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Have you ever thought of…?

Doing crime?
Maybe, some illegal activities?
Perhaps, identity theft or fraud?

Have you ever considered a

job in IT?

(Specifically in Cybersecurity)
“Offense is the best Defense”

1. Convincing people to share private information

2. Sneaking into private areas
3. Using DDoS attacks, Phishing Scams and more
Who would employ you?

One of the biggest information One of the world's most
technology companies in the world.
valuable companies.

Lenovo The government

Technology company specializing in Mostly any country with a digital
manufacturing, and marketing involment in the world
consumer electronics.
Why should you?

Black Hat Grey Hat White Hat

• • Notifies the company of • Officialy paid and employed by
Exploits companies
• Threatened by law breaches, but demands money the company.
• • “The ends justify the means” • Still has regulations to follow.
Unsafe income
• Has a “get out of jail” free card
A bad start, can turn into
• Previous black-hat hacker from a
hacking group Rhino9 and a high
school dropout.

• CTO of eEye digital security is

known for exposing weaknesses in
Microsoft products

Marc Maiffret
The Questions
What kind of hats are in ethical

What attack methods can ethical

hackers use?

What companies could employ you?

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