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Distribution channels

Unit III

Anjali Singh

Distribution Channel
A channel of distribution comprises of a set of institutions which perform all the activities utilized to move the goods and title from the producer to the owner The network of organizations necessary to distribute the goods from the producer to the consumer All the organizations through which a good must pass between its point of production and consumption

Types of Distribution Channels

Vertical Marketing System ( VMS ) Horizontal Marketing System ( HMS )

General Terms
Middlemen Agent / Broker Wholesaler Retailer Distributor Dealer Value added re-seller Merchants Facilitating agents

Types of Marketing Channel

Direct marketing Channel 0 level


Types of Marketing Channel

Indirect marketing Channel 1 level



Types of Marketing Channel

Indirect marketing Channel 2 level




Types of Marketing Channel

Indirect marketing Channel 3 levels





Functions Performed
Buying Inventory Selling Transportation Financing Promoting Negotiating Market Research Servicing

Need for Distribution channels

Spatial Gaps Temporal Gaps Transactional Gaps Information Gaps

Critical decisions
Costs Time and place Commitment Fluctuation in production

Distribution strategy decisions

2 Main sets of decisions
Selection of Channels Extent and intensity of distribution

Other considerations
Training Motivating Evaluation & Modifying channel arrangements

Distribution strategy decisions

Selection of channels
Channel length Channel number Channel member types

Distribution strategy decisions

Channel width
Intensive Selective Exclusive

Channel Selection Criteria

Market factors Product factors Producer factors

Channel Selection Criteria

Market factors
Customer preferences Customer type organizational v/s individual Geography Competitors Nature / availability of intermediaries

Channel Selection Criteria

Product factors
Life cycle stage Complexity Value Product nature size/weight/fragile Customers perceptions

Channel Selection Criteria

Producer factors
Companys objectives Resources Desire for control

Channel Strategies - Motivation

Coercive power Reward power Legitimate power Expert power Referent power

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