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1. Putu Sintia Pradnyadita ( 223213408 )
2. Ni Luh Gede Suryani ( 223213411 )
3. Ni Made Novianingsih ( 223213412 )
4. Ni Desak Made Mirah P.D. ( 223213416 )
5. Ni Kadek Yuniari ( 223213431 )
Complementary therapies such as acupuncture and mind- body techniques are becoming
increasingly popular treatment options for managing cancer-related symptoms when
conventional treatment does not bring satisfactory relief or causes adverse effects .
Although cancer therapies become more advanced overtime, relief of cancer-related
symptoms remains essential.The adverse effects of cancer and cancer treatments include
nausea, hot flashes, fatigue, drowsiness, pain, anxiety, and sleeping difficulties. These effects
can be long term for cancer patients undergoing treatment and cancer survivors, affecting
their quality of life, mental wellbeing, functionality,independence, and overall health.
Definition of Cancer.
Cancer is a disease caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body.
This abnormal cell growth can damage normal cells around it and in other parts of
the body.Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer often causes
death, because this disease generally causes no symptoms at the beginning of its
development. As a result, this condition is only detected and treated after it reaches
an advanced stage.

Factors thought to be at risk of causing genetic mutations in normal cells and the
body's failure to repair them include:
* Family history of cancer
* Age over 65 years, although some types of cancer are more common in children
*Smoking habit
*Exposure to radiation, chemicals (such as asbestos or benzene), or sunlight
*Viral infections, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HPV
* Exposure to high levels of hormones or long term
*Obesity Not moving a lot and not exercising regularly
* Diseases that cause long-term inflammation, such as ulcerative colitis.
* Decreased body resistance, for example due to suffering from HIV / AIDS
Definiton of Complementary Care

Complementary therapy is known by many different terms, including

complementary medicine, alternative therapy, alternative medicine, holistic
therapy and traditional medicine.
A wide range of treatments exist under the umbrella term ‘complementary
therapy’, which makes it difficult to offer a blanket definition. Complementary
therapies are used alongside conventional medicines or treatments. Alternative
therapies are sometimes grouped with complementary therapies, but they refer to
different concepts.
Research on Complementary Care in Cancer Patients
acupuncture is the most frequently used complementary therapy used in integrative
oncology settings in Western countries . While the mechanism of action for acupuncture is
not yet fully understood, it is recognized as a relatively safe and effective intervention.
Only a few non-serious adverse events such as hematoma/bleeding, needling pain, and
orthostatic symptoms have been reported . Given that acupuncture does not interfere with
primary treatments , it can be safely integrated within current cancer treatment regimens .
Acupuncture can be an effective complementary therapy for managing cancer or cancer
therapy-related symptoms and improving post-operative pain, chemotherapy-related
nausea, vomiting, pain, depression, anxiety, drowsiness, fatigue, numbness or tingling,
sleep disturbance, and hot flashes . It could also offer relief from physiological and
psychological symptoms in informal caregivers of cancer patients. Acupuncture has been
found to be effective in relieving anxiety, several types of pain-related disorders such as
chronic headache and migraine, gastroenterological problems, and cardiovascular
The aim of this survey was to explore the acceptability and preferences of cancer patients,
cancer survivors, and their informal caregivers in relation to acupuncture. The survey
was conducted from 20th November to 27th November 2018. The questionnaire was
developed to explore acceptability and preferences, including motivation, symptoms to
be addressed, and practical issues (location, cost, etc.), in relation to acupuncture

Study population and design

Participation in this study (94.5%) was high, likely because of the process of data
collection used. A previous study by our research group implementing a survey
found participation rates within this context could be low [28]. Therefore, a
healthcare worker completed surveys with respondents. A questionnaire of six
questions, based on relevant literature, was developed for this study. The
questionnaire collected data on patient and caregiver demographics and treatment
status and explored preferences and acceptability regarding acupuncture. It further
explored symptom management. Patients and caregivers were also asked to
identify symptoms for which they would opt for acupuncture management.
Multiple choice responses and free text fields were included. On completion of the
questionnaire, those interested were provided with an information booklet on
acupuncture and were offered an introductory acupuncture treatment by Virginie
Blieck. The questionnaire did not collect any personal identifiers and was
completed anonymously.
Written consent was not required as the participants were informed that
by completion of the questionnaire their permission for their data to be
used for the study is implied. The study findings were stored in a
computer database in accordance with the Belgian data protection
laws. This study was registered at General Hospital Groeninge
(AZGS2018093) and was approved by the local ethics committee.

RESULTS: In total, 38.8% of the participants were interested in

acupuncture treatment . Out of 116 patients and cancer survivors,
34.5% were interested inacupuncture treatment, whereas 65.5% were
not Those patients and cancer survivors aged 46 years or more, were
least interested in acupuncture, whereas those aged 18-45 years were
significantly more likely to accept acupuncture. Of all patient
respondents, 16.4% were interested in receiving an introductory
acupuncture treatment.
This study provides insights into the preferences of cancer patients, cancer survivors, and their
caregivers toward acupuncture treatment and their acceptability of this com- Acupuncture for
Cancer Care 73 plementary therapy. Furthermore, the respondents
mentioned diverse symptoms for which they would opt for acupuncture. Certainly, there is
evidence of the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of psychological and physical symptoms.
Acupuncture has the potential to be integrated with current cancer therapy regimens or
administered to cancer survivors following cancer therapy to manage post-treatment adverse
effects and disease symptoms.
This insertion technique originated in China, and according to the teachings of
acupuncture, this technique will result in health and wellness, especially for
treating pain.
The theory of traditional Chinese acupuncture treatment is based on the theory of
the flow of qi (energy) and blood flowing through certain pathways or meridians
in the body. These meridians have been mapped by the Chinese since last year
through observations, observations, qi gong practice and various other
According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture therapy can
facilitate the flow of healthy qi to areas that lack positive energy, and remove
negative qi from areas of excess. In this way, acupuncture can regulate and
restore a harmonious balance of qi in the body.
Many Cancer sufferers are turning to acupuncture methods after finding a slim
hope for their recovery who initially seek medical treatment.
Acupuncture can be used as a supportive therapy aimed at increasing the body's
immune power, preventing and reducing the side effects of cancer therapy, and
tackling or alleviating complaints that arise due to cancer.
This treatment technique that can be applied to all types of cancer also does not
have a negative effect if done in the right way, with indicators of success
depending on the patient's own condition.
thar are several things that are expected to improve cancer healing and improve
the quality of life of patients. These are:
1. Have a total commitment to fighting Cancer;
2. Seek advice/advice from a trusted medical practitioner;
3. Consumption of anticancer herbs, such as Ants Nest, Red Fruit, Keladitikus,
and Noni;
4. Live the right diet; and
5. Live a stress-free life.
The application of acupuncture for cancer pain is usually by first finding the source of the pain.
For use, acupuncture should be carried out as a support for medical treatment. In order to avoid
using morphine as a pain cream for a while. Utilization of common points is the main thing. For
example the point of the stomach, spleen, liver, colon, and heart.

Acupuncture in several techniques will be very beneficial for cancer sufferers. Mainly to activate
the immune system. So that even though they have cancer, sufferers can still do various activities
they like and this means increasing their sense of happiness and life expectancy. (Fns/from
various sources).
Any Quesetion
Cancer is a disease caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. This
abnormal cell growth can damage normal cells around it and in other parts of the body.Cancer is
the second leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer often causes death, because this disease
generally causes no symptoms at the beginning of its development. As a result, this condition is
only detected and treated after it reaches an advanced stage. Acupuncture has the potential to be
integrated with current cancer therapy regimens or administered to cancer survivors following
cancer therapy to manage post-treatment adverse effects and disease symptoms. It may also be
extended to caregivers who are integral to the recovery and wellbeing of patients (and indeed
cancer survivors) but also have their own needs, which can be supported with acupuncture

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