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Tips for Tsingtao essay questions

Format of Assessment 2

 Essay style questions ( based on the case study) Weighted at

60% of the overall mark – Questions will be released at 1 PM (UK
time) on Thursday 18th April and there is 24 hours to complete
all the four compulsory essay questions. The answers need to
uploaded to a drop box by Friday 19th April 1 PM (UK time).

 There will be four compulsory essay style questions with two

questions at 15 marks (30 marks total), one question at 25 marks,
one question at 45 marks ( 4 questions equate to a total of 100

 These questions will be based on the pre-seen case study.

• You will be expected to use Organisational Behaviour theoretical
models to apply to the answer plus using the case study and
academic Harvard references to support your answer.
•Read the questions carefully

• Look at the command words

carefully – For example understand -
analyse or evaluate or to what extent

•Keep quotations short from the case

study – page number, paragraph
number or line number – own system
Use of case study - short
quotes as supporting
evidence and also link your
answers to theories

Consider analysis completed

in class – during week 12 and
13 revision period
Encouraged to use some academic references
Also use theories for supporting ideas. No limit on the
number of references which can be used per question.
Note: Please include a final reference list

15 mark questions ( 2 Q’s) - (approx. 200 to 250 word plus

per question – no upper limit) - 3 to 5 academic in text
references per question

25 mark question – 3 to 5 academic in text references

(approx. 350 to 500 words – no upper limit)

45 mark question - 5 to 7 academic in text references

(approx. 750 plus words – no upper limit)
Remember to include a reference list
Things not to do

Do not copy large chunks of text

Re-tell the story in the answer

( Why? Do not do it!!!)

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