g8 T2L1 Electric Force

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Topic 2- Lesson 1

Electric Force

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Discussion in Groups
1) List some examples of matter
2) What do we call the smallest particle of matter?
3) What is the atom made up of?
4) What is the charge of the nucleus? Why?
5) What is the charge of the region surrounding the
cloud? Why?
6) Objects could be neutral, negatively charged or
positively charged. What is meant by the term:
neutral object? When does a neutral object
become charged?

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

All objects are made up of atoms.
An atom is made up of two parts
-The nucleus which has positively charged particles
called protons
-The electron cloud which has negatively charged
particles called electrons

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

The charge of an object
Objects ( atoms) could be neutral, negatively charged
(-), or positively charged (+)
Neutral : the number of protons = number of electrons
Negatively charged: the number of electrons > number
of protons
Positively charged : the number of protons > number of

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

How does a neutral atom become
The number of protons in the nucleus remains the
same!! If the number of protons changes then the
whole element changes
A neutral atom becomes charged by either losing or
gaining electrons ( never protons)
When a neutral atom gains electrons  negatively
When a neutral atom loses electrons  positively

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

How does a neutral atom become

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

What is the electric force?
The electric force is the force between charged
Opposite charges attract each other
Same charges repel each other

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

What are the factors that affect the electric
1) Distance between charged
As distance between 2 charged
objects increases, the electric force
Which type of energy increases?
2) Number of charged particles
When more charges are involved,
the electric force becomes
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
What is the result of an electric force?
Any charged particle that has
electric force experiences an electric
Around the charged particle
Represented by field lines
Pointed in the direction of the
force that would push a positive

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

How do you represent field lines?
Recall that field lines are pointed in the direction
of the force that would push a positive charge
 Field lines in positively charged objects point
away from the object ( + + repel)
Field lines in negatively charged particles point
toward the object ( - + attract)

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Exercise 1( answer on C.B)
When a balloon is rubbed on the wall, it becomes
negatively charged, while the wall positively charged.
1) Explain how friction resulted in a positively
charged all and negatively charged balloon
2) What happens to the electric force if you move
the balloon away from the wall?
3) How are electric fields pointed?
4) Represent the electric fields in a diagram

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Electric Current and Voltage
What is voltage?
Voltage is the amount of electricity stored in the
Voltage is the electric potential difference between
two points

+ side of the battery  high electric potential

- Side of the battery  low electric potential
High potential – low potential = voltage
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Electric Current and Voltage
What is current ( I)?
Current is the result of voltage.
Current is the amount of electricity that flows in the
circuit. It is the rate of electrons flow in the circuit.

 Direction of current : from positive to negative

 Direction of electrons: from negative to positive
The direction of current is opposite to the direction of
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Electric Current and Voltage
What do you need to construct a simple circuit?
Battery, wires, switch, lamps, resistors….
Which instrument provides energy in the circuit?
Battery. It converts chemical energy into electrical
In which material do electrons flow easier, Metal or
wood? Justify
Metal because electrons flow easier in conductors.

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Open Circuit

Closed Circuit

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Conductors vs Insulators
Insulators prevent the flow of electrons. They are
highly resistant. WHY?
Insulators have electrons that are tightly bound to their
atoms. ( wool, plastic, glass…)

Conductors allow the flow of electrons. They have

low resistance. Why?
Conductors have electrons that are loosely bond to their
atoms. ( silver, iron, copper….)

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Electrons are tightly bound Electrons are loosely bound

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Exercise 2( answer on C.B)
1) Why are metals good conductor of electricity?
2) Wires are often made up of copper surrounded by
plastic. Explain the reason
3) What is the difference between current and
4) Draw a circuit made up of 1 dry cell and 2 lamps.
Show the direction of current and electrons.
5) Let’s say an electric component has a high
resistance. How does it control the flow of current
in it?
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Static Electricity
Static electricity is the buildup of electricity in its
place without the flow of current
How can objects become charged?

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Static Electricity by Conduction
Conduction is the movement of charges ( -) by direct contact.
The object that is more negative transfers the electron
When an object is charged by conduction, the object will
have the same sign as the charged object

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Static Electricity by Friction
Electrons flow when two objects rub each other

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Static Electricity by Induction
The charges of the uncharged object rearrange without direct contact
with charged objects
Note: protons are fixed in their place.
If the charged object is negative : electrons in the uncharged
object repel
If the charged object is positive: electron in the uncharged
object attract

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

• Electrons are attracted to the positively charged
glass rod leaving the positively charged particles on
the opposite side
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Static Electricity by Polarization
Same as induction but electrons are arranged to the opposite side of
their atoms

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Exercise 3( answer on C.B)
Consider the sphere system below
What happens to the charges of the sphere when a
negatively charged balloon is brought near sphere A.
Justify your choice

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

Exercise 4 ( answer on C.B)
Explain the type of charging observed below

Charged conductor

Charged conductor
Created by Mr. Elie Malek
Exercise 5 ( answer on C.B)
1) What is the difference between induction and
2) How do electrons flow after rubbing
a) clothes to plastic
b) clothes to glass rods

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

The End

Created by Mr. Elie Malek

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