Ai Presentation

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Computer Vision and

Image Recognition
Ali Shehata

It is believed by many that artificial intelligence will be the core of our future as we implement it into more

aspects and continue to develop and advance our research in the field. Since computers and robots require input

to perceive and understand the environment around them and execute their tasks, cameras act as a perfect fit as

it can collect thorough pieces of information that could be analyzed to produce the greatest results. Throughout

this presentation, you will learn the history, application, relevance, advantages and disadvantages of Artificial

How it Works
AI learns to identify objects by learning levels of representation based on

a hierarchy of factors and features, where higher-level concepts such as

objects and parts could be defined from lower-level concepts such as

colors and textures and the lower-level concepts could define the high-

level concepts. This data is then fed into a computer vision model that analyzes

and labels pixels individually, draws out relevant characteristics,

and adds a predefined label or category to it

Use and application
1 Facial Recognition: The most well-known example is the feature on everyone’s phone that
identify the owner of the phone and is more efficient than a password or code.

2 Quality Control & Inspection: The cameras using a certain software pick up defects,
errors, and severe deviations in the manufacturing of the product and ensure that it meets the
quality standards. this would usually take a team of ten people a few hours to a couple of
days, however AI has drastically improved efficiency down to mere minutes.
Use and application
3 Medical Imaging Analysis: Many medical test results and images such as x-rays, CT scans,
MRIs, and ultrasound scans could be analyzed by software that utilizes computer vision and
image recognition to accurately diagnose patients and administer a treatment
recommendation without the need for a doctor or radiologist present.

Self-Driving Cars: Computer vision is the way an autonomous car can perceive its
4 environment and the changes within its surroundings. This is done by using various sensors,
such as LiDAR, and cameras which can take in as much as 300 terabytes of data per year.
Advantages disadvantages

Facial Recognition:
1) Used to assist in identifying suspects,
criminals and missing people 1) false positives and false negatives
2) inaccurate with older adults and when
2) High Efficiency
wearing glasses, masks or some makeup

Quality Control & Inspection:

1) More efficient and streamline 1) Requires long periods of time to fix

2) Could work around the clock 2) If not set up properly, accuracy plummets
3) Does not require human input 3) High start-up costs
Advantages disadvantages

Medical Analysis:
1) Could detect anomalies not seen by the 1) Requires a lot of capital
naked eye 2) Takes a lot of time
2) Could save lives of many

Self-Driving Cars:

1) Cheaper insurance, less finesand does not 1) Relatively high prices

require petrol 2) Once faced with a moral situation, outcome
2) Better for the environment is unknown
Ethical Concerns & Privacy
● Devices could collect data without the user’s consent and be used to train military,
surveillance, or commercial algorithms and enhance their data set. (China/Huawei
● class action lawsuit involving Clearview AI for violating privacy laws and
collecting information on the residents in the UK, available online & were ordered
to pay 8 million dollars. This was for collecting over 20 billion images of people’s
faces without consent

I believe that the use of computer vision and facial

recognition software has done more good than harm
and that in the next few years, it will pave the way for a
safer and more efficient life.

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