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Principles of
A. T. Alora
 Explain Christian principles
of ethics related to health
 Apply these principles to
healthcare delivery,
education and research
Christian Principles
 Principle: rules of conduct
from values translated to
concrete contexts
 Based on Christian faith
 Classification: in relation to

process, act, others

Christian Principles
In relation to the decision-
making process
 well formed conscience
 inner freedom
I. Well formed Conscience
 Practical judgment
 Steps: inform, judge (moral
certitude), act,
accept responsibility
 Duty: form a true conscience
 Violation: fail to inform, obey, take

responsibility for
II. Inner Freedom
 Capacity to choose without
 Duty: avoid loss of rational control
 Violation: cause loss of control
 Considerations: illness

Christian Principles
In relation to actions:
 human dignity
 inviolability of life
 stewardship and creativity
 totality and integrity
 personalized sexuality
 double effect
III. Human Dignity
Aim at satisfaction of
needs of person
Duty: deal with as end
Violation: use as means
IV. Inviolability of Life
 Lifeis sacred
 From conception to natural death
 Duty: protect life; preserve species
 Violation: harm/destroy life
 Consideration: Life is not the
highest value
V. Stewardship and Creativity
 Dominion over creation
 Duty: Care and cultivate
within nature
within man’s knowledge
responsibly and respectfully
 Violation: harm/destroy present or future
Consideration: correct vs improve
VI. Totality and Integrity
 Full function and potential
 Parts for & subordinate to whole
 Duty: care for all parts
 Violation: mutilation, depress function, kill
 Consideration: sacrifice part if:
harms whole
no alternative
removal does not destroy intrinsic nature
effort to compensate
VII. Personalized sexuality
 Love and be united – continue species
 Conjugal act
in marriage
indivisible unitive and procreative
 Duty: preserve sanctity and integrity
 Violation: desecrate act; suppress one
 Consideration: can be sacrificed
VIII. Double Effect
 Action with good and bad effect
 Duty: allow only if
motive (chosen effect) is good
object is good/neutral
benefit results from action
benefit more or = harm
 Violation: end used to justify means
 Consideration: evaluating effect/means
Christian Principles
In relation to others (community)
 free and informed consent
 professional communication
 solidarity
 common good and subsidiarity
 cooperation
IX. Free and Informed Consent
 Right/responsibility to decide
 For protection
better compliance
less litigation
Free and Informed Consent
 Elements
competence and acceptance
freedom and voluntariness
 Considerations

emergencies, proxy, children

X. Professional Communication
1. Truth-telling
give accurate complete information
justification: it is right
for respect and trust
to prevent harm
for diagnosis &
Professional Communication
duty: tell: appropriate time and manner
violation: withheld truth, lies
considerations: emergency
therapeutic privilege
bad news: culture
Professional Communication
2. Confidentiality
keep professional data private
justification: for respect and trust
to prevent harm
for diagnosis and
duty: keep secret
violation: telling others
Professional Communication
considerations: required by legitimate
with consent
to avoid a greater harm
XI. Solidarity
 Be one with
 For common good, love
 Duty: help neighbor
 Violation: fail to help
 Consideration: Philippine
XII. Common Good and Subsidiarity
 Participate according to
 Help when unable
 Duty: let/help decide and act
 Violation: paternalism
 Consideration: efficiency
XIII. Legitimate Cooperation
 Participation in a wrong-doing
 Classification
intention: formal or material
involvement: immediate or mediate
action: proximate or remote
 Duty: not to cooperate in a wrong doing
 Violation: cooperation in a wrong doing
Legitimate Cooperation
 Consideration:
 may be allowed if
material, mediate and as remote as
significant proportionate reason
scandal avoided
no alternative lesser evil action
Christian Principles
 AsI reflect God
growth through suffering

XIV. Growth through Suffering
 United w/ Christ suffering – growth
 Duty: endure with courage and faith
 Violation: punishment
 Consideration: some sufferings need to

be relieved; duty of MD to do so

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