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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.

Scope and Coverage

This topic will cover:
• Referential integrity in relational databases
• Types of joins
• Retrieving data using joins
• Retrieving data using sub-queries

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.2

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this topic students will be able to:
• Outline the concept of referential integrity and say
why it is important in a relational database
• Understand how to retrieve data from one or more
tables using join
• Understand how to retrieve data from one or more
tables using sub-queries

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.3

Referential Integrity
• A foreign key must refer to a candidate key (usually
a primary key) elsewhere in the database or must
be null.

• Why is this important?

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.4

Student ID Name Address Course

Keys - 1… 28 Guy Smith History

23 Sarah 12 New Street Computing

Anusiem Lagos

Module Code Name

Primary keys Med1 Medieval History 1
OS Operating Systems
Student ID Modules Code
Med2 Medieval History 2
28 Net
NET Networks
23 Med 1
TCE Twentieth Century
28 OS History

23 Med 2

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.5

Keys - 2…
Student ID Name Address Course

28 Guy Smith History

23 Sarah 12 New Street Computing

Foreign keys Anusiem Lagos

Student ID Modules Code

28 Net Module Code Name

Med1 Medieval History 1
23 Med 1
OS Operating Systems
28 OS
Med2 Medieval History 2
23 Med 2
NET Networks
TCE Twentieth Century

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.6

Recap – Parts of a Select Statement

What does ‘Select’ do

Select branchID, Count(staff_id) What is the

‘From’ doing?
From workers
What is the ‘Where’
Where branchType = ‘Main’ soing?
Group by branchID
Groups by some column
Having Count (staff_id) > 1 Value
Order by branchID
What does ‘Having’
What does the ‘Order by’ do? do?

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.7

What columns will appear

Select branchID, Count(staff_id)

Which table
From workers
Where branchType = ‘Main’ Condition

Group by branchID Groups by some column

Having Count (staff_id) > 1 Value

Order by branchID
Restricts what will
Specifies the order of the result Be grouped

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.8

Two Tables
Create table departments
(dept_no number(5 ) not null,
department_name varchar(30),
location varchar2(3)
primary key dept_no);

Create table workers

(emp_no number(5) not null,
first_name varchar(30),
last_name varchar(30),
job_title varchar(30),
age number(3),
dept_no number(5),
primary key emp_no,
foreign key (dept_no) references departments)

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.9

Joining Tables in an SQL Query

Select d.department_name, w.first_name,
w.last_name, w.job_title
from departments d, workers w
where d.dept_no = w.dept_no;

What does this query do?

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.10

The Join Operation

• Used to retrieve data from more than one table

• Simple join

• Multi-table join

• Outer-join

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.11

Simple Join on Two Tables

Select d.department_name, d.location,
w.first_name, w.last_name, w.job_title
from departments d, workers w
where d.dept_no = w.dept_no
and d.location = 'Cairo';

•Use the attribute that connects the tables in the

database. In this case ‘dept_no’.

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.12

Joining more than two Tables

Select d.department_name, d.location,
w.first_name, w.last_name, w.job_title, j.salary
from departments d, workers w, jobs
where d.dept_no = w.dept_no
and w.job_title = j.job_title;

•Retrieves the salary from a separate table jobs

which is linked via job_title

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.13

Outer Join
• Derives from an operation in relational algebra

• When joining two tables what happens if there is no

matching row in one of the tables.

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.14

EmployeeID Name DeptNo

1 Ron Howard 1
2 Satpal Singh 3
5 Arfir Rahman
7 Jody Kodogo 7

DeptNo DeptName
1 History
3 English Literature
7 Mathematics

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.15

EmployeeID Name DeptNo

1 Ron Howard 1
2 Satpal Singh 3
5 Arfir Rahman
7 Jody Kodogo 7

DeptNo DeptName
1 History
3 English Literature
7 Mathematics
33 Chemistry

Select E.employeeID, D.DeptNo, D.DeptName

From Employees E, Departments D
Where E.deptNo = D.deptNo;
What will be the result of this query?

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.16

EmployeeID Name DeptNo Select E.employeeID, D.DeptNo,

1 Ron Howard 1 D.DeptName
From Employees E, Departments D
2 Satpal Singh 3
Where E.deptNo = D.deptNo;
5 Arfir Rahman
7 Jody Kodogo 7

DeptNo DeptName
1 History
3 English Literature
7 Mathematics
33 Chemistry

EmployeeID DeptNo DeptName

1 1 History
2 3 English Literature
7 7 Mathematics

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.17

Types of Outer Join

• LEFT OUTER JOIN – all the rows from the first (left)
table that are unmatched in the second (right) table.

• RIGHT OUTER JOIN – all the of the second (right)

table that hare unmatched rows in the first (left)

• FULL OUTER JOIN – all unmatched rows.

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.18

Left Outer Join

Select E.employeeID, D.DeptNo, D.DeptName
From Employees E LEFT JOIN Departments D
ON E.deptNo = D.deptNo;

EmployeeID DeptNo DeptName

1 1 History
2 3 English Literature
7 7 Mathematics

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.19

Right Outer Join

Select E.employeeID, D.DeptNo, D.DeptName
From Employees E RIGHT JOIN Departments D
ON E.deptNo = D.deptNo;

EmployeeID DeptNo DeptName

1 1 History
2 3 English Literature
7 7 Mathematics
33 Chemistry

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.20

Full Outer Join

Select E.employeeID, D.DeptNo, D.DeptName
From Employees E LEFT JOIN Departments D
ON E.deptNo = D.deptNo;

EmployeeID DeptNo DeptName

1 1 History
2 3 English Literature
7 7 Mathematics
33 Chemistry

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.21

Select d.department_name, d.location
From departments d, workers w
Where d.dept_no = w.dept_no
And w.age =
(select max(w2.age)
From workers w2);

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.22

Correlated Sub-query
SELECT p.product_name FROM product p
WHERE p.product_id = (SELECT o.product_id
FROM order_items o
WHERE o.product_id = p.product_id);

•This will select product_names from products

where all the products exist on a table called

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.23

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
• Outline the concept of referential integrity and say
why it is important in a relational database
• Understand how to retrieve data from one or more
tables using join
• Understand how to retrieve data from one or more
tables using sub-queries
Have we met them?

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.24

• Connolly and Begg, Database Systems a Practical
Approach to Design, implementation and Management
Chapters 4 and 5 Fourth Edition
• Benyon-Davis, Database Systems. Chapters 12 and13
Third Edition
• Dietrich, Suzanne W, Understanding Relational
Database Query Languages Chapter 5 1st Edition 2001
• Beginner SQL Tutorial:
Retrieved 01-June-2011

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Data Retrieval (2) Topic 5 - 5.25

Topic 5 – Data Retrieval (2)

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