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The Call of the

Chapter 1
To do list: -
NB. P. 28:31
Booklet P. 44:45
00:00:00 to 00:08:00
Answer the following questions: - B P. 44
1- Why were thousands of men rushing to the frozen Northland?
Thousands of men were rushing to the frozen Northland because of the gold rush.
Gold was found in the Arctic darkness so people were rushing there to find and get

2- Why did the men need big and strong dogs?

Men needed big and strong dogs to pull their sleds in the arctic as they were going
to dig for gold there.

3- What breed of dog is Buck? Describe what he looks like. Where did Buck
originally live? Who were his first owners? Describe that living situation.
Buck is a big, strong dog who is part St. Bernard and part Scotch shepherd. He
weighs 140 pounds. He took great pride in himself and carried himself as a king. He
lived in Judge Miller’s estate with the judges family. He was the king of the house.
4- What makes Buck different from all the other dogs in the judge’s house? B P. 44
He was neither a housedog nor a kennel dog. The whole place was his. He went to
the swimming tank or went hunting with the judge’s sons. He’d go with the judge’s
daughters, on early morning walks. On winter nights, he’d lie at the judge’s feet by
the fire in the library.

Comment the following: -

1- “You might wrap up the goods before you deliver them.”
The man who bought Buck said that to Manuel in the train station. When Manuel
sold Buck. This shows that Manuel had a weakness to gambling and needed money.
HW B P. 44
Answer the following questions: -
1- Describe what happened when Manuel took Buck.
Manuel took Buck for a walk, as Buck thought, to the train station, tied a rope
around Buck’s neck, handed the rope to the strange man and took the money from
him. Buck started to growl at the stranger but the stranger tightened the rope around
his neck and Buck fell losing his power.

2- Why did Manuel, the gardener, Kidnap Buck?

Because he had a problem with gambling and needed money.
3- What did Manuel intend to do with Buck? B P. 44
He intended to sell him to the stranger to receive more money.

4- How did Buck react to the stranger’s robe?

He started to growl to let them know that he was angry but to his surprise the
stranger pulled the rope around his neck and lost all his power.

5- ‘Buck was king over all judges Miller’s house.’ Discuss giving examples from
the chapter to prove your answer.
Buck was the King as he was neither a housedog nor a kennel dog. The whole place
was his. He went to the swimming tank or went hunting with the judge’s sons. He’d
go with the judge’s daughters, on early morning walks. On winter nights, he’d lie at
the judge’s feet by the fire in the library.
6- Why did Buck take great pride in himself and carry himself as a king? B P. 44
Because of his mother who was a Scotch shepherd. Also, he was the king of the

7- What metal was discovered in the autumn of 1897?

Gold was found in the autumn of 1897.

8- Why was Manuel’s behaviour and attitude so strange? Why did he need so much
Because he needed money and wanted to steal and sell Buck to take money. He
needed so much money as he had a problem with gambling.

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