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Health and Medicine

By Joseph
Health and medicine
There were a lot of different diseases in
Tudor time. There were a lot of people
dying because of those diseases. 25% of
children died before their first birthday
and 50% before tenth. Some of diseases
are easy to recover now day, but be-
cause there wasn’t enough medical
technology it was hard to recover in Tu-
dor time.
Bubonic Plague

Bubonic plague also known as ‘Black Death’ is

one of the most famous plague in Middle age
time. It killed about 60% of Europe population. It
was spread by flea-ridden rats and fleas on the
body. Symptom of Bubonic plague was fever,
headache, chills, and weakness.
Sweating sickness was one of
the disease appear in 1485 to
1551. It was mostly appeared
during summer and early of au-
tumn. It killed more than 15000
people in 6 week. It was Han-
tavirus species. It’s mostly car-
ried by bats or rodents. Symp-
toms is a sense of heat, and
Smallpox was disease during
Tudor period. It’s cause by vari-
ola virus. It was contagious so
it spread from one person to
another. Symptoms of Smallpox
is fever, and a distinctive, pro-
gressive skin rash. Most people
get recover, but 3 out of 10
people with this disease died.
Doctors in
Tudor time.
Doctor in Tudor time cost a lot
of money. That means only rich
people could be able to have
doctors. Even though it was
expensive because technology
wasn’t like now days, doctor
have limit that they could do.
They only had little idea of how
body work and had no idea
what caused diseases.
Thank You

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