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University of Kotli AJ&K

SRS Defense
Admission Recommendation System
Presentation by: Waleed Ahmed 40
Amna Saeed 46
01 Introduction

02 Literary Review

Overview 03 Implementation

04 Expected Outcome

05 Conclusion
1. Personalized Guidance
2. Comprehensive Approach
3. Simplifying Decision-Making
4. Facilitating Success and Happiness

Lack of Personalization 01 02 Overwhelming Options

Difficulty in Self-Assessment 03 04 Lack of Guidance

Literary Review
Zhai, X., Chu, X., Chai, C. S., Jong, M. S. Y., Istenic, A., Spector, M., ... & Li, Y. (2021). A
01 Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education from 2010 to 2020. Complexity, 2021, 1-

Holmes, W., & Tuomi, I. (2022). State of the art and practice in AI in education. European
02 Journal of Education, 57(4), 542-570.

Fong, S., & Biuk-Aghai, R. P. (2009, December). An automated university admission

03 recommender system for secondary school students. In The 6th international conference on
information technology and applications (p. 42).
Phase 02 Phase 04
Algorithm Development and Model System Development and Integrat

Phase 01 Phase 03
ta Collection and Privacy Measures User Interface Design and Prototyping
Expected Outcome
1. Personalized Guidance
2. Reduced Stress and Uncertainty
3. Improved Academic and Career Alignment
4. Continuous Improvement
5. Enhanced Accessibility and Equity
Personalized guidance tailored to each student's unique strengths, interests, and aspirations
User-friendly interface that empowers students to make informed choices about their
02 academic and professional futures

Admission Recommendation System aims to alleviate the stress and uncertainty associated
03 with choosing a field of study and selecting a university
Zhai, X., Chu, X., Chai, C. S., Jong, M. S. Y., Istenic,
01 A., Spector, M., ... & Li, Y. (2021). A Review of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education from 2010 to
2020. Complexity, 2021, 1-18.

Holmes, W., & Tuomi, I. (2022). State of the art and

02 practice in AI in education. European Journal of
Reference Education, 57(4), 542-570.

Fong, S., & Biuk-Aghai, R. P. (2009, December). An

03 automated university admission recommender system
for secondary school students. In The 6th international
conference on information technology and applications
(p. 42).
University of Kotli AJ&K

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