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Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Adolescence is a critical period during which significant

personality reorganization occurs. The period of adolescence occupies a
unique stage in every person's life. It is a period of transition from
childhood to adulthood. Adolescence has been described as a stage
among human beings where a lot of physiological as well as anatomical
changes take place resulting in reproductive maturity in the adolescents.
Because young people experiment sexually and because of the
consequences of indiscriminate sexual activities on the youth, there is the
need to mount sex education programs that are geared towards
enlightenment and appropriate education about sex and sexuality.
(Planned parenthood.Org.2022)
On the other hand, Sex awareness played an important role in helping
young people gain the information and skills they need to make the best decisions
for themselves about sex and relationships throughout their lives. Sex is an
important effect on the human life of an individual and almost everyone in the
society including children needs to know about it. In order to understand more
about sex education, first, must understand what sex education is. So sex
education is the instruction about sex and human sexuality. Sex education is a
process whereby information is given or imparted to a group of young ones and
which takes into account the development, growth, the anatomy and physiology of
the human reproductive system and changes that occur from youth all through
stages of adulthood. Sex education is the acquisition of knowledge that deals with
human sexuality. It consists of instruction on the development of an understanding
of the physical, mental, emotional, social, economic and psychological phases of
human relations as they are affected by sex. In other words, sex education
involves providing children with knowledge and concept that will enable them
make informed and responsible decisions about sexual behaviors at all stages of
their lives. (UNESCO.Org.2018)
According to Ballesteros, (2011). Today's kids are inundated with sex.
There is nudity on the Internet, sex in the movies, and intimations of sex in popular
music. All schools and teachers face the problem of how to help these kids grow
into sexually healthy adults by encouraging safe behavior without stepping on the
toes of their parents. These findings suggest the need for effective sex education
for the young ones.
Based on the study of Magwilang, et. al, (2022). Sex education for teenagers
teaches young people about the consequences of unprotected sex and helps them
become more sexually responsible. On the other hand, family planning is an
important ground to cover for couples, but safe sex is another topic that should
focus on. Because practicing safe sex not only curbs unwanted pregnancies, it
also protects against sexually transmitted diseases.
A major source of sexual learning is sex education classes in school (Levy
1992). Sexuality education has positive effects, including increasing young
people’s knowledge and improving their attitudes related to sexual activity, sexual
risk-taking behavior or STI/HIV infection rates. (UNESCO.Org, 2018)
According to De Guzman, et. al, (2010), the Philippines, being a
Christian country, finds sex education a sensitive topic to discuss with. As a
result, this causes many teenagers and sexually active individuals to be
unaware of basic knowledge that can protect them from the dangers of
sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned parenthood. In addition, this lack
of sex education causes serious problems in the economy and housing
industry because of overpopulation better access to sex education were to be
made available in the Philippines, it will help minimize a number of
unfavorable outcomes, such as those mentioned above. Individuals would be
able to make better decisions that can lead to a more stable country where the
high birth rates and rampant poverty can be more controlled. It is believed that
young people have the rights to be educated on this topic.
Stated on the research made by Nichols, (2020), the general purpose
of sex education is to inform youth on topics including sex, sexuality and
bodily development. Quality sex education can lead to better prevention in
STDs and unwanted pregnancy. Furthermore, it decreases the risks of having
unsafe sex and increases responsible family planning.
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Profile of respondents Use of survey Awareness of Sex
1.Personal Profile questionnaire to find the Education Among the
a. Age Level of Awareness Senior High School
b. Gender a. Reproductive System Students
c. Family planning b. Sex Related Activities
2. Level of Awareness to sex c. Pregnancy and
Education Abortion
a. Reproductive System
b. Sex Related Activities
c. Pregnancy and Abortion

The Conceptual framework is divided into three categorize, the input, process, and
output. Input consists of the respondents in terms of gender, age, and family status, Additionally,
the Level of Awareness to Sex Education in terms of Reproductive System, Sex Related Activities
and Pregnancy and Abortion. Process is the use of survey questionnaire to find the Level of
Awareness in terms of Reproductive System, Sex Related Activities and Pregnancy and Abortion,
and Output is the Awareness of Sex Education among the Senior High School Students.
Statement of the Problem

The objective of this research is to determine the level of awareness on sex

education to senior high school in Pangtod National High School.
Furthermore, it will seek to find specifically the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?

a. Age,
b. Gender,
c. Family Status?

2. What is the level of awareness of sex education among the senior high school
students along with the following areas;
a. Reproductive System,
b. Sex Related Activities,
c. Pregnancy and Abortion?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the
level of awareness?
Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only to the awareness of the

students towards sex education. Specifically, it sooth to
determine the level of awareness on sex education of the
adolescence. Along with reproductive system, sex related
activities, and pregnancy and abortion.a
Significance of the Study

This study Awareness of adolescence toward sex education among Senior High
School Students from Pangtod National High School will be beneficial to the following:
Students- this study will inform them the perception of co-student about sex
education and in some way, might change their view about sexual education, furthermore
this study will help the students to encourage and promote the advantages of sex
education to the fellow youths.
Teachers- this study will inform them about their students’ view on sex education.
Also this study will help the teachers encourage and let their students understand the
importance of taking care of their sexual health.
Community- this study will help the community understand what sex education
means for an individual, furthermore this study will be beneficiary to the school’s
community by providing them information about the level of awareness of the senior High
School students on sex education and help them foster an environment where in students
will be aware of the advantages of sex education.
Researchers- this study will give them a head start regarding the said topic,
furthermore this study will be beneficiary to the researchers by gaining knowledge about
the level of awareness of the senior high school students on sex education.
Chapter 2

This chapter presents the research design and methodology that will be
used in the study. It includes population and sampling, data gathering
tool/instrument, data gathering procedures that will be employed in conducting
of the study.

Research Design and Methodology

This study will use the quantitative descriptive method of research. A survey
questionnaire will be used to gather information from the respondents. Furthermore,
this study seeks to determine the level of awareness towards sex education among
the senior high school students.
Population and Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted among the Senior High School students of
Pangtod National High School.
Total enumeration will be used as a sampling of the respondents. Grade12
Emerald is composed of 19 females and 23 males and Grade 11 Onyx is
composed of 30 females and 24 males. A combined total of 96 respondents, 49
females and 47 males.

Data Gathering Tool

The survey questionnaire that will be used in this research is adopted and
modified from Mohmad, 2021.

The questionnaire contains two parts. Part 1, is the profile of the

respondents, in which the age, gender, and family status will be gathered. Part 2, is
the level of awareness towards sex education of the respondents; a) Reproductive
System b) Sex Related Activities, c) Pregnancy and Abortion.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will first ask permission from the office of the Principal to
conduct the study to the Senior High School students of Mr. Junmel Barreras and
Ms. Jackielou Alvaro. The researcher will personally distribute the survey
questionnaire to the students of Grade12 and Grade 11 HUMSS in Pangtod
National High School SY 2019-2020. The data will be gathered, collected,
interpreted, and analyzed with the proper statistical treatment.

Treatment of Data

The statistical tools that will be used in this study are the frequency
counts, and mean.
Frequency and Mean
Where: n-1 = Frequency
N = Mean
Survey Questionnaire

Part 1: Profile of the respondents

a. Female
b. Male
3.Family status
A. Living together
B. Separated
C. Others (e.g., OFW)
Part 2: Student’s level of awareness towards sex education

Direction: Please indicate your level of awareness with each of the questions. Place an ‘/’
(check) mark in the box of your answer.
Highly not aware 4
Not aware 3
Aware 2
Highly aware 1

A. Reproductive System Highly Aware Not Aware Highly Not

Aware Aware

1 2 3 4

1. Vagina is a female organ for sexual intercourse.

2. Babies are delivered through vagina.
3. Uterus is an organ for sexual intercourse.
4.Ovaries are female gonads.
.5. Penis is a male organ for sexual intercourse.
6. Testes are male gonads.
7. Ejaculation and passing urine are functions of penis.
8. Penile discharge during ejaculation contains sperms.
9. It is abnormal for a boy to develop beard, change in voice, and pubic
and axillary hair.
10. Girls are impure/dirty during their menses.
B. Sex Related Activities Highly Aware Not Highly
Aware aware not
aware 4
1 2 3
1. Have you ever engaged in masturbation.

2. Have you ever engaged in physical relationship with the opposite sex.

3. Use of condom is a safe sexual practice

4. Masturbation causes weakness in future.

5. Talking or discussing about sex or reproduction is a sin.

6. Sexual intercourse can cause sexually transmitted disease.

7. Love means sex.

8. HIV can be transmitted via sexual intercourse.

9. Use of birth control pills is a safe sexual practice.

10. It is okay to force sex on somebody for enjoyment or fun.

C. Pregnancy and Abortion Highly Aware Not Highly
aware aware not
1 2 3 aware

1. Pregnancy can occur if there is penetration of vagina by penis.

2.For pregnancy to occur, ovum should be fertilized by sperm.

3. One may become pregnant even after one act of sexual
4. Pregnancy does not occur after having sexual intercourse with
only one partner.
5. Sexual intercourse before marriage can never lead to
6. Pregnancy can be prevented by using condoms.
7. Having no sex is the best method to prevent pregnancy.

8. Illegal abortion may be responsible for infection.

9. Illegal abortion can cause severe bleeding.
10. Illegal abortion can cause mother’s death.

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