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There are an enormous number of neurons within the amygdala, caudate nucleus and putamen; they are of two

basic types: spiny and aspiny. Spiny striatal neurons

are medium-size cells with radiating dendrites that are studded with spines. Axons of these cells project beyond the boundaries of the caudate nucleus and
putamen. All nerves providing input to the caudate nucleus and the putamen terminate upon the dendritic spines of spiny striatal neurons, and all output is via
axons of the same neurons. Chemically, spiny striatal neurons are heterogeneous; that is, most contain more than one neurotransmitter. Gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) is the primary neurotransmitter contained in spiny striatal neurons. Other neurotransmitters found in spiny striatal neurons include substance P and
• Aspiny striatal neurons have
smooth dendrites and short axons
confined to the caudate nucleus or
putamen. Small aspiny striatal
neurons secrete GABA,
neuropeptide Y, somatostatin, or
some combination of these. The
largest aspiny neurons are evenly
distributed neurons that also
secrete neurotransmitters and are
important in maintaining the
balance of dopamine and GABA.
Frontiers | Spiny neurons of amygdala
, striatum, and cortex use dendritic
plateau potentials to detect netw
ork UP states | Cellular Neuroscien
ce (
• La adulți
- În zona subventriculară, de unde celulele
nervoase migrează către bulbul olfactiv
- În zona subgranulară, parte a hipocampului
• Mirror neurons represent a
distinctive class of neurons that
discharge both when an
individual executes a motor act
and when he observes another
individual performing the same
or a similar motor act. These
neurons were first discovered in
monkey's brain. In humans, brain
activity consistent with that of
mirror neurons has been found in
the premotor cortex, the
supplementary motor area, the
primary somatosensory cortex,
and the inferior parietal cortex
• So what, exactly does the rosehip
neuron do? That’s not quite clear.
The cells make up about 10
percent of the neocortex, the last
part of our brain to evolve which is
associated with sight and hearing.
Rosehip appears to be an
inhibitory neuron, which regulates
the flow of information to certain
parts of the brain. Saplakoglu
reports the rosehips seem to
connect to pyramidal neurons, an
“excitatory” neuron that makes up
about two-thirds of the neuron
cells in the neocortex
• S-a constatat că neuronul rosehip reprezintă, după criteriul numeric,
10% dintre celulele stratului exterior neocortical şi are rol
inhibitor. Neocortexul este o porţiune din creier, cea mai recentă din
punct de vedere filogenetic, cu dezvoltare complexă, şi care reprezintă,
la om, cea mai mare parte a scoarţei cerebrale. Este alcătuit din şase
straturi, cel exterior format din neuroni de mici dimensiuni, cu rol
• Funcţia unui neuron rosehip este încă insuficient cunoscută, dar
analizele au arătat că este în strânsă legătură cu un alt tip de neuroni
– neuronii piramidali – de mari dimensiuni. Rolul inhibitor se referă la
faptul că un neuron rosehip acţionează ca un fel de “frână”,
transmiţând celorlalte celule ale creierului când să “încetinească”
activitatea, altfel spus, acest tip de neuroni controlează fluxul
informaţiei în anumite zone ale creierului.
Revel in These Wondrous Drawings by the Father of Neuroscience | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine
desenele lui Cajal
• Glial cells are major
players that encourage
and prune the
connections between
neurons, help modulate
neuron signaling and
regulate blood flow in
the brain
• Brain Cells for Socializin
g | Science | Smithsonia
n Magazine

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