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What is a Computer?

A computer is an electronic device

capable of performing various tasks
by executing sequences of
instructions, encoded in programs.
"Making mistakes provides you with more
opportunities to learn and focus."

"You will find many spelling mistakes, which I have intentionally made."

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Functions of Computer
Data processing
And more...
Main Components:
Computers consist of Hardware components such
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Storage devices
Input/output devices
Software that controls their operation.
Central Processing Unit (CPU):
The primary component of a computer system responsible for
executing instructions and performing calculations.

• Memory: The component of a computer system used for temporarily

storing data and instructions that are currently being processed.
Memory is divided into Random Access Memory (RAM) for short-
term storage and Read-Only Memory (ROM) for permanent storage of
essential instructions.
• Storage Devices: Devices used for long-term storage of data, programs, and files.
Examples include hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and optical
storage media like CDs and DVDs.
Hardware/ Software
Hardware Software
• The physical components of a • Programs and instructions that
computer system, including the control the operation of a computer
CPU, memory, storage devices, system and enable it to perform
and input/output devices. specific tasks. Software includes
operating systems, application
software, and utility programs.
Input/Output (I/O) Devices:
Input Devices: Output Devices
• Devices used to interact with a • Display information or provide
computer system. Input devices results to the user. Examples
allow users to input data and monitors, printers, and speakers.
commands into the computer
Examples keyboards, mouse,
What is Data?
• Data refers to raw facts, figures, or symbols that
represent information.
Raw: Unprocessed information
Symbolic: Represented in various forms such as text,
numbers, images, etc.
Meaningful: Can be interpreted and analyzed to derive
Data and Information

Data Information

 Refers to raw facts, figures, or symbols  Processed, organized, and structured data that
representing information. has context, meaning, and relevance.
 Unprocessed and lacks context or meaning on  Meaningful and provides insight or
its own. understanding based on the analysis of data.
 Examples include numbers in a spreadsheet,  Examples include trends and patterns derived
individual patient vital signs, or raw survey from analyzing patient data, summaries of
responses research findings, or reports generated from
survey data.
Types of Data:

 Structured: Organized into a predefined format (e.g.,

 Unstructured: No predefined format, often found in text,
images, videos, etc.
 Semi-structured: Has some organizational properties but
does not fit neatly into a structured format

Basis for decision-making and analysis

Essential in various fields including healthcare,
finance, education, etc.
Types of Data
 Numerical Data:
 Definition:

Numerical data consists of numbers and is used for quantitative

 Age  blood pressure readings
 Height  laboratory test results.
 Temperature
Types of Data

 Alphabetic Data:
 Definition:

Alphabetic data consists of letters of the alphabet and is used for

qualitative descriptions.
 (Q)atient identification numbers (IDs)
 Names
 Medical record numbers
 Addresses
 Medication dosage instructions.
 Words
Types of Data
 Alphanumeric Data:
 Definition:
Alphanumeric data consists of a combination of letters and numbers and is used
for various purposes, including codes and identifiers.

Vehicle identification number (VIN)
Product serial numbers
Data Processing:

 Definition:
 Data processing involves transforming raw data into meaningful information
through various steps such as collection, storage, organization, analysis, and
Steps in Data Processing:

 Data Collection:
 Gathering raw data from various sources such as patient records, medical devices, or surveys.
 Data Storage:
 Storing collected data in databases, electronic health records (EHRs), or other storage systems for future access and
 Data Organization:
 Structuring and organizing data in a systematic manner for easier analysis and interpretation.
 Data Analysis:
 Applying analytical techniques to examine and uncover patterns, trends, or relationships within the data.
 Data Interpretation:
 Interpreting the analyzed data to derive meaningful insights, conclusions, or recommendations.

 Data processing is crucial in healthcare for making informed decisions,

improving patient care, and advancing medical research.

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