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Session 8

Information Age
Presentation by
J a m i l Ta h a
John Paul Gentallan

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What is information?

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What is information?
• Information refers to facts about a situation, person,
event, or anything else. It encompasses details,
knowledge, and data that convey meaning or represent
a particular arrangement or sequence of things.

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• Sir Isaac Newton, a polymath of extraordinary influence, left an indelible

mark on science and human understanding.

• His groundbreaking work, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia

Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), published in
1687, revolutionized classical mechanics.
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Patterns and structures lie at the heart of mathematics.
It serves as the quantitative language that underpin various fields:

• Physical and biological sciences: Understanding natural


• Engineering and information technology: Designing systems and


• Economics: Modeling financial trends and decision-making.

• Social sciences: Analyzing human behavior and societal patterns. 6 6

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Mathematics in our World

Looking at simple things deeply, finding a pattern,

and using the pattern to gain new insights
provides great value.
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Technological World

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• Our world is increasingly shaped by technology which is

based on scientific principles and apply to everyday life to
solve problems.

• from mobile phones to laptops technology has become an

integral part of our daily existence.

• even during sleep we rely on fitness watches that track

our sleep patterns and other device
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• The printing press by Johannes
Gutenberg in 15th century was a
pivotal moment in human history.

• This device allowed for the mass

production of books, pamphlets, and
scholarly works.

• This transformed cultures, sparked the

Renaissance (a period of great
creativity) and even led to the
Reformation (Religious movement).
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Information Age

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The Information Age, also known as the Digital

Age or Computer Age, refers to the present
era in human history characterized by the
rapid shift from traditional industry to an
economy based on information technology. It
is marked by the widespread use of digital
technologies, the internet, and the
exponential growth of data. 1212
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In the Information Age, information and

knowledge have become crucial resources,
transforming how we work, communicate, and
live. This era has seen the rise of innovations
like personal computers, the internet, social
media, smartphones, and artificial
intelligence, shaping various aspects of
society, economy, and culture. 1313
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The Information Age has brought about

significant changes in how we access
information, conduct business, interact with
others, and even perceive the world around
us. It has revolutionized industries, created
new opportunities for global connectivity, and
transformed the way we learn and share
knowledge. 1414
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The Information Age is a true new age based upon the

interconnection of computers via telecommunications,
with these information systems operating on both a real-
time and as needed basis. Furthermore, the primary
factors driving this new age forward are convenience and
user-friendliness which, in turn, will create user

(James R. Messenger, Theory of Information Age, 1982)

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Periods of the Information Age

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Information Age

Pre-Mechanical – 3000 BC to 1450AD

Mechanical – 1450 to 1840
Electro-Mechanical - 1840 to 1940
The Digital Age – 1940 to Present

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The Pre-mechanical Age refers to the earliest period in
the history of information technology before the
invention of mechanical devices. During this time,
information was primarily communicated through oral
traditions, cave paintings, and early forms of writing such
as cuneiform and hieroglyphics. This period lasted until
around 3000 BCE when early civilizations like the
Sumerians and Egyptians developed writing systems to
record information.
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The Mechanical Age, also known as the Industrial

Revolution, marks a significant period in history
that began in the 18th century with the invention
of mechanical devices that revolutionized
communication and information dissemination. Key
inventions during this period include the printing
press, developed by Johannes Gutenberg in the
15th century, which enabled the mass production
of books and other printed materials. 2020
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The Mechanical Age continued until the mid-20th

century and saw the advancement of technologies
such as telegraphs, typewriters, and early
calculating machines. These innovations played a
crucial role in shaping modern communication
systems and paved the way for further
technological advancements in the
Electromechanical and Digital Ages.
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Electro title styleAge
The Electromechanical Age refers to a period in
history that began in the mid-20th century with the
development of electronic computers and
telecommunications. During this era, there was a
shift from purely mechanical technologies to a
combination of electrical and mechanical systems,
giving rise to more advanced and efficient
communication and computing devices.
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Key innovations of the Electromechanical Age
include the development of early electronic
computers, such as ENIAC (Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer), which was one of the
first general-purpose electronic digital computers
built during the 1940s. This period also saw
advancements in telecommunications with the
introduction of technologies like the transistor and
the first commercial modems. 2424
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The Electromechanical Age set the stage for
the transition to the Digital Age,
characterized by the widespread adoption of
digital technologies like the internet, mobile
devices, and cloud computing.

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The Digital Age, also known as the Information Age,
is the current period characterized by the
widespread adoption and integration of digital
technologies in various aspects of society. This era
began in the late 20th century and continues to
evolve rapidly with advancements in computing,
telecommunications, and information technology.

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Key features of the Digital Age include:

Internet Revolution: The internet has transformed how

people communicate, access information, and conduct
business on a global scale.

Mobile Technology: The proliferation of smartphones and

mobile devices has enabled greater connectivity and
access to digital services anytime, anywhere.
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Information Age Timeline
1940s: The first electronic general-purpose computer, ENIAC
(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), is developed.
1950s: The invention of the transistor revolutionizes the field of
1960s: The development of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects
Agency Network) , the precursor to the internet, begins.
1970s: The first personal computers, like the Apple II and IBM PC,
are introduced.
1980s: The World Wide Web is proposed by Tim Berners-Lee,
leading to the birth of the internet.

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Information Age Timeline
1990s: The commercialization of the internet begins,
leading to widespread adoption.
2000s: The rise of social media platforms like Facebook
and Twitter changes how people communicate.
2010s: The Internet of Things (IoT) becomes increasingly
prevalent, connecting everyday devices to the internet.
2020s: Continued advancements in artificial intelligence,
big data, and cloud computing shape the Information Age.

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Claude Shannon
The Father of the Information

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Father of the Information Age

Claude Shannon was an

American mathematician,
electrical engineer, and
cryptographer known as the
"father of information
theory." He was born in 1916
and is widely recognized for his
groundbreaking work on digital
circuit design theory in the late
1930s and early 1940s. 3333
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Father of the Information Age

Shannon's most influential work, "A Mathematical Theory

of Communication," published in 1948, laid the foundation
for information theory, which revolutionized the
understanding of communication systems and data
transmission. His work provided a framework for
understanding how information is quantified, stored, and
communicated efficiently, shaping the development of
modern digital communication technologies.

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Advantages of Information Technology

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of Information

• Bringing the World Closer: IT has indeed brought people, cultures, and
economies closer together. The ease of communication and access to
information transcends borders.
• Sharing Information: Instantaneous sharing of news, ideas, and knowledge
across continents fosters global understanding.

• Cost-Effective Communication: IT has made communication more affordable
and efficient. Email, messaging apps, and video calls connect people
• Internet and Face-to-Face Interaction: The internet enables both virtual
interactions and face-to-face communication through video conferencing. 36
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of Information

Cost Effectiveness:
• Computerization and Productivity: IT streamlines business processes,
automates tasks, and increases productivity. This leads to better profits,
improved pay, and working conditions.

Creation of New Jobs:

• Opportunities in IT: The IT industry has opened doors for various roles,
including computer programmers, system analysts, hardware and software
developers, and web designers.

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of Information
Introduced changes in the different aspects of
peoples lives because of the following:
1. Emergence of Online Companies
2. Creation of Economically and Stimulating
3. More Mature and Educated People
4. Reshaping Governments with New Technologies.
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