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 Historically,
the word health appeared
approximately in the year 1000 A. D.
The word originally came from and
Old English word ‘hal’ and it meant
the state and the condition of being
sound and safe.
 Dolfman and Balog studied the roots
of the concept of heath. As suggested
by them three major concepts are:
 (a) the traditional medical concept,
 (b) the World Health Organization

concept, and
 (c) the ecological concept.
The Traditional Concept
The earliest notion of health
as a disease-free state represents
the traditional medical concept.
Health was therefore defined
solely in terms of the lack of
disease, symptoms, signs or
The WHO’s Concept
In 1940’s, the World
Health Organization developed a
more holistic concept of health as
“a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and
not merely as the absence of
disease or infirmity”.
The Ecological Concept
More ecological and relative notions of health
emerged in the 1960s and 1970s.
by placing a greater emphasis on the
interrelationships between the environment and
the individual’s quality of life.
health has been defined either in terms of
an adequate functional capacity which allows
the individuals to carry out their duties and
responsibilities or in terms of a certain quality
of life which enables individuals to live happily,
successfully, fruitfully and creatively.
Definitions of Health

1) Emerson: “The first wealth is

2) The World Health Organization:
“Health is a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-
being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity”.
Determinants of Health
Various Aspects of Health
1). Physical Health:
The external signs of
physical health are, an individual have
good physique, proportionate weight
according to height, clear skin, bright
eyes, lustrous hair, a sweet breath,
sound sleep, coordinated bodily
movements. Internally to achieve
physical health, our organic systems
should be efficient in their functions.
2. Mental Health
 Mental health means free from tensions, stress
and strain.
 Mental health enables a person to understand
the emotions and instincts.
 A mentally healthy individual feels himself
secured and well adjusted. He has a clear-cut
 Mental health is not mere the absence of mental
illness. Good mental health is the ability to
respond to the many varied experiences of life
with flexibility and a sense of purpose.
3. Social Health
 It has been defined as the quantity
and quality of individuals
interpersonal relations and the extent
of involvement with the community.
 The social health includes the levels of

social skills one possesses like: co-

operation, courtesy, fair play,
sportsmanship, tolerance, sympathy,
love, affection etc.....
4. Spiritual Health: In the age of
stress, tensions and strains, it is very
significant to have spiritual health. If
moral values are necessary, we want
to have spiritual health.
Spectrum of Health
Spectrum of health means, it
is the wide area of health. The lowest
point on the health disease spectrum
is death and the highest point is
positive health
Spectrum of Health

Positive Health
Above zero line Better Health
Freedom from sickness
Zero Line
Below zero line Unorganized sickness
Mild sickness
Severe sickness
1. Biological Factors
Hereditary and biological factors
influence the structure of the body. The
genes determine physical and mental
characters of the coming generation like
colour of the skin. blood type, hair
constitution of the body, intelligence, height,
colour of eyes, If genes are health then most
probably offspring will be healthy.
2. Environmental Factors
 Internal Environment: The conditions
inside the human body are produced by the
functioning of our organic systems.
 External Environment
a)Physical Environment: It includes climate, food
supplies, disease, germs and other aspects of
natural world surrounding an individual.
b)Social Environment: It is related to the social
life of a person such as customs, traditions,
civilization and its organizations.
3. Socio-Cultural Factors:

These include customs, values

and man-made objects. Different societies
have different family values, social structure,
religious beliefs, economic standard and
ignorance. Health is directly influenced by
these factors.
4. Personal Factors
Physical exercise, balanced diet,
personal hygiene, enough sleep, good
conditions of occupation, positive attitude
towards life are personal factors which are
beneficial for improvement and maintenance
of health.
Meaning of
Physical education is the education
through physical activities or educate oneself
with the help of own physique.

Physical education is whatever

physical educators do. It is physical
training(weight training, sports training,
fitness training) play, games, yoga, recreation
and health education.
Definitions of
Charles A Bucher
“Physical education is an integral
part of the total education process and has its
aim, the development of physically, mentally
emotionally and socially fit citizens through
the medium of physical activities which have
been selected with a view to realizing their
Central Advisory Board of Physical
Education and Recreation

“Physical education is education.

It is the education through physical activities
for the development of the total personality
of the child to its fullness and perfection in
body, mind and spirit”.
Aim of Physical
1. Physical Development
Physical development is the
development of our organic systems,
such as circulatory system, respiratory
system, nervous system, muscular
system and digestive systems
2. Mental Development
Physical education programmes
develops alertness of mind, deep
concentration calculated movements
and new knowledge like rules and
regulations of sports and games,
techniques of games, anatomical and
physiological studies, first aid, food
and nutrition, health and diseases,
personal hygiene etc …
3. Social Development
a) Social traits are essential for better
adjustment in life.
b) They provide leader-like qualities.
c) It helps in attaining the traits like
cooperation, courtesy, fair play,
sportsmanship, tolerance and
sympathy etc ….
Importance of
Physical education which is
commonly a part of the curriculum at
colleges includes training in the
development and care of the human
body and maintaining physical fitness.
It is also about sharpening overall
cognitive abilities and motor skills via
various physical activities like physical
training, weight training, yoga, sports
&games, martial arts and dance.
Here are some of the benefits
that highlight the importance of
physical education:

1. Maintaining Sound Physical Fitness

2. Overall Confidence Booster
3. Awareness about Important Health
and Nutrition Issues
4 . Development of Motor Skills
5. Inculcating Sportsmanship and
Team Spirit
6. Importance of Hygiene and Sex
7. Enhancing Overall Cognitive
8. Encouraging Budding Sportsmen
9. A Stress Buster and Source of
10. Promoting Healthy Lifestyle in

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