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What are Idiomatic Expressions ?

• Have you heard of them?

• Have you used any of them?

• How would you define them?

Designed by: Carlos González Alvarado, 2023

Knowledge & Understanding

Get the picture Read between the lines

A grey area
Go in one ear and
out the other
Not have a clue

Jump to conclusions Get the hang of something

Get the picture Read between the lines

You understand what is happening in You understand what is really

a given situation. happening even though things are not
as explicit.

Example: Example:

“When he read the email, “Reading between the lines, she

he got the picture. knew her classmates didn’t want her
Things at work were not okay.” to come.”
A gray area Not have a clue

It is something unclear, so it is You don’t know anything about it.

difficult to deal with. You have no idea.

Example: Example:

“Josh is struggling with this book. “Rachel got here late.

There seems to be a grey area in the Now she has no clue about
charácters’ motives” what we are doing.”
Jump to conclusions Get the hang of something

Deciding that something is true You get to know how to do

without considering all the facts. something well.

Example: Example:

“The officer jumped to conclusions “At first, Pam had troubles to play
and arrested an innocent man.” the guitar, but eventually she got the
hang of it.”
Go in one ear and out the other

When a person doesn’t pay much attention to something or forgets about it too quickly.


“I told my sister she needed to study more for the test,

but it went in one ear and out the other. She failed her test.”

1. Work in pairs or groups.

2. On p. 8 and do exercises 1-4. (35 min)

3. On p. 9. do exercise 6. (15 min)

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