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Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology


Department Of Computer Science And Engineering


Presented By

Seminar Coordinators, Program Coordinator, Seminar Guides,

Prof. Rahima B Dr. Nirmala C R Prof. Chandrashekar M V
Prof. Madhu N Hiremath Prof. Radhika Patil
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Features
• Accessibility Implementation
• Advantages
• Limitations
• Installation Steps
• Snapshots
• Conclusion
I believe that people with disabilities often end up as unwilling accessibility testers. Any time
a person with a disability interacts with the web, they may be unwillingly performing testing
because so many websites are not fully accessible to everyone. These inaccessible web sites
and applications present challenges to people with differing abilities. Responsible
organizations will develop and test their websites and digital assets for accessibility. They
will include people with disabilities throughout the entire process. Some are motivated for the
right reasons, they want to offer all people access to their services. Some organizations will
contract a third party to perform an accessibility audit. Web accessibility means that websites,
tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use
them. More specifically, people can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web
and contribute to the Web.
Accessibility Testing is defined as a type of Software Testing performed to
ensure that the website being tested is usable by people with disabilities like
hearing, color blindness, old age, and other disadvantaged groups. It is a
subset of Usability Testing.

People with disabilities use assistive technology, which helps them in

operating a software product. Examples of such software are:
•Speech recognition software
•Screen reader software
•Screen Magnification Software
•Special keyboard

There are four principles of Web Accessibility known by the acronym POUR
for perceivable, operable, understandable and robust.
An application must support people with disabilities like –
Type of Disability Disability Description

•Complete Blindness or Color Blindness or Poor Vision

Vision Disability
•Visual problems like visual strobe and flashing effect problems

•Not able to use the mouse or keyboard with one hand.

Physical Disability
•Poor motor skills like hand movements and muscle slowness

•Learning Difficulties or Poor Memory or not able to understand more

Cognitive disability
complex scenarios

Literacy Disability •Reading Problems

•Auditory problems like deafness and hearing impairments

Hearing Disability
•Cannot able to hear or not able to hear clearly

• Labels — Used by assistive technologies, like VoiceOver or TalkBack.

• Text contrast — Ratio between text or images and background color.
• Hit area size — Area designated for user interaction.
• View hierarchy of UI — Determines how easy the Android app is to navigate.
• Dynamic font size — Option for users to increase font size to fit their needs.
Web developers usually use authoring tools and evaluation tools to
create web content. People (“users”) use web browsers, media
players, assistive technologies, or other “user agents” to get and
interact with the content.
Significant interdependencies between the components; that is, the
components must work together in order for the web to be

For example, for alternative text on images:

•Technical specifications address alternative text (for example,

HTML defines the alternative text attribute (alt) of the image element
•Developers provide the appropriate alternative text wording
•Authoring tools enable, facilitate, and promote providing
alternative text in a web page
•evaluation tools are used to help check that alternative text exists
•users know how to get the alternative text from their user agent
and/or assistive technology as needed
Implementation Cycle
•When web browsers, media players, assistive
technologies, and other user agents support an
accessibility feature, users are more likely to demand it
and developers are more likely to implement it in
their content.
•When developers want to implement an accessibility
feature in their content, they are more likely to demand
that their authoring tool make it easy to implement.
•When authoring tools make a feature easy to implement,
developers are more likely to implement it in
their content.
•When an accessibility feature is implemented in most
content, developers and users are more likely to demand
that user agents support it.
• Cater to market for Disabled People
• Abide by Accessibility Legislations
• Avoid Potential Law Suits
• Increased website traffic
• Improves your brand reputation
• Promotes business growth
•Web accessibility toolbars often only work with certain browsers or software programs, so
their application is limited.

•Some toolbars may issue false

•With many web accessibility toolbars, it may take a certain amount of code expertise or
technical training to be able to use them.

•Sometimes, the report that a toolbar issues can be lengthy and overwhelming.

•These reports may not be exportable

Installation Steps
Step 1: Click on URL:
Step 2: Enter the Web page address in the text box and hit enter. We are going to
use com as an example. So enter the site in the text box and
click on the enter button.
Step 3: You will find summary details on the left-hand side of the navigation.
1.Errors would be displayed in red with a count.
2.Alerts would be displayed in yellow
3.Features would be in green
4.Structural Elements would be in blue color.
5.HTML5 and ARIA would be in purple color.
6.Contrast Errors would be in red color.
Or can be implemented by adding Extension.

Home Page
Results and Errors
Showing the line of code for modification.
In Software Engineering, Accessibility testing helps in making your application disabled
friendly. If following accessibility guidelines is not possible due to complexity of your web
application, build one version of the website for regular users and other for disable. It is
important to keep in mind that accessibility testing should be an ongoing process, and
websites and applications should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure continued
accessibility. By involving disabled people in the testing process and utilizing tools and
guidelines, you can help ensure that your website or application is accessible to as many
people as possible.

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