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The life and teaching of Buddha
Learning Objectives

This lesson plan encourages students to examine how their own lives
align with the teachings of the Buddha about how to live.

By the end of this lesson plan, students will be able to:

•Identify and describe elements of Buddhism such as: the Four

Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, and enlightenment.

•Apply the Noble Eightfold Path in their own lives.

Gautam Buddha

H e was born into a

wealthy family and
p r o p h e c i e s stated that if
h e stayed ho me , h e would
b e c o m e a king, and if h e
left h o m e h e would
b e c o m e a spiritual leader.
His family chose to keep
him sheltered at home,
not allowing him to leave
the palace.

Gautama lived in luxury

and safety in t h e walls
o f t h e palace.
Siddhartha Gautama
Gautama felt that t h e world had s o m u c h
mor e to offer than his h o m e , s o at age 29
h e snuck out.

In his time outside, h e realized that t h e world

outside was t h e o p p o s i t e from what h e was
u s e d to at h o m e . H e first s e e s an old man,
t h e n a sick man, t h e n a corpse, followed by a
holy man w h o s e e m e d to b e at p e a c e .
1. Elder (Aging)
2. C o r p s e (Death)
3. S i ck M a n (Disease)
To reach religious enlightenment, h e first tried,
fasting, debating others, and wondering through
It was only after meditation for 49 days under a tree
where Gautama was able to reach enlightenment
(perfect understanding o f t h e world) and earn t h e
title “The Enlightened One”, otherwise known as
The Buddha.
The Four Noble Truths
A f t e r h i s meditation,
t h e Buddha
d i s c o v e r e d t h e Four
N o b l e Truths, w h i c h
became the core
beliefs of Buddhism.
Summarized Version
1. To live is To SUFFER.
4. Eliminate desire by following the
Eight Fold PATH
Buddhist must
follow t h e
e i g h t f o l d p a t h in
order to reach
nirvana, a r e l e a s e
f r o m pain.
1. What is Buddhism?
2. What are eightfold Noble path?
3. What are the significances of understanding
4. How does Buddhism inspire us to live a peaceful
5. Why do we need to understand the life and teaching
of Gautam Buddha ?
Thank You
Questions ??

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