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Movement Analysis

How we move
 Primarily, movement is brought about by the contraction and relaxation of muscles on the
bones which form joints.
Muscles Bones Joints
 Produce movement by exerting force  The moving bones in a joint are  Consist of two or more bones that
on tendons which in turn pull on called articulating bones. make contact and can move against
bones.  The two bones that form a joint do each other.
 They mostly cross at least one joint not move equally in response to a  Moving joints are also called
and are attached to the bones that muscle contraction; one bone is articulations.
form that joint. generally held in its original  Most muscles that move joints lie
 When a muscle contracts it pulls one position by the action of other alongside bones and do not lie on top
articulating bone towards the other. muscles. of the joint, it is usually the tendon at
 Most movements are produced from  The attachment of a muscle tendon the insertion end of a muscle that lies
antagonistic pairs or groups - to the stationary bone is called the over the joint.
several muscles working together. origin, the attachment to the
 A muscle that produces the desired moving bone is called the insertion.
action is called the agonist or prime
 A muscle that acts to produce the
opposite action of the agonist/prime
mover is called an antagonist (e.g. it
relaxes while the agonist contracts).
 Synergists are muscles that stabilise Insertion
a joint to prevent unwanted
 Fixators are muscles that stabilise
the origin of the prime mover.
Planes and Axis of Motion
Plane Axis

Sagittal: splits the body into left Transverse: passes through the body
and right halves (through the (through the hips) from side to side,
midline), forward and backward forward and backward movements.
movements. Generally where flexion and Generally where flexion and extension
extension movements occur (bicep curls, movements occur (bicep curls, sit-ups,
sit-ups, knee extensions). knee extensions).

Frontal: splits the body into front and Frontal: passes through the body
back halves (through the head and arms), from front to back (through the
side to side movements. Generally where stomach). Generally where abduction
abduction and adduction movements and adduction movements occur
occur (raising and lowering limbs to the (raising and lowering limbs to the side
side). and cartwheels).

Transverse: divides the body into top Longitudinal: passes through the
and bottom halves (through the hips), body from top to bottom (from
turning movements. Generally where head to feet), turning movements.
rotational movements such as Generally where rotational movements
pronation and supination occur. such as pronation and supination occur.
Types of Muscle Contraction and Joints
Muscle Contractions: Joints:
 Isotonic – muscle changes length  Hinge – two articulating bones
whilst contracting wedged together so that it only allows
 Isometric – muscle contracts and direction in two ways (back and forth)
doesn’t change length, no movement  Ball & socket – most moveable joints,
occurs ball shaped end of one bone fits into
 Eccentric – muscle lengthens as it the cup shaped end of another bone
contracts allowing a wide range of movement
  Pivot – rotational movement occurs,
Concentric – muscle shortens as it
contracts sideways movement without
displacement or bending occurring
 Saddle – two bones fit together like a
rider in a saddle, allowing bending
articulation without sliding
 Gliding joint – allows only gliding
movement where the opposed surfaces
of bones are flat or almost flat.
Lever Systems
What is a lever system?
 Simple mechanisms that involve a rigid bar moving around a fixed point when a force or effort is applied to
overcome a resistance.
 For the body to perform movements, the bones of the skeleton act as a series of levers against which
muscles can pull.

What are the levers function in the body?

 Maintain balance.
 Give greater speed to an object by throwing or kicking it.
 Overcome a heavy resistance with little effort.
 Give a wider range of movement.

What are the components of a lever system?

 Fulcrum – the joint itself in the human body. Remember:
 Resistance – also known as the load. In the human body “1 2 3, F R E”
this may be the weight of an object/body part/object trying to be moved.
 Effort Point – where the force is supplied by the contracting muscle
(insertion point of the muscle)
Types of Levers in the body
1st Class Lever:
 “see – saw” lever
 Function: used to increase speed of an object
 Only two examples in the body – neck and elbow

2nd Class Lever:

 “wheelbarrow lever”
 Function: increase in force can be used to overcome
heavy loads
 Only one example in the body: foot

3rd Class Lever:

 “tweezer lever”
 Function: increases speed or distance rather than force
 Accounts for all other joints in the human body

“1 2 3, F R E”
Effort and Resistance Arms
 Effort arm: shortest perpendicular distance between
fulcrum and effort.
 Resistance arm: shortest perpendicular distance between
fulcrum and resistance.

effort arm

resistance arm
Mechanical Advantages and
Mechanical Disadvantage:
 Occurs when the resistance arm is longer than the effort
arm which means that the lever system cannot move as
heavy a load but can move faster over a greater range of

Mechanical Advantage:
 Occurs when the effort arm is longer than the resistance
arm which means that the lever system can move a large
load over a short distance.
Specific Movement Analysis
Running action

Joint Phase Main Type of Articulating Type of Plane of Axis of Lever Movement
Agonist joint bones contraction motion motion system pattern

HIP Drive Gluteals Ball and Ischium Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Hyperexten
socket Femur concentric sion

Recovery Illiopsas Ball and Ischium Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Flexion
socket Femur concentric

KNEE Drive Quadricep Hinge Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Extension
group Tibia concentric

Recovery Hamstring Hinge Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Flexion
group Tibia concentric

ANKLE Drive Gastrocnem Hinge Tibia Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 2nd class Plantar
ius Tarsals concentric flexion

Recovery Tibialis Hinge Tibia Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 2nd class Dorsi
anterior Tarsals concentric flexion
Specific Movement Analysis
Jumping Action

Joint Phase Main Type of Articulating Type of Plane of Axis of Lever Movement
Agonist joint bones contraction motion motion system pattern

HIP Take off Illiopsas Ball and Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Hyperextens
Gluteals socket Ischium concentric ion

Flight Gluteals Ball and Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Hyperextens
Socket Ischium concentric ion

KNEE Take off Quadricep Hinge Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Extension
group Tibia concentric

Flight Hamstring Hinge Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Flexion
group Tibia concentric

ANKLE Take off Gastrocnemi Hinge Tibia Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 2nd class Plantar
us Tarsals concentric flexion

Flight Gastrocnem Hinge Tibia Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 2nd class Plantar
eus Tarsals concentric flexion
Specific Movement Analysis
Kicking Action

Joint Phase Main Type of joint Articulatin Type of Plane of Axis of Lever Movement
Agonist g bones contraction motion motion system pattern

HIP Prepatory Gluteals Ball and Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Hyperexten
socket Ischium concentric sion

Kicking Iliiopsas Ball and Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Flexion
socket Ischium concentric

KNEE Prepatory Hamstring Hinge Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Flexion
group Tibia concentric

Kicking Quadricep Hinge Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Extension
group Tibia concentric

ANKLE Prepatory Gastrocnem Gliding/hinge Tibia Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 2nd class Plantar
ius Tarsals concentric flexion

Kicking Tibialis Gliding/hinge Tibia Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 2nd class Dorsi
anterior Tarsals concentric flexion
Specific Movement Analysis
Throwing Action

Joint Phase Main Type of Articulating Type of Plane of Axis of Lever Movement
Agonist joint bones contraction motion motion system pattern

SHOULDER Withdrawal Posterior Ball and Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd c;lass Horizontal
deltoid socket Scapula concentric hyperextensi

Throwing Pectoralis Ball and Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Horizontal
major socket Scapula concentric adduction

ELBOW Withdrawal Biceps Hinge Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 1st class Flexion
brachii Ulna/radius concentric

Throwing Triceps Hinge Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 1st class Extension
brachii Ulna/radius concentric
Specific Movement Analysis
Racket Stroke Action

Joint Phase Main Type of Articulating Type of Plane of Axis of Lever Movement
Agonist joint bones contraction motion motion system pattern

Shoulder Withdrawal Posterior Ball and Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Horizontal
Phase deltoids socket Scapula concentric abduction

Contact Pectoralis Ball and Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Horizontal
Phase major socket Scapula concentric abduction

Elbow Withdrawal Biceps Hinge Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 1st class Flexion
Phase brachii Ulna/radius concentric

Contact Triceps Hinge Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 1st class Extension
Phase brachii Ulna/radius concentric
Specific Movement Analysis
Squat Action

Joint Phase Main Type of Articulating Type of Plane of Axis of Lever Movement
Agonist joint bones contraction motion motion system pattern

HIP Downward Illiopsas Ball and Ischium Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Flexion
socket Femur eccentric

Upward Gluteals Ball and Ischium Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Extension
socket Femur concentric

KNEE Downward Quadricep Hinge Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Flexion
group Tibia eccentric

Upward Quadricep Hinge Femur Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Extension
group Tibia concentric

ANKLE Downward Gastrocne Hinge/ Tibia Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 2nd class Dorsi
mius gliding Tarsals eccentric flexion

Upward Gastrocne Hinge/ Tibia Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 2nd class Plantar
mius gliding Tarsals concentric flexion
Specific Movement Analysis
Press up Action

Joint Phase Main Type of Articulating Type of Plane of Axis of Lever Movement
Agonist joint bones contraction motion motion system pattern

Shoulder Downward Pectoralis Ball and Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Horizontal
major socket Scapula eccentric abduction

Upward Pectoralis Ball and Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 3rd class Horizontal
major socket Scapula concentric adduction

Elbow Downward Triceps Hinge Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 1st class Flexion
brachii Ulna/radius eccentric

Upward Triceps Hinge Humerus Isotonic Sagittal Transverse 1st class Extension
brachii Ulna/radius concentric

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