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Ceri Lee 9103022002

Shindi Oktavia 9103022022
Margaretha 9103022031
Berliana Liris 9103022033
Akles, M. (2022). Manfaat Transplantasi Organ Ginjal Dalam Melindungi Hak
Hidup Penerima Donor Ginjal (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Kristen
Nurrachma, E. A. (2017). Intention To Donate Kidney In Indonesia: The Role Of
Financial Incentive, Perceived Risk And Altruism (Study On Kidney Donor
Indonesia Community).
Herani, I. (2017). Organ Donation? Why Not..: Keputusan Untuk Mendonorkan
Organ Tubuh (studi pada living donor). PSIKOVIDYA, 21(2).
Susilowati, U., Sutrisna, B., Marbun, M. B. H., & Susalit, E. (2019). Kesintasan
Transplantasi Ginjal berdasarkan Hubungan Keluarga antara Resipien dan Donor
di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Tahun 2010-2015. Jurnal Penyakit Dalam
Indonesia| Vol, 6(2).

Everyone can donate kidneys, whether

they are family or non-family. Kidney
donation can be done if the donor wants to
give a kidney and agrees to give the
kidney when the donor dies.

Herani, I. (2017).
Kidney donation involves giving a
kidney to someone whose kidneys no
longer function. This condition is
known as kidney failure, or end-stage
renal disease (ESRD).

Widiana, I. G. R. Persiapan Medik Transplantasitasi Ginjal (2020)

Kidney transplantation is the transfer of kidney organs from one body to another. In the
kidney transplant process there are three important things related to it, namely:
3.Experts are doctors who carry out transplant operations

Widiana, I. G. R. Persiapan Medik Transplantasitasi Ginjal (2020)

Kidney transplant procedure, a surgeon implants a donor kidney in
someone who requests it.

Nurrachma, E. A. (2017). Intention To Donate Kidney In Indonesia

Kidney transplants have a lower risk of
both mortality and cardiovascular events,
and have a better quality of life than
patients undergoing chronic dialysis,
both hemodialysis and peritoneal

Susilowati, U., Sutrisna, B., Marbun, M. B. H., & Susalit, E. (2019).

Kidney donation is an action carried out for patients who
need a new kidney because the old kidney is no longer
functioning properly.

Susilowati, U., Sutrisna, B., Marbun, M. B. H., & Susalit, E. (2019).

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