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Monkey Detection with

Arduino Uno, Cam

Module, and Ultrasonic
This presentation explores the fascinating world of monkey detection using Arduino
Uno, a camera module, and an ultrasonic sensor. Discover the importance,
components, working principle, building process, testing, and potential applications
of this innovative system.

by Avishkar Jaiswal
Purpose of the Presentation

Monkeys have become a menace in hostels hence being prior nnotified about their whereabouts will
make our stay more easier.

Importance of Monkey Detection

Monkeys get inside hostel rooms from windows and can harm laptops books and other belongings
and monkey detection will help in prevention of these happenings.

Components Needed for Monkey Detection

Components needed for the monkey detection are arduino uno microcontroller, ESP32 cam module
or webcam, ultrasonic sensor.
Working Principle
1 Camera Module

Camera module generates a IP address and

with the help of python coding detects the
Ultrasonic Sensor 2 face recogtion using installed database.
The ultrasonic sensor lights the buzzer when
the face cam detects a monkey in its defined
Building the Monkey Detection System
1 Step-by-step Guide to Assembling
the Components

The connections are made in the arduino

Programming the Arduino Uno 2 using simple circuit implementation and
for Monkey Detection
completing the circuit with ground to ground
The arduino uno is programmed using the connection.
arduino ide software and with the help of
python in the backend.

Recap of the Presentation Potential Applications and Future

In conclusion the implementation of this project is very
ideal and easy to msking it a very feasible project In the future application we can add repelents and a
different noise to repel not ony monkeys but other
dangerous species of animals too.

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