, you will only have to worry about line spacing, text, images, and navigation buttons. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Narrow the margins

• Unlike a page that might be printed, e-learning slides are mostly viewed on a device and will not
encounter the problem of information being cut off by the printer due to narrow margins.
• You can narrow the margins and use the few extra pixels to add more to the slides. It is a way to
effectively use real estate and deliver a positive user experience. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Use graphics and figures carefully Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Use audio functions

• Unlike a textbook, e-learning can use audio to enhance learning.

• Using the audio function to supply voice over on the slides gives the users a more personal e-
learning experience.
• Not only will this save space for more information, but it will also be more accessible. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Use audio functions Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Screen real estate in e-learning
• In e-learning, it is not the available space on the computer screen that concerns us—it is the space
on the slides we design and use to teach the material that we find to be most important.
• Creating e-learning slides, in programs such as PowerPoint or Captivate, may be simple and they
may look aesthetically pleasing,
• but it is our effective use of space on the slides that give value to the user.
• Six principles you should consider in order to use screen real estate effectively. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Here are some key considerations and strategies for optimizing screen real
estate in e-learning:
• Responsive Design
• Clear Navigation
• Hierarchy of Information
• Multimedia Integration
• Consistent Layout
• Whitespace Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Here are some key considerations and strategies for optimizing screen real
estate in e-learning:
• Font and Text Formatting
• Interactive Elements
• Progress Indicators
• Adaptive Content Presentation Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Some key considerations in Screen Real Estate
• Responsive Design:
• Ensure that your e-learning platform or course content is designed with responsiveness in mind.
• This means that the layout adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, providing a consistent
and user-friendly experience across various devices.
• Clear Navigation:
• Implement an intuitive and streamlined navigation system.
• Use menus, buttons, and navigation bars that are easily accessible and guide learners through the
content logically.
• Avoid clutter and unnecessary elements that can confuse or overwhelm users. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Some key considerations in Screen Real Estate
• Hierarchy of Information:
• Prioritize content based on importance and relevance.
• Use a clear hierarchy of information to guide learners through the most essential concepts first.
• Headings, subheadings, and bullet points can help organize content and make it more digestible.
• Multimedia Integration:
• Use multimedia elements judiciously.
• Incorporate images, videos, and interactive elements to enhance learning, but be mindful not to
overcrowd the screen.
• Consider using interactive tabs or accordions to present additional information without
overwhelming the initial view. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Some key considerations in Screen Real Estate

• Consistent Layout:
• Maintain a consistent layout throughout the e-learning module or course.
• Consistency in design helps learners develop a sense of familiarity, making it easier for them to
navigate and focus on the content.
• Whitespace:
• Embrace whitespace to reduce visual clutter and enhance readability.
• Well-designed spacing between elements and content can improve comprehension and create a
more visually appealing learning experience. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Some key considerations in Screen Real Estate
• Font and Text Formatting:
• Choose fonts and text sizes that are easy to read.
• Avoid using too many font styles or sizes, as this can be distracting.
• Emphasize important information through font formatting (bold, italics) rather than relying solely
on color or size.
• Interactive Elements:
• Incorporate interactive elements strategically.
• Use buttons, quizzes, and interactive exercises to engage learners, but avoid overwhelming them
with too many interactive elements on a single screen. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Some key considerations in Screen Real Estate
• Progress Indicators:
• Provide clear indicators of progress within the course.
• Progress bars, checkpoints, or completion percentages can motivate learners and give them a sense
of accomplishment.
• Adaptive Content Presentation:
• Utilize adaptive learning techniques to personalize the content presentation based on individual
learner preferences and performance.
• This can help optimize the use of screen real estate by tailoring the experience to each user's needs. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Some key considerations in Screen Real Estate
• When it comes to e-learning in mobile applications, optimizing screen real estate becomes even
more critical due to the limited space available on mobile devices.
• Here are some specific considerations and strategies for effective use of screen real estate in
mobile e-learning app development: Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
Conclusion: Think like a user

• To use screen real estate effectively in e-learning, we must think like a user.
• What do they want to see on the screen?
• How will they interpret the information?
• What aids do we anticipate them needing for a positive learning experience?
• How much is too much information?
• We must strike a balance with white space, text, and images if we are to convey the right amount
of information in the best possible way.
• As communicators, it is our responsibility to effectively use real estate in e-learning so that the
learning experience will be valuable to the users. Computer
University Science and
Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)
• Computer
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Institute Engineering Department
of Engineering (UIE)

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