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Management Information Systems

:Part 2
From Chapter 8 to Chapter 11

Dr. Yaser Hasan Al-Mamary

Chapter 1
The Concept of MIS
Chapter 2
Evolution of Information Systems
Chapter 3
Overview of Information Systems
Chapter 4
Types of Information Systems
Chapter 5
Management Information Systems
Chapter 6
Information Systems Resources
Chapter 7
Introduction to Computer Networks
Chapter 8
Introduction to Database Concepts
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Systems Analysis and Design
Chapter 8

Introduction to Database Concepts


A database is a collection of related data. For

example, consider the names, telephone
numbers, and addresses of the people you
know. You may have recorded this data on a
hard drive, using a personal computer and
software such as Microsoft Access or Excel.
This collection of related data is a database.
Database (continued)

Database is any organized collection of data.

Database a collection of related records,
organized into tables.
Database Table
A set of data elements organized by records
(horizontal rows) and fields (vertical columns).
Data is stored in records. A record is composed
of fields and contains all the data about one
particular person, company, or item in a
Records appear as rows in the database table.
Record is on piece of data.
Example : one student’s information.
Database Table (cont)
Field (or column)
Fields are the individual parts that contain
information about the record.
Field is one category of information.
Example : name, address.
Database table (cont)
First name Last name State Date of birth
John F. Kennedy MA 5/29/1917

R Lyndon B. Johnson TX 8/27/1908

e Richard M. Nixon CA 1/9/1913
c Gerald R. Ford NE 7/14/1913
o James E. Carter GA 10/1/1924
Ronald W. Reagan IL 2/6/1911
s George H.W. Bush MA 6/24/1924
William J. Clinton AR 8/19/1946
George W. Bush CT 7/6/1946
Queries & Reports
• A query is a request for information from
a database.
• Queries are the information retrieval requests
you make to the database.
• Your queries are all about the information you
are trying to gather.
• Query is a question.
Queries & Reports (cont)
A database report is the formatted result of
database queries and contains useful data for
decision-making and analysis.
Key in a table
A key in a table is a field or group of fields that
creates identity, makes relationship with
another table and/or make a table more

Primary Key Field
A relationship means that two or more
tables are linked together by a common
field, called a primary key field.
Primary Key & Foreign
A Primary key is a key that uniquely identifies a
row in each table. It is normally denoted with its
first two letters, namely, PK.
A Foreign key is a key borrowed from another
related table (that’s why its foreign) in order to
make the relationship between two tables. It is
normally denoted with its first two letters,
namely, FK.


Entity :
"...anything (people, places, objects, events, etc.)
about which we store information (e.g.
supplier, employee, customer, student, etc.).”
For example, in a school database, students,
teachers, classes, and courses offered can be
considered as entities.

How entities are associated with each other. For

example, the named student might register for a
course. The two entities would be the student and
the course, and the relationship depicted is the
act of enrolling, connecting the two entities in
that way.
The association among entities is called a
relationship. For example, an employee works_at
a department, a student enrolls in a course. Here,
Works_at and Enrolls are called relationships.
: Attribute
Attribute :
A property or characteristic of an entity.
“Describe detail information about an entity ”
Entities are represented by means of their
properties, called attributes. All attributes have
values. For example, a student entity may have
name, class, and age as attributes.
Entity: Employee
◦ Employee-Name
◦ Address
◦ Phone Extension
◦ Salary
Relational Database
Relational Database: a collection of related
tables. The difference between a database and a
relational database is in the way the tables are
constructed. If you were keeping the company
records on a series of Excel spreadsheets, you
would have just a database. You could pull
information from each table, but you wouldn’t
have the ability to use information from one
spreadsheet as a basis for asking questions
about the information contained on another
Relational Database
In a relational database, the tables are
constructed so that there is a logical link
between them. Based on the information
that’s found in one table, you can follow
this link and get relevant information from
another table.
Relational Database
Relational Database versus Non-Relational
In order to build and maintain a relational
database, you use a relational database
management system.
A Relational Database Management System
(DBMS) – software that allows users to create,
maintains, and query your data in the related
 Some common DBMS programs are Access,
Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle, etc.
Some Database Applications
Applications where we use Database Management
Systems are:
Telecom: There is a database to keeps track of
the information regarding calls made, network
usage, customer details etc. Without the
database systems it is hard to maintain that
huge amount of data that keeps updating every
Some Database Applications
Industry: Where it is a manufacturing unit,
warehouse or distribution centre, each one
needs a database to keep the records of ins and
outs. For example distribution centre should
keep a track of the product units that supplied
into the centre as well as the products that got
delivered out from the distribution centre on
each day; this is where DBMS comes into
Some Database Applications
Banking System: For storing customer info,
tracking day to day credit and debit
transactions, generating bank statements etc.
All this work has been done with the help of
Database management systems.
Some Database Applications
Education sector: Database systems are
frequently used in schools and colleges to store
and retrieve the data regarding student details,
staff details, course details, exam details, payroll
data, attendance details, fees details etc. There is
a hell lot amount of inter-related data that
needs to be stored and retrieved in an efficient
Some Database Applications
Online shopping: You must be aware of
the online shopping websites such as
Amazon, Flipkart etc. These sites store
the product information, your addresses
and preferences, credit details and
provide you the relevant list of products
based on your query. All this involves a
Database management system.
 DBMS stands for Database Management System.
We can break it like this DBMS = Database +
Management System. Database is a collection of
data and Management System is a set of programs
to store and retrieve those data. Based on this we
can define DBMS like this: DBMS is a collection of
inter-related data and set of programs to store &
access those data in an easy and effective manner.
Here are the DBMS notes to help you learn
database systems in a Systematic manner. Happy

A Database Management System (DBMS) is a
collection of programs that enables users to
create and maintain a database.
The basic software that supports the
management of this data is called a database
management system (DBMS).
A Database Management System (DBMS) is a
software system designed to store, manage, and
facilitate access to databases.
DBMS Tasks
1) Managing large quantity of structured data
2) Sharing data: multiple users use and
manipulate data
3) Controlling the access to data
4) Efficient retrieval and modification
DBMS Benefits
1. Minimal data redundancy
2. Consistency of data
3. Integration of data
4. Sharing of data
5. Data accessibility and responsiveness
6. Data independence
7. etc
Advantages of DBMS

1. Control of data redundancy

2. More information from the same amount of
3. Sharing of data
4. Improved security
5. Improved data accessibility and
6. Increase productivity
7. etc
Disadvantages of DBMS

DBMS implementation cost is high compared to

the file system
Complexity: Database systems are complex to
Performance: Database systems are generic,
making them suitable for various applications.
However this feature affect their performance
for some applications
An RDBMS is a DBMS designed specifically for
relational databases. Therefore, RDBMSes are
a subset of DBMSes.
A relational database refers to a database that
stores data in a structured format, using rows
and columns. This makes it easy to locate and
access specific values within the database. It is
"relational" because the values within each
table are related to each other. Tables may also
be related to other tables.
The relational structure makes it possible to run
queries across multiple tables at once.
A relational database management system
(RDBMS) is a program that lets you create,
update, and administer a relational database.
DBMS applications store data as RDBMS application store data in
file a tabular form
In DBMS, data is generally stored In RDBMS, the tables have an
in either a hierarchical form or a identifier called primary key and
navigational form the data values are stored in the
form of tables
DBMS uses file systems to store In RDBMS, data values are stored
data, so there will be not in the form of tables, so a
relational between the tables relationship between these data
values will be stored in the form of
a table as well
DBMS is meant to be for small RDBMS is designed to handle
organization and deal with small large amount of data. It supports
data. It supports single user .multiples users

Examples of DBMS are file Examples of RDBMS are mysql,

.systems, xml etc .oracle, sql server etc
?What is the need of DBMS
Database systems are basically developed for large
amount of data. When dealing with huge amount
of data, there are two things that require
optimization: Storage of data and retrieval of
?What is the need of DBMS
Storage: According to the principles of database
systems, the data is stored in such a way that it
acquires lot less space as the redundant data
(duplicate data) has been removed before
storage. Let’s take example to understand this:
In a banking system, suppose a customer is
having two accounts, one is saving account and
another is salary account. Let’s say bank stores
saving account data at one place (these places
are called tables) and salary account data at
another place.
?What is the need of DBMS
in that case if the customer information such as
customer name, address etc. are stored at both
places then this is just a wastage of storage
(redundancy/ duplication of data), to organize
the data in a better way the information should
be stored at one place and both the accounts
should be linked to that information somehow.
?What is the need of DBMS
Fast Retrieval of data: Along with storing the data
in an optimized and systematic manner, it is also
important that we retrieve the data quickly
when needed. Database systems ensure that the
data is retrieved as quickly as possible.
File Systems
A File System is a collection of raw data files
stored in the hard-drive, whereas a database is
intended for easily organizing, storing and
retrieving large amounts of data.
A File System is used to control how data is stored
and retrieved.
File systems can be used on numerous different
types of storage devices that use different kinds
of media. The most common storage device in
use today is a hard disk drive. Other kinds of
media that are used include flash
memory, magnetic tapes, and optical discs.
Advantages of DBMS over file
There are several advantages of Database
management system over file system. Few of
them are as follows:
1. No redundant data – Redundancy removed by
data normalization
2. Data Consistency and Integrity – data
normalization takes care of it too
3. Secure – Each user has a different set of access
Advantages of DBMS over file
4. Privacy – Limited access
5. Easy access to data
6. Easy recovery
7. Flexible
Difference between Access and large
commercial databases
Access is a very powerful program, when used in
the way that it is intended to be used. Access is
what’s known as a desktop database. This
means that it is designed for small-scale
applications (50,000 records or less) and no
more than 2 or 3 concurrent users (no more than
2 or 3 people trying to use the database at the
same time). When these parameters are
exceeded, the database may become slow and
Difference between Access and large
commercial databases
Access does not have very strong security.
An Access database is allowed to be 1 Gigabyte in
size and contain 32,768 Objects. Objects being
tables, queries, reports, etc…everything is kept
in a single container. This is the database file or
mdb (Microsoft database). All the files will be
saved with the file extension mdb.
? What is SQL
SQL stands for Structured Query Language.
SQL is used to communicate with a database.
According to ANSI (American National
Standards Institute), it is the standard
language for relational database management
systems. SQL statements are used to perform
tasks such as update data on a database, or
retrieve data from a database.
What is SQL ?
Some common relational database management
systems that use SQL are: Oracle, Sybase,
Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Ingres, etc.
Although most database systems use SQL, most
of them also have their own additional
proprietary extensions that are usually only
used on their system. However, the standard
SQL commands such as "Select", "Insert",
"Update", "Delete", "Create", and "Drop"
can be used to accomplish almost everything
that one needs to do with a database.
Selecting Data
The select statement is used to query the database
and retrieve selected data that match the
criteria that you specify. Here is the format of a
simple select statement:
select "column1"
from "tablename"
[where "condition"];
[] = optional
Selecting Data
The column names that follow the select keyword
determine which columns will be returned in the
results. You can select as many column names
that you'd like, or you can use a "*" to select all
The table name that follows the
keyword from specifies the table that will be
queried to retrieve the desired results.
The where clause (optional) specifies which data
values or rows will be returned or displayed,
based on the criteria described after the
keyword where.
Selecting Data
Conditional selections used in the where clause:
>Greater than
<Less than
>=Greater than or equal
<=Less than or equal
<>Not equal to
LIKE*See note in next slide
Selecting Data
The LIKE pattern matching operator can also be
used in the conditional selection of the where
clause. Like is a very powerful operator that
allows you to select only rows that are "like"
what you specify. The percent sign "%" can be
used as a wild card to match any possible
character that might appear before or after the
characters specified. For example:
Selecting Data
select first, last, city
from empinfo
where first LIKE 'Er%';
This SQL statement will match any first names
that start with 'Er'.
Selecting Data
Or you can specify,
select first, last
from empinfo
where last LIKE '%s';
This statement will match any last names that end
in a 's'.
select *
from empinfo
where first = 'Eric';
This will only select rows where the first name
equals 'Eric' exactly.
Selecting Data
first Last id age city state
John Jones 99980 45 Payson Arizona
Mary Jones 99982 25 Payson Arizona
Eric Edwards 88232 32 San Diego California
Mary Ann Edwards 88233 32 Phoenix Arizona
Ginger Howell 98002 42 Cottonwood Arizona
Sebastian Smith 92001 23 Gila Bend Arizona
Gus Gray 22322 35 Bagdad Arizona
Mary Ann May 32326 52 Tucson Arizona
Erica Williams 32327 60 Show Low Arizona
Leroy Brown 32380 22 Pinetop Arizona
Elroy Cleaver 32382 22 Globe Arizona
Selecting Data
write down your expected results.
select first, last, city from empinfo;
select last, city, age from empinfo where age >
select first, last, city, state from empinfo where
first LIKE 'J%';
select * from empinfo;
select first, last, from empinfo where last LIKE
select * from empinfo where first = 'Eric';
Select statement exercises
Display everyone's first name and their age for
everyone that's in table.
Display the first name, last name, and city for
everyone that's not from Payson.
Display all columns for everyone that is over 40
years old.
Display the first and last names for everyone
whose last name ends in an "ay".
Display all columns for everyone whose first
name equals "Mary".
Display all columns for everyone whose first
name contains "Mary".
Selecting Data Answers

Display everyone's first name and their age for

everyone that's in table.
select first, age
from empinfo;
Display the first name, last name, and city for
everyone that's not from Payson.
select first, last, city
from empinfo
where city <> 'Payson';
Selecting Data Answers
Display all columns for everyone that is over 40
years old.
select *
from empinfo
where age > 40;
Display the first and last names for everyone
whose last name ends in an "ay".
select first, last
from empinfo
where last LIKE '%ay';
Selecting Data Answers
Display all columns for everyone whose first
name equals "Mary".
select *
from empinfo
where first = 'Mary';
Display all columns for everyone whose first
name contains "Mary".
select *
from empinfo
where first LIKE '%Mary%';
Creating Tables

The create table statement is used to create a

new table. Here is the format of a simple create
table statement:
create table "tablename" ("column1" "data
type", "column2" "data type", "column3"
"data type");
Creating Tables

create table employee (first varchar(15), last
varchar(20), age number(3), address
varchar(30), city varchar(20), state
Creating Tables
To create a new table, enter the keywords create
table followed by the table name, followed by an
open parenthesis, followed by the first column
name, followed by the data type for that
column, followed by any optional constraints,
and followed by a closing parenthesis. It is
important to make sure you use an open
parenthesis before the beginning table, and a
closing parenthesis after the end of the last
column definition. Make sure you separate each
column definition with a comma. All SQL
statements should end with a ";".
Creating Tables

The table and column names must start with a

letter and can be followed by letters, numbers,
or underscores - not to exceed a total of 30
characters in length. Do not use any SQL
reserved keywords as names for tables or
column names (such as "select", "create",
"insert", etc).
Creating Tables

Data types specify what the type of data can be for

that particular column. If a column called
"Last_Name", is to be used to hold names, then
that particular column should have a "varchar"
(variable-length character) data type.
Creating Tables
:Here are the most common Data types
Fixed-length character string. Size is specified in
parenthesis. Max 255 bytes.

Variable-length character string. Max size is specified

in parenthesis.

Number value with a max number of column digits

specified in parenthesis.

date Date value

Number value with a maximum number of digits of

number(size,d) "size" total, with a maximum number of "d" digits to
the right of the decimal.
Creating Tables

You have just started a new company. It is time to
hire some employees. You will need to create a
table that will contain the following information
about your new employees: firstname, lastname,
title, age, and salary.
Inserting into a Table

The insert statement is used to insert or add a row of

data into the table.
To insert records into a table, enter the key words
insert into followed by the table name, followed by
an open parenthesis, followed by a list of column
names separated by commas, followed by a closing
parenthesis, followed by the keyword values,
followed by the list of values enclosed in
parenthesis. The values that you enter will be held
in the rows and they will match up with the column
names that you specify. Strings should be enclosed
in single quotes, and numbers should not.
Inserting into a Table
insert into "tablename"
values (first_value,...last_value);
In the example below, the column name first will
match up with the value 'Luke', and the column
name state will match up with the value 'Georgia'.
insert into employee
(first, last, age, address, city, state)
values ('Luke', 'Duke', 45, '2130 Boars Nest',
'Hazard Co', 'Georgia');
Inserting into a Table
insert into "tablename"
values (first_value,...last_value);
In the example below, the column name first will
match up with the value 'Luke', and the column
name state will match up with the value 'Georgia'.
insert into employee
(first, last, age, address, city, state)
values ('Luke', 'Duke', 45, '2130 Boars Nest',
'Hazard Co', 'Georgia');
Note: All strings should be enclosed
between single quotes: 'string'
Inserting into a Table
Insert statement exercises
It is time to insert data into your new employee table.
Your first three employees are the following:
Jonie Weber, Secretary, 28, 19500.00
Potsy Weber, Programmer, 32, 45300.00
Dirk Smith, Programmer II, 45, 75020.00
Enter these employees into your table first, and then
insert at least 5 more of your own list of employees
in the table.
Inserting into a Table
After they're inserted into the table, enter select statements to:
Select all columns for everyone in your employee table.
Select all columns for everyone with a salary over 30000.
Select first and last names for everyone that's under 30 years old.
Select first name, last name, and salary for anyone with
"Programmer" in their title.
Select all columns for everyone whose last name contains "ebe".
Select the first name for everyone whose first name equals
Select all columns for everyone over 80 years old.
Select all columns for everyone whose last name ends in "ith".
Create at least 5 of your own select statements based on specific
information that you'd like to retrieve.
Updating Records
he update statement is used to update or change
records that match a specified criteria. This is
accomplished by carefully constructing a where
update "tablename"
set "columnname" =
[,"nextcolumn" =
where "columnname"
OPERATOR "value"
[and|or "column"
OPERATOR "value"];
Updating Records
Usethe UPDATE :
update students set name=’ahmed’, address
=’Taiz’ where reg_no=1;
Deleting Records
The delete statement is used to delete records or
rows from the table.
delete from "tablename"
where "columnname"
OPERATOR "value"
[and|or "column"
OPERATOR "value"];
Deleting Records
delete from employee;Note: if you leave off the
where clause, all records will be deleted!
delete from employee
where lastname = 'May';
delete from employee
where firstname = 'Mike' or firstname =
'Eric';To delete an entire record/row from a
table, enter "delete from" followed by the table
name, followed by the where clausewhich
contains the conditions to delete. If you leave off
the where clause, all records will be deleted.
Deleting Records
Delete statement exercises
(Use the select statement to verify your deletes):
Jonie Weber-Williams just quit, remove her
record from the table.
It's time for budget cuts. Remove all employees
who are making over 70000 dollars.
Create at least two of your own delete statements,
and then issue a command to delete all records
from the table.
Drop a Table
The drop table command is used to delete a table
and all rows in the table.
To delete an entire table including all of its rows,
issue the drop table command followed by the
tablename. drop table is different from deleting
all of the records in the table. Deleting all of the
records in the table leaves the table including
column and constraint information. Dropping
the table removes the table definition as well as
all of its rows.
Drop a Table
drop table "tablename"Example:
drop table myemployees_ts0211;Drop Table
Drop your employee table.
Aggregate Functions
MIN returns the smallest value in a given
MAX returns the largest value in a given
SUM returns the sum of the numeric
values in a given column
AVG returns the average value of a given
COUNT returns the total number of values in
a given column
)*(COUNT returns the number of rows in a table
Aggregate Functions

Stud _marks


111 MCA 59 67 64 56 63
112 MBITECH 64 66 59 62 67
113 MSC 56 64 57 69 61
114 MTECH 66 59 62 54 64
115 MCOM 57 64 61 69 55
Aggregate Functions
1. SQL> select avg(sub1) ”average” from
2. SQL> select min(sub3) ”minimum marks”
from stud_marks;
3. SQL> select max(sub4) ”maximun marks”
from stud_marks;
4. SQL> select count(5) ”no of students” from
5. SQL> select count(*) ”total” from
6. SQL> select sum(sub2) ”total marks” from
Aggregate Functions
1. Average
2. minimum marks
3. maximun marks
4. no of students
5. Total
6. total marks
Chapter 9

Software Resources
The following are examples of software resources:
1) System software
2) Application software
System software
System software , such as an operating system
program, which controls and supports the
operations of a computer system. Windows and
Unix are two examples of popular computer
operating systems.
Operating Systems
Operating System is a software, which makes a
computer to actually work.
It is the software the enables all the programs
we use.
The OS organizes and controls the hardware.
OS acts as an interface between the application
programs and the machine hardware.

Examples: Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS,




:Structure of Operating System
Application Programs

System Programs

Software (Operating System)


:Structure of Operating System (Contd…)

 The structure of OS consists of 4 layers:

1) Hardware
Hardware consists of CPU, Main memory, I/O
Devices, etc.

2) Software (Operating System)

Software includes process management
routines, memory management routines, I/O
control routines, file management routines.

:Structure of Operating System (Contd…)

3) System programs
This layer consists of compilers, Assemblers

4) Application programs
This is dependent on users need. Ex. Railway
reservation system, Bank database
management etc.
Types of OS
: Operating System can also be classified as

Single User Systems )1

Multi User Systems )2

Single User Systems

Provides a platform for only one user at a time.

Example: DOS
Multi-User Systems
Refers to computer systems that support two or
more users at a time.
Another term for multi-user is time sharing.
Example: Unix
Application software
Application software, which are programs that
direct processing for a particular use of
computers by end users.
Examples are sales analysis, payroll, and word
processing programs.
Programming Languages
To understand computer software, you need a
basic knowledge of the role that programming
languages play in the development of computer
Many different programming languages have been
developed, each with its own unique vocabulary,
grammar, and uses.
Programming Languages
A programming language is a set of commands,
instructions, and other syntax use to create a
software program.
A programming language is a vocabulary and set of
grammatical rules for instructing a computer or
computing device to perform specific tasks.
Programming languages generally consist of
instructions for a computer. Programming
languages can be used to create programs that
implement specific algorithms.
Programming Languages
Algorithm: A detailed description of the exact
methods used for solving a particular problem.
Many different programming languages have been
developed, each with its own unique vocabulary,
grammar, and uses.
Programming languages
Programming languages require the use of a
variety of programming packages to help
programmers develop computer programs and
language translator programs to convert
programming language instructions into
machine language instruction codes.
Programming Languages
The five major levels of programming languages
are :
1) Machine languages.
2) Assembler languages.
3) High-level languages.
4) Fourth-generation languages.
5) Object– oriented languages.
Machine languages
Machine languages (or first-generation languages
) are the most basic level of programming
languages. In the early stages of computer
development, all program instructions had to
be written using binary codes unique to each
• The fundamental language of the computer’s
processor, also called Low Level Language.
• All programs are converted into machine
language before they can be executed.
• Consists of combination of 0’s and 1’s that
represent high and low electrical voltage.
Machine languages
Programming language that can be directly
understood by a machine (computer) without
conversion (translation). Different for each type
of CPU, it is the native binary language
(comprised of only two characters: 0 and 1) of
the computer and is difficult to be read and
understood by humans. Programmers
commonly use more English-like languages
(called high level languages) such as Basic, C,
Java, etc., to write programs which are then
translated into machine language (called a low
level language) by an assembler, compiler, or
Machine languages
There is nothing “below” machine language –
only hardware.
Machine Language is the only language
understood by computers.
Impossible for humans to read.
Consists of only 0’s and 1’s.
◦ 0001001111110000
Machine languages
Some Sample Instructions
A Program Example
Let’s write "Hello" on the screen

Page 200
Machine languages
:Machine language example
Below is an example of machine language (binary)
for the text "Hello World".
01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111
00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010
01101100 01100100
Machine languages
Below is another example of machine language
(non-binary), which will print the letter "A"
1000 times to the computer screen.
169 1 160 0 153 0 128 153 0 129 153 130 153 0 131
200 208 241 96
Assembly languages
Assembly languages (or second-generation
languages ) are the next level of programming
languages. They were developed to reduce the
difficulties in writing machine language
programs. The use of assembly languages
requires language translator programs called
assemblers that allow a computer to convert the
instructions of such language into machine
Assembly languages
For example, the computation X= Y + Z in an
assembler language might take the following
form :
Code in Assembly Language
High-level languages
High-level languages (or third-generation
languages ) use instructions, which are called
statements , that include brief statements or
arithmetic expressions.
High-level languages like BASIC, COBOL, and
FORTRAN are easier to learn because they have
less rules, forms, and syntaxes.
Fourth-Generation Language
These languages are called fourth-generation
languages (4GLs) to differentiate them from
machine languages (first generation), assembler
languages (second generation), and high-level
languages (third generation). Most fourth-
generation languages are nonprocedural
languages that encourage users and
programmers to specify the results they want,
while the computer determines the sequence of
instructions that will accomplish those results.
Example for Fourth-Generation
Structured Query Language allows non-
programmer users to write (usually short)
programs to query databases and to generate
custom reports.
Example for Fourth-Generation
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard
computer language for relational database
management and data manipulation.
SQL is used to query, insert, update and modify
data. Most relational databases support SQL,
which is an added benefit for database
administrators (DBAs), as they are often
required to support databases across several
different platforms.
Code To Create A Database Table
Create Table :
Example :
Create table students (reg_no number(10) ,name
varchar (10), address varchar(10), qualif
varchar (10), marks number (10));
Code To Drop Table
;Drop table students

111-Slide 8
Code To Extract Information
SELECT queries are used to extract information
from a database:
Example :
Select name,marks
From students;
Code To Adding Records To A Table

Use the INSERT :

insert into students values
Code To Editing Records
Usethe UPDATE :
update students set name=’ahmed’, address
=’Taiz’ where reg_no=1;
Code To Deleting Records From A
Use the DELETE :
Example :
Delete from students where qualify=’BBA’
Object-Oriented Languages
Object-oriented languages like Visual Basic, C++,
and Java are also considered fifth generation
languages and have become major tools of
software development.
Object-Oriented Languages
Java is a general-purpose computer programming
language designed to produce programs that
will run on any computer system.
The language has developed much of its syntax
from C and C++.
Java is currently one of the most popular
programming languages being used.
Special-Purpose Languages
Special-purpose languages like
2) XML
Special-Purpose Languages
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a
standardized system for tagging text files to
achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink
effects on World Wide Web pages.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the
standard markup language for creating web
pages and web applications.
Special-Purpose Languages
The definition of XML (Extensible Markup
Language) is a text-based format used to share
data on the World Wide Web, intranets, and
Extensible Markup Language (XML) file format
used to create common information formats
and share both the format and the data on the
World Wide Web, intranets, and elsewhere.
Language Translator Programs

Computer programs consist of sets of instructions

written in programming languages that must be
translated by a language translator into the
computer’s own machine language before they
can be processed, or executed, by the CPU.
Programming language translator programs (or
language processors ) are known by a variety of
Language Translator Programs

An assembler translates the symbolic instruction

codes of programs written in an assembley
language into machine language instructions,
whereas a compiler translates high level
language statements.
Language Translator Programs

An interpreter is a special type of compiler that

translates and executes each statement in a
program one at a time, instead of first
producing a complete machine language
program, as compilers and assemblers do.
Java is an example of an interpreted language.
Examples To Write Programs
.C++ program to add two numbers
>include <iostream#
;using namespace std
)(int main
;int a, b, c
;"cout << "Enter two numbers to add\n
;cin >> a >> b
;c = a + b
;cout <<"Sum of entered numbers = " << c << endl
;return 0
Examples To Write Programs
C program to add four numbers
float a,b,c,d,e,sum;
printf(" The Sum is (%f+%f+%f+%f+%f=%f)",a,b,c,d,e,sum);
Examples To Write Programs
C program to calculate The area of rectangle
float a,b,area;
printf("Enter the No.:");
scanf("%f %f",&a,&b);
printf("\n The area of rectangle =%f",area);
Examples To Write Programs
C program to calculate The area of Triangle
float base,hight,area;
printf("Enter the No.:");
scanf("%f %f",&base,&hight);
printf("\n The area of Triangle =%f",area);
Examples To Write Programs
C program using If
int age;
printf("Enter the Age:");
scanf("%d ",&age);
printf("This person can vote");
printf("This person can not vote");
Examples To Write Programs
C program using If
int a,b;
printf("Enter the Noumbers:");
scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
printf("The number a=%d bigger than b=%d",a,b);
else if(a<b)
printf("The number a=%d smaller than b=d",a,b);
printf(" the nmber a=%d equal b=%d",a,b);
Chapter 10

Hardware Resources

Computer Hardware is the physical part of the

computer system. It is parts of the computer
“you can see”.
Hardware is basically anything that you can
touch with your fingers.
Hardware Resources
Typical Personal Computer System
Hardware Resources

Parts of a Computer
1) Input Devices (Keyboard, Mouse, etc.)
2) Output Devices (Monitor, Speakers, etc.)
3) Storage Devices
4) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Hardware Resources

1) Input basically means getting data into the

computer to be processed.
Input devices such as :
 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Scanner
 Microphone
 etc
Keyboard: this device is used to type information
into the computer.
Used to enter information into the computer and
for giving commands.
Computer Keyboard, a set of keys used to input
information to a computer.
A mouse is a small device that you can use to
move, select, and open items displayed on your
Most mouse devices have at least two buttons, left
and right.
A Mouse is input device that can move and select
text, icons, file, and folders.
Microphone allows the user to record sounds as
input to their computer.
Scanner : an electronic device that allows pictures
to be placed into a computer.
Scanner is input device which allow users to
import text, graphics, and images.
Digital Camera
Digital Camera is input device that allow users to
create pictures in digital format.
A digital camera is a camera that
produces digital images that can be stored in
a computer, displayed on a screen and printed.
Output Devices
2) Output basically means getting data out of the
Output devices such as :
The monitor is the piece of computer
hardware that displays the video and graphics
information generated by the computer through
the video card.
Monitors are very similar to televisions but
usually display information at a much higher
Video card Connects the computer to the monitor.
It is a circuit board attached to the
motherboard that contains the memory and
other circuitry necessary to send information to
the monitor for display on screen.
The monitor displays the computer's user interface
and open programs, allowing the user to interact
with the computer, typically using
the keyboard and mouse.
CRT Monitor VS LCD
There are two primary types of computer monitors
in use today : LCD monitors and CRT monitors.
CRT Monitor VS LCD
Stands For LCD stands for “Liquid CRT stands for “Cathode
Crystal Display“. Ray Tube“.
Size LCD is light, and thin in CRT is weighted, and
size. large in size.
Cost .It is more expensive .It is less expensive
Power Consumption .It consumes Low power .It consumes High power

weigh A CRT monitor can LCD monitors can weigh

weigh 40 pounds or more 8-10 pounds
depending on the size of
.the monitor
Picture Depending on the quality Because of the older
of the LCD monitor have technology most CRT
good quality picture monitors will not have as
good as quality as picture
.as most LCD displays

A printer is a device that accepts text and graphic

output from a computer and transfers the
information to paper, usually to standard size
sheets of paper.
A printer is a piece of computer hardware. It
allows a user to print items on paper, such as
letters and pictures.
Types of Printers

Types of Printers
1) Dot matrix
2) Ink-jet
3) Laser
Speakers are one of the most common output
devices used with computer systems.
A computer speaker is a hardware device that
connects to a computer to generate sound. The
signal used to produce the sound that comes
from a computer speaker is created by the
computer's sound card.

Headphones are a pair of small listening devices

that are designed to be worn on or around the
head over a user's ears.
A projector is an output device that can take
images generated by a computer and reproduce
them onto some surface, usually a large, flat,
lightly colored one.
Projection system can display information from a
computer system on a large screen.
Storage Devices
3) Storage Devices
Primary Storage
Secondary Storage
1) Primary Storage
Also known as main memory. Main memory is
directly or indirectly connected to the central
processing unit via a memory bus. The CPU
continuously reads instructions stored there
and executes them as required.
Example: – RAM – ROM – Cache.
Storage Device
RAM is a fast temporary type of memory in which
programs, applications and data are stored.
If a computer loses power, all data stored in its
RAM is lost.
There are two types of RAM : DRAM (Dynamic
Random Access Memory) – SRAM (Static Random
Access Memory).
Storage Devices
Storage Devices
ROM is memory that cannot be changed by
a program or user.
For example, ROM stores the instructions for the
computer to start up when it is turned on again.
Storage Devices
Computer processors may also include storage
circuitry called cache memory for high speed,
temporary storage of instruction and data
Storage Devices
2) Secondary Storage
It is not directly accessible by the CPU. Computer
usually uses its input/output channels to access
secondary storage and transfers the desired
data using intermediate area in primary
Example: Hard disk.
Storage Devices
Secondary Storage devices are both input and
output devices in one. A storage device is a
place to keep data that has been processed so
that it can be retrieved at a later time to be used
Hard Disk
Floppy Disk
CD Rom
Flash Memory
Hard Disk
is a data storage device that uses magnetic
storage to store and retrieve digital information
using one or more rigid rapidly
rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic
material. or platters rotating at high speeds.
Hard Disk

• The hard disk drive is the main, and usually

largest, data storage device in a computer. • It
can store anywhere from 160 gigabytes to 2
• Hard disk speed is the speed at which content
can be read and written on a hard disk.
Hard Disk

Internal Hard disk External Hard disk

Internal Hard disk External Hard disk
Portability No Yes
Price Less expensive More expensive
Speed Fast Slow
Size Big Small
Floppy Disk

A floppy disk is a magnetic storage medium for

computer systems. It is a thin plastic disk coated
with magnetic material, on which computer data
and programs can be stored for later retrieval.
Capacity of floppy disk is 1.44 MB.
Optical Drive

Optical Drive
In the real world, "optical" refers to vision, or the
ability to see. In the computer world, however,
"optical" refers to lasers, which can "see" and
read data on optical discs. These discs include
CDs and DVDs, which are made up of millions of
small bumps and dips. Optical drives have lasers
that read these bumps and dips as ones and
zeros, which the computer can understand.
Some common types of optical drives include CD-
CD Rom
CD Rom Drive the drive that plays CDs and
reads data that has been stored on the CD.
CD Rom short for Compact Disc-Read Only
A CD-ROM is an optical disc which contains
audio or software data whose memory is read
only. A CD-ROM Drive or optical drive is the
device used to read them. Capacity of CD Rom
is 700 MB.
CD-RW (Compact Disc-Re Writable) is
a digital optical disc storage format. A CD-RW
disc is a compact disc that can be written, read
many times, erased, and written again. The
technology was introduced in 1997.
DVD (digital video disc) is a digital optical
disc storage format invented and developed
by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in
1995. The medium can store any kind of digital
data and is widely used for software and other
computer files as well as video programs
watched using DVD players. DVDs offer higher
storage capacity than compact discs. .
DVD is an optical disc drive that reads and
writes all common CD and DVD formats. All
modern optical drives that come with personal
computers are CD/DVD drives.

DVD can hold 4.7 GB of data. So DVD is widely

used to store large files like video and movies.
The capacity is the biggest difference
between CD and DVD.
Flash Memory

Flash memory is a non-volatile memory chip used

for storage and for transferring data between a
personal computer (PC) and digital devices.
4) Central Processing Unit (CPU) also called
processor, the CPU is the brains of
the computer where most calculations take place.
A central processing unit (CPU) is the electronic
circuitry within a computer that carries out the
instructions of a computer program by
performing the basic arithmetic, logical, control
and input/output (I/O) operations specified by
the instructions.
ALU and CU are the heart of the CPU. ALU is the
Arithmetic and Logic Unit which performs all
the arithmetic and logical operations such as
addition, subtraction, logical AND, OR
etc. CU is the Control Unit. It decodes the
instructions, and controls all the other internal
components of the CPU to make it work.
Chapter 11

Systems Analysis and Design

The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is the
process of determining how an information
system (IS) can support business needs, designing
the system, building it, and delivering it to users.
The key person in the SDLC is the systems
analyst, who analyzes the business situation,
identifies the opportunities for improvements, and
designs an IS to implement the improvements.
The Systems Analyst
The systems analyst plays a key role in IS
development projects.
The systems analyst works closely with all
project team members so that the team develops
the right system in an effective way.
Systems analysts must understand how to apply
technology in order to solve problems.
The Systems Analyst
Systems analysts may serve as change agents
who identify organizational improvement
needed, design systems to implement those
changes, and train and motivate others to use
the systems.
Systems Analyst Skills
1. Technical – Must understand the technical
environment, and technical solution.

2. Business – Must understand how IT can be

applied to business situations.

3. Analytical – Must be problem solvers.

4. Interpersonal – Need to communicate

Systems Analyst Skills
5. Management – Need to manage people and to
manage pressure and risks.
6. Ethical - Must deal fairly, honestly, and
ethically with other project members,
managers, and systems users.
Systems Analyst Roles
 Business analyst
Systems analyst
Infrastructure analyst - Focuses on technical
Change management analyst - Focuses on the
people and management issues surrounding
the system installation.
Systems Analyst Roles

Project manager - Ensures that the project is

completed on time and within budget, and that
the system delivers the expected value to the
The Systems Development Life
Cycle (SDLC)
The Systems Development Life
Cycle (SDLC)
The SDLC is composed of four fundamental
• Planning
• Analysis
• Design
• Implementation
Each of the phases is composed of steps, which
rely on techniques that produce deliverables
(specific documents that explain various
elements of the system).
This phase is the fundamental process of
understanding why an information system
should be built, and determining how the
project team will go about building it.
:The planning phase has two steps
1. During project initiation, the system’s business
value to the organization is identified (How
will it lower costs or increase revenues?).

2. During project management, the project

manager creates a work plan, staffs the
project, and puts techniques in place to help
the project team control and direct the
project through the entire SDLC.
The analysis phase answers the questions of who
will use the system, what the system will do, and
where and when it will be used.

During this phase the project team investigates

any current system(s), identifies improvement
opportunities, and develops a concept for the
new system.
:The analysis phase has three steps

1. Analysis strategy: This is developed to guide the

projects team’s efforts. This includes a study
of the current system and its problems, and
envisioning ways to design a new system.

2. Requirements gathering: The analysis of this

information leads to the development of a
concept for a new system. This concept is used
to build a set of analysis models.
:The analysis phase has three steps

3. System proposal: The proposal is presented to

the project sponsor and other key individuals
who decide whether the project should
continue to move forward.
The design phase decides how the system will
operate, in terms of the hardware, software, and
network infrastructure; the user interface,
forms, and reports that will be used; and the
specific programs, databases, and files that will
be needed.
:The design phase has four steps
1. Design Strategy: This clarifies whether the
system will be developed by the company or
outside the company.
2. Architecture Design: This describes the
hardware, software, and network
infrastructure that will be used.
3. Database and File Specifications: These
documents define what and where the data
will be stored.
4. Program Design: Defines what programs need
to be written and what they will do.
During the implementation phase, the system is
either developed or purchased and installed.

This phase is usually the longest and most

expensive part of the process.
The implementation phase has three
1. System Construction: The system is built and
tested to make sure it performs as designed.
2. Installation: The old system is turned off and
the new one is turned on.
3. Support Plan: Includes a post-implementation
review as well as a systematic way for
identifying changes needed for the system.
The implementation phase has three
Feasibility analysis identifies the important
risks associated with the project that must be
managed if the project is approved.
Feasibility analysis (FA, also called feasibility
study) is used to assess the strengths and
weaknesses of a proposed project and present
directions of activities which will improve a
project and achieve desired results.
A feasibility study is an analysis of how
successfully a project can be completed,
accounting for factors that affect it such as
economic, technological, legal and scheduling
Feasibility Analysis
As with the system request, each organization has
its own process and format for the feasibility
analysis, but most include techniques to assess
three areas:
◦ Technical feasibility
◦ Economic feasibility
◦ Organizational feasibility

.Copyright 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc © 190
Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility is the extent to which the
system can be successfully designed, developed,
and installed by the IT group.
It is, in essence, a technical risk analysis that
strives to answer the question: “Can we build

.Copyright 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc © 191
Technical feasibility
The technical feasibility assessment is focused on
gaining an understanding of the present
technical resources of the organization and
their applicability to the expected needs of the
proposed system. It is an evaluation of the
hardware and software and how it meets the
need of the proposed system.
Technical feasibility
This assessment is based on an outline design of
system requirements, to determine whether the
company has the technical expertise to handle
completion of the project.
Economic Feasibility
Economic feasibility analysis is also called a cost-
benefit analysis, that identifies the costs and
benefits associated with the system.
This attempts to answer the question: “Should
we build the system?”
Economic feasibility is the degree to which
the economic advantages of something to be
made, done, or achieved are greater than
the economic costs.
Organizational Feasibility
Organizational feasibility of the system is how well
the system ultimately will be accepted by its users
and incorporated into the ongoing operations of
the organization.
There are many organizational factors that can have
an impact on the project, and seasoned developers
know that organizational feasibility can be the
most difficult feasibility dimension to assess.
In essence, an organizational feasibility analysis is to
answer the question “If we build it, will they
Organizational Feasibility
Organizational Feasibility mean whether the new
system will fit into the organization and meet
the current goals and objectives. It also
determines whether the new system will have
enough support from participants to be
successfully implemented and whether
participants can operate the system.
?What is a Data Flow Diagram
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical tool
that allows system analysts (and system users) to
depict the flow of data in an information system.
The DFD is one of the methods that system
analysts use to collect information necessary to
determine information system requirements.
?What is a Data Flow Diagram
A Data Flow Diagram is intended to serve as a
communication tool among
◦ systems analysts
◦ end users
◦ data base designers
◦ system programmers
◦ other members of the project team
?What is a Data Flow Diagram
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical
representation of the "flow" of data through
an information system, modeling
its process aspects. A DFD is often used as a
preliminary step to create an overview of the
system without going into great detail, which
can later be elaborated.
A DFD shows what kind of information will be
input to and output from the system, how the
data will advance through the system, and
where the data will be stored.
DFD Symbols and Definitions
• Process - performs some action on
data, such as creates, modifies, stores,
Process delete, etc. Can be manual or
supported by computer.

• Data store - information that is kept

Data store and accessed. May be in paper file
folder or a database.

External • External entity - is the origin or

Entity destination of data. Entities are
external to the system.

Data flow • Data flow - the flow of data into or out

of a process, datastore or entity
Rules for Drawing DFD’s
A minimum of one data flow
in and one data flow out of
a process

A datastore must be
connected to a process
(either in, out, or both)

An external entity must

be connected to a process
(either in, out, or both)

A single data flow must

only flow one way
DFD: Common Mistakes
• Process has no data
flowing into it, but has data
flowing out.

• Data store is hooked to

external entity. This means
external entity can read
and write to your data file
without auditing!!

• The data flow goes in two

directions at once. Two or
more arrows should be
used to show the flow to
and from each process.
DFD for Food Ordering System
Context Diagram
A system context diagram (SCD) in engineering is
a diagram that defines the boundary between
the system, or part of a system, and its
environment, showing the entities that interact
with it.
Context Diagram is a specialized version of Data-
Flow Diagram, understanding a bit about Data-
Flow Diagrams can be helpful.
A Context Diagram is a common tool that
Business Analysts use to understand the context
of an entity being examined.
Context Diagram for Food Ordering System
 The Systems Analyst is the key person in the
development of information systems.
 The Systems Development Lifecycle consists of four
stages: Planning, Analysis, Design, and
 A Feasibility Analysis is used to provide more detail
about the risks associated with the proposed system.
The DFD is a diagram that consists principally of
four symbols, namely the external entity, the data
flow, the process and the data store.

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