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laculty Adisor : Pro . Shankar laculty Adisor : Pro . Shankar

Name : Prabhakaran J Name : Prabhakaran J
Date : 24 Date : 24--0 0--2009 2009
W W 93 Luther Gulick & L.Urwick 93 Luther Gulick & L.Urwick
W W major actiities & duties o any executie major actiities & duties o any executie
W W ts used to describe the unctions o managers ts used to describe the unctions o managers
W W P P Planning Planning
W W O O Organising Organising
W W S S Staffing Staffing
W W D D Directing Directing
W W CO CO Coordinating Coordinating
W W R R Reporting Reporting
W W B B Budgeting Budgeting
W W . Planning . Planning -- working out in broad outline what working out in broad outline what
needs to be done and the method needs to be done and the method
or doing it to accomplish the stated purpose. or doing it to accomplish the stated purpose.
2. Organizing 2. Organizing -- the establishment o a ormal the establishment o a ormal
structure o authority through which work structure o authority through which work
subdiisions are arranged, deined, and coordinated subdiisions are arranged, deined, and coordinated
or the objectie. or the objectie.
W W 3. Staing 3. Staing -- the whole personnel unction o the whole personnel unction o
bringing in and training the sta and bringing in and training the sta and
maintaining aorable work conditions. maintaining aorable work conditions.
4. Directing 4. Directing - - the continuous task o making the continuous task o making
decisions, embodying them in speciic and decisions, embodying them in speciic and
general orders and instructions while sering as a general orders and instructions while sering as a
leader. leader.
W W . Coordinating . Coordinating -- the all the all--important duty o important duty o
interrelating the arious parts o the interrelating the arious parts o the
organization. organization.
6. Reporting 6. Reporting -- keeping those3 to whom the keeping those3 to whom the
executie is responsible inormed as to executie is responsible inormed as to
what is going on, which includes keeping that what is going on, which includes keeping that
indiidual and subordinates inormed indiidual and subordinates inormed
through records, research and inspection through records, research and inspection
W W . Budgeting . Budgeting -- all that goes with budgeting in all that goes with budgeting in
the orm o iscal planning, accounting the orm o iscal planning, accounting
and control. and control.
%hank you!!! %hank you!!!

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