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Ingeniería Oceánica y Costera

Tema 3: Ingeniería costera

Juan Gabriel Rueda Bayona

Tema 3. Ingeniería costera
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.
3.2 Transporte de sedimentos.
3.3 Estructuras de protección costera.
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.
Ocean gravity waves with small amplitude compared to the wave length are usually
described linear wave theory (usually called the Airy theory

Linear wave/regular wave theory (Airy theory) in finite depth

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12175-8
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.
Linear wave/regular wave theory (Airy theory) in finite depth

𝐿= 𝜆 h=𝑑

Source: Chakrabart, 2005)

3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.

Group and phase velocity

Frequency dispersion in bichromatic groups of gravity waves on the surface of deep water. The red square
moves with the phase velocity, and the green circles propagate with the group velocity.

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12175-8
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.
Solución implícita recomendada para
Deepwater criterion and wavelength aguas intermedias
2.3 Fuerzas y cargas sobre la estructura: Regular Wave Theory
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.
Regular Wave Theory

Velocity profiles

Source: Chakrabart, 2005)

3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.

Formulas for linear wave theory

Source: Chakrabart, 2005)

3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.

Calculate at the surface the following linear/regular wave properties:

Cp, Cg, velocities, accelerations, dynamic pressure.

Reference data:

Tip: identify Deepwater criterion and wavelength.

3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.

Example’s answer
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.

Using the same parameters of the previous exercise, calculate the profiles of total
velocity, total acceleration, dynamic pressure.

Reference data:

Tip: in Excel or MATLAB organize data, vectors and matrix

3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.

Using the same parameters of the previous exercise,
calculate the time series at surface of velocity u,vw and
dynamic pressure.

Reference data:

Tip: in Excel or MATLAB organize data, vectors and matrix

3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.
Second-Order Stokes Wave Theory

Time history of first- and second-order components
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje. Second-Order Stokes Wave Theory

s= y+d
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.

Fifth-Order Stokes Wave Theory

Example of five components of velocity for Stokes fifth-order theory
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje.

Fifth-Order Stokes Wave Theory

It has significant effect on the structure only near the free surface. Away from the MWL, the waves behave
more like the linear wave.
2.3 Fuerzas y cargas sobre la estructura: Regular Wave Theory

Applicability of Wave
Theory [API, 2000]
2.3 Fuerzas y cargas sobre la estructura: Irregular Wave Theory
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

The normal wind-induced pressure moving

as a (nearly) frozen distribution across the
water surface.

The wave-induced wind-pressure

variation over a propagating harmonic
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Frequencies and periods of the vertical motions of the ocean surface (after Munk, 1950).
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

The up-and-down motion of the sea surface in a storm, as experienced by a buoy, i.e., the sea-surface elevation at one
location as a function of time.
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

A bird’s eye view of ocean waves, as recorded with stereo-

photography with cameras looking down from two helicopters,
i.e., the sea-surface elevation as a function of horizontal co-
ordinates at one moment in time (the contour line interval is
0.20 m, shaded areas are below mean sea level; from the files of
the author, see Holthuijsen, 1983a, 1983b)
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

The WAVERIDER buoy at sea. The buoy

measures its own vertical acceleration to
estimate the sea-surface motion (photo
courtesy of Datawell, Haarlem, the
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Two measurement techniques with

a wave pole: electrical resistance
and electrical capacitance (photo
courtesy of the Institute of Marine
Sciences, Venice, Italy) .
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

A pressure transducer, current meter or

inverted echo- sounder mounted at the
sea bottom (they may also be mounted at
some depth on a platform piercing the
water surface).
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Stereo-photography from two airplanes with three-dimensional surface information where the two photographs overlap.
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular
Wave Theory

Radar altimetry from a

satellite. Note that in this
figure the time axes are
interrupted to separate the
time scale of the arrival of
the radar return at the
satellite (distance to mean
sea surface) from the time
scale of the shape of the
radar return (giving sea-
surface roughness).
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje :
Irregular Wave Theory

The definition of a ‘wave’ in a time record of the

surface elevation with downward zero-crossings
(upper panel) or upward zero-crossings (lower panel).
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Time series statistics (Short-term statistics)
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Time series statistics (Short-term statistics)
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Time series statistics (Short-term statistics)

mean wave height

mean zero-crossing wave period

significant wave period T is defined as the mean period of the

highest one-third of waves, T1/3 (pronounced as T-one-third):
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Time series statistics (Short-term statistics)

mean of the highest one-tenth of waves is used to define

T1/10 (T-one-tenth):

significant wave height =
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectrum
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
3.1 Hidrodinámica del
oleaje : Irregular Wave
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectrum

We can exactly reproduce that record as the sum of a large number of harmonic wave components (a Fourier series):
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectrum

It is more meaningful to distribute the variance spectrum of each wave component , because the
linear theory for surface gravity waves shows that the energy of the waves is proportional to the variance.

variance density spectrum

The variance density spectrum gives a complete description of the surface elevation of ocean waves in a statistical
sense, provided that the surface elevation can be seen as a stationary, Gaussian and ergodic process.

the random surface elevation η(t), is equal to the sum of the individual variances (‘the variance of the sum
is the sum of the variances’):
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectrum

The interpretation of the variance density spectrum as the distribution of the total variance of the sea-surface
elevation over frequencies.
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectrum
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectrum

the energy of the waves can be expressed in terms of thevariance of the surface elevation because the energy of a
harmonic wave (per unit horizontal ocean surface area) is equal to the mean-square elevation times the gravitational
acceleration g and the density of water ρ so the total energy (i.e. summed over all
components; per unit horizontal ocean surface area) is

We can therefore multiply the variance density spectrum Evariance( f ) = E( f ) by ρg and obtain the energy
density spectrum as
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectrum
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
Directional wave spectrum

The two-dimensional spectrum of wind-generated waves (shown in polar co-

3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
Directional wave spectrum
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

The frequency–direction dispersion

of ocean waves transforms
irregular, short-crested wind-sea
waves in a storm into regular,
long-crested swell outside the
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectrum
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectra statistics (Short-term statistics)

When the random sea-surface elevation is treated as a stationary, Gaussian process, then all its statistical
characteristics are determined by the variance density spectrum E( f ). These characteristics will be expressed in
terms of the moments of that spectrum, which are defined as

Momentos centrales:

~      n S   d
m n
Relación con los momentos:
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectra statistics (Short-term statistics)

for ii=1:h;
fs=4; %Hz)
moments of spectrum
g=2.*abs(g.^2)/(N^2 * df);
g=g(1:N/2); % calcular hasta N/2
freq=[1:N/2-1]*df; freq=freq';
m0=0; m1=0; m2=0; m3=0; m4=0;
for i=1:(N/2);
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectra statistics (Short-term statistics)

mean zero-crossing period

mean zero-crossing frequency
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectra statistics (Short-term statistics)

60 Tp



(Sw) [m2.seg]



0 0.5 1 1.5
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Multidirectional wave spectra statistics
3.1 Hidrodinámica
del oleaje : Irregular
Wave Theory

Wave Climate analysis

(Long-term statistics)
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave Climate analysis (Long-term statistics)

3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave Climate analysis (Long-term statistics)

Punto A Punto B
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
Wave Climate analysis (Long-term statistics)
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
Wave Climate analysis (Long-term statistics)

Hs (m)
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Wave spectra modelling


Area del océano sobre la que sopla un viento estacionario y uniforme.

El fetch se suele describir por una distancia, X (anchura suficiente).

Fetch meteorológico: Asociado al campo de vientos.
Fetch geográfico: Asociado al área de posible generación sobre el océano.
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
Wave spectra modelling

Proceso de generación del oleaje por el viento y crecimiento del espectro:

Las oscilaciones de presión y el arrastre del viento generan ondas capilares que crecen en período y

En determinados momentos de su etapa de crecimiento las ondas alcanzan una situación límite que las hace
inestables, produciéndose la rotura.

La rotura provoca una pérdida de energía hasta que se restaura el equilibrio.

Otra contribución a la restauración del equilibrio es la transferencia de energía desde las frecuencias altas a
las bajas.

Las ondas de baja frecuencia generadas pueden llegar a viajar a mayor velocidad que el viento, por lo que se
establece otro mecanismo de pérdida de energía por rozamiento con la atmósfera.
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
Wave spectra modelling
2.3 Fuerzas y cargas sobre la estructura: Irregular Wave Theory Wave spectra modelling

Forma general de la función de densidad espectral:

Fully developed Sea = Oleaje totalmente desarrollado OTD
 p  B  q
S    A e
A, B, p y q son parámetros libres.


Frecuencia de pico:  p  q
 p   
B q

Fecth-limited Sea = Oleaje parcialmente desarrollado OPD
2.3 Fuerzas y cargas sobre la estructura: Irregular Wave Theory Wave spectra modelling
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Triad wave–wave interactions (not

realisable in deep water)
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

Quadruplet wave–wave
interactions (realisable in deep
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory
3.1 Hidrodinámica del oleaje : Irregular Wave Theory

The flow of energy through an

evolving JONSWAP spectrum
(deep water).

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