Lesson 3 - The Holy Spirit Guides The Church

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Christian Living Education 2
Read the story below.
Mario was deeply bothered about his experience in
school. He got into trouble with a group of classmates
and was left out. Nobody liked to be with him anymore.
So he consulted his parents about it.
Mario was lonely after being left out by a group of
classmates. He sought the guidance of his parents to help
him cope with this situation.
Let’s Answer!
• What happened to Mario?
• What did he do after what happened in
• If you were Mario’s parents, what
would you tell him?
In life, we are not always
in control of everything.
We need the guidance of
elders, teachers, parents,
and most especially, God.
Path 18: The
Holy Spirit
Guides the
In the Bible, God chose some
people to speak on His
behalf. We call them
prophets. Through them, the
Lord’s commands and plans
are brought to the people.
Similarly during the time of
Jesus, He appointed the
apostles to assist Him in His
works. The apostles
continued the mission of
Jesus up to the present time
through the Church.
Through the Church, we
become sharers in this
mission. We lead others
to believe, accept, and
follow the teachings and
examples of Jesus.
The Anointing of David
1 Samuel 16
The Anointing of David
1 Samuel 16
In the story of Israel, King Saul disobeyed
God. Since then, God was not pleased
with him anymore. So He sent the Prophet
Samuel to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem
to anoint another king.
The Anointing of David
1 Samuel 16

Samuel prepared everything that God

commanded him to bring. He went to
Bethlehem, prepared the sacrifice offering
in the presence of Jesse, and called the
sons of Jesse one by one.
The Anointing of David
1 Samuel 16
All the seven sons of Jesse were presented
before him, but none of them were chosen
by God to be the next leader. Jesse told
him that the youngest among his sons was
in the field pasturing his sheep.
The Anointing of David
1 Samuel 16

Without delay, Samuel asked this kid to be

presented to him before starting the sacrificial
offering. At the arrival of David, God
commanded Samuel to anoint him right away.
Since that day, the Spirit of the Lord rested on
Church Teachings
• CFC 737:
The Spirit prepares men and goes
out to them with His grace, in order
to draw them to Christ.
Christian Message
The Church is not a building but a
community of believers, the people
of God. As a community, it is
composed of followers and leaders.
Christian Message
In the Church there are leaders called
the religious leaders composed of the
pope, bishops, and priests. The
followers are called laity where most
members of the church belong.
Christian Message
We belong to the laity group. We
cooperate with share in the work of the
church. We are the extension workers of
the church when we give our loving
service to our brothers and sisters in
Christian Message
The Holy Spirit is very active in the
Church today, inspiring our leaders
to teach, to guide, and to encourage
us to love and serve God, and others.
Christian Message
Whenever we follow the Church
leaders, we become closer to God
and experience His wonderful
Christian Message
The Holy Spirit led us to God so
we must:
• love our neighbors
• spread God’s word
Christian Message
The Holy Spirit led us to God so
we must:
• speak the truth
• be obedient to our parents
• be sorry for our sins
We praise and thank You Jesus, for
sending us the Holy Spirit to be our
guide in living a Christian life and in
building the Church. Please continue to
guide us and all our leaders that we
may always become sensitive and
obedient to Your love. Amen.
Check Up Test
Directions: Draw a smiling face () if the
statement tells and shows the presence of the
Holy Spirit in you, and a sad face () if not.
1. I will make faces when I am asked to do
2. I do not hurt others.
3. I help my mother at home.
4. I will only help those whom I know.
5. I go to Church and attend the Holy Mass
every Sunday.
Thank You!
Christian Living Education 2

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