21st Century Literature

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21ST Century

Submitted by:

Cagascas, Merryneil
Macalalag, Fatima Mae
Pigar, Shazle Ann
Profetana, Zyrah Kate
Quinto, Kclyn
 Ferdinand Marcos was a Philippine
politician and lawyer who served as
the 10th President of the Philippines
from 1965 to 1986. Born on
September 11, 1917, in Sarrat, Ilocos
Norte, Marcos was the second child
of a wealthy family. He studied law at
the University of the Philippines and
was admitted to the bar in 1939. He
served in the Philippine House of
Representatives and the Senate
Ferdinand Emmanuel E. Marcos
before becoming the youngest 10th President of the Philippines
president in Philippine history at the Sept. 11, 1917 – Sept. 28, 1989
age of 48.
 Marcos is known for his
authoritarian rule and controversial
policies, including the declaration of
martial law in 1972. He was ousted
from power in 1986 and died in exile
in Hawaii in 1989. Despite his
controversial legacy, Marcos remains
a significant figure in Philippine
Ferdinand Emmanuel E. Marcos
10th President of the Philippines
Sept. 11, 1917 – Sept. 28, 1989
September 23, 1972, President Ferdinand Marcos announced on
television that he had placed the entirety of the Philippines under
martial law. This marked the beginning of a fourteen-year period of
one-man rule that would effectively last until Marcos was exiled from
the country on February 25, 1986. Even though the formal document
proclaiming martial law Proclamation No. 1081, which was dated
September 21, 1972 was formally lifted on January 17, 1981, Marcos
retained essentially all of his powers as dictator until he was ousted.
Life during
Martial Law

 Life during martial law is

often filled with fear and
uncertainty. Basic human
rights are often restricted
and there is a constant
presence of military and
police forces
Life during
Martial Law

 People may feel a sense

of isolation and loss of
freedom as they are
unable to freely express
themselves or gather in
large groups.
Life during
Martial Law

 People may feel a sense of

isolation and loss of
freedom as they are unable
to freely express
themselves or gather in
large groups.
 Martial law can also greatly
impact the economy and
disrupt daily routines,
making it difficult for
individuals to go about
their normal lives.
Martial Law Victim

 Trinidad Herrera Repuno was a victim of

Martial Law and shares her experience of
being tortured by Manila Police through
electrocution. She was arrested during the
martial law and was asked to reveal her
colleagues and group, which she did.
However, the police insisted that she
belonged to a communist group and
proceeded to torture her with an exposed
wire cable. The pain and trauma still haunt
her to this day, and she wants to remind the
younger generation about the inhumanity and
violation of human rights during the Marcos
Trinidad Herrera era.
Martial Law Victim

 This photo taken on February 9, 2022 shows

Loretta Ann P. Rosales, a victim of the
country's martial law in the 1970s, reading a
book during an interview with AFP at her
residence in Quezon City, suburban Manila.
The son of the country's late dictator,
Ferdinand Marcos Junior, is the clear leader
in the May elections, running on a campaign
that steers public discourse away from the
crimes of his father's dictatorship while
preaching unity and mapping a path out of
the pandemic.

Loretta Ann P. Rosales

Thank you for your attention and I hope
this presentation has provided some insight
into the complexities of martial law.

Submitted to:
Mr. Reynaldo Lloren

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