1.point of View

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What is point of view?

It is the perspective or the eye the story is told from.
What is point of view? POV
It is the perspective or the eye the story is told from.
Point of View
A story can be told from different points of view.
It can be written in the first, second or third person.

I was going to the

funfair today. I was Have you ever
so excited! wondered what life
would be like as a

The boys ran from

the house screaming.
Riley was terrified.
First Person
If writing a story in the first person, write as though you Other pronouns
are a character inside the story. used in the first
Describe how you feel and what you are doing or have
done. my
Use the pronoun ‘I’ mine
For example: ours
Last year, I went to Spain with my family. I loved it! us
Second Person
If writing in the second person, talk to the reader directly. Other pronouns
used in the second
Use the pronoun ‘you’.
The second person is used a lot non-fiction as well as in
fiction texts.

For example:
Before you begin, make sure that you have all of the tools
listed above.
Third Person
If you are writing in the third person, you write about other Other pronouns
people or characters. used in the third
You use the character’s name or pronouns such as ‘he’,
‘she’ and ‘they’. her/hers

For example:
Michelle sped off at top speed and was soon in first
place. She couldn’t believe that she was going to win!
Third Person
The narrator, or person telling the story, is not a character in the story.

The author will use characters’ names or words like “he,” “she,” and “they.”

Third Person Omniscient

Third Person Limited The narrator knows the thoughts and
The narrator in the story knows feelings of ALL characters in the
the thoughts and feelings of only story.
ONE character in the story.
Ex: Haley looked up as Juan walked
Ex: Haley looked up as Juan into the room. She wondered why he
walked into the room. She noticed had a sad look on his face. Juan
that his face looked sad and couldn’t even make eye contact with
wondered to herself what was her. He was so distraught after his
making him feel so upset. She puppy went missing. He didn’t think
decided to go talk to him. he would ever be happy again until he
found his puppy.
Point of View
When an author begins writing a story, they will choose which point of view from
which to tell the story.

This decision is based on the plot of the story and the information the author wants
the reader to know.
First, Second or Third Person?
Decide if the following sentences are in the first, second or third

Sophie was going to the cinema to meet her friends. Third person

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing – it was incredible! First person

“Where shall we go now?” wondered Tim and Holly as they sat in

Third person
their car.

Do you believe in ghosts? Well after reading this story, you will!
Second person

As I walked into my new school, my stomach churned and my

First person
hands began to shake.

Are you an early bird or are you a night owl? Second person
First to Third
Change this passage from the first to the third person by changing
the pronouns.

Mr Craver looked at me Sarahandand

“Who’s picking
up up
“I’m not sure,” I replied nervously. I was worried that mum would be late and
that I not
“I’m would
to stay
with HIM. She“But
was if
my mum thatisher
she would
said I
be justand
she would
I tried
to stay
to not
into HIM.
Mr Craver’s
“But if eyes
my mum
in case
he could
late, she said
tell that
I canI was
just walk
lying.home instead.” Sarah tried to not look into Mr
“I think iteyes
Craver’s wouldin case
be best
he could
if you tell
Mr Craver replied. I knew
“I he was
it would
be best
if you stay
a listhere
of work
meMrto do;
I hadreplied.
to get Sarah
out of
knew Buthehow?
was mentally
I needed apreparing
plan andafast.list of work for her to do; she had to get
out of school. But how? She needed a plan and fast.
Third to First
Change this passage from the third to the first person by changing
the pronouns.

Rupert and his friends decided to go to the park after school. As soon as the
My friends and I decided to go to the park after school. As soon as the bell
bell went, they grabbed their bags, sped out of school and sprinted to the
went, we grabbed our bags, sped out of school and sprinted to the football
football pitches at St John’s park. Rupert scored a goal and celebrated by
pitches at St John’s park. I scored a goal and celebrated by cartwheeling five
cartwheeling five times and finishing with a roly-poly. He knew his gymnastics
times and finishing with a roly-poly. I knew my gymnastics lessons would pay
lessons would pay off one day! As the boys were playing, three older boys from
off one day! As we were playing, three older boys from Merryfield’s Academy
Merryfield’s Academy walked on to the pitch. Rupert’s heart sank as he knew
walked on to the pitch. My heart sank as I knew who the boys were and I knew
who the boys were and he knew that they didn’t want to play football. Rupert
that they didn’t want to play football. My friends and I were in big trouble.
and his friends were in big trouble.
Decide if the following sentences are in the first, second or
third person.

I am Jack. I love Saturdays. I go sailing in the reservoir with my family. I am

more excited to go sailing than my sister, Sue. I believe I am the most

Jack loves Saturdays. He goes sailing in the reservoir with his parents and
sister, Sue. He is more excited to go sailing than my sister, Sue. He believes
he is the most adventurous.

My brother, Jack, loves Saturdays. He goes sailing in the reservoir with me

and our parents. Jack is more excited to go sailing than I. He believes he is
the most adventurous.

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