Grammar Mini-Lesson

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Grammar Mini-Lesson

Krystin May-Alexander

Los Angeles Pacific University

ENGL 420 Principles of Language

Dr. Smarr

April 15, 2024

Introduction to Parts of Speech

Eight Parts of Speech: Introduce the eight primary parts of speech:

Nouns: Represent people, places, things, or ideas.

Pronouns: Replace nouns to avoid repetition.

Verbs: Express actions, states, or occurrences.

Adjectives: Describe or modify nouns.

Adverbs: Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

Prepositions: Show relationships (e.g., location, time).

Conjunctions: Connect words, phrases, or clauses.

Interjections: Express strong emotions or exclamations.

Common Errors with Parts of
Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs
● Explain the difference between these two
parts of speech.
● Common error: Using an adjective (ex. “fast”)
instead of an adverb (ex. “quickly”) to modify a
● He runs fast (incorrect)
● He runs quickly (correct)
Common Errors with Parts of
Incorrect Verb Tense Usage
● Discuss verb tenses (past, present, future)
● Mixing verb tenses within a sentence.
Ex. Yesterday, I eats lunch (incorrect)
EX. Yesterday, I ate lunch (correct)
Common Errors with Parts of
Noun-Pronoun Agreement
Common error: Using the wrong pronoun to refer
to a noun.
- Ex. Each student should bring their textbook.
- Ex. Each student should bring his or her
textbook. (correct)
Teaching Strategies for Parts of
Be Interactive
● Highlight parts of speech in different colors
● Engage students in identifying and labeling
parts of speech
● Use games
● Visual Aids
Developmental Aspects of Grammar
Be Interactive
● Adapt teaching methods based on students’
developmental stages.
● Start with simple examples
● Moderately introduce more complex structures
Importance of Grammar in ELA
● Proper grammar enhances clarity and precision.
● Understanding parts of speech aids in analyzing
Conclusion and Reflection

● Recap
- Summarize key points from previous slides.
● Reflect
- Make sure you encourage students to think about
how understanding parts of speech can impact
their use of language.
Lee, K. (2010). Teaching and learning through visual literacy. Routledge.

Tomlinson, B. (2013). Developing materials for language teaching. Bloomsbury.

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