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Victor Hugo

Notre-Dame de Paris
- Esmeralda -
Beatriz, Hiba, Nathan, Serge
01 02 03
Serge Son identité intérieure Son identité sociale
Nathan Beatriz

Sa perception de
- L’onomastique -
1. Définition
2. Origine et signification
3. Esmeralda
L'onomastique est la branche linguistique qui étudie les noms
propres. Elle examine leur origine, leur signification et cherche à
comprendre leur utilisation.
2. Origine et signification

• Signifie "émeraude" en espagnol

• Symbolise l'amour, la beauté, la richesse, la pureté, l'espoir et le mystère
• Prénom exotique
• Sonorité douce

Nous rappelle Esmeralda

3. Esmeralda

• Un personnage particulier car gitane

• Gitans différents, rejetés par la société
• Esmeralda est donc différente = Emeraude
• Gitan = Bohémien d'Espagne
3. Esmeralda

• Fascination autour d'elle

Répétition de "la Esmeralda" avec ponctuation expressive : effet de surprise,

fascination, importance

- Camarades, cria tout à coup un de ces jeunes drôles des croisées, la Esmeralda ! la
Esmeralda dans la place !
Ce mot produisit un effet magique. Tout ce qui restait dans la salle se précipita aux fenêtres,
grimpant aux murailles pour voir, et répétant : la Esmeralda ! La Esmeralda ! (p.127)
3. Esmeralda
• Fascination
• Motif d'espoir (moment où Gringoire allait mourir)

Métaphore : personne divine

En ce moment, un cri s'éleva parmi les argotiers : - La Esmeralda ! La Esmeralda !

Gringoire tressaillit, et se tourna du côté d'où venait la clameur. La foule s'ouvrit, et donna
passage à une pure et éblouissante figure.
La Esmeralda ! dit Gringoire, stupéfait, au milieu de ses émotions, de la brusque manière dont
ce mot magique nouait tous les souvenirs de sa journée. (p.178)
3. Esmeralda
• Contraste entre Esmeralda et société parisienne de l'époque (Moyen-Age)
Tensions sociales, époque sombre

Beauté VS Laideur morale

Générosité et altruisme VS Egoïsme et indifférence
Esmeralda VS Autorités religieuses

• Critique de la société féodale par Victor-Hugo

3. Esmeralda
The Gilded Age (1877-1900)

Mars Venus
Mars is actually a very Venus has extremely
cold place high temperatures

Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant and
planet of them all has several rings
Technological innovations and inventions

Mars Venus Neptune

Mars is actually a very Venus has extremely Neptune is the farthest
cold place high temperatures planet from the Sun

Mercury Saturn Jupiter

Mercury is the closest Saturn is a gas giant Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun with several rings planet of them all
Awesome words
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired”

—Someone Famous
A picture is worth a thousand words
A picture always
the concept
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
remember: use an image instead of a long
text. Your audience will appreciate it
Aspects Reconstruction Era Gilded Age

Time period 1865-1877 1877-1900

Devastation from the Civil War, Rapid industrialization and

Post-war conditions
Southern Reconstruction economic growth

Rebuilding and integrating Southern Economic expansion, technological

states advancements, and urbanization

Emphasis on African American civil Expansion of civil rights issues,

Civil rights
rights including labor and women's rights
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
9h 55m 23s
Jupiter's rotation period

The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s

386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
Workforce distribution in the Gilded Age
25% 50% 75%

Industrial workers Agrarian workers Service sector

Mercury is the closest planet Despite being red, Mars is Venus has a beautiful name
to the Sun and the smallest of actually a cold place. It’s full and is the second planet from
them all of iron oxide dust the Sun
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Tablet mockup
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screen with your own work. Just
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“Replace image”
Phone mockup
You can replace the image on the
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“Replace image”
The Gilded Age: 1870-1900

Industrialization &

Ranching, Reconstruction & rise

mining & of Jim Crow
farming segregation
Reconstruction era & Gilded Age timeline

1865 1870 1890 1900

Neptune Mercury Venus Jupiter

Neptune is far away It’s the closest planet Venus is the second Jupiter is the biggest
from Earth to the Sun planet from the Sun planet of them all
The key aspects

Reconstruction Era Gilded Age

Rebuilding states Limited economic Economic growth expansion
Neptune is far away Mercury is the closest Venus is the second Jupiter is the biggest
from Earth planet to the Sun planet from the Sun planet of them all
Reconstruction amendments
Amendment Description

Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude in the United December 6,

13th Amendment
States, except as punishment for a crime 1865

Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the

14th Amendment United States, including former slaves, and guaranteed equal July 9, 1868
protection under the law

Prohibited the denial of voting rights based on race, color, or

February 3,
15th Amendment previous condition of servitude. It aimed to protect the voting
rights of African American men
Immigration to the US, 1871 -1920

North Central
Europe The Americans
Mercury is the Venus is the second
smallest planet planet from the Sun

Southern Europe Asia and others

Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant
planet with rings

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
American become urbanized

Venus is the second
planet from the Sun

Saturn is a gas giant
with rings

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Exercise 1: Answer this questions
What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?
You can answer here

What characterized the Gilded Age?

You can answer here

What did the Sherman Antitrust Act aim to do?

You can answer here
Exercise 2: True or False
Instructions: Mark the statement below by filling in the True (T) box if it is true, False (F) if you
feel the statement is not correct

No. Sentences True False

1 The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery … …

2 The Panic of 1873 led to a severe economic depression in the United States … …

3 The Reconstruction Era followed the American Civil War … …

Exercise 3: Multiple choice
Instructions: Choose the most appropriate answer from the provided options (a, b, c, or d) by
placing a square shape to the correct answer

Which period immediately followed the Reconstruction Era?

A Progressive Era C Colonial Era

B Gilded Age D Civil Rights Movement

Exercise 4: Fill in the blank
Instructions: Identify the missing word(s) that complete(s) the sentence. Write your answer in
the space provided

1 The Reconstruction Era followed the …

2 The 13th Amendment … slavery

3 The Gilded Age was characterized by political … and social inequality

4 Plessy v. Ferguson upheld racial segregation under the … doctrine

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