dịch thương mại

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Inquiry (Thư hỏi giá)
Offers (Thư chào giá)
Counteroffers (Hoàn chào giá)
Acceptance (Thư chấp nhận)
Minutes of Talks (Biên bản đàm phán)
Memorandum (Bản ghi nhớ)
Without legal obligation - không ràng buộc pháp lý
(1) inquiry → (2) offer → (3) counteroffer → (4)
With the following documents b/w buyers & sellers
Inquiry letter → Offer letters → Counteroffer letters →
Acceptance letters → Minutes of Talks → Minutes of
As there is a regular demand for anti-shrink silk in our market,
we think it is advisable that we equip ourselves with all
necessary information before an inquiry comes to our hand.
Accordingly, please let us know the detailed specifications and
samples, and if possible your provisional quotations. The
samples should be in sufficient quantities for distribution to all
prospective buyers.
regular demand: Nhu cầu thường xuyên
anti-shrink silk: Lụa không co rút
advisable: Để cho tiện
equip ourselves: Chuẩn bị
specification: Thông số kỷ thuật, chỉ tiêu chất lượng
provisional quotations: Bảng báo giá tạm thời
sufficient quantities: Đủ số lượng
prospective buyers: Khách hàng tiềm năng
From your advertisement in The Overseas Journal, we note
that you are in a position to offer, at attractive prices, a lot of
used moulds and dies for use with plastic injection moulding
machines and metal die casting machines for the manufacture
of XX. We would request you to give us a comprehensive
quotation for all your stocks with such information as:
attractive prices: Giá hấp dẫn
plastic injection moulding machine: Máy ép nhựa, máy đúc nhựa
metal die-casting (filling) machine: Máy đúc (đổ khuôn) kim loại
comprehensive quotation: Bảng báo giá đầy đủ
your stocks: Số hàng hiện có
in stocks: Còn hàng
out of stocks: Hết hàng
① description of the mould; ② principal dimensions and weight of the
mould; ③weight of plastic or metal product moulded; ④material of which
the mould is made and the coating thereof; ⑤heat treatment; ⑥service life
(rated and spent); ⑦whether the mould has been repaired; ⑧stamping on
the mould. In the event of order, what technical documents such as working
drawings, test reports or certificates, etc. could you supply?
description: Kiểu dáng
principal dimensions: Kích thước quy định
material of the mould: Chất liệu của máy đúc
the coating thereof: Lớp phủ (màu)
heat treatment: độ nhiệt luyện
service life Niên hạn sử dụng, tuổi thọ của máy
rated and spent: Tình trang hiện tại của máy & đã qua sử dụng bao lâu
stamping: Tem của nhà SX
working drawings: bản vẽ kỷ thuật
test report: Biên bản nghiệm thu
Letters of Offers (Thư chào giá)
offerers: Người chào giá (hàng)
offerees: Người được chào giá
A letter of offer accepted → the offer be bound to the offer
We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 17, 1999,

from which we note that you wish to have an offer from us for

80 metric tons of the captioned goods for shipment to Odense.

In reply, we are making you, subject to your reply reaching us

by April 29 Beijing time, the following offer:

acknowledge sth: Thông báo đã nhận được
the captioned goods: Mặt hàng đã nêu
wish to have an offer from us: muốn chúng tôi báo giá
subject to: Với điều kiện là, miễn là, tùy thuộc vào
“80 metric tons of walnut meat, F.A.Q. 1999 Crop, at US $250

per metric ton CIF including 2% Commission Odense,

shipment per steamer during May/June with the exception of

insurance which will cover All Risks and Risk of Odour for

10% of the total invoice value.”

F.A.Q: Fair average quality = Điều khoản phẩm chất của mặt hàng

with the exception of insurance: Không bao gồm phí bảo hiểm

shipment per steamer: lượng hàng chuyển mỗi chuyến tàu

the total invoice value: Tổng giá trị ghi trên hóa đơn
As no direct steamer is available from here to Odense, the

parcel will have to be transshipped at Copenhagen. Please note

that additional cost from Copenhagen to Odense is included in

the quoted price. We look forward to your early reply.

transshipped: được trung chuyển

additional costs: Chi phí phát sinh

quoted price: giá đã báo (bảng báo giá)

Bên bán chào giá và gửi hàng mẫu

We are in receipt of your letter dated March 28, 1999 and, as

requested, are airmailing you under separate cover, one

catalogue and two sample books for our printed Shirting. We

hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in

making your selection.

printed shirting: Vải in hoa may áo sơ mi
under separate cover: 2 kiện/gói riêng biệt
airmail(ing): Gởi theo đường hàng không
in due course: kịp lúc/đúng thời điểm
making your selection: lựa chọn dễ dàng
concrete transaction: giao dịch thực
Art No: Mặt hàng số
in bales: Thành kiện
In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making
you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows:
Art no: 99028 printed Shirting
Design No: 99280 – 1B
Specifications: 20x30
Quantity: 16,000 yards
Packing: In bales or in wooden cases, at seller’s option
Price: US $25 per yard CIF Rotterdam
We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial
- A Letter of Counter-offer
- Do bên được chào giá viết: giá mới hoặc yêu cầu mới
- Yêu cầu sửa đổi toàn bộ hoặc một số chỗ
- Đưa ra khi thư chào giá còn hiệu lực
We thank for your Quotation No. 97028. A comparison between

this Quotation and your Quotation No. 97001 for our last order

shows that you are now quoting for container shipment and are

raising your price by 2%.

Admittedly, there is some slight increase for sheep shearing machines
in the market price, we would like to point out that since your present
Quotation is on C&F terms and freight for container shipment is lower
than the usual freight, the increase in price can be well set off by the
saving in freight and therefore the unit price of this order should be
identical with that of our last order. Please consider our comments and
let us have your confirmation by Fax
sheep shearing machines: Máy xén lông cừu
point out: Chỉ ra rằng
well set off: Hoàn toàn có thể bù lại
be identical with: Giống với
standards of quality: Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng
all lines: Tất cả các mặt hàng
counter suggestions: Đề nghị ngược lại
We have carefully studied your E-mail of 29th, March. As our two firms have

done business with each other for so many years, we should like to grant

your request to lower the prices of ___. But there are difficulties. Our cost of

raw materials has risen sharply in the past three months and to reduce

prices by 10% as you mentioned could not be done without considerable

lowering our standards of quality.

This is something we are not prepared to do. Instead of 10% reduction

on ___, we suggest a reduction of 5% of all lines on order for US

$1,000 or more on orders of this size so we could manage to make the

reduction without lowering our standards.

We hope you will agree to our counter suggestion and look forward to

receiving regular orders from you as in the past.

A Letter of Acceptance
- Đồng ý hoàn toàn với thư chào giá
- Đồng ý lập hợp đồng
- Chào giá khẳng định: firm offer
According to Article 23 of the United Nations
Convention on Contracts for the International
Sales of Goods, “A contract is concluded at the
moment when an acceptance of an offer becomes
effective in accordance with the provisions of this
Convention: Công ước
an acceptance of an offer: Thơ chấp nhận chào giá
concluded: Được ký kết
become effective: Có hiệu lực
in compliance with = in accordance with : Theo đúng như
provisions: Điều khoản
Provision of August shipment: Accepted
Price including 2% commission: Accepted
We are glad to inform you that we have accepted your offer
dated July 1st, 1999. Please let us have your earliest reply by
- Ngắn gọn nội dung của cuộc đàm phán
- Gồm: đề tài, chương trình, nội dung và kết quả đàm phán
- Căn cứ để ký HĐ
- Có tính ràng buộc sau khi ký kết
- Không có tính pháp lý
A trade talk on technology transfer was being held in Shanghai Cherry

Holiday Villa, by and between ABC Company, with its registered office at

___, Shanghai, China (Party A) and XYZ Company, with its registered office

at ___, New York, USA (Party B) from Oct. 8, 1999 to Oct. 12, 1999. After

sound and definite negotiations, both parties have achieved complete

success and reached an identity of the following view:

(1) During the period of the joint venture, the Techniques Party B has

mastered shall be thoroughly made known to Party A without reserves.

Further information on any new or improved techniques relative to the

transferred technology shall also be given to Party A’s technicians.

(2) Engineers sent by Party B for installing machinery and training Party

A’s technicians shall be fist-class specialists.

(3) Party B shall guarantee that within the specified period of training,

the trainees will be well trained and made competent for their jobs

capable of controlling and operating the equipment, carrying out

normal production, fixing any breakdowns in the course of production

and appraising the quality of equipment and products.

specified period of training: Thời gian tập huấn theo quy định
breakdowns: Sự cố
made competent for their jobs: Được truyền đạt thấu đáo về công việc
controlling and operating: Điều khiển và vận hành
in the course of production: Quá trình sản xuất
appraising: Thẩm định / nghiệm thu
(4) The salaries and the board and lodging of the engineers sent by
Party B for installing machinery and training Party A’s technicians
during their stay at Shanghai shall be included in the fee for
technology transfer. The responsibility of Party B’s engineers shall not
be regarded as having been discharged until the machines operate
normally and Party A’s technicians are well trained and competent for
their work.
salaries and the board and lodging: Tiền lương và chỗ ăn nghỉ

not be regarded as having been discharged until: Sẽ không được cho là

hoàn thành cho đến khi

comply with: Tuân thủ theo, phù hợp với

pertinent regulations: (Luật) Quy định hiện hành

(5) All the activities of both parties shall comply with the provision of

the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of


Representative: ABC Company, Shanghai, China (Signature)

Representative: XYZ Company, New York, USA (Signature)

- “tài liệu dùng để nhắc nhở hoặc gợi lên sự chú ý của người khác về
việc gì”
- Tài liệu tham khảo khi ký HĐ
• - Đọc và làm bài tập
• [2]: 56-60
• [3]: 11-22
• [4]: 8-19
• [5]: 5-15
• - Xem trước nội dung bài sau:
• [1]: 26-38

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