Cadaver Abal and Sue Report

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by Alberto S Florentino
What is Cadaver all about??
• Cadaver is a tale of the poverty stricken and the lifestyle of the
urban poor.where the characters of the story are Torio,Carding
and Marina.They are underprivileged and deprived of life basic
necessities and resources.
• It is a story that reflects the life of the poor filipinos the characters
portrays the struggles and challenges of the life of the filipino
where morality is forgotten only to survive.
• In life people lose control over their senses, reason and
rationality.When desperate enough,people go to any means
possible an effort to provide for their family and keep themselves
Authors background:
Alberto S. Florentino??
Born on July 28, 1931 at Nueva Ecija
Second of seven children of Alberto San Buenaventura Florentino
and Maria Rivera Sanqueza
An accounting student and later persuade his passion in writing.
His wife was Eva San Jose Florentino.
Other works of Alberto:
*The Dancers
the is a play that is very much timely in current situation of our country. it ots a story of a poor
family who struggles in the harshness of poverty.
*Oli impan
this is a story tells about an innocent girl who thought that the property was owned by them and
insisted on staying there.She knows nothing about how to deal with the situation,she just cried
and we can imagine the she looks so miserable because she belongs to the poor family and
because of the Christmas song rendered by the boy who comforted her she felt calmed.
*Covert with Angels
Alberto Florentino’s drama Cavort with Angels lays down the story of two sisters who sell love to
men as a means of living.They were left orphans after the war and this has become the life they
have been meaning to survive since then.
*The peso books
*World is an Apple
• Initial incident-There we see torio lying on the bed and sick in
the place that is dirty and mushy and later approach by carding.(
Page 269 introduction of the play).
• Preliminary events- as carding approaches to torio he ask if
he's sleeping where torio lies down on his bed , at that moment
carding ask torio if he his sick or not.( Page 269 there
conversation start).
• Rising in action- the two are having conversations about torio
being sick in needs to be consulted by the doctor but apparently
torio is stubborn and paranoid and continues to argue with
carding of him not going to despensary(270 to 272)
• Climax- as there arguements continue torio constantly revealing
the truth about the reason why he was sick and his reason not
consulting the doctor.("read page 273 up until to page 275").
• Falling in action - as the truth continues to unraveled torio is
beginning seek for resentment and later apologize to carding
and and his wife Maria.( Page 276-277)
• Donoement- in conclusion when you experience challenges
in your life stop being paranoid and try to listen to people that
cares about you.
* What is the theme of the story?
Poverty Stricken and the lifestyle of urban poor
* What is the setting of the story?
dark, muddy and the punget smell of cementery slums
*Who are the characters of the story?
Torio- a husband of Maria , stubborn and paranoid
Carding- friend of torio and Maria, partner in crime of torio,
patient,calm and practical.
Maria- innocent wife of Torio

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