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Recruitment and Selection

Hiring the people you want

Course: Recruitment and Selection
Course Code: BAHR2203
Specialization: HRM
College of Economics and Business Administration
Course learning outcomes
1. Describe the concepts of Recruitment and Selection.
- 1.Introduction to Recruitment and Selection
- 2.Employment, Recruitment , Selection
- 3.Aims in Recruitment
- 4.Importance of Recruitment in an organization
- 5.Approaches to Recruitment
- 6.Scope of Recruitment
- 7.Factors Affecting Recruitment
- 8. Competencies
- 9.Staffing
1.Introduction to Recruitment and Selection

• It is a process of screening, sourcing, shortlisting,

and. selecting the right candidates for the vacant
positions. The employers put into practice recruitment
strategies and methods that would be the most beneficial to
achieve organizational goals

1.Introduction to Recruitment and Selection

• Recruitment and selection is one of the key processes of any

business, often regarded as the most important. Sometimes
the process is undertaken with little preparation because
managers believe they know what kind of person they want
and have a gut feel for who will do a good job for them.
• Recruitment is fraught with dangers because of the costs
of getting it wrong.

• Employment is concerned with securing and employing the
people possessing required kind and level of human
resources necessary to achieve the organizational objectives.
• It covers the functions such as job analysis, human resource
planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction and

• According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of
searching the candidates for employment and stimulating
them to apply for jobs in the organization”
• Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an
• It deals with: Identifying and sources of applicants and
developing them, stimulating the candidates to apply for
jobs in the organization, striking a balance between internal
and external sources.
• Selection is the process of ascertaining the qualifications,
experience, skill and knowledge of an applicant with a view
to appraising his/her suitability to a job.
• This function includes: framing and developing application
forms, creating and developing valid and reliable selection
techniques, checking of references, setting up medical
examination policy and procedure, sending letters of
appointment and rejection

3.Aims in Recruitment
• The main aim of recruitment is to appoint someone to your
team who can do the job to the required standard of
• While this is the main aim of recruitment, there are five other
aims which affect the way you meet the main aim.
• These are:
• to be cost-effective
• to be fair
• to meet future needs as well as present ones
• to be consistent
• to create the public image of the organization.

4. The purpose and importance of
Recruitment in an organization: conti….

• It determines the present and future requirements of the organization

and plan accordingly.
• It helps in increasing the success rate of selecting the right candidates.
• It helps in identifying the job applicants and selecting the appropriate
• It helps in increasing organizational effectives for a short and long
• It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the various recruitment

4. The purpose and importance of
Recruitment in an organization:

• It attracts and encourages the applicants to apply for the

vacancies in an organization.
• It links the potential employees with the employers.
• It helps in creating a talent pool of prospective candidates,
which enables in selecting the right candidates for the right job
as per the organizational needs.
• It meets the organization’s social and legal obligations with
regards to the work force.

Student Brainstorming Activity Session:

Recruitment: Selection:
• Why many candidates • In your opinion, how can the
complain about the job interview be a successful
recruitment process? one?
• What is the main challenge • Think of factors that affect
that candidates are facing the success of the selection
today in the market? process?
5.Approaches to Recruitment
• Recruitment and selection is one of the key processes of any
business. It is the means by which the business sources and
acquires its most precious asset, its people.
• When it is carried out hastily, it is fraught with dangers.
When it is carried out with skill, it can be one of the most
important investments the organization ever make.

5.Approaches to Recruitment
• Some of the key approach to recruitment are.
1.The Systems Approach
2.A Rigid Approach
3.A Flexible Approach

5.1.The Systems Approach
• The systems approach is at the opposite end of the scale to
personalized recruitment, where people are taken on if they
seem right and are liked.
• In a systems approach, there is a procedure for every step in
the process from job analysis to person specification, from
marketing the job to shortlisting candidates; from selection
to making an offer. In the extreme, such an approach takes
human bias out of the equation and selects according to
scientific matching of job and person.

5.2.A Rigid Approach
• This is how a public organization approaches the recruitment of
staff using the systems approach.
• “Our recruitment procedures are all laid down in our selection
and equal opportunities policies. There is a procedure for the
authority to recruit, for writing job descriptions, for interviewing
and for making selections.
• “A committee oversees the process. Every step, every action,
even what is said at interview is open to public scrutiny.
• There is no place for personal bias or favoritism in the procedure.
Because of the systematic nature of the procedure, the system
itself determines who is the right candidate for appointment
(whether they like them or not).
5.3.A Flexible Approach
• In this approach, they don’t use standard selection methods.
They like to know the person will fit into the team. Liking
someone is a major part of the decision.
• One private business in the world of high technology talks like
this about its approach to recruitment:
• “It’s a demand market at present so we have our pick of the best. We’re
always on the lookout for talented people. We keep our ears to the
ground and like to know who’s disgruntled, who’s looking for a move. We
see nothing wrong in luring good people from our competitors. We are
quite prepared to adjust the job to suit who’s available. Everyone needs
to be flexible.”

Student Video-Reflection Session
Watch the below video link and write your comments to the
following questions:
1. What is the type of the recruitment process
followed in Amazon?
2. What is the recruitment approach that Amazon
company adopts? And why?
6.The scope of Recruitment and Selection
includes the following operations:

1. Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources

2. Preparing the Recruitment policy for different categories of
3. Analyzing the recruitment policies, processes, and procedures of the
4. Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of improvement
5. Streamlining the hiring process with suitable recommendations
6. Choosing the best suitable process of recruitment for effective hiring
of resources
7.Factors Affecting Recruitment
• Recruitment is an important function of the Human Resource Management in
an organization, and it is governed by a mixture of various factors.
• HR Professionals should understand these factors influencing the recruitment
and take necessary actions for the betterment of the organization.
• When the market condition changes, the organization also needs to monitor
these changes and discover how it affects the resources and analyze these
functions for making recruitment an effective process.
We have Internal Factors as well as External Factors that influence the •
recruitment process. In this chapter, we will be discussing these factors in
7.Factors Affecting Recruitment

A. Internal Factors

• Organizations have control over the internal factors that affect their
recruitment functions. The internal factors are:
1. Size of organization
2. Recruiting policy
3. Image of organization
4. Image of job
5. Cost

A.1.Size of organization

• The size of the organization is one of the most important factors

affecting the recruitment process. To expand the business,
recruitment planning is mandatory for hiring more resources,
which will be handling the future operations

A.2.Recruiting policy

• Recruitment policy of an organization, i.e., hiring from internal

or external sources of organization is also a factor, which affects
the recruitment process. It specifies the objectives of the
recruitment and provides a framework for the implementation of
recruitment programs.

A.3.Image of organization

• Organizations having a good positive image in the market can easily

attract competent resources. Maintaining good public relations, providing
public services, etc., definitely helps an organization in enhancing its
reputation in the market, and thereby attract the best possible resources.

A.4.Image of job

• Just like the image of organization, the image of a job plays a

critical role in recruitment. Jobs having a positive image in
terms of better remuneration, promotions, recognition, good
work environment with career development opportunities are
considered to be the characteristics to attract qualified
A.5. Cost of recruiting

• Cost is another factor that influences the recruitment and

selection process. As such, organizations try to employ the
source of recruitment that incurs a lower cost of recruitment
to the organization.

Student Reflection Session:

Internal factors of recruitment: External factors of recruitment:

• Go through the sample given • Go through the sample given
to you carefully. to you carefully.
• Which internal factor you • Which external factor you
observed in the case? observed in the case?
• How does the factor affect • How does the factor affect
the process of recruitment? the process of recruitment?
B.External factors
• External factors are those that cannot be controlled by an
organization. The external factors that affect the recruitment
process include the following:
1. Demographic factors
2. Labor market
3. Unemployment rate
4. Labor laws
5. Competitors

B.1. Demographic factors

• Demographic factors – Demographic factors are related to

the attributes of potential employees such as their age,
religion, literacy level, gender, occupation, economic status,


B.2. Labor market

• Labor market – Labor market controls the demand and supply of

labor. For example, if the supply of people having a specific skill
is less than the demand, then the hiring will need more efforts.
On the other hand, if the demand is less than the supply, the
hiring will be relative easier.

Video-watching and student reflection:

• Watch the below video link about Oman labor market


• Observe the difference in Oman labor market before and after


• What kind of jobs did the labor market in Oman include before
and after 1970?
B.3. Unemployment rate

• Unemployment rate – If the unemployment rate is high in a

specific area, hiring of resources will be simple and easier, as the
number of applicants is very high. In contrast, if the
unemployment rate is low, then recruiting tends to be very
difficult due to less number of resources.

B.4. Labor laws

• Labor laws – Labor laws reflect the social and political

environment of a market, which are created by the central
and state governments. These laws dictate the compensation,
working environment, safety and health regulations, etc., for
different types of employments. As the government changes,
the laws too change.
B.5. Competitors

• Competitors – When organizations in the same industry are

competing for the best qualified resources, there is a need to
analyze the competition and offer the resources packages that are
best in terms of industry standards.

• Competencies are sets of behaviors, which define how
people use their knowledge and skills in different situations
at work.
• They generally allude to the work related personal attributes, knowledge,
experience, skills and values that a person draws on to perform their work well.
One of the key uses of competencies is to define critical behaviors needed to
perform a job successfully.
Competency based recruitment.

• The key advantage of this approach is that the focus is on actual behavior what
a person has done, can do or needs to do be able to do. In effect, this may allow
for the fact that different individuals can achieve the same output, by using a
rather different approach because of their different knowledge, skills and

Competencies can be potentially viewed as a
combination of some or all of the following:

• Personality
• Motivation
• Behaviour
• Values
• Opportunities
• Experience
• Attainments
• Aptitude

Case study about the recruitment
process in Google Company:
• Check the below link and read it carefully:

• What is the main focus of Google company when hiring


• After reading the process of recruiting in Google company, are

you interested to apply for a job there in the future? Why?
• The term ‘staffing’ refers to the overall policies, procedures and guidelines
that organizations use to attract, retain and develop their employees or
• These can reflect the organization's preferred methods of recruiting new
staff, promoting and transferring existing staff, training, educating and
developing staff, determining appropriate wage and salary strategies,
creating meaningful employment opportunities, recognizing valuable
contributions by staff, evaluating and optimizing performance.
• Staffing is important to organizations and can be critical in aiding their
survival and growth. People are the core asset of any organization and it is
the performance and commitment of staff that differentiates organizations


Important objectives of staffing:

(i) To procure right type of personnel for right jobs.

(ii) To train and develop human resources.
(iii) To develop personnel policies as regards transfer, promotion, etc.
(iv) To motivate human resources for higher performance.
(v) To establish desirable working relationship between employers and
employees and between groups of employees.
(vi) To ensure satisfaction of the needs of the workers so that they
become loyal and committed to the organization.
(vii) To build high morale among employees by maintaining good human


Case Study-1: How to Improvise
Recruitment Process

• Let’s assume there is a company called ABC Systems, which sells

FMCG products. The company is lately suffering due to its high
attrition rates. In this case study, we will see how ABC Systems can
improve its recruiting process and focus on maintaining the efforts
required for filling a job vacancy. We will also learn how the HR
team of ABC Systems can reduce the time and effort involved in
sourcing good resources for the vacant positions.

• Suggest here different steps that ABC Systems can utilize to

resolve its problems.

• 1/Recruitment%20and%20selection/Book-2%20-%20Recruitment%20and%20Selection-.pdf

Name of the Staff : Dr. Ajith Kumar V.V.

Office:: BS033


Version No Date Approved Changes incorporated

01 Sem. (I) 2022/2023


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