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Complete Study Unit


Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
PREVIEW PAGE Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Guidelines

Student Name: _____________________________________

• Driving Question One: How far should someone push the limits
in the name of science?

• Driving Question Two: Name a product that, according to science

fiction, will be available in the future. What will it take for this
object to be created?

• Driving Question Three: Should scientists be permitted to make

it? How will that item benefit the world? How will that item be a
detriment to the world, the people or the environment?

1. All students must write an individual essay.

2. By the time this unit is completed, you will have done a

research essay and accomplished a series of “research-
gathering” activities.

3. The essay should document multiple sources, using APA style.

4. The essay should be between 700-1500 words in length.

5. Please type your work and submit it on the due date.

The essay is due on: ____________________________________

Research Gathering Assignments will be due on:

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 2
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
PREVIEW PAGE Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea/ Skeleton

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. What do Grant and his team do with dinosaur bones that are broken or are in other
ways not suitable to be displayed in a museum? They send the bones out to be ground. A
company grinds up the bones, extracts proteins, and then ships the results of the work back
to Grant.

19. Why did Alice Levin call Dr. Grant? She wants him to identify some remains.

20. What does Alan tell Ellie he may have found? They may have uncovered the remains of
an infant velociraptor.

21. Why did the team of paleontologists expect that finding a predator would be a rare
event? Predators were scarce. Based on studies conducted of current predator/prey
populations, it was believed that there would be one predator for every four hundred

22. When Ellie and Alan look at the fax of the x-ray, what does Alan believe to be true? This
is not a lizard. He says no three-toed lizard has lived on this planet for two hundred million

23. Ellie’s reaction is a little different. What does she think of the x-ray? She thinks it is an
elaborate hoax. Someone is trying to play a prank on them.

24. Why is the age of this specimen a “problem” for both Ellie and Alan? The
Procompsognathus lived between 190 and 220 million years ago. That makes it really hard
to believe that a specimen would still be alive today. Back then, the environment was
completely different and it was in this entirely different environment where the
Procompsognathus was able to thrive. How would it be able to live today?

25. Ellie gives two examples of Triassic animals that are still alive today. What are they? The
shark and the alligator are the examples she gives.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 3

Table of Contents
Item Page
Preview Pages 1-5
Vocabulary List and Activities 6-12
Simile Exploration 13 and 14
Study Guides for all portions of the book 15-73
Study Guide Answer Keys 74-132
Dinosaur Fact- Egg Hunt/Scavenger Hunt 133-153
Research Essay Guidelines, Rubric, and 154-172
Assessments (Per Iteration) 173-188
Assessments Answer Keys 189-203
Media Connections and Answer Keys 204-256
• Jurassic Park (1993)
• Jurassic World (2015)
• Minority Report (2002)
• The Circle (2017)
• Victor Frankenstein (2015)

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 4

Teacher’s Notes
• This study unit was created using the large print
version published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. in 1990.

• There are five media connections used with this

• Jurassic Park (1993)
• Jurassic World (2015)
• Minority Report (2002)
• The Circle (2017)
• Victor Frankenstein (2015)

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 5

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Vocabulary List

Directions: Use your resources to find the definitions for each of the vocabulary words.
Write the answers in the corresponding section.

Vocabulary Word Definition













Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 6

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Vocabulary List

Directions: Use your resources to find the definitions for each of the vocabulary words.
Write the answers in the corresponding section.

Vocabulary Word Definition












Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 7

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Vocabulary Activity

Directions: Use the vocabulary list as a word bank. Fill in the blanks below using those

1. “Reptiles are _____________________________________ because of their cold body,

pale color, cartilaginous skeleton, filthy skin, fierce aspect, calculating eye, offensive
smell, harsh voice, squalid habitation, and terrible venom.”

2. “Thus it is not surprising that, within a month, the problems of InGen were quietly and
____________________________ settled.”

3. “The most ____________________ violation, Morris explained, was the Biosyn rabies

4. “Every biologist knew that the threat for a hoax was ___________________________.”

5. “This concrete moat is thirty feet wide. That’s like a military


6. “The babies would chitter and scramble over the indulgent,

_______________________________________ bodies of the adults, and nip little bites
from the dead animals.”

7. “Pound for pound, a velociraptor was the most _________________________________

dinosaur that ever lived.”

8. “But Steingarten, the head of Biosyn, was __________________________. ‘You’ll have

to get their agreement for this one, Lew,’ he had said.”

9. “The ______________________________ that followed was entirely misplaced, in

Dodgson’s view.”

10. “These scholars broke with the _______________________________ tradition of

mathematics in several important ways.”

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 8

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Vocabulary Activity

Directions: Use the vocabulary list as a word bank. Fill in the blanks below using those

11. “Grant knew that Ian Malcolm had his share of detractors, and he could understand why
some found his style too abrasive, and his applications of chaos theory too ____________.”

12. “And I wanted to talk about the details with you today. You can think of it as a matter of

13. “ . . . Entertainment has nothing to do with reality. Entertainment is

__________________________________________________________________ to reality.”

14. “A _______________________________ voice said, ‘Welcome to Jurassic Park. You are

now entering the lost world of the prehistoric past . . . ‘”

15. “Mr. Arnold said, ‘I think we have to accept that Jurassic Park is
_______________________________________________________________ hazardous.’”

16. “Triceratops: the size and gray color of an elephant, with the
__________________________________________________________ stance of a rhino.”

17. “The steel door to the __________________________________ room was unmarked.

He unlocked it with his key, and swung the heavy door wide.”

18. “Because in fact there are great categories of phenomena that are
_____________________________________________________________ unpredictable.”

19. “Blurred through the rainy windshield, the dinosaur was coming toward their car. Slow,
___________________________ strides, coming right toward them.”

20. “In part, it was an emotional lability, flaring anger one moment,
______________________________________ sentimentality the next. But all that could be
understood as a natural _______________________________________ of age.”

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 9

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Vocabulary Activity

Directions: Use the vocabulary list as a word bank. Fill in the blanks below using those

21. “Grant paddled as strongly as he could, but he only succeeded in spinning the boat in
circles. It continued _____________________________________________ toward the lip.”

22. “_________________________________, Tim took a step back---the tail was gone!”

23. “The adults were ______________________________ with the young ones, and
tougher with the juveniles, occasionally snapping at the older animals when their play got
too rough.”

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 10

Jurassic Park
Answer Key by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Vocabulary Activity

1. Abhorrent
2. Amicably
3. Flagrant
4. Omnipresent
5. Fortification
6. Somnolent
7. Rapacious
8. Adamant
9. Consternation
10. Cloistered
11. Glib
12. Aesthetics
13. Antithetical
14. Sonorous
15. Inherently * The word inherently is used twice.
16. Truculent
17. Armaments
18. Inherently *
19. Ominous
20. Maudlin
21. Concomitant
22. Inexorably
23. Inadvertently
24. Benign
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 11
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Vocabulary List

Directions: Please review the vocabulary before, during, and after you have
read the text.
1.Abhorrent: Inspiring disgust and loathing
2.Adamant: Unyielding; firm in opinion
3.Aesthetics: Tastefully; appealing to a sense of beauty
4.Amicably: Agreeably; in a friendly way
5.Antithetical: Sharply contrasted in character or purpose
6.Benign: Harmless; kind and gentle
7.Cloistered: Isolated; secluded
8.Concomitant: Naturally accompanying or associated
9.Consternation: Feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something
10.Flagrant: Glaringly bad; outrageous
11.Fortification: Something that strengthens or protects
12.Glib: Fluent in an insincere way; offhand
13.Inadvertently: Unintentionally; Accidentally
14.Inexorably: Impossible to stop or prevent
15.Inherently: Existing in someone or something as a permanent and
inseparable element
16.Maudlin: Overly emotional or sentimental
17.Ominous: Unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen
18.Omnipresent: Present in all places at all times
19.Rapacious: Aggressively greedy or grasping
20.Somnolent: Drowsy; sleepy
21.Sonorous: Full, deep, or rich in sound; impressive in style
22.Truculent: Fierce; cruel; savagely brutal
23. Armaments: Military forces and equipment

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 12

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Similes

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: Throughout the text, the author uses a great number of similes. Similes are
comparisons that are made using the terms “like” or “as” in order to help make the
While you are reading, keep track of the similes the author uses in the chart below. Please,
add the page number.
Simile Used Page Number

Extended Thinking: 1. Why do most authors use similes and metaphors in their writing?

Extended Thinking: 2. Why do you think Michael Crichton, the author of this book, uses
figurative language in his writing?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 13

Jurassic Park
Answer Key by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________________ Similes

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: Throughout the text, the author uses a great number of similes. Similes are
comparisons that are made using the terms “like” or “as” in order to help make the
While you are reading, keep track of the similes the author uses in the chart below. Please,
add the page number.
Simile Used Page Number
“Around the rim of the bassinet, three dark-green lizards crouched like gargoyles.” 34

“He listened on the phone and looked at this boss, Daniel Ross, cold as an undertaker 68
in his dark pinstripe suit.”

“It looked like an ice-cream vendor’s pushcart, parked incongruously on the badlands.” 77

“You watch my kids like a hawk, they’re your responsibility for the weekend.” 136

“It felt to Grant as if they were driving through a bright green tunnel of leaves.” 248

“His face just inches from the dented grille, bent inward like an evil mouth, headlamps 295
for eyes.”

“It was the juvenile: about eight feet tall, and it moved with the clumsy gait of a young 309
animal, almost like a puppy.”

“Grant walked around the corner and found Lex by the bars, holding out handfuls of 359
hay to an animal outside that looked like a large pink pig and was making the
squeaking sounds Grant had heard.”

“In Tim’s ears, the sound echoed across the water like a gunshot.” 379

“The tyrannosaur yawned lazily, and scratched behind its ear with its hind foot, just 379
like a dog.”

“There was a constant hanging mist. It was like moving through a cloud.” 421

“In the darkened dining room, he saw the orderly green rectangular pattern of the 471
tabletops. And moving smoothly among them, silent as a ghost except for the hissing
of its breath, was a velociraptor.”

“The velociraptor roared like a lion, the sound muffled by the thick steel.” 476

Extended Thinking: 1. Why do most authors use similes and metaphors in their writing?

Extended Thinking: 2. Why do you think Michael Crichton, the author of this book, uses
figurative language in his writing?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 14

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Study Guide: Introduction

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. How is biotechnology going to alter all aspects of life?

2. How is the biotechnology revolution different from all of the past scientific
transformations? (There are three possible responses here. Please, list all of them.)

3. In 1953, what were researchers Watson and Crick credited with doing?

4. Why did the work of Watson and Crick not really become significant until 1976?

5. This manuscript the audience member is about to read is meant to shed some light on
an event that went largely unreported, even though it was considered a major
catastrophe. Why was the crisis not reported properly?

6. Why was little attention drawn to InGen when they filed for bankruptcy in 1989?

7. Even though many people involved with the case for InGen were required to sign a non-
disclosure agreement, how was the author able to obtain the details of the story?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 15

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Study Guide: Prologue

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What seems to be the only thing Bobbie Carter doesn’t like about her job in Costa Rica?

2. When Bobbie sees the helicopter labelled “InGen Construction”, what does she already
know about the company?

3. When examining the patient, of what is Bobbie reminded?

4. Before the boy expired, he was able to communicate something. What did he say?

5. When Bobbie asks her assistant, Manuel, to translate, what does she learn?

6. As the young boy is expiring, Bobbie leans over to administer mouth-to-mouth

resuscitation, but Manuel jerks her away from the body. Why must she refrain?

7. As the InGen helicopter flew away, Bobbie was anxious to take a look at the photographs
so she could examine what happened more thoroughly. Why was she unable to do this?

8. Bobbie looks up the word “raptor” in her Spanish dictionary. What does she find?

9. Why does Elena, the local midwife, beg Bobbie not to speak of “Hupia” on this particular

10. Out of curiosity, Bobbie looks up “raptor” in the English dictionary too. What does it

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 16

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Almost Paradise/ Puntarenas

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. According to the guidebook, how was Cabo Blanco almost like paradise?

2. Why is Tina keeping a list of all the animals she sees on the family’s trip?
3. Tina finally catches a glimpse of a new animal for her list and she is really excited.
Describe this animal.

4. How does the lizard react to Tina?

5. It took Mike a few minutes to find Tina, his daughter. What did he discover when he
finally got to her?

6. How were Mike Bowman and his family unique to the area?

7. Dr. Guitierrez thinks he can identify the animal that bit Tina. What does he say it is?

8. Mike Bowman tells Dr. Guitierrez that his daughter was in a great deal of pain. How does
the doctor explain this to the concerned father?

9. How is Tina’s drawing slightly different from the animal Guitierrez expects is responsible
for attacking her?

10. Why were so many of the saliva samples that were taken from Tina’s bites tossed in the

11. How does Tina compare the animal she saw to a bird?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 17

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shape of the Data

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why did Elena tell the mother that her child died of asphyxiation associated with SIDS?

2. When the University lab in San Jose tested the saliva that came from Tina Bowman,
what did they find?

3. How is Alice Levin crucial to the story?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 18

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Dr. Alan Grant and his team of paleontologists are working to uncover a new specimen.
What does he know about it thus far?

2. Why is this find so significant?

3. What is paleontology?

4. Why had the subject of paleontology become so “fashionable” lately?

5. What is Ellie Sattler’s job at the dig site?

6. Why is Snakewater an important area?

7. What does Dr. Grant know about one of his sponsors, The Hammond Foundation?

8. What would the EPA official like to know about the Hammond Foundation?

9. Why is it so curious that the Hammond Foundation is stockpiling large quantities of


Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 19

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. Why were the Costa Ricans amazed when John Hammond approached the government
about purchasing the Isla Nublar?

11. Why did so many people respond positively to Alan Grant’s research findings?

12. What sort of work did Grant do for InGen a few years ago?

13. Why did Gennaro want the information from Grant?

14. Why did Grant abruptly stop working for Gennaro and InGen?

15. Why can’t members of the EPA just march down to Isla Nublar and confront John

16. According to Morris, why have a number of American bioengineering companies moved
their operations overseas?

17. How did the Genetic Biosyn Corporation violate the rights of people living in Chile in

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 20

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea/ Skeleton

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. What do Grant and his team do with dinosaur bones that are broken or are in other
ways not suitable to be displayed in a museum?

19. Why did Alice Levin call Dr. Grant?

20. What does Alan tell Ellie he may have found?

21. Why did the team of paleontologists expect that finding a predator would be a rare

22. When Ellie and Alan look at the fax of the x-ray, what does Alan believe to be true?

23. Ellie’s reaction is a little different. What does she think of the x-ray?

24. Why is the age of this specimen a “problem” for both Ellie and Alan?

25. Ellie gives two examples of Triassic animals that are still alive today. What are they?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 21

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea/ Skeleton

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
26. Why has John Hammond contacted Alan?

27. How much does Hammond offer to pay Alan and Ellie?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 22

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Cowain, Swain, and Ross

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why does Gennaro think that John Hammond is no longer trustworthy?

2. How is Cowain, Swain, and Ross (the firm) involved with John Hammond and his
business venture?

3. Ian Malcolm is coming to John Hammond’s island this weekend to help inspect the
project. Why does Gennaro think Malcolm can be trusted to be truthful?

4. What sort of packet arrives in the mail for Alan and Ellie on the day they are meant to
depart for Costa Rica?

5. What is stamped on the plans Alan received from John Hammond?

6. While looking over the documents, what do Alan and Ellie both find to be odd?

7. What does Ellie make of this oddity?

8. When Ellie notices there are thirty feet wide moats also included on the plans, what is
she inclined to think?

9. Why are Alan and Ellie so reluctant to leave their dig site right now?

10. While the scientists are working on seeing the image of the baby velociraptor, what does
the author tell us about this animal?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 23

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Cowain, Swain, and Ross/Hammond

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
11. Many fossils were found showing the specimen with a neck that was bent backwards.
Some had hypothesized that this occurred because dinosaurs were poisoned by the plants
they ate. How did Grant prove this theory wrong?

12. How long has it been since this infant velociraptor died?

13. What particular element of the velociraptor’s life does Dr. Grant think would have been
amazing to witness?

14. While Grant and his team know that velociraptors hunted in packs, what other
knowledge are they lacking?

15. On what matter does Grant reflect just before leaving the dig site?

16. What does Dan remind Gennaro of before he leaves the office for the day?

17. Gennaro talks to Hammond about his young daughter. How does Hammond react?

18. How are Hammond’s appearance and age at odds?

19. When Hammond first started looking for investors, what item did he take around the
world with him?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 24

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Hammond/Choteau

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
20. How was the miniature elephant not quite like other elephants, apart from its size?

21. Hammond was confident in his plan, but one major road block appeared rather early in
the process?

22. Gennaro acknowledges that he and Hammond could have raised more money from their
prospective investors, but Hammond insisted on two things that narrowed the field
considerably. What were they?

23. How many animals are living on Hammond’s island?

24. How many different species are there?

25. Why did Hammond invest in so much computer technology?

26. How long does Hammond promise the group they will be visiting the island?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 25

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Target of Opportunity/ Airport

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why is the fact that Dodgson is asking for a quorum such a big deal?

2. What has Dodgson discovered John Hammond and the company InGen are doing on the
Isla Nublar?

3. How does Dodgson imagine that Hammond and crew have been able to accomplish such
a feat?

4. Dodgson tells his group that Hammond is likely to make serious money with this
venture. What part of the merchandising program astonishes the group at large?

5. What happens if and when InGen is able to patent their product?

6. Why does Dodgson need silent approval from all of the members of the board? (What
does he plan?)

7. Dodgson meets a man who works for InGen and is willing to help Biosyn. How does
Dodgson propose this man sneak samples away from the InGen lab?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 26

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Malcolm

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Describe Dr. Ian Malcolm.

2. Dr. Ian Malcolm is a different sort of mathematician. How so?

3. Why does Dr. Malcolm elect to only wear two different colors every day of his life?

4. In the simplest terms, what does chaos theory attempt to do?

5. Dr. Malcolm mentions the butterfly effect. Why?

6. According to Dr. Malcolm, chaos theory says two things. What are they?

7. Why is Dr. Malcolm convinced that John Hammond’s experiment will fail without ever
having to see the island or the project?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 27

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Isla Nublar/ Welcome

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. To what does Dr. Malcolm compare the Isla Nublar?

2. To Dr. Grant, what does the Isla Nublar resemble?

3. How does Grant get his first look at a dinosaur?

4. What is the first thing Ellie thinks when she lays eyes on the dinosaur?

5. By what name is the apatosaur more commonly known?

6. The animals are making a trumpeting sound. What does Ed Regis say it is?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 28

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Jurassic Park/When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What does Dr. Grant really want to do?

2. What did the posture of the dinosaurs suggest about them?

3. Dr. Malcolm is surprised to see that Dr. Grant is not upset by the presence of dinosaurs
and the possibility that he might be out of a job soon. How does Dr. Grant explain his
own actions?

4. While walking near the swimming pool, Ellie stops to look more closely at a cluster of
ferns. What does she note about them?

5. Now that they are inside the lodge, what does Ellie compare it to?

6. What does Mr. Gennaro want the scientists to be able to answer for him, after they have
had the opportunity to view the park?

7. Gennaro and Hammond want to believe that Jurassic Park is similar to a zoo. Dr.
Malcolm explains how this park is not at all like a zoo. How does he explain this idea?

8. Describe the two children who have just arrived at Jurassic Park.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 29

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Tour

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Tim immediately recognizes Dr. Grant. How does he know the man?

2. What did Tim notice about the Tyrannosaur that was displayed in the Museum of
Natural History?

3. Why is Ed Regis not satisfied with his job at the present time?

4. When Tim reads the following sign: “Caution: Teratogenic Substances”, how does he

5. Sometimes, the Jurassic Park scientists are able to get proteins directly from dinosaur
bones. How do they do that?

6. Why is amber so important to the Jurassic Park scientists?

7. How do the scientists use the insects that have been preserved in the amber?

8. Why do the Jurassic Park scientists think that dinosaurs are just big leathery birds?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 30

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Tour

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Why was Dennis Nedry so annoyed with his employers at Jurassic Park?

10. There are two ways of determining whether or not the scientists have encountered
dinosaur DNA. The first way is aided by a computer through phylogenetic mapping. What is
the second way?

11. Why do the Jurassic Park scientists keep a large quantity of poisons on hand in the lab?

12. In the hatchery, the temperature is elevated and there is a higher oxygen concentration.
Why have the scientists intentionally done this?

13. How many animals exist inside Jurassic Park currently?

14. Even though the research is fairly new, as is the park, why are there some adult
dinosaurs walking around the park?

15. While showing off the hatchery, to what fact does Dr. Wu admit he does not always

16. Why won’t Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, and Dr. Malcolm get to see a dinosaur hatch?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 31

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Tour

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
17. Nedry says one of the newborns looks like a lizard, but Dr. Grant recognizes the baby.
What kind of dinosaur is it?

18. How does the dinosaur demonstrate its jumping abilities?

19. How do raptor babies get out of their eggs?

20. According to Dr. Wu, why are none of the animals in Jurassic Park able to breed?

21. How can the Jurassic Park scientists be sure they have created all female dinosaurs?

22. Dr. Grant tries to inspect the velociraptor, but he is stopped. What’s the problem?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 32

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why does Dr. Wu guess that there are fifteen species of dinosaurs in the park?

2. Why did the Jurassic Park scientists want to make sure they created plenty of compys?

3. How many compys exist inside the park?

4. Dr. Wu gives two reasons why the small animal found on the beach at the beginning of
the novel could not be one of their compys. What are his reasons?

5. What does it mean to be “lysine dependent”?

6. What sort of paradox does Dr. Wu present concerning his dinosaurs and their

7. How many adult female raptors have been created?

8. Why does Dr. Grant like children?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 33

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Version 4.4

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Why does Dr. Grant believe most children like dinosaurs?

10. How does Dr. Grant feel when they are looking into the velociraptor paddock?

11. Explain how the velociraptors attacked the visitors?

12. After looking closely at the raptors, how does Dr. Malcolm classify them?

13. In the 1830s, what did people believe about life, creation, and extinction?

14. Near the end of the chapter entitled “Control”, why does Dr. Malcolm mention lions and

15. How does Dr. Wu propose he “make the dinosaurs better”?

16. Fill in the blank. Dr. Wu says, “You said yourself, John, this park is entertainment, and
entertainment has nothing to do with ______________________________________.”

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 34

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Version 4.4

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
17. Dr. Wu mentions how the game warden, Mr. Muldoon, wants to order military-grade
equipment. How does John Hammond respond to such a proposal?

18. When John Hammond first approached Dr. Wu (years ago) he made a very generous
offer for Dr. Wu to come and work at Jurassic Park. What were the terms?

19. Why does Dr. Wu feel like John Hammond doesn’t need him any longer?

20. Dr. Wu and John Hammond continue to argue about the look and presentation of the
dinosaurs. How does the argument conclude?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 35

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why is Mr. Gennaro impressed when the visitors get to the control room?

2. Explain how the computer keeps track of the animals in Jurassic Park. (In particular, focus
on the tallying system.)

3. Why are different version numbers listed on the tally sheet?

4. Dr. Grant does not consider the procedures described above to be very humane. How
does Mr. Arnold reject this accusation?

5. Mr. Arnold says under no circumstances would an animal be able to escape the
containment unit. How does he prove this statement?

6. Why does Muldoon say if an animal should get out of its holding pen, they would track it
and use non-lethal measures to return it to its home?

7. Mr. Arnold mentions diseases and a red flag immediately flies in Mr. Gennaro’s mind.
How does Mr. Arnold combat this concern?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 36

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ The Tour/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
8. Explain how the team intends to have “rides” in this park?

9. What fault does Dr. Malcolm find with the population graph?

10. What is special or unique about the cars that pull up to take the guests on their tours?

11. What is one of the first myths Richard Kiley’s voice attempts to dispel once the dinosaur
tour has begun?

12. Where are the observers able to locate the first pack of dinosaurs, the

13. The reader learns a little bit about Mr. Arnold’s work experience and why he would have
been a desirable employee to have at Jurassic Park. What did you learn about his past?

14. From an engineering standpoint, why is Mr. Arnold so concerned with Jurassic Park?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 37

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/Big Rex

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
15. Mr. Arnold tries to explain some of the specific problems the park is currently
experiencing to John Hammond. What are they?

16. John Hammond does not want to listen to reason, but how does Mr. Arnold feel about
Jurassic Park?

17. What is one of the bugs concerning the security system?

18. What do the visitors learn about the dilophosaurus from listening during the car ride?

19. Why does the voice recording joke that the visitors are safe from the triceratops as long
as they are in their vehicles?

20. How does the juvenile T-Rex catch fish?

21. How does Muldoon really feel about the project that is Jurassic Park?

22. When it was discovered that dilophosaurs could spit venom up to fifty feet distances,
how did the park operators respond?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 38

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Big Rex

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
23. Why does Muldoon have so many concerns about the velociraptors?

24. Why does Muldoon compare raptors to chimpanzees?

25. When Muldoon says that he is going downstairs, what is he most likely going to get?

26. Explain why predators, like the tyrannosaur, lean over their prey after they have made
the kill.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 39

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Stegosaur

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What does Dr. Wu truly believe about this park and about his research?

2. While riding through the tour, the listeners learn a little about the Apatosaurus. What do
they learn?

3. Internally, Tim is thinking about which dinosaur is actually the largest. What does he

4. While looking into the stegosaur paddock, what is Tim certain he sees out there?

5. Why do the computers have trouble tracking the othys?

6. Why is Hammond so disappointed in the reactions of his visitors?

7. A shipping vessel is having trouble docking on the island. Even though Hammond knows
they will need the supplies, why does he have to send them away again?

8. Even though the body of the stegosaur is intimidating, why is the animal overall
compared to a very dumb horse?

9. Why is Dr. Harding spending time with the stegosaurus?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 40

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Stegosaur

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. When the group approaches the stegosaur, Dr. Sattler and Lex notice a peculiar smell.
Why does this worry Dr. Sattler?

11. What does Dr. Sattler see when she takes a closer look at the stegosaur’s tongue?

12. Explain how a gizzard stone works.

13. In the 1940s, why were computers built?

14. Those same scientists who believed in the computer and its capabilities, what ideology
held them together?

15. How does chaos theory differ from that belief system?

16. Dr. Malcolm says that he doesn’t mean to be philosophical, but what sort of philosophy
does he share with the others?

17. Dr. Grant finds a white fragment out in the field. What is he sure he has found?

18. What can Dr. Grant tell the group about the dinosaur egg?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 41

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Breeding Sites

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. After finding the egg shell, Dr. Malcolm challenges Mr. Arnold to change the number
count in the computer search. What is the result? (Meaning: How many animals are
found overall?)

2. List the types of dinosaurs that now show more animals in the park than the scientists

3. How does Dr. Wu react after seeing this data?

4. When Dr. Wu tells Hammond about the extra animals, how does the boss react?

5. How many different breeding sites appear to exist on the island?

6. It appears as though some animals are breeding, but if that is true, there should be
more of that kind roaming around the park. How does Dr. Grant explain the missing

7. Why have the people in the control room never seen the raptors racing around the

8. Dr. Grant suggests finding the nesting sites and counting the eggs that have hatched.
What flaw does Dr. Malcolm point out in this plan?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 42

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Breeding Sites

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Why is Dr. Malcolm feeling a bit of dread?

10. Dr. Malcolm references a scientist named Mandelbrot. What is the gist of Mandelbrot’s

11. What issue does Dr. Malcolm take with the idea of linearity?

12. What do the visitors spot on the boat that is headed towards the mainland?

13. When the power goes out, where are the land cruisers stopped?

14. What is the practical reason for creating a trapdoor in the computer program, according
to Dennis Nedry?

15. When Dennis Nedry gets to the fertilization room, what does he steal?

16. Mr. Arnold identifies a big problem with the security breach. What is it?

17. Muldoon is concerned about what the people in the cars might do since the power is
down. Why does he reason that they will stay in the cars?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 43

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Main Road

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Once the storm really picks up, Tim and Dr. Grant notice something standing just beyond
the trees. What is it?

2. What does the king of dinosaurs start doing while Tim is watching him using the night
vision goggles?

3. Ed Regis is not capable of handling the stress of being confronted by the T-Rex. How
does he react to the situation?

4. When the T-Rex begins to maul the land cruiser containing the kids, what happens to

5. Tim watches the T-Rex peer into the land cruiser. What does Tim think while he watches
the T-Rex work?

6. What happened to the land cruiser that Tim was hiding inside?

7. Fill in the blank. Dr. Malcolm says, “You know, at times like this one feels, well, perhaps
extinct animals _______________________________ be left extinct.”
8. How did Dr. Grant react when the T-Rex very suddenly changed its course and turned
back to face him?

9. Dr. Grant comes to understand something about the Tyrannosaur. What is it?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 44

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Return/Nedry/Bungalow

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. How might the storm screw up everything for Dennis Nedry?

2. Why did Nedry feel like his plan was so clever?

3. Why had Nedry insisted on meeting with Dodgson in person?

4. When Nedry realizes he is very close to running out of time, how does he amend his

5. Describe the dinosaur that confronts Nedry.

6. What does the dinosaur do in order to incapacitate Nedry?

7. How does Nedry die?

8. Why is the fact that the animals are breeding so detrimental to Jurassic Park?

9. Of what is John Hammond afraid?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 45

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Bungalow/Tim

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. Fill in the blank. John Hammond tells Dr. Wu, “Personally, I would
_________________________________________ help mankind.”
11. Why is John Hammond sure that Americans and Japanese will pay whatever they must
pay in order to visit Jurassic Park?

12. What are John Hammond’s plans for taking Jurassic Park worldwide?

13. Why does Hammond see no reason to sell dinosaurs as pets for children?

14. Why is Dr. Harding not concerned about disturbing the apatosaurs?

15. Why does Hammond think that nothing can stop him from opening Jurassic Park?

16. Why do Dr. Sattler and Dr. Harding think they should probably follow the compys that
are on the move?

17. Where is Tim at the beginning of the chapter entitled, “Tim”?

18. How high in the air is Tim?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 46

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tim

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
19. Immediately as Tim pushes himself out of the car, what happens?

20. Why does Tim elect to fall out of the tree?

21. What object did Tim crawl back inside the car to retrieve?

22. Why did Dr. Wu feel free when he was creating his dinosaurs?

23. Dr. Wu finds that all of the dinosaurs that are capable of breeding have something in
common. What is it?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 47

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Lex/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. After escaping the T-Rex, where did Lex hide?

2. When Ed Regis fled from the Tyrannosaur, where did he go?

3. While in hiding, what does Ed Regis tell himself in order to feel better about how he
handled the situation?

4. Lex seems to have faired pretty well in her encounter with the T-Rex, but Tim is banged
up at the moment. What appears to be Tim’s injuries?

5. What wound does Dr. Grant have from his time against the T-Rex?

6. Dr. Grant can see the juvenile T-Rex and Ed Regis as they are a short distance away from
the group. What does Dr. Grant realize as he watches the two?

7. What happens to Ed Regis?

8. Why does Muldoon need Dr. Harding to return to the main resort?

9. What does John Hammond tell Mr. Arnold he doesn’t want to have happen?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 48

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Road/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What do Muldoon and Gennaro find once they get near the T-Rex paddock?

2. Having dealt with animal attacks before, what does Muldoon know that most people do

3. Muldoon is trying busily to find at least one of the children, but Gennaro is unimpressed.
How is he feeling?

4. While tracking the footprints, Muldoon and Gennaro are able to locate a person. Who
do they find?

5. Even though Muldoon is unsure of the injuries sustained by Dr. Malcolm, he decides to
move the wounded man. Why does that seem the smart thing to do?

6. Why is John Hammond totally sure they will find his missing grandchildren?

7. How will using the keycheck program help Mr. Arnold figure out what Dennis Nedry did
to the computer system?

8. What is the command or object Nedry used in order to disable the security systems?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 49

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/In the Park/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. What does Mr. Arnold learn as he looks more closely at Nedry’s doings?

10. Why can’t Muldoon call for a doctor to come to the island to help Dr. Malcolm?

11. Dr. Sattler takes a quiet moment to reflect on Dr. Grant and the kids. She is only slightly
worried about them. What about the situation gives her confidence?

12. How does Dr. Grant think he and the kids will be able to navigate their way through the

13. Tim wants to know about Dr. Grant’s married life. What is the story?

14. On the same note, what is Dr. Sattler’s love story?

15. How does Lex get Tim to climb the electric fence so quickly?

16. Lex is hoping for food inside the storage shed. What do they find instead?

17. Dr. Grant checks his watch and decides he can sleep for a few minutes. Why does he
figure this is the okay thing to do?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 50

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. While looking at the computer screen, Mr. Arnold, Muldoon, and Gennaro are pointing
out the spots in the field that are blocked out. They mention the sauropod maintenance
building as a place that is out. Why is this important elsewhere in the story?

19. Why does Muldoon think he needs to take the maintenance crews out immediately?

20. Dr. Malcolm is in bad shape, but he is not laying down and dying. Why not?

21. How did Dr. Malcolm come to sustain his injury?

22. Why does Dr. Malcolm say he was able to survive his encounter with the Tyrannosaur?

23. The reader gets just a tad more information about the Malcolm Effect. What do we

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 51

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Park

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Mr. Arnold tries to explain to Gennaro what Dr. Malcolm believes. He uses an example of
a droplet of water being applied to the hand. Describe what Mr. Arnold tells Gennaro.

2. How is chaos theory similar to that droplet of water on the hand?

3. Explain how the Malcolm Effect comes into play now?

4. What is Dr. Harding’s history?

5. When Dr. Harding was approached by John Hammond why did he feel like he couldn’t
possibly say no to the proposition to work at Jurassic Park?

6. How does Mr. Arnold explain the differences between a living system and a mechanical

7. Judging from the smashed fence, where does Mr. Arnold think the T-Rex went?

8. Why does Dr. Harding assume the T-Rex will have eaten only one sauropod?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 52

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Park/Dawn

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. According to Muldoon, as of right now, there is no way to stop the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Why is that the case?

10. While Dr. Grant is trying to get the phone to work in the maintenance building, what is
Lex doing?

11. What image reminds Dr. Grant that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park do not have normal
reactions to human beings?

12. Why is Lex unable to feed the mother triceratops?

13. Dr. Grant suggests the kids stay in the maintenance shed and wait for him to return. The
kids flatly refuse to go through with this plan. What do they want to do instead?

14. Even though the rest of the power is being restored to the park, why are the phones still
not up and running?

15. Why does Gennaro demand that Mr. Arnold shut down the system right now?

16. Lex smells something like rotten garbage. What is she really smelling?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 53

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Dawn/ The Park

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
17. Why didn’t the main power switch turn on when Mr. Arnold first flipped it?

18. As soon as the system starts back up, what is Mr. Arnold able to identify easily on the
computer screen?

19. How do Grant and the kids escape from the charging dinosaurs?

20. Why is Dr. Grant unafraid of the duckbilled hadrosaur?

21. Why was the Maiasaur known as the “good mother lizard”?

22. While Grant watches the Maiasaur eat, what does he notice?

23. Dr. Grant coughs to test out his theories about the Maiasaur. What does he glean from
his mini-experiments?

24. Tim suggests taking a raft up the river in order to get back to the main resort. Why does
Dr. Grant agree to this plan?

25. When Mr. Hammond summons Mr. Arnold, to what does Arnold compare the voice on
the intercom?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 54

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Dawn/ The Park

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
26. Dr. Grant struggled to find a raft amongst the junk, but he did find something useful.
What did he find?

27. What does Tim find while rummaging around in the storage shed?

28. Dr. Grant and the kids find the T-Rex again. What is the animal doing?

29. How does Lex attract the attention of the T-Rex?

30. What does Tim assume his sister knows, but she really doesn’t?

31. While watching the T-Rex move through the water, Dr. Grant mentally compares it to
another animal. What comparison does he make?

32. Why does Dr. Grant make the risky choice to paddle back towards the waiting T-Rex?

33. What forces the T-Rex to abandon his tracking of Dr. Grant and the kids?

34. Dr. Grant is exhausted, so he stops rowing. But, the boat keeps on moving. How is that

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 55

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Search/Aviary

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Gennaro just sits in the Jeep, looking out into the field. What does he find astonishing
about this view?

2. Dennis Nedry took fifteen embryos overall. What does Muldoon estimate those would
be worth on the open market?

3. How do the compys remind Gennaro of humans?

4. What happens when Muldoon and Gennaro leave behind Nedry’s body?

5. Tim tries to educate his sister about the dinosaurs they are seeing, but she taunts him
instead. What does she say?

6. Why does Dr. Grant steer the raft towards the aviary?

7. What does Dr. Malcolm explain to the others about the holes in the motion sensor

8. What is one major reason why the aviary is not open yet?

9. Explain how the dactyls were attacking the workmen?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 56

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Search/Aviary

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. Lex is attacked by a dactyl. What does it do to her?

11. How does Grant get the dactyl away from Lex?

12. Once Grant rolls off the dactyl, what does he see?

13. Upon leaving the aviary, why is Lex so disappointed?

14. Why is Dr. Grant so relieved when the T-Rex is incapable of breaking through the foliage
that runs along the stream?

15. Dr. Malcolm instructs the others to begin storing water and gathering flashlights,
matches, and walkie-talkies. Why does he order them to do this?

16. Explain Dr. Malcolm’s concept of “thintelligence”.

17. What issue does Dr. Malcolm take with engineers and scientists?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 57

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Search/Aviary

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. Why does Dr. Sattler admit that they leave their dig sites looking worse for the wear?

19. How does Dr. Malcolm argue that no advances have been made in the world?

20. Why is Dr. Grant alarmed by the dilophosaurs that are at the edge of the water?

21. When the T-Rex appears again at the water’s edge, the small group seems frightened.
How does the suspense heighten in that moment?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 58

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tyrannosaur

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. While Muldoon goes out in search of the T-Rex, it becomes very clear that he and the
administrators (Hammond and Arnold) are seeing the park from wildly different
perspectives. How do the two groups differ?

2. What two elements determine the proper dosage to be used when tranquilizing an

3. How does Muldoon compare dinosaurs to mammals?

4. How does Muldoon feel about the raptors?

5. How many times does Muldoon try to shoot a canister at the T-Rex?

6. When the narrative returns to Dr. Grant and the kids, what trouble have they
encountered now?

7. As the raft nears the very edge, what can Dr. Grant see way down below waiting in the

8. When the T-Rex lifts its head out of the water, what does it have between its teeth?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 59

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tyrannosaur/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Why does Tim cry?

10. Dr. Grant determines they should follow the path back towards the waterfall. What do
they find?

11. When Grant gets locked into the cave, he realizes he is not alone. What is in there with

12. What is so special about the thing that is in the cave with Dr. Grant?

13. The T-Rex knows that Lex and Tim are behind the waterfall, but it can’t reach them. How
does the T-Rex explore the unknown area?

14. Just as Tim is about to be eaten by the T-Rex, what happens?

15. What does Muldoon realize about the T-Rex now that he can see it in the monitor?

16. A box on the screen is now flashing from yellow to red. What is Mr. Arnold learning?

17. How did the problem occur?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 60

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tyrannosaur/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. Mr. Arnold is going to turn on the main power while Muldoon is setting out to handle
the raptors. How does Hammond react to all of this?

19. Muldoon explains how the odds are against he and Gennaro. What’s the issue?

20. How do Muldoon and Gennaro distract the raptors so Arnold can run towards the
maintenance shed?

21. Why does Hammond become annoyed by Dr. Malcolm?

22. What issue does Malcolm have specifically with Dr. Wu and his work?

23. Hammond thought his park and the process were so simple. How does Malcolm

24. What is wrong with scientific power, according to Dr. Malcolm?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 61

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tyrannosaur/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
25. How does Mr. Arnold know that he has been followed by a velociraptor?

26. How did Muldoon manage to escape the raptors and save himself momentarily?

27. Arnold thinks the raptor will stay up above because it is not able to walk down the stairs.
How does the raptor prove Arnold wrong?

28. How is Gennaro able to compete with the raptor for awhile?

29. How is “science starting not to fit the world any more”?

30. On what premise has the study of science always functioned?

31. What question is science not capable of answering?

32. What does Dr. Malcolm postulate will happen next?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 62

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Return

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Dr. Grant insists that he and the kids take the velociraptor with them back to the center.
Why must they do this?

2. Why does Muldoon say they don’t have half an hour left over at the resort?

3. How does Muldoon envision the animals being able to get into the building?

4. Why does Dr. Sattler agree to help distract the raptors?

5. Dr. Grant is told to leave the kids in the cafeteria and run towards the maintenance shed.
Why must he do this?

6. What does Dr. Sattler do to entice the raptors?

7. How many animals tried to attack Dr. Sattler?

8. What does Dr. Sattler think as she surveys the animals they have trapped?

9. Just as Alan is able to get the power working, what problem occurs?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 63

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Return

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. Lex knows that something is in the cafeteria with them before Tim does, but then
suddenly he hears something. What does it sound like?

11. Once the raptor is following them, how does Tim try to throw the dinosaur off their

12. Up close, why is the velociraptor so much more terrifying than any other dinosaur, even
the tyrannosaur?

13. Why is Tim distraught when the raptor won’t eat the steak?

14. How do Tim and Lex get away from the raptor?

15. Why didn’t the compys attack Gennaro?

16. Dr. Sattler starts to think that the raptors have been continuing this pattern of behavior
for quite a long time. What does this lead her to believe?

17. Internally, Dr. Wu begins to question a few things about the animals he has created.
What is one of his major concerns?

18. Even though the animal breeding is a catastrophic thing, it also validates Wu’s work. How
can both of these things be true?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 64

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Return

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
19. What happens to Dr. Wu?

20. Dr. Sattler tries to flee from the raptors by climbing a tree. Why doesn’t this really help
her at all?

21. When Dr. Sattler is face-to-face with the raptors, she knows that she is about to die, but
she can’t accept it. Why not?

22. Dr. Sattler jumps into the pool and is certain she is going to be followed by the raptors,
but that doesn’t happen. What happens instead?

23. What did Lex find in the control room?

24. Tim has a little trouble getting the computer to work. Why are there red smudges
around the edge of the screen?

25. Once Tim gets the monitors working, he can see inside Dr. Malcolm’s sick room. What
does he see there?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 65

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Grid/Lodge

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Tim is trying to run the computer system, but he is also under pressure because he can
hear the raptors growling. Which button does he decide to push?

2. Why does Lex need Tim’s attention right now?

3. Tim is surprised to see the two raptors standing there. What astonishes him the most?

4. Why can’t Lex and Tim get back into the control room?

5. Dr. Malcolm tells Hammond there was a precise moment when he was in deep trouble.
When did that moment occur?

6. When Tim and Lex get to the nursery, what do they encounter?

7. What happens to the baby velociraptor?

8. Tim and Lex run towards the blue biohazard sign. Who or what greets them on the other
side of the door?

9. Grant sends Gennaro and the kids towards the control room, but that presents a
problem. What’s the trouble?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 66

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Grid/Lodge/ Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. What sort of weapon does Dr. Grant find in the laboratory?

11. How does Dr. Grant intend to get the raptors to ingest the poison?

12. What immediate disappointment does Dr. Grant face?

13. One of the raptors notices Dr. Grant and charges towards him. Then what happens?

14. How does the second velociraptor die?

15. Why does Dr. Grant turn on the radio and ask Dr. Sattler to speak?

16. How does Dr. Grant kill the third velociraptor?

17. How do Muldoon and the others escape from the raptors?

18. How does Gennaro convince Captain Farrell to turn his vessel back towards the island?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 67

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Destroying the World/Under Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Hammond shares what concerned him all along. What disaster was he afraid might

2. Why does Dr. Malcolm scoff at Hammond’s worries?

3. How does Dr. Malcolm prove his point?

4. Fill in the blank. Dr. Malcolm says, “We have been residents here for the blink of an eye.
If we are ____________________________ tomorrow, the earth will not miss us.”

5. Fill in the blank: Dr. Malcolm says, “Let’s be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in
jeopardy. We haven’t got the _______________________ to destroy the planet—or to
save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves.”

6. Now that things are “under control”, what happened to the twenty-four people who
were originally on the island?

7. While the ship is returning to the island, what happens?

8. Dr. Grant watches the screens in the park. Dr. Sattler approaches and she wants to know
if it “is the way you imagined”. What question is she really asking?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 68

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Under Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Dr. Grant wants to go out searching for the raptor nest, but Gennaro says to let it be.
What does Gennaro say is going to happen to the island?

10. Why does Dr. Grant get upset with Gennaro?

11. Why does Dr. Grant insist upon going out to find the raptor’s nest?

12. What does Muldoon give Grant before he leaves to find the nest?

13. How is the raptor they have with them different from the ones that were bred in the

14. How did Grant know that the dinosaurs injected with frog DNA would be able to change
their sex?

15. Why does it seem the dinosaurs were able to change sex?

16. Why doesn’t Dr. Grant know exactly what to expect when they reach the raptor’s nest?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 69

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Under Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
17. Gennaro is bothered when he looks around and notices how calm and collected both Dr.
Grant and Dr. Sattler seem to be. How does she respond when asked about their cool

18. When Dr. Grant has time to analyze the way the raptors distracted Dr. Sattler, what does
he conclude?

19. Why can’t they just throw the gas grenade into the lair and then go in and count the

20. How does Dr. Grant reason that Mr. Gennaro made these animals?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 70

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Almost Paradigm

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What paradox surrounded Malcolm’s impending death for Hammond?

2. The sun began to poke through the clouds and John Hammond took that as an omen.
What did he think it meant?

3. How does Hammond view progress?

4. Why does Hammond now think of Dr. Wu as incapable?

5. Hammond reflects upon Mr. Arnold’s work. In what ways was he unfit?

6. When thinking about Wu and Arnold together, what does Hammond determine?

7. How does Hammond feel about the presence of his grandchildren on the island?

8. Fill in the blank: “____________________________ shifts were said to occur whenever

science made a major change in its view of the world.”

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 71

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Descent

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. How do the scientists and Gennaro get into the raptor’s nest?

2. When Gennaro gets into the nest he is surprised that both Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler are
whispering. Why are they behaving in such a manner?

3. How many raptors does it seem are here in this colony?

4. Grant starts to toss one of the gas grenades, but Gennaro stops him: why?

5. When Dr. Grant is counting up the egg shells in the raptor nest, how many animals does
he believe hatched and survived?

6. What does Dr. Sattler notice the raptors all doing?

7. What does Mr. Gennaro observe?

8. Why is Hammond attacked by the compy?

9. How did Hammond feel when the compys began to devour him?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 72

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Beach/ Approaching Dark/ Epilogue: San Jose

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What does Dr. Grant notice about the organization of the raptors?

2. How does Dr. Grant feel his work in the field of paleontology has clouded his vision
about dinosaurs and their true nature?

3. While watching the dinosaurs arrange in their formation, what does Dr. Grant suddenly

4. As they are leaving the island, Muldoon informs the scientists of additional deaths. Who
else has died that Muldoon must now report?

5. How does Dr. Grant feel when he thinks about the raptors desire to migrate?

6. Why were the survivors being held in Costa Rica?

7. Who appears one day to speak with Dr. Grant? Why is this person important to the

8. What strange occurrence does the researcher wish to share with Dr. Grant?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 73

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Study Guide: Introduction

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. How is biotechnology going to alter all aspects of life? It is going to transform medical
care, food, health, entertainment, and the human body.

2. How is the biotechnology revolution different from all of the past scientific
transformations? (There are three possible responses here. Please, list all of them.) 1. It
is broad-based. This means that many companies are doing this research world-wide. 2.
Much of the research is thoughtless or frivolous. This means that a great deal of the
work is unnecessary. It is just getting done for the sake of doing something. 3. There is
no control over this field. There is no government agency responsible for it, and
scientists are not bothering to check up on each other.

3. In 1953, what were researchers Watson and Crick credited with doing? They were able
to decipher the structure of DNA.

4. Why did the work of Watson and Crick not really become significant until 1976? It was
not until then that someone, Robert Swanson, approached a scientist, Herbert Boyer,
and decided to make the field profitable.

5. This manuscript the audience member is about to read is meant to shed some light on
an event that went largely unreported, even though it was considered a major
catastrophe. Why was the crisis not reported properly? It took place in a remote region
of Central America. There were only about twenty witnesses, and many of those people
died during the incident.

6. Why was little attention drawn to InGen when they filed for bankruptcy in 1989? They
were not the only bioengineering company to go under in this time period.

7. Even though many people involved with the case for InGen were required to sign a non-
disclosure agreement, how was the author able to obtain the details of the story? He
found a few people who were involved in the crisis, but were not required to attend the
trial. Those people were willing to give details about the incident that happened in
August of 1989 on a remote island off the west coast of Costa Rica.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 74

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Study Guide: Prologue

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following questions.
1. What seems to be the only thing Bobbie Carter doesn’t like about her job in Costa Rica? It
rains all the time, much more than she expected.

2. When Bobbie sees the helicopter labelled “InGen Construction”, what does she already
know about the company? They are a big construction company that is said to be building a
new resort on one of the offshore islands.

3. When examining the patient, of what is Bobbie reminded? She thinks the man looks as
though he was mauled by an animal. The wounds remind her of two attacks she had treated

4. Before the boy expired, he was able to communicate something. What did he say? He said,

5. When Bobbie asks her assistant, Manuel, to translate, what does she learn? Manuel says
“Raptor” is synonymous with “Hupia”. The “Hupia” were like night ghosts or vampires who
would sneak into the village and steal or kidnap small children.

6. As the young boy is expiring, Bobbie leans over to administer mouth-to-mouth

resuscitation, but Manuel jerks her away from the body. Why must she refrain? He does not
want the “Hupia” to crossover and inhabit her body.

7. As the InGen helicopter flew away, Bobbie was anxious to take a look at the photographs so
she could examine what happened more thoroughly. Why was she unable to do this? Her
camera was missing. Someone took her camera.

8. Bobbie looks up the word “raptor” in her Spanish dictionary. What does she find? It means
“ravisher” or “abductor”.

9. Why does Elena, the local midwife, beg Bobbie not to speak of “Hupia” on this particular
night? They have a woman in labor in the next room. They do not want to bring the “Hupia”
down on this woman or her child. It is Elena’s way of being superstitious.

10. Out of curiosity, Bobbie looks up “raptor” in the English dictionary too. What does it mean?
It means “Plunderer or bird of prey.”
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 75
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Almost Paradise/ Puntarenas

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. According to the guidebook, how was Cabo Blanco almost like paradise? It was a stretch
of untouched wilderness.
2. Why is Tina keeping a list of all the animals she sees on the family’s trip? This is a school
3. Tina finally catches a glimpse of a new animal for her list and she is really excited.
Describe this animal. It is a lizard that is standing on its hind legs. It is almost a foot tall. It
is dark green with brown stripes on its back. It has lizard-type fingers on its hand.
4. How does the lizard react to Tina? It hops up on her hand and then it attacks her face.

5. It took Mike a few minutes to find Tina, his daughter. What did he discover when he
finally got to her? She was screaming hysterically. Her left arm was bloody and covered
in tiny bites. There was also some white sticky foam, like saliva, all over her arm.

6. How were Mike Bowman and his family unique to the area? They were probably the first
people to walk on that particular beach in several months.

7. Dr. Guitierrez thinks he can identify the animal that bit Tina. What does he say it is? He
says it is a Basiliscus Amoratus, a striped basilisk lizard.
8. Mike Bowman tells Dr. Guitierrez that his daughter was in a great deal of pain. How does
the doctor explain this to the concerned father? He says Tina probably was experiencing
a lot of pain. Reptile saliva contains serotonin and that is known to cause a great deal of

9. How is Tina’s drawing slightly different from the animal Guitierrez expects is responsible
for attacking her? The neck is too long. The tail is too thick and the number of toes is
incorrect. She drew it with three when there should be five.
10. Why were so many of the saliva samples that were taken from Tina’s bites tossed in the
trash? Since she was being released that day, the technician thought the work was
11. How does Tina compare the animal she saw to a bird? The animal made prints in the
sand like a bird, and it walked like a bird, bobbing its head up and down.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 76

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shape of the Data

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why did Elena tell the mother that her child died of asphyxiation associated with SIDS?
She was worried that she would be reprimanded for leaving the child alone.

2. When the University lab in San Jose tested the saliva that came from Tina Bowman,
what did they find? It contained properties similar to that of a cobra’s venom, but it was
of a more primitive variety.

3. How is Alice Levin crucial to the story? She works at the Tropical Diseases Laboratory and
immediately upon seeing the picture drawn by Tina Bowman, she identifies it as a

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 77

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Dr. Alan Grant and his team of paleontologists are working to uncover a new specimen.
What does he know about it thus far? He has found the jawbone from an infant
carnivorous dinosaur. It died at about the age of two months old and it was eradicated
approximately 79 million years ago.

2. Why is this find so significant? If the skeleton is intact, this would be the first complete
skeleton of a baby carnivore.
3. What is paleontology? It is the study of extinct life.

4. Why had the subject of paleontology become so “fashionable” lately? With all of the
current issues facing the world, people were looking to the past to help them find some
of the answers.

5. What is Ellie Sattler’s job at the dig site? She is a paleobotanist and she does the
standard field preps.

6. Why is Snakewater an important area? It seems as though it was a place where

dinosaurs liked to build their nests. Because of the great number of nests in the area,
the paleontologists have been able to find many infant dinosaur remains.

7. What does Dr. Grant know about one of his sponsors, The Hammond Foundation? This
group sponsors dinosaur researchers all over the world. He can even name a few other
groups who are patronized by this organization.

8. What would the EPA official like to know about the Hammond Foundation? He wants to
know why they only fund cold-weather digs.

9. Why is it so curious that the Hammond Foundation is stockpiling large quantities of

amber? It can be easily made or replicated. It has no commercial value, nor can it be
used for weaponry.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 78

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. Why were the Costa Ricans amazed when John Hammond approached the government
about purchasing the Isla Nublar? It is very rugged and almost always covered in fog. They
used to call it Cloud Island. That is what Isla Nublar means.

11. Why did so many people respond positively to Alan Grant’s research findings? He
hypothesized, based on his findings, that dinosaur mothers built communal nests and then
helped to raise the infant dinosaurs as a part of the herd.

12. What sort of work did Grant do for InGen a few years ago? They wanted to know what
infant and juvenile dinosaurs ate. Grant drew up a paper for the company and handed over
the information for an appropriate fee.

13. Why did Gennaro want the information from Grant? He told Grant he was setting up a
children’s museum and he wanted to feature baby dinosaurs.

14. Why did Grant abruptly stop working for Gennaro and InGen? Gennaro kept calling in
the middle of the night to ask questions, and this flustered Grant. He couldn’t take the
persistent questions anymore, so he backed away from the partnership.

15. Why can’t members of the EPA just march down to Isla Nublar and confront John
Hammond? They don’t have any hard evidence to prove that he is doing something illegal.

16. According to Morris, why have a number of American bioengineering companies moved
their operations overseas? They are trying to avoid the rules and regulations that hamper
businesses in America.

17. How did the Genetic Biosyn Corporation violate the rights of people living in Chile in
1986? They released a rabies vaccine on a farm without telling the people or the

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 79

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea/ Skeleton

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. What do Grant and his team do with dinosaur bones that are broken or are in other
ways not suitable to be displayed in a museum? They send the bones out to be ground. A
company grinds up the bones, extracts proteins, and then ships the results of the work back
to Grant.

19. Why did Alice Levin call Dr. Grant? She wants him to identify some remains.

20. What does Alan tell Ellie he may have found? They may have uncovered the remains of
an infant velociraptor.

21. Why did the team of paleontologists expect that finding a predator would be a rare
event? Predators were scarce. Based on studies conducted of current predator/prey
populations, it was believed that there would be one predator for every four hundred

22. When Ellie and Alan look at the fax of the x-ray, what does Alan believe to be true? This
is not a lizard. He says no three-toed lizard has lived on this planet for two hundred million

23. Ellie’s reaction is a little different. What does she think of the x-ray? She thinks it is an
elaborate hoax. Someone is trying to play a prank on them.

24. Why is the age of this specimen a “problem” for both Ellie and Alan? The
Procompsognathus lived between 190 and 220 million years ago. That makes it really hard
to believe that a specimen would still be alive today. Back then, the environment was
completely different and it was in this entirely different environment where the
Procompsognathus was able to thrive. How would it be able to live today?

25. Ellie gives two examples of Triassic animals that are still alive today. What are they? The
shark and the alligator are the examples she gives.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 80

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Shore of the Inland Sea/ Skeleton

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
26. Why has John Hammond contacted Alan? He wants Alan to come on down and visit his
island this weekend.

27. How much does Hammond offer to pay Alan and Ellie? He will give them each sixty
thousand dollars for three days work.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 81

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Cowain, Swain, and Ross

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why does Gennaro think that John Hammond is no longer trustworthy? He is being
investigated by the EPA and he is making the investors nervous because he is behind
2. How is Cowain, Swain, and Ross (the firm) involved with John Hammond and his
business venture? They own five percent of the business.
3. Ian Malcolm is coming to John Hammond’s island this weekend to help inspect the
project. Why does Gennaro think Malcolm can be trusted to be truthful? Ian Malcolm
has always insisted that Hammond’s project would not work. He has always been a
4. What sort of packet arrives in the mail for Alan and Ellie on the day they are meant to
depart for Costa Rica? They receive an envelope containing architectural plans for the
5. What is stamped on the plans Alan received from John Hammond? They are stamped:
“Industrial secrets do not copy and confidential work product—not for distribution.”

6. While looking over the documents, what do Alan and Ellie both find to be odd? There
are electrified fences all around the resort.

7. What does Ellie make of this oddity? It reminds her of a zoo.

8. When Ellie notices there are thirty feet wide moats also included on the plans, what is
she inclined to think? It now reminds her of a military fortress.

9. Why are Alan and Ellie so reluctant to leave their dig site right now? It is important that
once a fossil is uncovered that you continue exposing it, otherwise it could be lost. Due
to poor weather conditions or erosion, a fossil will not hold up well in any environment.

10. While the scientists are working on seeing the image of the baby velociraptor, what does
the author tell us about this animal? It had a single claw on its toe that was a deadly
weapon. It was a lightly built dinosaur and much like a bird. Also, many assumed that it
was intelligent.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 82

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Cowain, Swain, and Ross/Hammond

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
11. Many fossils were found showing the specimen with a neck that was bent backwards.
Some had hypothesized that this occurred because dinosaurs were poisoned by the plants
they ate. How did Grant prove this theory wrong? He showed how many birds and reptiles
suffered the same contortion postmortem, so this led him to believe that the curvature of
the spine and neck only happened once the fossil dried out in the sun.

12. How long has it been since this infant velociraptor died? It has been eighty million years.

13. What particular element of the velociraptor’s life does Dr. Grant think would have been
amazing to witness? He thinks it would have been something to see them hunt as a pack. He
thought it would be something to see a pack take down a much larger animal.

14. While Grant and his team know that velociraptors hunted in packs, what other
knowledge are they lacking? They don’t know anything about the velociraptors and their
social norms. Meaning: How did they behave amongst themselves within the pack?

15. On what matter does Grant reflect just before leaving the dig site? Even though man has
been studying dinosaurs for over 150 years, they still know very little, almost nothing, about
what dinosaurs had really been like.

16. What does Dan remind Gennaro of before he leaves the office for the day? If there are
any problems on the island whatsoever, Gennaro is to burn the project to the ground.

17. Gennaro talks to Hammond about his young daughter. How does Hammond react? He
says that Gennaro’s daughter would love the new park in Costa Rica.

18. How are Hammond’s appearance and age at odds? Hammond is seventy-six years old,
but he acts very much like a petulant child.

19. When Hammond first started looking for investors, what item did he take around the
world with him? He had a small elephant that he claimed had been made miniature through
the wonders of bioengineering.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 83
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Hammond/Choteau

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
20. How was the miniature elephant not quite like other elephants, apart from its size? It
had a nasty temperament. It behaved like a vicious rodent and was known for nipping at
people who got too close.

21. Hammond was confident in his plan, but one major road block appeared rather early in
the process? His head scientist, the brains behind the operation, Norman Atherton, had
terminal cancer.

22. Gennaro acknowledges that he and Hammond could have raised more money from their
prospective investors, but Hammond insisted on two things that narrowed the field
considerably. What were they? He demanded that the work remain secret. Also, he could
not promise any return on the investment until at least five years into the project.

23. How many animals are living on Hammond’s island? There are two hundred and thirty-
eight animals.

24. How many different species are there? There are fifteen different species.

25. Why did Hammond invest in so much computer technology? He wants to make as much
money as possible. In order to do that, he needs to keep personnel costs down. He wants to
hire as few people as possible to work on the staff.

26. How long does Hammond promise the group they will be visiting the island? They will be
down there no more than forty-eight hours.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 84

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Target of Opportunity/ Airport

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why is the fact that Dodgson is asking for a quorum such a big deal? They are going to
be asked to make an important decision.

2. What has Dodgson discovered John Hammond and the company InGen are doing on the
Isla Nublar? They are cloning dinosaurs.

3. How does Dodgson imagine that Hammond and crew have been able to accomplish such
a feat? They have been able to gather enough dinosaur DNA from the remains of bones
in order to create a whole strand.

4. Dodgson tells his group that Hammond is likely to make serious money with this
venture. What part of the merchandising program astonishes the group at large?
Dodgson thinks that Hammond will eventually try to sell dinosaurs as pets.

5. What happens if and when InGen is able to patent their product? If InGen can patent
their dinosaurs, then no one else will legally be allowed to make them.

6. Why does Dodgson need silent approval from all of the members of the board? (What
does he plan?) He wants to “steal” examples of the dinosaurs InGen has created.

7. Dodgson meets a man who works for InGen and is willing to help Biosyn. How does
Dodgson propose this man sneak samples away from the InGen lab? He gives the man a
canister that looks like it holds shaving cream. The insides have been removed and
coolant has been added so that the can will be able to transport the embryos Biosyn

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 85

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Malcolm

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Describe Dr. Ian Malcolm. He is a tall, thin, balding man of thirty-five. He is dressed in all
black from head to toe.

2. Dr. Ian Malcolm is a different sort of mathematician. How so? He and his colleagues use
computers constantly. They work with nonlinear equations. They “appeared to care that
their mathematics described something that actually existed in the real world.” Finally,
they behaved liked rock stars, some said, because they had big personalities.

3. Why does Dr. Malcolm elect to only wear two different colors every day of his life? He
doesn’t want to waste his precious time deciding what to wear each day. Black and gray
work in every occasion.

4. In the simplest terms, what does chaos theory attempt to do? It tries to help explain the
unexplainable. Any events that are filled with turbulence are hard to understand or
predict. Chaos theory focuses on these sorts of events.

5. Dr. Malcolm mentions the butterfly effect. Why? He is trying to explain chaos theory. The
idea of the butterfly effect is that even the smallest ripple in the world can make a
difference in time and space.

6. According to Dr. Malcolm, chaos theory says two things. What are they? 1. Complex
systems, like weather, have an underlying order. 2. Simple systems can produce complex

7. Why is Dr. Malcolm convinced that John Hammond’s experiment will fail without ever
having to see the island or the project? He says that the island is bound to behave in an
unpredictable way and that means the island is just an accident waiting to happen
because he knows that everything on the island, in order to be successful, has to be
tightly controlled.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 86

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Isla Nublar/ Welcome

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. To what does Dr. Malcolm compare the Isla Nublar? It looks like Alcatraz to him. Alcatraz
is a very famous island prison.

2. To Dr. Grant, what does the Isla Nublar resemble? To him, it looks like the Pacific
Northwest. In particular, it reminds him of the Olympic Peninsula.

3. How does Grant get his first look at a dinosaur? He thinks he is looking at a gigantic tree
stump, until it moves its head.

4. What is the first thing Ellie thinks when she lays eyes on the dinosaur? She thinks it is
extraordinarily beautiful.

5. By what name is the apatosaur more commonly known? It is called a Brontosaur.

6. The animals are making a trumpeting sound. What does Ed Regis say it is? He says it is
their call. It is their way of welcoming the newcomers to the island.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 87

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Jurassic Park/When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What does Dr. Grant really want to do? He wants to inspect the animals. He wants to go
over their skin and claws. He wants to look more closely at their teeth and jaws. He
wants to give them a standard physical.

2. What did the posture of the dinosaurs suggest about them? They are warm-blooded,
like mammals or birds, because they are capable of walking upright on their hind legs.

3. Dr. Malcolm is surprised to see that Dr. Grant is not upset by the presence of dinosaurs
and the possibility that he might be out of a job soon. How does Dr. Grant explain his
own actions? He says that the concept of recreating dinosaurs has been discussed
extensively in his field. His only shock is that they didn’t think it would happen so soon.
4. While walking near the swimming pool, Ellie stops to look more closely at a cluster of
ferns. What does she note about them? They are extremely poisonous. If a child were to
eat a handful of them, he or she would die.
5. Now that they are inside the lodge, what does Ellie compare it to? She says it reminds
her of a fortress.

6. What does Mr. Gennaro want the scientists to be able to answer for him, after they have
had the opportunity to view the park? He wants to know if the island is safe. He wants to
know if visitors would be safe there and if dinosaurs can be safely contained.

7. Gennaro and Hammond want to believe that Jurassic Park is similar to a zoo. Dr.
Malcolm explains how this park is not at all like a zoo. How does he explain this idea? He
explains to the others how zoos take their own environment and modify it slightly to
create a holding pen for animals. They do not try to recreate something that was extinct
nor do they try to create an environment that does not already exist. There is also a
degree of control that is necessary in Jurassic Park. They are trying to control nature and
that is not possible. Zoos do not try to do that.

8. Describe the two children who have just arrived at Jurassic Park. The two kids are
Hammond’s grandkids. There is one boy and one girl. The boy is about eleven years old
and he wears glasses. The girl is approximately eight and she is wearing a Mets baseball
cap. They are named Tim and Lex.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 88

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Tour

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Tim immediately recognizes Dr. Grant. How does he know the man? Tim has read the
book, Lost World of the Dinosaurs, that was written by Dr. Grant.

2. What did Tim notice about the Tyrannosaur that was displayed in the Museum of
Natural History? The dinosaur had too many vertebrae in its tail. It was being displayed

3. Why is Ed Regis not satisfied with his job at the present time? He feels like he is not
being allowed to do his job. Instead of making the connections he needs to or doing the
necessary work, he is being forced to babysit John Hammond’s grandchildren.

4. When Tim reads the following sign: “Caution: Teratogenic Substances”, how does he
feel? He gets really excited. This is the kind of place where monsters are made.

5. Sometimes, the Jurassic Park scientists are able to get proteins directly from dinosaur
bones. How do they do that? They find the bones. They send them to a place that will
grind them up and then they use a procedure created by a Dr. Loy to extract some of the

6. Why is amber so important to the Jurassic Park scientists? Amber is the fossilized resin
from prehistoric tree sap. This is where they find the mosquitoes that have been

7. How do the scientists use the insects that have been preserved in the amber? They find
the blood-sucking ones. From there, they extract the blood from the petrified insect.

8. Why do the Jurassic Park scientists think that dinosaurs are just big leathery birds? They
have nucleated red cells, like modern birds.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 89

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Tour

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Why was Dennis Nedry so annoyed with his employers at Jurassic Park? They expected
him to do all of his work in the dark. They gave him very little information, but wanted him
to produce specific results. Then, when bugs occurred they were angry with him and
demanded he show up and do more work.

10. There are two ways of determining whether or not the scientists have encountered
dinosaur DNA. The first way is aided by a computer through phylogenetic mapping. What is
the second way? The scientists grow the animal and see what comes out.

11. Why do the Jurassic Park scientists keep a large quantity of poisons on hand in the lab?
In case they grow something that they don’t want in their park, they can kill any living
animal within a second or two.

12. In the hatchery, the temperature is elevated and there is a higher oxygen concentration.
Why have the scientists intentionally done this? They wanted to try and replicate a Jurassic
atmosphere as much as possible.

13. How many animals exist inside Jurassic Park currently? There are 238 live animals.

14. Even though the research is fairly new, as is the park, why are there some adult
dinosaurs walking around the park? The dinosaurs mature quickly. It only takes around two
to four years for them to reach adulthood.

15. While showing off the hatchery, to what fact does Dr. Wu admit he does not always
know? He does not always know exactly what they are growing. He does not keep track of
the names of the dinosaurs very well.

16. Why won’t Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, and Dr. Malcolm get to see a dinosaur hatch? The
hatchings are staggered and none of the dinosaurs are scheduled to be born today.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 90

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Tour

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
17. Nedry says one of the newborns looks like a lizard, but Dr. Grant recognizes the baby.
What kind of dinosaur is it? It is a velociraptor.

18. How does the dinosaur demonstrate its jumping abilities? It leaps over Dr. Grant’s head
and into Tim’s arms.

19. How do raptor babies get out of their eggs? They poke a hole in the egg shell, and then a
member of the nursery staff helps it climb the rest of the way out.

20. According to Dr. Wu, why are none of the animals in Jurassic Park able to breed? They
have all been irradiated with X-rays in order to make them sterile. Also, the staff has made
sure that all of the animals are females.

21. How can the Jurassic Park scientists be sure they have created all female dinosaurs?
They make the animals that way. They do not allow the animals to receive the male

22. Dr. Grant tries to inspect the velociraptor, but he is stopped. What’s the problem? The
scientists don’t want to fluster the young raptor. Dr. Wu says the raptors are delicate in
infancy. They are to avoid stress and be treated in a humane way.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 91

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why does Dr. Wu guess that there are fifteen species of dinosaurs in the park? He says
he thinks there are fifteen. He stopped counting how many after they reached a dozen.

2. Why did the Jurassic Park scientists want to make sure they created plenty of compys?
The compys are scavengers. Dr. Wu compares them to jackals. He says they will be there
to clean up dead carcasses and to eat the feces that other dinosaurs produce.

3. How many compys exist inside the park? They wanted to create at least fifty, but Dr. Wu
says he has forgotten how many were made.

4. Dr. Wu gives two reasons why the small animal found on the beach at the beginning of
the novel could not be one of their compys. What are his reasons? 1. His animals are
tracked and counted by the computer every few minutes. 2. The mainland is over a
hundred miles away and his animals will die within twelve hours if they were to reach
the outside world.

5. What does it mean to be “lysine dependent”? It means that the scientists made it so the
dinosaurs could not manufacture amino acids on their own. Unless they get a lysine-rich
tablet from the scientists every few hours, they will die.

6. What sort of paradox does Dr. Wu present concerning his dinosaurs and their
maturation? Because no one has ever seen real dinosaurs before, he is hoping that
paleontologists will be able to look at them and compare them to the fossil record. In
theory, they will be able to look at the dead animals in order to determine if the living
animals are growing properly.

7. How many adult female raptors have been created? There are eight adult females.

8. Why does Dr. Grant like children? He loves their enthusiasm, especially for dinosaurs.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 92

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Version 4.4

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Why does Dr. Grant believe most children like dinosaurs? Dinosaurs “personified the
uncontrollable force of looming authority. They were symbolic parents. Fascinating and
frightening, like parents.”

10. How does Dr. Grant feel when they are looking into the velociraptor paddock? He thinks
the animals are hunting them.

11. Explain how the velociraptors attacked the visitors? Two of the raptors rushed towards
the electrified fence and hit it with their back claws. Once the first two were on the ground,
and the people moved in to take a look at them, then a third came charging forward.

12. After looking closely at the raptors, how does Dr. Malcolm classify them? He says they
look like reptiles, when it comes to the skin and the general appearance, but they move like
birds, with the speed and predatory intelligence of a bird.

13. In the 1830s, what did people believe about life, creation, and extinction? They believed
that no species could ever become extinct, since God would not allow one of His creations
to die.

14. Near the end of the chapter entitled “Control”, why does Dr. Malcolm mention lions and
tigers? He has been under the impression that lions and tigers are not born man eaters, so
he assumed dinosaurs would be the same way, especially since they derived from a time
before man was around. He wonders aloud then when the raptors learned that it would be
easy or appropriate to kill a man.
15. How does Dr. Wu propose he “make the dinosaurs better”? He thinks they currently
move too fast. People will not be expecting to see them in this manner. He thinks he can
genetically design them to appear more like how people expect to see them.

16. Fill in the blank. Dr. Wu says, “You said yourself, John, this park is entertainment, and
entertainment has nothing to do with ______________________________________.”

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 93

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Version 4.4

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
17. Dr. Wu mentions how the game warden, Mr. Muldoon, wants to order military-grade
equipment. How does John Hammond respond to such a proposal? He thinks there is no
need to worry. He sees his park as something very similar to a zoo.

18. When John Hammond first approached Dr. Wu (years ago) he made a very generous
offer for Dr. Wu to come and work at Jurassic Park. What were the terms? Dr. Wu would sign
on for five years. He would be given ten million dollars of funding each year. He could spend
the fifty million dollars any way he wanted.

19. Why does Dr. Wu feel like John Hammond doesn’t need him any longer? He can see and
feel that his opinions are being sidelined. He did what Hammond asked him to do in creating
the dinosaurs. He made the procedures for creating more seem like an easy process. Now,
he is no longer vital to the process.

20. Dr. Wu and John Hammond continue to argue about the look and presentation of the
dinosaurs. How does the argument conclude? John Hammond says that they must present
the dinosaurs as is because that is the “honest” thing to do. He believes they have a
responsibility to present the dinosaurs as they are now.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 94

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Why is Mr. Gennaro impressed when the visitors get to the control room? Mr. Arnold is
telling them all about the mapping system that is used to track the animals. It can tell
the people, within five feet, where the animals might be at any given time. The system
updates every thirty seconds in order to maintain accuracy.

2. Explain how the computer keeps track of the animals in Jurassic Park. (In particular, focus
on the tallying system.) Every fifteen minutes, it counts the animals in the park and
compares them to the number that it expects to find. Using a tally system, it keeps track
of the animals in a chart.

3. Why are different version numbers listed on the tally sheet? When a problem or glitch is
discovered with a particular brand of dinosaur DNA, the animals are exterminated and
Dr. Wu and his scientists go back to the lab and create a new version of the animal.

4. Dr. Grant does not consider the procedures described above to be very humane. How
does Mr. Arnold reject this accusation? He reminds Dr. Grant that these animals were
created in a lab. It seems as though this is his way of saying the animals aren’t real.

5. Mr. Arnold says under no circumstances would an animal be able to escape the
containment unit. How does he prove this statement? He shows them the moats that
are built around the attractions and the electric fences.

6. Why does Muldoon say if an animal should get out of its holding pen, they would track it
and use non-lethal measures to return it to its home? These are expensive animals. They
cannot afford to kill them.

7. Mr. Arnold mentions diseases and a red flag immediately flies in Mr. Gennaro’s mind.
How does Mr. Arnold combat this concern? He explains that the diseases he is talking
about do not affect humans, but they can be worrisome for the animals. No one wants
the animals to die from their own illnesses or to infect each other.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 95

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ The Tour/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
8. Explain how the team intends to have “rides” in this park? They consider themselves a
zoological area, so when they install “rides” what they really mean is they plan to have
different ways for patrons to get around to see the animals. There is a tour taken using
automobiles, but they eventually plan to install rides that will fly through the aviary and a
boat that will coast down the river.

9. What fault does Dr. Malcolm find with the population graph? He says it depicts a natural
environment and Jurassic Park is not natural. It is not the real world. It is very much a
controlled environment, so the population should not match something that can be found in

10. What is special or unique about the cars that pull up to take the guests on their tours?
They are electric cars. They are guided by a cable on the roadway. There are no drivers.

11. What is one of the first myths Richard Kiley’s voice attempts to dispel once the dinosaur
tour has begun? He says that most people believe dinosaurs were massive creatures. He
explains that the smallest dinosaur was no bigger than a house cat, and the average
dinosaur was about as big as a pony.

12. Where are the observers able to locate the first pack of dinosaurs, the
hypsilophodontid/othnielia? These animals are clustered in the trees.

13. The reader learns a little bit about Mr. Arnold’s work experience and why he would have
been a desirable employee to have at Jurassic Park. What did you learn about his past? He
helped build Disney World, Magic Mountain, Old Country, and Astroworld.

14. From an engineering standpoint, why is Mr. Arnold so concerned with Jurassic Park? 1. It
has all of the problems of a major amusement park. 2. They have all of the same issues as a
zoo. 3. They have to care for animals that no one has ever seen before.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 96

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/Big Rex

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
15. Mr. Arnold tries to explain some of the specific problems the park is currently
experiencing to John Hammond. What are they? The tyrannosaurs drink the lagoon water
and get sick. The triceratops females are killing each other. The stegosaurs are getting
blisters on their tongues. The Hypsilophodonts are getting skin rashes.

16. John Hammond does not want to listen to reason, but how does Mr. Arnold feel about
Jurassic Park? He thinks it is very dangerous. He knows they are having problems controlling
the animals and that will always make the park unpredictable.

17. What is one of the bugs concerning the security system? It can not be run by the
auxiliary power. The security program only runs when the main power is working.

18. What do the visitors learn about the dilophosaurus from listening during the car ride? It
is poisonous. It would spit on its prey, allow the poison to do its work, and then it would
devour the animal.

19. Why does the voice recording joke that the visitors are safe from the triceratops as long
as they are in their vehicles? The triceratops do not have very good vision. They would not
be able to see the cars from this distance.

20. How does the juvenile T-Rex catch fish? He ducks his head under the water and catches
the fish in his jaws. Ed Regis says he looks like a bird when he does it.

21. How does Muldoon really feel about the project that is Jurassic Park? He thinks that
dinosaurs are too dangerous to be kept in a park setting. He recognizes that they do not
know enough about the animals to maintain control over them.

22. When it was discovered that dilophosaurs could spit venom up to fifty feet distances,
how did the park operators respond? They tried to remove the poisonous sacs. They did not
have any success in doing so.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 97

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Big Rex

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
23. Why does Muldoon have so many concerns about the velociraptors? They never passed
up a hunting possibility. They killed even when they weren’t hungry. They were strong
runners and they could jump great heights. They had lethal claws on all four limbs. They had
powerful tearing jaws. They were more intelligent than other dinosaurs and they “were
natural cage breakers.”

24. Why does Muldoon compare raptors to chimpanzees? He is addressing their

intelligence. He is also explaining how they are able to open doors and get out of cages.

25. When Muldoon says that he is going downstairs, what is he most likely going to get? He
is going to get the laser-guided missile launchers that are kept locked up in the basement.

26. Explain why predators, like the tyrannosaur, lean over their prey after they have made
the kill. They are concerned that after spending their time stalking and then killing their prey
another predator will come along and steal it from them. *This tyrannosaur is fearful of
another one coming along the way.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 98

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Stegosaur

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What does Dr. Wu truly believe about this park and about his research? He thinks both
are fundamentally sound. The way he sees it, if there are any issues, they are normal.
They will be handled and the process will continue.
2. While riding through the tour, the listeners learn a little about the Apatosaurus. What do
they learn? They usually weigh more than an entire herd of elephants. They prefer to
live on dry land.

3. Internally, Tim is thinking about which dinosaur is actually the largest. What does he
think? He thinks that the Brachiosaurus was three times the size of an apatosaur while
the Ultrasaurus and the Seismosaurus were even bigger still.

4. While looking into the stegosaur paddock, what is Tim certain he sees out there? Tim
says he saw a raptor.

5. Why do the computers have trouble tracking the othys? The othys spend so much time
in the trees, sometimes the computers miss them during a scan.

6. Why is Hammond so disappointed in the reactions of his visitors? He wanted them to

express wonder and joy upon seeing what he created. Instead, they are coasting through
the park and pointing out trouble spots. He feels like they are just looking for problems.

7. A shipping vessel is having trouble docking on the island. Even though Hammond knows
they will need the supplies, why does he have to send them away again? The island does
not have a good harbor. Hammond refused to waste money putting up a storm barrier
to protect the pier. If the ship tries to dock in these conditions, it may be lost.

8. Even though the body of the stegosaur is intimidating, why is the animal overall
compared to a very dumb horse? It has a rather small head and the gaze seems stupid or

9. Why is Dr. Harding spending time with the stegosaurus? It is sick.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 99

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Stegosaur

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. When the group approaches the stegosaur, Dr. Sattler and Lex notice a peculiar smell.
Why does this worry Dr. Sattler? Most herbivores do not have a strong odor.

11. What does Dr. Sattler see when she takes a closer look at the stegosaur’s tongue? It is
covered in very fine silvery blisters.

12. Explain how a gizzard stone works. Animals swallow these stones in order to help them
digest their food. After a few weeks, the stones become smooth (and useless) so the animal
vomits them up again.

13. In the 1940s, why were computers built? Computers were built because mathematicians
like John von Neumann thought that if you had a computer it could handle many variables
simultaneously and they would be able to predict the weather.

14. Those same scientists who believed in the computer and its capabilities, what ideology
held them together? They believed that if you knew enough you could predict anything.

15. How does chaos theory differ from that belief system? Chaos theory says that you can
never predict certain phenomenon at all.

16. Dr. Malcolm says that he doesn’t mean to be philosophical, but what sort of philosophy
does he share with the others? He says that if history has taught us anything it is that life
breaks through barriers. Life will expand into new territories. Life will find a way.

17. Dr. Grant finds a white fragment out in the field. What is he sure he has found? He thinks
he is holding a piece of a dinosaur’s egg shell. He is certain this means the dinosaurs are
reproducing on their own.

18. What can Dr. Grant tell the group about the dinosaur egg? It belongs to a velociraptor.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 100

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Breeding Sites

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. After finding the egg shell, Dr. Malcolm challenges Mr. Arnold to change the number
count in the computer search. What is the result? (Meaning: How many animals are
found overall?) There are 244 animals. Then, by the time the program stops searching
there are 292 animals.
2. List the types of dinosaurs that now show more animals in the park than the scientists
expected? There are more Maiasaurs, Procompsognathids, Othnielia, Velociraptors, and

3. How does Dr. Wu react after seeing this data? He still tries to deny that the dinosaurs are
breeding on their own.

4. When Dr. Wu tells Hammond about the extra animals, how does the boss react? He
blames Wu. He says that somehow Wu screwed up.

5. How many different breeding sites appear to exist on the island? There are seven.

6. It appears as though some animals are breeding, but if that is true, there should be
more of that kind roaming around the park. How does Dr. Grant explain the missing
infants? He thinks the extra compys and raptors are running loose in the park and eating
the eggs of the other dinosaurs.

7. Why have the people in the control room never seen the raptors racing around the
park? Raptors are nocturnal. No one is watching the cameras at night, so they are not
catching the movements of these nighttime animals.

8. Dr. Grant suggests finding the nesting sites and counting the eggs that have hatched.
What flaw does Dr. Malcolm point out in this plan? Even if they know how many eggs
hatched, they will still not be able to track the movements of the dinosaurs. They will
not know if the animals are dead from natural causes, if they were prey for other
dinosaurs, or if they somehow left the island.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 101

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/ Breeding Sites

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Why is Dr. Malcolm feeling a bit of dread? He thinks they are at a very dangerous point.
His intuition is telling him that something bad is going to happen.

10. Dr. Malcolm references a scientist named Mandelbrot. What is the gist of Mandelbrot’s
theory? It is that life has a pattern. The same ups and downs that happen in each day can be
traced similarly throughout a person’s life.

11. What issue does Dr. Malcolm take with the idea of linearity? Real life isn’t just a string of
events that happen one right after another. Life is a series of events that occur and may
cause a terrible change in those that follow. The events on the timeline are totally

12. What do the visitors spot on the boat that is headed towards the mainland? They can
see that at least two young raptors have gotten onto the boat and are heading for shore.

13. When the power goes out, where are the land cruisers stopped? They are located
somewhere near the tyrannosaur paddock.

14. What is the practical reason for creating a trapdoor in the computer program, according
to Dennis Nedry? Should issues arise, all programmers want to make sure they have a
failsafe way to get in and fix the problem.

15. When Dennis Nedry gets to the fertilization room, what does he steal? He takes two of
each of the dinosaur embryos that are being stored within.

16. Mr. Arnold identifies a big problem with the security breach. What is it? The electric
fences have gone down, so the dinosaurs can get out of their cages.

17. Muldoon is concerned about what the people in the cars might do since the power is
down. Why does he reason that they will stay in the cars? He thinks they will stay in the cars
because it is raining.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 102

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Main Road

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Once the storm really picks up, Tim and Dr. Grant notice something standing just beyond
the trees. What is it? It is the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

2. What does the king of dinosaurs start doing while Tim is watching him using the night
vision goggles? He starts testing the electric fence to see if it is still working.

3. Ed Regis is not capable of handling the stress of being confronted by the T-Rex. How
does he react to the situation? He gets out of the land cruiser and runs away. He leaves
the children all alone in the car.

4. When the T-Rex begins to maul the land cruiser containing the kids, what happens to
Lex? She is bumped around the vehicle. She hits her head and it begins to bleed
profusely. At one point, Tim thinks she is unconscious.

5. Tim watches the T-Rex peer into the land cruiser. What does Tim think while he watches
the T-Rex work? The T-Rex can’t figure out a way to get into the vehicle in order to get
the children. The animal is too large.

6. What happened to the land cruiser that Tim was hiding inside? The T-Rex picked it up in
her jaws and threw it.

7. Fill in the blank. Dr. Malcolm says, “You know, at times like this one feels, well, perhaps
extinct animals _______________________________ be left extinct.” should
8. How did Dr. Grant react when the T-Rex very suddenly changed its course and turned
back to face him? Dr. Grant froze.

9. Dr. Grant comes to understand something about the Tyrannosaur. What is it? The
dinosaur cannot see Dr. Grant, if he does not move. The animal has a sense that the
human is there, but without the movement, Dr. Grant is invisible to the T-Rex.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 103

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Return/Nedry/Bungalow

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. How might the storm screw up everything for Dennis Nedry? If Dodgson’s boat was not
waiting for him at the East Dock then the whole plan would be ruined. All of the timing
would be thrown off because Nedry would need to return to the control room

2. Why did Nedry feel like his plan was so clever? It allowed for him to steal the embryos,
deliver them, and return to the control room without anyone really missing him.

3. Why had Nedry insisted on meeting with Dodgson in person? He wanted to record their
conversation so he could use it later, if necessary, should Dodgson try to back out on his
end of the deal.

4. When Nedry realizes he is very close to running out of time, how does he amend his
plan? He will return back to the control room, contact Dodgson, and arrange for the
drop to happen tomorrow night.

5. Describe the dinosaur that confronts Nedry. The dinosaur is ten-foot-tall with black spots
on its yellow body. Along the head there was a pair of red V-shaped crests. The dinosaur
made a soft hooting noise.

6. What does the dinosaur do in order to incapacitate Nedry? It spits venom on him.

7. How does Nedry die? While blind from the venom, the dinosaur attacks and rips open
Nedry. Nedry is standing there holding his own intestines. Nedry is still alive enough to
realize that the animal has his head in its jaws and he is praying that he will die quickly.
8. Why is the fact that the animals are breeding so detrimental to Jurassic Park? It calls into
question every single thing they thought they accomplished.

9. Of what is John Hammond afraid? He is afraid he will not live long enough to see guests
come to his park. He so much wants to witness the look of excitement on the faces of
the children.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 104

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Bungalow/Tim

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. Fill in the blank. John Hammond tells Dr. Wu, “Personally, I would
_________________________________________ help mankind.” never
11. Why is John Hammond sure that Americans and Japanese will pay whatever they must
pay in order to visit Jurassic Park? The Americans and the Japanese will view coming to the
park as a status symbol. It will be something they desperately want to do, and so they will
find a way to afford the ticket prices.

12. What are John Hammond’s plans for taking Jurassic Park worldwide? He has already
leased a large place in the Azores. He bought an island near Guam long ago. Construction on
these two parks will begin within the next two years and in four years, these places will be
open to the public.

13. Why does Hammond see no reason to sell dinosaurs as pets for children? He doesn’t
think they will need that kind of money. They will already be making approximately twenty
billion dollars a year.

14. Why is Dr. Harding not concerned about disturbing the apatosaurs? They can see the
people, but they have a hard time making them out if the people are not moving around.

15. Why does Hammond think that nothing can stop him from opening Jurassic Park? This is
his island and he will open the park when he feels like it.

16. Why do Dr. Sattler and Dr. Harding think they should probably follow the compys that
are on the move? Compys are scavengers. Based on the way they are moving, it implies that
they are chasing down a dying or already dead animal.

17. Where is Tim at the beginning of the chapter entitled, “Tim”? He is still in the land
cruiser, but the car is in a tree.

18. How high in the air is Tim? He is twenty feet above the ground.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 105

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tim

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
19. Immediately as Tim pushes himself out of the car, what happens? He falls out of the land
cruiser and hits a few branches on the way down before coming to rest on a large branch.
He feels as though a searing pain and bright lights are bouncing in his head. He may have a

20. Why does Tim elect to fall out of the tree? He knows he will never be able to climb faster
than the car is falling after him. He has to let go in order to escape the car.

21. What object did Tim crawl back inside the car to retrieve? He went back in to get the
night vision goggles.

22. Why did Dr. Wu feel free when he was creating his dinosaurs? DNA of all living organisms
isn’t all that different. So, he felt like he could substitute in whatever was necessary as he

23. Dr. Wu finds that all of the dinosaurs that are capable of breeding have something in
common. What is it? He used frog DNA to supplement their missing strands. They all share
frog DNA.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 106

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Lex/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. After escaping the T-Rex, where did Lex hide? She is curled up inside a one-meter
drainage pipe that ran under the road.

2. When Ed Regis fled from the Tyrannosaur, where did he go? He wedged himself
between a bunch of large boulders. He hid there.

3. While in hiding, what does Ed Regis tell himself in order to feel better about how he
handled the situation? He tells himself there was nothing he could have done. He tells
himself that going back now won’t make any difference because the kids are probably
dead anyway. He tells himself that no one will really know what happened, and so it
won’t matter how he behaved.

4. Lex seems to have faired pretty well in her encounter with the T-Rex, but Tim is banged
up at the moment. What appears to be Tim’s injuries? His nose is broken, and his right
shoulder is badly bruised and swollen.

5. What wound does Dr. Grant have from his time against the T-Rex? He has a large cut
down his mid-section from where the dinosaur kicked him.

6. Dr. Grant can see the juvenile T-Rex and Ed Regis as they are a short distance away from
the group. What does Dr. Grant realize as he watches the two? The T-Rex is playing with

7. What happens to Ed Regis? He is eaten by the juvenile T-Rex.

8. Why does Muldoon need Dr. Harding to return to the main resort? He needs Harding’s
car so he can go out and get the people who are stranded on the tour.

9. What does John Hammond tell Mr. Arnold he doesn’t want to have happen? He doesn’t
want a Malcolm Effect.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 107

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Road/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What do Muldoon and Gennaro find once they get near the T-Rex paddock? They find a
human leg.

2. Having dealt with animal attacks before, what does Muldoon know that most people do
not? Most people expect to find traces of a mauling or a trail of blood. Muldoon knows
that this is not the case. Usually, it appears as if the person has just disappeared.

3. Muldoon is trying busily to find at least one of the children, but Gennaro is unimpressed.
How is he feeling? He wants to close the park and destroy it completely.

4. While tracking the footprints, Muldoon and Gennaro are able to locate a person. Who
do they find? They find Dr. Malcolm.

5. Even though Muldoon is unsure of the injuries sustained by Dr. Malcolm, he decides to
move the wounded man. Why does that seem the smart thing to do? Because Dr.
Malcolm had the presence of mind to use a tourniquet, he helped himself out
tremendously. Plus, if they were to leave him there, Malcolm would most likely die of

6. Why is John Hammond totally sure they will find his missing grandchildren? He keeps
telling everyone that this park is made for children, so they will certainly be found.

7. How will using the keycheck program help Mr. Arnold figure out what Dennis Nedry did
to the computer system? The keycheck program allows administrators to see the
keystrokes that were entered by operators. They can look through the program and see
exactly what Nedry pushed in order to cause the blackout.

8. What is the command or object Nedry used in order to disable the security systems? It
was called “white rabbit.”

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 108

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control/In the Park/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. What does Mr. Arnold learn as he looks more closely at Nedry’s doings? He finds the
trapdoor Nedry installed that gave him control over every place in the park.

10. Why can’t Muldoon call for a doctor to come to the island to help Dr. Malcolm? The
phone lines are down, so the best they have on the island is the veterinarian, Dr. Harding.

11. Dr. Sattler takes a quiet moment to reflect on Dr. Grant and the kids. She is only slightly
worried about them. What about the situation gives her confidence? Dr. Grant is a resilient
man. He has been in tough situations before and survived. Plus, he is a dinosaur expert.
Who better to get the kids safely through Jurassic Park?

12. How does Dr. Grant think he and the kids will be able to navigate their way through the
park? They will be able to look at the numbers that are painted onto the motion sensors.

13. Tim wants to know about Dr. Grant’s married life. What is the story? Dr. Grant’s wife died
a long time ago.

14. On the same note, what is Dr. Sattler’s love story? She is going to marry a nice doctor in
Chicago some time next year.

15. How does Lex get Tim to climb the electric fence so quickly? She teases him about being
afraid of heights. This makes him want to prove her wrong and climb faster.

16. Lex is hoping for food inside the storage shed. What do they find instead? They find hay,
which they use as a bed. This is a safe place to sleep.

17. Dr. Grant checks his watch and decides he can sleep for a few minutes. Why does he
figure this is the okay thing to do? If he sleeps for a few minutes, he will still have time to get
the attention of someone in the control room, tell them to recall the supply ship, and they
can all sleep in their own beds that night.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 109

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. While looking at the computer screen, Mr. Arnold, Muldoon, and Gennaro are pointing
out the spots in the field that are blocked out. They mention the sauropod maintenance
building as a place that is out. Why is this important elsewhere in the story? That is the
place where Dr. Grant and the kids are hiding.

19. Why does Muldoon think he needs to take the maintenance crews out immediately?
They need to repair the fences and herd at least five animals back into their homes.

20. Dr. Malcolm is in bad shape, but he is not laying down and dying. Why not? He is trying
to keep a sense of humor. He is looking on the positive side.

21. How did Dr. Malcolm come to sustain his injury? The T-Rex picked him up in its teeth by
the torso and then threw him. It was because of the toss that Malcolm broke his leg.

22. Why does Dr. Malcolm say he was able to survive his encounter with the Tyrannosaur?
He felt like the dinosaur wasn’t really committed to attacking him. He felt like the T-Rex was
only doing the job half-heartedly.

23. The reader gets just a tad more information about the Malcolm Effect. What do we
learn? We learn that the Malcolm Effect is named after Dr. Malcolm.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 110

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Park

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Mr. Arnold tries to explain to Gennaro what Dr. Malcolm believes. He uses an example of
a droplet of water being applied to the hand. Describe what Mr. Arnold tells Gennaro.
Dr. Malcolm believes that if you put a droplet of water on your hand it has to roll one
way or another. It will not always roll the same way and you will be hard-pressed to
figure out which way it will roll every time.

2. How is chaos theory similar to that droplet of water on the hand? Chaos theory treats a
whole complex system in the same manner. The water has to go somewhere. There are
many variables, but it will always move.

3. Explain how the Malcolm Effect comes into play now? In the models Malcolm uses there
is always a sharp drop. This will cause the water to speed up considerably. He calls this
speeding up process the Malcolm Effect. It means the whole system could very suddenly
collapse. This is exactly what Malcolm predicted would happen to Jurassic Park.

4. What is Dr. Harding’s history? Before coming to Jurassic Park, he worked at the San
Diego zoo as the chief of veterinary medicine.

5. When Dr. Harding was approached by John Hammond why did he feel like he couldn’t
possibly say no to the proposition to work at Jurassic Park? So much of a veterinarians
work is in territory that has been already explored. This gave him the opportunity to be
the first person in the world to care for a whole new class of animals.

6. How does Mr. Arnold explain the differences between a living system and a mechanical
one? Living systems are never in equilibrium. They are always going to be unstable.
Everything is on the edge of collapse.

7. Judging from the smashed fence, where does Mr. Arnold think the T-Rex went? It looks
like he went into the sauropod paddock.

8. Why does Dr. Harding assume the T-Rex will have eaten only one sauropod? Since
sauropods are so large, he thinks the T-Rex will be satisfied after eating just one.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 111

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Park/Dawn

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. According to Muldoon, as of right now, there is no way to stop the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Why is that the case? Hammond only let Muldoon bring a few deadly weapons onto the
premises. Unfortunately, Nedry took one of the launchers with him when he fled the

10. While Dr. Grant is trying to get the phone to work in the maintenance building, what is
Lex doing? She is feeding a baby triceratops hay.

11. What image reminds Dr. Grant that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park do not have normal
reactions to human beings? He is watching Lex feed the triceratops the hay. She is petting it
and the dinosaur is registering no fear at all.

12. Why is Lex unable to feed the mother triceratops? The mother is trying to get her baby
out of the bars as quickly as possible.

13. Dr. Grant suggests the kids stay in the maintenance shed and wait for him to return. The
kids flatly refuse to go through with this plan. What do they want to do instead? They want
to go with Dr. Grant. They do not want to be left alone.

14. Even though the rest of the power is being restored to the park, why are the phones still
not up and running? Nedry jammed the phone lines. They can’t find the right program to fix
the problem.

15. Why does Gennaro demand that Mr. Arnold shut down the system right now? Since the
phones are not working they are just allowing Dr. Malcolm to sit in the next room and die.
Mr. Arnold needs to get help to the park immediately and the only way to do that is to shut
down the system and restore the phones.

16. Lex smells something like rotten garbage. What is she really smelling? She is smelling the
Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 112

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Dawn/ The Park

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
17. Why didn’t the main power switch turn on when Mr. Arnold first flipped it? He had to
turn the safety switches back on before he restarted the power.

18. As soon as the system starts back up, what is Mr. Arnold able to identify easily on the
computer screen? The duckbills have stampeded.

19. How do Grant and the kids escape from the charging dinosaurs? They climb a tree.
20. Why is Dr. Grant unafraid of the duckbilled hadrosaur? All duckbilled dinosaurs are
herbivores. He doesn’t have to worry about being eaten by this dinosaur.

21. Why was the Maiasaur known as the “good mother lizard”? It was thought that the
maiasaurs protected their eggs until the babies were born and could take care of

22. While Grant watches the Maiasaur eat, what does he notice? Even though there are air
holes on top of the dinosaur’s head, she can’t seem to smell Grant. Also, because he is not
moving, it seems like the dinosaur cannot see him either.

23. Dr. Grant coughs to test out his theories about the Maiasaur. What does he glean from
his mini-experiments? It appears that dinosaurs are like amphibians in their ability to only
see moving things.

24. Tim suggests taking a raft up the river in order to get back to the main resort. Why does
Dr. Grant agree to this plan? Moving along the river will be a much faster mode of
transportation. They will be able to get back faster.

25. When Mr. Hammond summons Mr. Arnold, to what does Arnold compare the voice on
the intercom? He thinks Hammond’s voice resembles the voice of God.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 113

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Dawn/ The Park

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
26. Dr. Grant struggled to find a raft amongst the junk, but he did find something useful.
What did he find? He found a set of plans, like a map.

27. What does Tim find while rummaging around in the storage shed? He finds a case that
holds a compressed-air pistol and six darts. This a tranquilizer gun with the darts included.

28. Dr. Grant and the kids find the T-Rex again. What is the animal doing? It is sleeping.

29. How does Lex attract the attention of the T-Rex? She can’t stop coughing. Her coughing
becomes very loud and it disturbs the sleeping animal.

30. What does Tim assume his sister knows, but she really doesn’t? She doesn’t know that
the T-Rex can swim. She says she doesn’t know that all reptiles can swim.

31. While watching the T-Rex move through the water, Dr. Grant mentally compares it to
another animal. What comparison does he make? He thinks it moves and acts like a
crocodile. It is walking along the bottom and using its tail to help it push through the water.

32. Why does Dr. Grant make the risky choice to paddle back towards the waiting T-Rex? He
notices that the moat becomes more shallow. If they continue in that direction, the T-Rex
will most certainly be able to catch them. He wants to keep the dinosaur in the midst of the
deep water in order to hinder its mobility.

33. What forces the T-Rex to abandon his tracking of Dr. Grant and the kids? The juvenile T-
Rex appears and starts eating the leftover sauropod. The T-Rex gets out of the water in order
to protect its kill.

34. Dr. Grant is exhausted, so he stops rowing. But, the boat keeps on moving. How is that
possible? It looks like there is a current that is taking them to the hotel.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 114

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Search/Aviary

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Gennaro just sits in the Jeep, looking out into the field. What does he find astonishing
about this view? It looks like a battlefield.

2. Dennis Nedry took fifteen embryos overall. What does Muldoon estimate those would
be worth on the open market? He says they would be worth two to ten million dollars.

3. How do the compys remind Gennaro of humans? They have five fingers on their hands.
They use their hands to wipe their faces and chins.

4. What happens when Muldoon and Gennaro leave behind Nedry’s body? He is devoured
by the compys.

5. Tim tries to educate his sister about the dinosaurs they are seeing, but she taunts him
instead. What does she say? She says that only very young boys are interested in
dinosaurs. She makes the insult worse by saying that their father is the person who
originally said that idea.

6. Why does Dr. Grant steer the raft towards the aviary? He is hoping they will find a phone
or motion sensors there.

7. What does Dr. Malcolm explain to the others about the holes in the motion sensor
system? If a dinosaur were to stay close to the maintenance road or next to the beach
and water, it would be able to avoid being detected.

8. What is one major reason why the aviary is not open yet? The pterodactyls inside the
aviary are very territorial. They will attack any animal that comes into their area.

9. Explain how the dactyls were attacking the workmen? They were flying to the top of the
aviary, folding up their wings, and dive bombing the work crew. It was like being hit by a
ton of bricks.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 115

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Search/Aviary

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. Lex is attacked by a dactyl. What does it do to her? It bites her. Another one used its hind
claws to grab her. Then, it started jabbing her head with its pointed jaw.

11. How does Grant get the dactyl away from Lex? He runs forward, jumps up, and throws
himself against the body of the flying creature.

12. Once Grant rolls off the dactyl, what does he see? The dactyl is capable of walking on its

13. Upon leaving the aviary, why is Lex so disappointed? The dactyls took her Darryl
Strawberry baseball glove.

14. Why is Dr. Grant so relieved when the T-Rex is incapable of breaking through the foliage
that runs along the stream? The place they are in the river right now is so shallow, the
dinosaur would have walked right up to them. There would have been no way to protect
himself and the children.

15. Dr. Malcolm instructs the others to begin storing water and gathering flashlights,
matches, and walkie-talkies. Why does he order them to do this? He is preparing for a

16. Explain Dr. Malcolm’s concept of “thintelligence”. It means the person is rather smart,
but short-sighted. They are only capable of seeing the immediate situation. They do not
dare look into the future consequences.

17. What issue does Dr. Malcolm take with engineers and scientists? Scientists only care
about accomplishment. “So they are focused on whether they can do something. They
never stop to ask if they should do something. . . If they don’t do it, someone else will.
Discovery, they believe , is inevitable.” (Page 407)

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 116

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Search/Aviary

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. Why does Dr. Sattler admit that they leave their dig sites looking worse for the wear?
She says they only ever have enough money for the dig. They don’t also have the money to
repair the land.

19. How does Dr. Malcolm argue that no advances have been made in the world? He says
that the number of hours a woman spends tending to the house are exactly the same as the
number was in the 1930s. He presses this issue by explaining how thirty thousand years ago
the cave man only worked twenty hours a week in order to provide food, shelter, and
clothing for his family. He got to spend the rest of his life enjoying the beautiful nature
around him. Now, we work harder and have less time to play. We have even less nature to

20. Why is Dr. Grant alarmed by the dilophosaurs that are at the edge of the water? They
are participating in a mating ritual. They could be at it a very long time, and he doesn’t know
how they will be able to get around them without being seen.

21. When the T-Rex appears again at the water’s edge, the small group seems frightened.
How does the suspense heighten in that moment? The raft bumps against the shore and
stops moving. Luckily, it scraps along for just a little while, and then it moves back into the
water and on its way.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 117

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tyrannosaur

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. While Muldoon goes out in search of the T-Rex, it becomes very clear that he and the
administrators (Hammond and Arnold) are seeing the park from wildly different
perspectives. How do the two groups differ? Muldoon knows that the park is dangerous.
He knows it will never be fully operational. The administrators warn him not to hurt the
T-Rex because it is the major tourist attraction. This means they are still planning to open
the park.

2. What two elements determine the proper dosage to be used when tranquilizing an
animal? The person doing the tranquilizing must consider the body weight and the
temperament of the animal.

3. How does Muldoon compare dinosaurs to mammals? They are diverse. Some are tame
and cute, while others are nasty and mean. Some are stupid, but others are rather
intelligent. Some of them see well, while others can’t.

4. How does Muldoon feel about the raptors? He recognizes their intelligence. He explains
that all of the problems they are currently having are nothing compared to the chaos
that would ensue if the raptors got loose.

5. How many times does Muldoon try to shoot a canister at the T-Rex? He misses his target

6. When the narrative returns to Dr. Grant and the kids, what trouble have they
encountered now? They are about to go over a waterfall.

7. As the raft nears the very edge, what can Dr. Grant see way down below waiting in the
pool? He can see the T-Rex standing there.

8. When the T-Rex lifts its head out of the water, what does it have between its teeth? It is
holding Lex’s orange lift vest.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 118

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tyrannosaur/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Why does Tim cry? He was worried that Lex had been eaten by the T-Rex and then he was
upset because it seemed like she might have drowned.

10. Dr. Grant determines they should follow the path back towards the waterfall. What do
they find? Behind the waterfall, there is a bunch of equipment. He thinks they may be able
to find a phone there.

11. When Grant gets locked into the cave, he realizes he is not alone. What is in there with
him? He is in there with a young velociraptor.

12. What is so special about the thing that is in the cave with Dr. Grant? It is a young male
velociraptor. This proves that the animals are breeding in the wild.

13. The T-Rex knows that Lex and Tim are behind the waterfall, but it can’t reach them. How
does the T-Rex explore the unknown area? It uses its tongue. The animal sends its tongue
through the water and uses it to probe the area.

14. Just as Tim is about to be eaten by the T-Rex, what happens? The tongue relaxes and
uncoils. The jaws slap shut and the animal bites down on its own tongue.

15. What does Muldoon realize about the T-Rex now that he can see it in the monitor? He
really did hit the T-Rex with the second tranquilizer, but it took almost an hour for the effects
to set in on the huge animal.

16. A box on the screen is now flashing from yellow to red. What is Mr. Arnold learning?
There has been an auxiliary power failure.

17. How did the problem occur? When Arnold shut down that morning and the power came
back on only the auxiliary power was working. The auxiliary power is supposed to come on
first so that someone in the control room has the chance to go turn on the main power

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 119

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tyrannosaur/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
18. Mr. Arnold is going to turn on the main power while Muldoon is setting out to handle
the raptors. How does Hammond react to all of this? He wants to know what Muldoon plans
to do to the animals. He is still worried about his investment.

19. Muldoon explains how the odds are against he and Gennaro. What’s the issue? They
only have six shells, but they are hunting eight raptors. Even if they hit all of their targets,
they will still be unable to get them all.

20. How do Muldoon and Gennaro distract the raptors so Arnold can run towards the
maintenance shed? They fire a shell at one of the raptors. They hit it and it explodes.

21. Why does Hammond become annoyed by Dr. Malcolm? Malcolm is essentially saying, “I
told you so” right now. He is pointing out how he predicted that the fences would fail.

22. What issue does Malcolm have specifically with Dr. Wu and his work? Dr. Wu created
animals in the laboratory, but he did not know what they were called. He could not be
bothered to learn their names.

23. Hammond thought his park and the process were so simple. How does Malcolm
disagree? He realizes that Hammond never knew enough about the animals to ever be able
to control them. He tried to create and control something that he didn’t understand. Along
the way he forgot that the creatures were alive and would act accordingly.

24. What is wrong with scientific power, according to Dr. Malcolm? The problem is that most
kinds of power require a sacrifice by the person who wants the power. If you want a black
belt in karate, you have to train for years to achieve it. By the time you get the belt, you have
the discipline to use your skills wisely. But scientific power does not require sacrifice or
discipline. A person can read what someone else has done and simply build upon that
knowledge. They are all searching to do something bigger and better than the others in a
faster way so no one is there to check the procedure or stop those who are abusing their

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 120

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Tyrannosaur/Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
25. How does Mr. Arnold know that he has been followed by a velociraptor? The light in the
building disappears because the velociraptor is standing in the doorway.

26. How did Muldoon manage to escape the raptors and save himself momentarily? He ran
and hid in a pipe.

27. Arnold thinks the raptor will stay up above because it is not able to walk down the stairs.
How does the raptor prove Arnold wrong? Instead of walking down the stairs, it jumps.

28. How is Gennaro able to compete with the raptor for awhile? He is strong and the raptor
is injured.

29. How is “science starting not to fit the world any more”? This is a statement made by Dr.
Malcolm and he is talking about how so many people live on the earth, but they do not
know the proper way to live or how to take care of each other and the environment. He
talks about how science is capable of making a nuclear reactor, but it is not capable of telling
people whether or not they should have built and used it. Because science is ungovernable,
people do not know how they should use it or if it is ethical to use it at all.

30. On what premise has the study of science always functioned? It has always been
believed that science may not know everything now, but it will know eventually. Dr. Malcolm
says that chaos theory makes this belief obsolete because science will never know

31. What question is science not capable of answering? It cannot tell a person what to do
with power once it is attained.

32. What does Dr. Malcolm postulate will happen next? There will be a major change. It will
be something like death.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 121

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Return

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Dr. Grant insists that he and the kids take the velociraptor with them back to the center.
Why must they do this? They need to prove to the administrators that the dinosaurs are
breeding in the wild.

2. Why does Muldoon say they don’t have half an hour left over at the resort? A couple of
raptors got up on the roof and they are going to break into the building sooner rather
than later.

3. How does Muldoon envision the animals being able to get into the building? He says
they have about ten or fifteen minutes before the raptors are able to break through the

4. Why does Dr. Sattler agree to help distract the raptors? She is the only one left. Dr.
Harding has to stay and help take care of Dr. Malcolm.

5. Dr. Grant is told to leave the kids in the cafeteria and run towards the maintenance shed.
Why must he do this? Someone still has to turn on the main power. Everyone who has
already gone has been unsuccessful.

6. What does Dr. Sattler do to entice the raptors? She opens and closes the hinges of the

7. How many animals tried to attack Dr. Sattler? Three raptors ran after her.

8. What does Dr. Sattler think as she surveys the animals they have trapped? She realizes
that one raptor is still out there.

9. Just as Alan is able to get the power working, what problem occurs? His radio dies.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 122

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Return

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
10. Lex knows that something is in the cafeteria with them before Tim does, but then
suddenly he hears something. What does it sound like? He hears a hissing, like the sound of
a very large snake.

11. Once the raptor is following them, how does Tim try to throw the dinosaur off their
trail? He grabs a couple of steaks and places them throughout the room. He hopes the
raptor will be content with the steaks.

12. Up close, why is the velociraptor so much more terrifying than any other dinosaur, even
the tyrannosaur? The velociraptor was man-sized, and it was clearly quick and intelligent.

13. Why is Tim distraught when the raptor won’t eat the steak? He doesn’t know why the
raptor is rejecting the distraction. Does it still smell the humans? Does it not like the cold
food? How does it know that the people are trying to distract it?

14. How do Tim and Lex get away from the raptor? They trap it in the freezer.

15. Why didn’t the compys attack Gennaro? They only attack animals that are dead or are
dying. They won’t attack anything that appears to be strong.

16. Dr. Sattler starts to think that the raptors have been continuing this pattern of behavior
for quite a long time. What does this lead her to believe? She starts to wonder if they are
distracting her in the same way she is trying to keep their attention.

17. Internally, Dr. Wu begins to question a few things about the animals he has created.
What is one of his major concerns? He wonders if the dinosaurs are acting in a historically
accurate way.

18. Even though the animal breeding is a catastrophic thing, it also validates Wu’s work. How
can both of these things be true? The fact that they are able to breed proves that Wu put all
of the pieces together properly. But, the breeding poses a problem because the scientists
can no longer control a large portion of the population.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 123
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Return

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
19. What happens to Dr. Wu? He is eaten alive by a raptor.

20. Dr. Sattler tries to flee from the raptors by climbing a tree. Why doesn’t this really help
her at all? The raptors climb the tree, too.

21. When Dr. Sattler is face-to-face with the raptors, she knows that she is about to die, but
she can’t accept it. Why not? She is enveloped in a kind of protective cheerfulness. This is
most likely because she just completed some very athletic challenges and so her endorphins
are high. She is feeling bright and happy because of those endorphins that are racing.

22. Dr. Sattler jumps into the pool and is certain she is going to be followed by the raptors,
but that doesn’t happen. What happens instead? Dr. Harding flings open the door on the
roof. He is trying to rescue Dr. Sattler, but he winds up just drawing the raptors towards him.

23. What did Lex find in the control room? She found a working radio.

24. Tim has a little trouble getting the computer to work. Why are there red smudges
around the edge of the screen? It is a touch screen computer.

25. Once Tim gets the monitors working, he can see inside Dr. Malcolm’s sick room. What
does he see there? He can see Dr. Malcolm on the bed and Dr. Sattler standing next to him.
He can see Muldoon walk into the room, and he can see the raptors breaching the area
through the roof.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 124

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Grid/Lodge

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Tim is trying to run the computer system, but he is also under pressure because he can
hear the raptors growling. Which button does he decide to push? He pushes SETGRIDS
DNL. He groaned when he saw it because it just produced another level of screens for
him to evaluate.

2. Why does Lex need Tim’s attention right now? The raptors are out in the hallway.

3. Tim is surprised to see the two raptors standing there. What astonishes him the most?
He watches as the large animal leaps more than ten feet in the air.

4. Why can’t Lex and Tim get back into the control room? When Tim got the locks working
one of them should have stayed inside the room, but both of them exited. They are now
locked out.
5. Dr. Malcolm tells Hammond there was a precise moment when he was in deep trouble.
When did that moment occur? It occurred around the time that Hammond thought he
could control nature. “You make a boat, but you can’t make the ocean. You can make an
airplane, but you can’t make the air.”

6. When Tim and Lex get to the nursery, what do they encounter? The baby raptor is there
and it wants to play with them.

7. What happens to the baby velociraptor? It is devoured by the two adults.

8. Tim and Lex run towards the blue biohazard sign. Who or what greets them on the other
side of the door? They find Dr. Grant and Mr. Gennaro in there.

9. Grant sends Gennaro and the kids towards the control room, but that presents a
problem. What’s the trouble? There is no door leading to the control room from the lab.
The kids and Gennaro are trapped in the small area. It also means it is up to Dr. Grant to
finish the raptors on his own.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 125

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Grid/Lodge/ Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following questions.
10. What sort of weapon does Dr. Grant find in the laboratory? He finds a sign labelled:
“Caution Biogenic Toxins A4 Precautions Required”. He knows that a few drops of this molecule
will be able to kill any animal.

11. How does Dr. Grant intend to get the raptors to ingest the poison? He is going to insert it
into the dinosaur eggs. He has a theory that raptors eat dinosaur eggs. His theory will be
proven today if the velociraptors try to eat the infected eggs.

12. What immediate disappointment does Dr. Grant face? The velociraptors ignore the first two
contaminated eggs.

13. One of the raptors notices Dr. Grant and charges towards him. Then what happens?
Fortunately, this was the raptor that ate some of the poisonous egg. The raptor starts choking
and falls to floor.

14. How does the second velociraptor die? It bites the hind leg of the one on the floor. When
the first one is being attacked, it then sinks its teeth into the second one. In short, the first one,
the contaminated one, bites a second one. From there, the second one moves away and finds
an egg. The second raptor bites into the egg too. Therefore, two raptors are destroyed because
they ate the infected eggs.

15. Why does Dr. Grant turn on the radio and ask Dr. Sattler to speak? He needs her voice to
sound throughout the room. He needs the raptor to think she is there.

16. How does Dr. Grant kill the third velociraptor? While the dinosaur is distracted by the radio,
he plunges a syringe filled with the poison deep into the dinosaur’s tail.

17. How do Muldoon and the others escape from the raptors? When the power comes back on
completely, the bars electrocute them.

18. How does Gennaro convince Captain Farrell to turn his vessel back towards the island? He
threatens him by citing section 509 of the Uniform Maritime Act. It could earn the captain fifty
thousand dollars in penalties and five years in prison. *Gennaro made up the act. He was just
trying to get the ship back to the island.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 126

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Destroying the World/Under Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. Hammond shares what concerned him all along. What disaster was he afraid might
occur? He was afraid that the dinosaurs would escape and they would destroy the

2. Why does Dr. Malcolm scoff at Hammond’s worries? You can’t destroy this planet. The
planet has survived a great many things. People may die out, but he knows the planet
will manage to live.

3. How does Dr. Malcolm prove his point? He establishes how the Earth has changed over
time and how those alterations have allowed different life forms to flourish. He cites
how oxygen first impacted the planet. At the time it was poisonous to many of the living

4. Fill in the blank. Dr. Malcolm says, “We have been residents here for the blink of an eye.
If we are ____________________________ tomorrow, the earth will not miss us.” gone

5. Fill in the blank: Dr. Malcolm says, “Let’s be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in
jeopardy. We haven’t got the _______________________ to destroy the planet—or to
save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves.” power

6. Now that things are “under control”, what happened to the twenty-four people who
were originally on the island? Of those twenty-four, eight are dead and six more are

7. While the ship is returning to the island, what happens? The captain discovers that three
young raptors had made it on board, and those animals were immediately killed.

8. Dr. Grant watches the screens in the park. Dr. Sattler approaches and she wants to know
if it “is the way you imagined”. What question is she really asking? She knows that Dr.
Grant has a vast interest in velociraptors and the way they hunted. She wants to know if
they are behaving in the way he envisioned. He says they are not exactly the way he
thought they would be.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 127

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Under Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
9. Dr. Grant wants to go out searching for the raptor nest, but Gennaro says to let it be.
What does Gennaro say is going to happen to the island? In a few hours, the Costa Rican
guard will be there and they will destroy everything on the island.

10. Why does Dr. Grant get upset with Gennaro? He explains how Gennaro is shirking his
responsibility. He sold investors on an idea that he didn’t understand. He was a part owner
of this business, but failed to supervise the operations. He is just as responsible for the
chaos as Hammond.

11. Why does Dr. Grant insist upon going out to find the raptor’s nest? He has to know how
many animals are on the island so that they can safely get rid of all of them. They have to
find the eggs, inspect them, and count them so they can account for every animal on the

12. What does Muldoon give Grant before he leaves to find the nest? He gives him some
grenades that contain nerve gas.

13. How is the raptor they have with them different from the ones that were bred in the
lab? It has chameleon-like properties. It changes colors when the collar is attached to it.

14. How did Grant know that the dinosaurs injected with frog DNA would be able to change
their sex? This phenomenon had been documented extensively in many other life forms,
including West African frogs.

15. Why does it seem the dinosaurs were able to change sex? They were in an all female
environment, so the necessity was there.

16. Why doesn’t Dr. Grant know exactly what to expect when they reach the raptor’s nest?
He is not sure if the dinosaurs will behave like reptiles or like birds.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 128

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Under Control

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
17. Gennaro is bothered when he looks around and notices how calm and collected both Dr.
Grant and Dr. Sattler seem to be. How does she respond when asked about their cool
demeanors? They know this has to be done, so they might as well do it. Plus, in the case of
Dr. Grant, he has been waiting his whole life to know about the raptors and their nests.

18. When Dr. Grant has time to analyze the way the raptors distracted Dr. Sattler, what does
he conclude? The ability to make plans has only ever been known to happen in three
species: chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans. It is now possible that a dinosaur, a raptor, also
had that sort of intelligence.

19. Why can’t they just throw the gas grenade into the lair and then go in and count the
eggs? The gas may cause the animals to convulse. In that state, they may trample some of
the eggs and that would defeat the purpose of this mission.

20. How does Dr. Grant reason that Mr. Gennaro made these animals? His money paid for
the experiments. He put in time to help Hammond get other investors.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 129

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Almost Paradigm

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What paradox surrounded Malcolm’s impending death for Hammond? He didn’t want
the man to die, even though he disliked him to the extreme, because the death of the
mathematician would feel like another rebuke.

2. The sun began to poke through the clouds and John Hammond took that as an omen.
What did he think it meant? He figured everything would be alright. He knew his park
had promise and it would eventually open to the public.

3. How does Hammond view progress? Progress happens when problems are eliminated.
He knows he has embryos stored elsewhere and the next time they grow the dinosaurs
they will learn from their current mistakes.

4. Why does Hammond now think of Dr. Wu as incapable? He thinks that Dr. Wu was too
sloppy. He was too casual with his undertaking. Wu was preoccupied with trying to
improve the dinosaurs. There was no need to do that.

5. Hammond reflects upon Mr. Arnold’s work. In what ways was he unfit? He was a worrier.
He lacked organizational skills and because of that, he let things slip through the cracks.

6. When thinking about Wu and Arnold together, what does Hammond determine? They
both lacked vision. They did not have the ability to see the future and to know how great
the park could be.

7. How does Hammond feel about the presence of his grandchildren on the island? He
feels like they have been nothing but trouble. He only brought them on the tour so he
could keep Gennaro from destroying the island.

8. Fill in the blank: “____________________________ shifts were said to occur whenever

science made a major change in its view of the world.” Paradigm

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 130

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: Descent

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. How do the scientists and Gennaro get into the raptor’s nest? They have to fit through a
tight hole.

2. When Gennaro gets into the nest he is surprised that both Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler are
whispering. Why are they behaving in such a manner? There are dozens of raptors in this

3. How many raptors does it seem are here in this colony? Dr. Grant says there are about
thirty. There are four to six adults, with the rest being juveniles or infants.

4. Grant starts to toss one of the gas grenades, but Gennaro stops him: why? Dr. Sattler is
not wearing her gas mask.

5. When Dr. Grant is counting up the egg shells in the raptor nest, how many animals does
he believe hatched and survived? He thinks at least thirteen animals are newly hatched
from one nest. In the second nest, he finds nine egg shells. Finally, in the third nest it
appears as if there were fifteen eggs, but three were broken early. That adds up to a
total of thirty-four raptors being born a short time ago.

6. What does Dr. Sattler notice the raptors all doing? They are lining up.

7. What does Mr. Gennaro observe? He wonders why the raptors aren’t going outside.
Even when he understands they are nocturnal, he says it seems like they are hiding.

8. Why is Hammond attacked by the compy? The compys are scavengers. They attack when
an animal is wounded or dying. Hammond is wounded.

9. How did Hammond feel when the compys began to devour him? He only felt a slight

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 131

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Study Guide: The Beach/ Approaching Dark/ Epilogue: San Jose

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are reading the assigned portion, please answer the following
1. What does Dr. Grant notice about the organization of the raptors? There seems to be an
alpha female who stays in the center of the group. The males are arranged defensively
around the perimeter.

2. How does Dr. Grant feel his work in the field of paleontology has clouded his vision
about dinosaurs and their true nature? He had been so eager to classify them as
something: reptile, bird, or mammal that he forget how they might be an altogether
different animal.

3. While watching the dinosaurs arrange in their formation, what does Dr. Grant suddenly
see? They don’t want to escape the island. They want to migrate.

4. As they are leaving the island, Muldoon informs the scientists of additional deaths. Who
else has died that Muldoon must now report? Hammond was eaten by the compys and
Malcolm also perished.

5. How does Dr. Grant feel when he thinks about the raptors desire to migrate? He is both
sad because he will never be able to satisfy his curiosity and relieved because he doesn’t
want to think about what they could do on the mainland.

6. Why were the survivors being held in Costa Rica? The government did not trust John
Hammond and too much happened on the island to just allow the survivors to walk
away without answering many, many questions.

7. Who appears one day to speak with Dr. Grant? Why is this person important to the
story? Dr. Guitierrez is there to speak with Dr. Grant. He was the one who found the
original specimen of the Procompsognathus inside the jaws of the howler monkey.

8. What strange occurrence does the researcher wish to share with Dr. Grant? He wants Dr.
Grant to know that the authorities are not being entirely truthful. For the past few
months, animals moving in a migratory pattern have been eating all of the lysine-rich
food crops (agama beans and soy) in the area.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 132


Media Connections


Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: Before you begin reading Jurassic Park, it will be to your advantage to know a
little about the dinosaurs that will be presented within the work. Below, you will find a list of
the fifteen species that are included in the story. Walk around the room and pick up eggs.
Bring the eggs back to your seat, and write the facts about the dinosaurs on this paper.

1. Velociraptor





2. Apatosaurs/ Brontosaurs





3. Procompsognathus





Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 134

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: Before you begin reading Jurassic Park, it will be to your advantage to know a
little about the dinosaurs that will be presented within the work. Below, you will find a list of
the fifteen species that are included in the story. Walk around the room and pick up eggs.
Bring the eggs back to your seat, and write the facts about the dinosaurs on this paper.

4. Hypsilophodonts





5. Tyrannosaur





6. Triceratops





Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 135

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: Before you begin reading Jurassic Park, it will be to your advantage to know a
little about the dinosaurs that will be presented within the work. Below, you will find a list of
the fifteen species that are included in the story. Walk around the room and pick up eggs.
Bring the eggs back to your seat, and write the facts about the dinosaurs on this paper.






8. Dilophosaurs





9. Pterodactyls





Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 136

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: Before you begin reading Jurassic Park, it will be to your advantage to know a
little about the dinosaurs that will be presented within the work. Below, you will find a list of
the fifteen species that are included in the story. Walk around the room and pick up eggs.
Bring the eggs back to your seat, and write the facts about the dinosaurs on this paper.

10. Maiasaurs





11. Hadrosaurs





12. Othniella





Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 137

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: Before you begin reading Jurassic Park, it will be to your advantage to know a
little about the dinosaurs that will be presented within the work. Below, you will find a list of
the fifteen species that are included in the story. Walk around the room and pick up eggs.
Bring the eggs back to your seat, and write the facts about the dinosaurs on this paper.

13. Euoplocephalids





14. Styracosaurs





15. Callovosaurs





Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 138

Jurassic Park
All information comes from the Jurassic World website: by Michael Crichton Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Velociraptor- The name “Velociraptor”

means “Swift Thief”.

Velociraptor- The velociraptor is


Velociraptor- The velociraptor is known

for its intelligence.

Velociraptor- The velociraptor primarily

lived during the Cretaceous period.

Velociraptor- The velociraptor has six-

inch long, razor sharp claws on each of
its hands.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 139

Jurassic Park
All information comes from the Jurassic World website: by Michael Crichton Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Apatosaurus- The name Apatosaur

means “Deceptive Lizard.”

Apatosaurus- An Apatosaur must walk

on all four legs in order to support up
to 36 tons of weight.

Apatosaurus- The Apatosaurus lived

during the late Jurassic Period, almost
150 million years ago.

Apatosaurus- The Apatosaurus cannot

chew. It has to swallow all of its food

Apatosaurus- The Apatosaurus is

strictly a herbivore.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 140
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Hypsilophodonts- The name means “high

crested tooth”.

Hypsilophodonts- The Hypsilophodonts was

a herbivore.

Hypsilophodonts- They lived from the

middle of the Jurassic period until the late
Cretaceous period.

Hypsilophodonts- These animals have not

been very well researched, so they are one
of the groups about which scientists know
very little.

Hypsilophodonts- The Hypsilophodonts

were bipeds, meaning they walked upon
two legs.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 141

Jurassic Park
All information comes from the Jurassic World website: by Michael Crichton Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Tyrannosaur- The name

“Tyrannosaurus Rex” means Tyrant

Tyrannosaur- The Tyrannosaur lived

during the Cretaceous period,
approximately 68 million years ago.

Tyrannosaur- The T-Rex was one of the

largest carnivores to ever walk the

Tyrannosaur- The Tyrannosaur was

nearly 40 feet tall and weighed about
nine tons.

Tyrannosaur- The Tyrannosaur used its

tail to help maintain its balance. Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 142
Jurassic Park
All information comes from the Jurassic World website: by Michael Crichton Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Triceratops- The name Triceratops

means “Three-Horned Face”.

Triceratops- The Triceratops was about

30 feet tall and it weighed 10 tons.

Triceratops- The Triceratops was a


Triceratops- The Triceratops lived

during the late Cretaceous period,
some 68 million years ago.

Triceratops- This dinosaur uses its three

horns and the solid frill around its neck
to protect itself from predators.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 143

Jurassic Park
All information comes from the Jurassic World website: by Michael Crichton Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Stegosaurs- The name means “roofed


Stegosaurs- The Stegosaur was about

30 feet long and it weighed 5 tons.

Stegosaurs- The Stegosaur was a

Stegosaurs- The Stegosaur lived during
the late Jurassic Period, almost 150
million years ago.

Stegosaurs- The Stegosaur has 17 hard

plates that run from its head, down its
back, to its tail. On the tail, there are
four spikes that help protect the
Stegosaur from predators.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 144
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Dilophosaurs- A full grown dilophosaur was about

twenty feet long and it weighed almost 1,000

Dilophosaurs- The Dilophosaur has two crests

running along the top of its head.

Dilophosaurs- The Dilophosaur lived during the

early Jurassic Period. That was almost 200 million
years ago.

Dilophosaurs- The Dilophosaurs are the dinosaurs

most criticized for the way they are represented
by the Jurassic Park franchise. Crichton, the
author, and Spielberg, the director of the film, are
both razzed for showing the Dilophosaur with an
expandable neck frill and as being poisonous.
Scientists believe that Dilophosaur did not have a
frill, nor did it spit poison.

Dilophosaurs- There is quite a lot of uncertainty

about the dilophosaur. Some think it might have
even had feathers.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 145
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Pterodactyls- Scientists usually shun the

term “Pterodactyls” because it refers to
such a broad and diverse group. They try
to be more specific.

Pterodactyls- There are almost 130

different types of Pterodactyls.

Pterodactyls- Pterodactyls first appeared

in the late Triassic Period and did not die
out until the end of the Cretaceous
period. So they lived from about 228-60
million years ago.

Pterodactyls- Pterosaurs were flying

reptiles, not birds.

Pterodactyls- Pterosaurs could reach

speeds up to 67 miles per hour.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 146
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Maiasaurs- In Latin, the name means

“Good Mother Lizard.”

Maiasaurs- The Maiasaur was an


Maiasaurs- The Maiasaur had a duck-bill.

Maiasaurs- The Maiasaur is named

“Good Mother Lizard” because fossils
have been found indicating that the
female still fed the babies while they
lived in the nest.

Maiasaurs- The Maiasaurs could walk on

two legs or four. The juveniles usually
walked on two, while the adults used all
four legs.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 147
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Hadrosaurs- The Hadrosaur had a flat,

duck-bill as its snout.

Hadrosaurs- The Hadrosaur was an


Hadrosaurs- Hadrosaurs weighed about

four tons.

Hadrosaurs- The Hadrosaur lived during

the late Cretaceous period, some 75
million years ago.

Hadrosaurs- Only one skeleton of a

Hadrosaur has ever been found.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 148

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Othnielia- The Othnielia lived during

the late Jurassic period, 150 million
years ago.

Othnielia- Othnielia was a plant-eater.

Othnielia- The Othnielia was a very fast


Othnielia- The Othnielia was named

after Othniel Charles Marsh, a very
famous dinosaur hunter.

Othnielia- The Othnielia walked on two


Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 149

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Euoplocephalids- The name means “well-

armored head.”

Euoplocephalids- It was around 20 feet

long and it weighed two tons.

Euoplocephalids- This dinosaur was one of

the most common living in North America.

Euoplocephalids- The Euoplocephalids had

horns and plates running all along its body.

Euoplocephalids- The tail of this animal

was spiked.

Euoplocephalids- Usually people call this

animal the ankylosaur.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 150

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Styracosaurs- The name means “Spiked


Styracosaurs- A full grown styracosaur

weighed about three tongs.

Styracosaurs- The Styracosaurs had

elaborate displays on their heads,
including horns and frills.

Styracosaurs- The Styracosaur lived in

the late Cretaceous period in North

Styracosaurs- It is believed that the

Styracosaurs traveled in herds and ate
only plants.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 151
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Callovosaurs- The Callovosaur lived

during the middle of the Jurassic

Callovosaurs- The Callovosaur was an


Callovosaurs- The Callovosaur is related

to the Hadrosaur.

Callovosaurs- Scientists do not know as

much as they would like about this
species because only a thigh bone has
ever been recovered in tact.

Callovosaurs- The Callovosaur was

thought to walk on two legs.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 152
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt: Teacher’s Notes

Procompsognathus- The Procompsognathus

was a very small dinosaur. It was only about
the size of a hen.

Procompsognathus- The Procompsognathus

was poisonous. The bite from one of these
animals contained venom.

Procompsognathus- The Procompsognathus

lived during the late Triassic Period,
approximately 220 million years ago.

Procompsognathus- The name means

“Ancestor of Elegant Jaw.”

Procompsognathus- The Procompsognathus

is known for being a scavenger.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 153


Media Connections


Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Terminology

• Arguments of Fact: When presenting this type of argument, students are making a
proposal based on a fact that can be verified using evidence. (Simply put: Is the claim true
or false?)

• Arguments of Judgment: The student addresses the problem and explains how it might
be harmful or hazardous. (Simply put: Is there any value in this idea?)

• Arguments of Policy: The student attacks a policy that is currently in place and/or
suggests a new rule or guideline. ( Simply Put: Should something be this way or should it
not be this way.)

• Claim: A statement of an idea that may be argued.

* For a claim to be thoroughly arguable, it must:
• Provide room for disagreement
• Accurately define all terms and limits
• Allow the author to debate the issue and support their side

• Qualifier: The author provides a “qualifier” in order to show the audience that he/she
knows the claim is arguable.
* For example, “The school might benefit from introducing a dress code
policy.” “Might” is the qualifier.

• Evidence: A collection of ideas or suggestions that help support the claim.

• Warrant: These are usually based in common sense and they help link the evidence to
the claims. Warrants are sometimes referred to as “rules”.

• Backing: Providing additional comments or data to help support the evidence. Backing
can be statistics, testimonials from experts, or specific examples.

• Rebuttals and/or Counterarguments: By mentioning a counterargument in your essay,

you recognize that your side is not the only one imaginable.
* When writing about a counterclaim, it is important to briefly mention it and then
refute it. (To refute something, you show how it is wrong or mistaken.)

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 155

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Driving Question

Inspiration: Dr. Malcolm says, “Scientists are

actually preoccupied with accomplishment. So
they are focused on whether they can do
something. They never stop to ask if they should
do something.”
What is a Driving Question?
A driving question represents the purpose of the essay. It is
meant to direct the student when he/she is conducting his/her
research. Answering the driving question should become the focus
of the research project.

There are three driving questions for this research essay:

• Driving Question One: How far should someone

push the limits in the name of science?

• Driving Question Two: Name a product that,

according to science fiction, will be available in
the future. What will it take for this object to be

• Driving Question Three: Should scientists be

permitted to make it? How will that item benefit
the world? How will that item be a detriment to
the world, the people or the environment?
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 156
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Guidelines

Student Name: _____________________________________

• Driving Question One: How far should someone push the limits
in the name of science?

• Driving Question Two: Name a product that, according to science

fiction, will be available in the future. What will it take for this
object to be created?

• Driving Question Three: Should scientists be permitted to make

it? How will that item benefit the world? How will that item be a
detriment to the world, the people or the environment?

1. All students must write an individual essay.

2. By the time this unit is completed, you will have done a

research essay and accomplished a series of “research-
gathering” activities.

3. The essay should document multiple sources, using APA style.

4. The essay should be between 700-1500 words in length.

5. Please type your work and submit it on the due date.

The essay is due on: ____________________________________

Research Gathering Assignments will be due on:

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 157
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Rubric

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

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Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Practice

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Directions: Most people are in some way acquainted with the Star Wars movie franchise.
One of the major technological weapons used in that series is the lightsaber. Meet with a
small group and discuss the following questions. Please write your responses below.

1. What is a lightsaber? Why do people have them? For what purpose are they useful?

2. Is a lightsaber something every person should be able to own? (Explain.)

3. With your current knowledge of science and technology, what do you think would need
to be done in order to create a lightsaber?

4. How could having a lightsaber be beneficial?

5. How could the creation and sale of lightsabers harm the people, the world, or the

6. Should scientists be permitted to make lightsabers? (Please, explain your response.)

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Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Brainstorming

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Directions: Fill in the notecard below in order to select a topic for this essay.

Technological Item. . . Where I encountered What I Believe About

it (Book, Movie, TV, it . . .
etc. . .)

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 160

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Writing a Claim/ Thesis Statement

Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Directions: Please follow each step in the process to write a claim that you may use in your
research essay.

Step One: What is the name of the piece of technology you are studying?

Step Two: How will the introduction of this product impact society?

Step Three: What are you proposing?


Step Four: Consider this example.

The high school might benefit from incorporating a dress code policy because then less
students would be given detention after school for dressing inappropriately.

Question: What is the topic?

Question: What is the problem?
Question: What is the solution?
Question: What qualifier did the author use?

Now, write your own claim for your topic.




Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 161

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: APA STYLE GUIDELINES

For the APA style Reference Page:

• After the first line of each source, indent the following lines.

• Alphabetize your list by the author’s last name.

• If you are using two sources (or more) that are written by the same person, but them
in order based on the date which they were written. The most recent pieces should be
last on the list.

• Double- space the entries.

For example:


McDonald, Ronald. (1956). Better burgers, better fries: better profits. Living in the USA:

Business Section, 10, 234-237.

Sanders, Colonel. (2002). The quality of chicken after it has been fried. Chicken Monthly, 42,


Schnatter, Papa John. (2007). Pizza is My Life. Forbes Magazine, 77. Retrieved from

Thomas, Wendy. (2014). The Life of a Fast Food Icon. New York: American Life Publishing Co.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 162

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: APA STYLE GUIDELINES Practice

Student Name ______________________________________________________________

Directions: Use the APA Style Guidelines and the information given below to write a practice
reference (works cited) page. You may type the page or you may handwrite it on your own paper.

Item One: The Days of Our Lives by Rhonda Killgrove

Published by Westinghouse Inc.
Printed in Boston, Massachusetts
Date of original publication: May 22, 2009
You used pages 13-23

Item Two: “As the World Turns” by Heather Reed

Published in Entertainment Weekly Magazine
Available online at
Original publication date: March 5,2006
You viewed it on: April 4, 2009
Database host is: Allmagazines Inc.

Item Three: “The Bold and the Beautiful” by Mark Allen

Published in the New York Times Style Section
Available online at
Original publication date: August 22,2000
You viewed it on: June 1,2009
Database host is: EBSCO HOST

Item Four: “General Hospital” by Justin David

Published on
Originally updated on: January 31, 2000
You viewed it on: April 3, 2005
Database Host: WebMD

Item Five: “The Young and the Restless” by Benjamin Layne

Published in Popular Science Magazine
Date of Publication: April 30, 2008
Pages used: 11-13

Item Six: “Soap Operas”

From the World Book Encyclopedia
Contributed by: Sullivan Jay
Date of publication: 2009
City of Publication: New York City, New York
Pages used: 33-40
Published by: World Book Inc.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 163
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: APA STYLE GUIDELINES: In-text
APA style: The American Psychological Association (APA) style of formatting is
most often used when citing scientific research or in the area of social
studies. It is considered to be a more “academic” style than MLA.

If you decide to use APA style for your essay, there are a few things you need
to know:
This style utilizes the last name of the author and the date of the publication
in the in-text citation.

For example: “If I want to write an APA in-text citation, I would do it

this way” (Harris, 2014).

Quite often, the page number is included in the in-text citation. (As you may
be able to tell, people who use APA citation style generally are reading
lengthy works, like books or academic journals. Including the page number
simply makes it easier for someone else to track the reference later. If you
tend only to use short web pages, then you would not have a page number to

For example: “If I want to write an APA in-text citation, based on the
scholarly journal article that I have read, I might do it like this”
(Simmons, 2009, p. 186).

The final page of the essay (commonly referred to as a “works cited page” or
“bibliography” in MLA style) is known as a Reference Page in APA format.

When you are paraphrasing a particular source, APA style still encourages you
to follow the format that was given above.
For example: APA style is challenging for many high school students
because they are not used to researching and reporting their findings
on such a large scale (Harkavy, 1998, p. 34).

Please note: In APA style, the period (or other punctuation mark) comes after
the parenthesis.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 164
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Mini-Lesson #1: Use Credible Sources

Only use “Credible Sources”.

Easy ways to identify credible sources:

• Does the webpage or article have an author?

• Does the author have a “real name”? (Skyhope42 is not a real name;
it is a screen name.)

• If there is more than one author, are all of the author’s names
listed? (For example: Sometimes, on, the site creator
will create the staff with writing an article. This IS NOT
credible. It does not give the proper name of an individual, so it
really cannot be determined who wrote the piece.)

• Who hosts this webpage? If it is simply a response on Askjeeves or

Wikihow, chances are you are looking at something that an amateur

• Wikipedia will never be considered a credible source because it is

not written by experts. The entries are not proofread as regularly as
they should be, so it cannot be determined that the information will
always be accurate.

• One final tip: Every article on every web page, in order to be

considered credible, must have a proper title. Sometimes this title
will be at the top of the page; other times, you will find it enclosed
in quotation marks. Either way, if you come across a webpage or a
news article that does not give a title, then it is not a credible
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 165
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Mini-Lesson #2: Eliminate Questions

Eliminate Questions in your Essay

Why should you do this? (Asking rhetorical questions)

Read this sentence:

Have you ever wanted to go skydiving? If you have,

you need to know that you are making a big mistake because
sky diving is very dangerous.

Question: What is wrong with this statement?

Answer: The author assumes that every single member of

the audience wants to go skydiving.

Question: How do you fix this problem?

There are many people in the world who want to go
skydiving. Before those people embark on this adventure,
they need to know the dangers that accompany this sport.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 166

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Mini-Lesson #3: Eliminate Personal Pronouns

Eliminate Personal Pronouns

Why should you do this? (Personal Pronouns)

Read this sentence:

When you get an abortion, then you are an evil person.

Question: What does this statement imply?

Answer: This statement implies that the reader (the audience) is full
of evil people.

Question: How can you fix this statement?

When some people elect to get abortions, they are then
considered to be evil.

• Don’t focus on the statement here. Think of the offense incurred by

the audience. Unless it is your intent to pass judgment on your
audience, remove personal pronouns from the paper so as to avoid
playing the “blame game”. (You did this, you did that . . . )

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 167

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Mini-Lesson #4: Citing Others

There is a difference between conducting an interview and citing a quotation.

Quoting websites like,, or is an unacceptable

practice. These quotes are compiled by a group of editors. They are not for use in formal writing. If you want to
quote your subject in a speech, you need to find a news article where he/she is quoted. Then, you would give credit
like so:

According to Michelle Hale, author of “You Can’t Take it with You”, during an interview on March 3, 2013,
Mark Zuckerberg said, “Facebook is better than all other social media sites because it has the ability to connect so
many people at one time.”

Why do you have to do this?

You did not interview Mark Zuckerberg; therefore, you cannot quote Mark Zuckerberg. You have to give
credit to the person who did conduct the interview or take notes on the speech.

Then, when you completed your works cited page, you would be able to include Michelle Hale and her article as one
of your sources.

If you did conduct the interview, you should cite it (on the works cited page) as follows:

List the name of the person you interviewed (Last name, First name). Write the description: Personal Interview.
Finish the citation with the date.

For example:

Kahl, Micah. Personal Interview. 29 September 2004.

If you can find a transcript of the speech itself, you should cite it as follows:

Use the speaker’s name (Last name, First Name). “Put the title of the speech in quotation marks”. Next, add the
group who heard the speech. And, the location of the address. Provide the date of the speech. Describe the speech
somehow. What type of speech was it?

Vance, Mary Joe. “The Merits of Drinking Pepsi, instead of Coca-Cola." Arizona State University. The Hilton Garden

Suites, Phoenix, AZ. 4 January 2007. Keynote Address.

How to Quote Someone who Spoke in an Article, but is Not the Author

You ONLY use this if you are quoting someone in the article who is not the author.

In the article, “I Shouldn’t be Alive”, by Mindy Harris, Ken Heileman said, “I knew I was in deep trouble.”

In the article “I Shouldn’t be Alive”, Ken Heileman said, “I knew I was in trouble” (Harris).
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 168
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Peer Editing Color Chart

While you are reading someone else’s paper you

should do the following:
• Use pink to highlight anything that does not make sense.
• Use green to highlight any piece that you think is a
• Use yellow to highlight something if you think it is a run-
on sentence.
• Use orange if you think the person should remove the
idea or phrase.
• Anytime you see them do an in-text citation correctly,
highlight it in blue.
• If you think they did the in-text citation incorrectly,
highlight it in red.
• Use purple to highlight what you think is the writer’s
• If the writer uses a contraction (don’t, won’t, or can’t), a
personal pronoun (I, Me, My, You, or Our), or a question,
underline it.
**Feel free to use the “comments” boxes at any
** If they are missing punctuation, feel free to add it.
** If something is spelled incorrectly, spell check
should catch it, so you don’t have to mark that, but if
they messed up one of the words spell check might
not catch like “their, they’re, and there”, you should
comment about it.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 169
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Peer Review and Reflection

Student Name
Directions: Please read an essay that was written by a classmate. Either
while you are reading, or after you have finished, answer the following
questions about their work.
What was the purpose of the essay?

What do you think the author wanted you to know and understand?

Why might it be important for you to read something on this topic now?

Who do you think the author had in mind as his/her audience when
he/she wrote this essay?

What does this essay suggest about the author’s values or morals, and in
turn, what does that suggest about the desired audience and their

How accurate are the author’s assumptions? (Meaning: does the author
share the beliefs of his/her audience?)
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 170
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Peer Review and Reflection

Student Name ___________________________________________________

Directions: Please read an essay that was written by a classmate. Either while
you are reading, or after you have finished, answer the following questions about
their work.
Who wrote this essay?

What do you think his/her motives were when they were writing the assignment?

How does the author benefit from writing such an essay?

List briefly the details that the author provided in order to back-up his/her claim.

Are the details believable? If you looked into the data would you find that it is

What kinds of appeals did the author use? (Pathos? Logos? Ethos?)

If the audience reads this message and buys into it, how might the world change?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 171

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Research Essay: The Limits of Science: Viewing Commitment

Student Name ___________________________________________

Directions: Throughout the course of this unit, you must commit to
watching at least one of the following films:
• Jurassic Park (1993)
• Jurassic World (2015)
• Minority Report (2002)
• The Circle (2017)
• Victor Frankenstein (2015)

While you are watching, you are required to complete the study guide
for your chosen movie.

The purpose of doing this assignment is to help you expand your

knowledge concerning the concept of scientists who are careless with

We will not be watching any of these films in the classroom during our
period together.

You may elect to watch one of them on your own, or you may decide to
come to my room (3104) during seminar in order to watch one of the

On a notecard, please write the movie you would prefer to watch, as

well as if you desire to watch it during seminar or on your own. If you
want to come during seminar, I will be sure to pull you during the week
when it will be shown so that you may have a guaranteed seat.

This assignment must be done by the end of the unit on:

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 172

Media Connections


Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ______________________________________ First Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

1. What is the setting of the story?

a. September 1984, Isla Bonita, off the west coast of Aruba
b. January 1993, Isla Nombre, off the east coast of Mexico
c. August 1989, Isla Nublar, off the west coast of Costa Rica

2. When a boy is brought into see Bobbie Carter, what does she think might
have happened to him?
a. She thinks he might have been hurt while using sharp knives in a kitchen.
b. She thinks he might have been mauled by an animal.
c. She thinks he might have been injured while swimming in the ocean.

3. The injured boy who is brought to see Bobbie Carter is only able to speak
one word. What is that word?
a. Hupia
b. Raptor
c. Dinosaur

4. How is Cabo Blanco almost like paradise?

a. It is a stretch of untouched wilderness.
b. It is the location chosen to house the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.
c. It is a wildlife preserve.

5. Tina is keeping track of the animals she encounters on her vacation. How
does she describe the new animal she interacts with on the beach?
a. It is a lizard that is about the size of a small child. It is brown with yellow
spots. It has a forked tongue. As it approaches her, it makes a soft purring
sound, like a cat would.
b. It is a small lizard that has a very pungent smell. She can smell it before she
can see it.
c. It is a lizard that stands on its hind legs. It is dark green with brown stripes
on its back.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 174

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ______________________________________ First Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
6. When Mike finds his daughter, Tina, what has happened to the little girl?
a. She has been bitten by an animal.
b. She has been stung by a jellyfish.
c. She has just seen something that scared her badly. She is certain she just saw a T-

7. Dr. Guitierrez is trying to identify the type of animal that Tina encountered on
the beach. When she makes a drawing for him, his suspicions are nearly confirmed.
How is her drawing different from what he anticipated?
a. The animal drawn by Tina is the wrong color. He thought the one that attacked her
was brown and green. The one she drew was brown and yellow, with a touch of red.
b. The animal in her drawing has a longer neck and she drew it with three toes when
there should really be five.
c. The animal in her drawing is a hulking figure. It is much larger than the animal he
thought she saw.

8. How does Tina compare the animal she saw to a bird?

a. The animal was chirping. She thought it might be a bird because of the sounds it
was making.
b. It was eating insects. She saw it with a worm in its mouth.
c. The footprints it left in the sand reminded her of a bird. It was also moving its head
up and down.

9. Why did Elena lie to the mother and the authorities about what happened to
the newborn child?
a. She was worried that she would be reprimanded for leaving the child alone.
b. She didn't want the mother to be able to sue her later.
c. Elena really could not explain what happened. Since she didn't have the whole
answer, she decided the best thing to do was make up something that might be close
to the truth.

10. How is Alice Levin critical to the story?

a. She is the newest director of technology at Jurassic Park.
b. She is the first person to see a dinosaur running away after it has attacked a child.
c. She is the first to recognize a dinosaur in the drawing Tina made.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 175

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name _________________________________ Second Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
1. Dr. Alan Grant and his team are in the process of unearthing a fossil. This find has
the potential to be very important. Why is that the case?
a. If the fossil is intact, it will be the first example of a herbivore ever
b. If the fossil is intact, it will be the first example of a carnivore ever
c. If the fossil is intact, it will be the first example of a baby carnivore ever

2. What is Dr. Ellie Sattler’s specialty?

d. She is a paleobotanist.
e. She is a paleontologist.
f. She is a mathematician.

3. What did Dr. Grant once do for InGen?

g. The company sponsored many of his digs and paid for him to ship the
findings to a secret location.
h. The company picked his brain about amber and the uses of this
i. The company paid him to prepare a document concerning the eating
habits of young dinosaurs.

4. During this section of reading, John Hammond contacts Dr. Grant. What does he
j. He wants Dr. Grant to come down and visit his island this weekend.
k. He wants Dr. Grant to identify the animal that bit Tina McDermott.
l. He wants Dr. Grant to continuing working to find the first juvenile
velociraptor remains.

5. Gennaro reviews the list of people who will be on John Hammond’s island for the
weekend, and he is satisfied when he learns that Dr. Ian Malcolm will be there. Why
does Gennaro think that Malcolm’s opinion can be trusted?
m. Malcolm is known for his brutally honest nature.
n. Malcolm is a well-respected mathematician. He would not tarnish his
reputation by giving a false testimony.
o. Malcolm has been saying that John Hammond’s project would not
work from the start. .He has always been a nay-sayer. It will take a
great deal to persuade him otherwise.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 176
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ________________________________ Second Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
6. While Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler are looking over the documents they have received
from John Hammond, which of the following is NOT something Dr. Sattler thinks about
the park?
a. She thinks it looks like a zoo.
b. She thinks it looks like a fortress or something the military would have
c. She thinks it looks like a very hospitable resort.

7. What one element of the velociraptor’s life would Dr. Grant desperately like to know
more about, if it was possible?
d. He wants to know more about their appetites.
e. He wants to know how they behaved with one another and how they
functioned as a pack.
f. He wants to know whether or not they had feathers on their skin.

8. Why did John Hammond invest in so much computer technology for his island?
g. He wanted to make sure that everything was state-of-the art. He spared no
expense to make his park great.
h. He wanted to keep personnel costs low. He wanted to hire as few people as
possible who would be responsible for running the establishment.
i. He recognized that the computer systems would be able to track the
dinosaurs, the patrons, and the other animals on the island better than any
human could.
9. Why does Dodgson call together his core team at Biosyn headquarters?
j. He needs to discuss the company’s policies with them.
k. He tells them about John Hammond and how InGen is cloning dinosaurs.
He needs his team to agree that they should try to steal the dinosaur DNA
and create their own beings.
l. He tells them about John Hammond, InGen, and the creation of dinosaurs.
Then, he challenges them to go out and make something even more

10. How can Dr. Malcolm be so certain that John Hammond’s project will fail?
m. He does not think that John Hammond has raised enough money to
support this venture.
n. He does not think that John Hammond has secured the good opinion of
enough “experts”.
o. He knows that the island is bound to behave in an unpredictable manner. It
will be impossible to control.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 177
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Third Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
1. When Dr. Grant first lays eyes on a dinosaur, what does he really want
to do?
a. He wants to ride one.
b. He wants to sit back and observe the way they behave around one
c. He wants to inspect the animal. He wants to give the dinosaurs a
standard physical.

2. While walking near the swimming pool, Ellie notices something that is
disconcerting. What is it?
d. There is a poisonous fern growing near the pool.
e. There is a baby dinosaur, a compy, wandering amongst the rocks.
f. There is not a proper drainage system.

3. Aside from the scientists and the people who operate Jurassic Park, who will be at
the resort this weekend?
g. John Hammond’s grandchildren, Tim and Lex, are there.
h. John Hammond’s son and daughter, Tom and Sophie, are there.
i. John Hammond has hired actors to play his children this weekend.
These kids, Russ and Jen, will pretend to love the resort in order to
please Mr. Gennaro and the other investors.

4. How were the scientists at Jurassic Park able to procure dinosaur DNA?
j. They found bits of amber that held mosquitos inside. Then, they
withdrew the blood from the mosquitos and began creating life.
k. They collected many fossil remnants and, with the aid of
bioengineering, started creating new dinosaurs by putting bones back
l. They located a particular species of frog that lives only in the West
Indies. This frog is known to be related to other prehistoric beasts. They
used DNA from these frogs.

5. While giving the tour of the laboratory, Dr. Wu admits to something that could
potentially be problematic. What does he tell the scientists?
m. He does not always keep track of the names of the animals they create.
n. He does not want the dinosaurs to be sold as pets.
o. He aims to prove that all dinosaurs, at one time, had feathers.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 178
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Third Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
6. According to Dr. Wu, why are none of the animals in Jurassic Park able to
a. They are all female.
b. They were designed to be free of sex organs.
c. Dr. Wu does not say this. He knows that some day “life will find a

7. Why did the Jurassic Park scientists make their dinosaurs “lysine dependent”?
d. They wanted to make sure that all of their dinosaurs received the
proper nutrition.
e. They knew that the dinosaurs would struggle to adapt to the
environment that was unlike the one they lived in during their first
time on earth.
f. They wanted to make it so the dinosaurs could not escape and
survive. By making the dinosaurs dependent on lysine that ensured
that the dinosaurs had to receive daily supplements in order to live.

8. Why does Dr. Grant like children?

g. He loves how they always say what they are thinking.
h. He loves their enthusiasm, especially for dinosaurs.
i. He loves how they are unafraid to ask questions.

9. Mr. Muldoon has a healthy amount of respect for the raptors, but
he also fears them. Why?
a. He recognizes their great intelligence.
b. He watches them as they hunt together and he feels that they are an
unstoppable force.
c. He knows what they are capable of doing with their sharp claws.

10. When Dennis Nedry messes with the computer system, many problems occur.
Which of the following is the most severe and the most dangerous result?
d. The cars are stranded.
e. The phones are dead.
f. The fences are down, so the dinosaurs are free to roam.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 179

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________ Fourth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.
1. When the T-Rex breaks out of its paddock, what does Ed
Regis do?
a. He uses the radio to call for help.
b. He tells the children to make loud noises in order to distract
the dinosaur.
c. He gets out of the car, abandoning the kids, and runs for his

2. What happened to the land cruiser that Tim was hiding inside?
d. The T-Rex picked it up in her jaws and threw it.
e. The T-Rex used her nose to push it over a guard rail.
f. The T-Rex kicked it using her massive foot. It was scraped
badly by her toenails.

3. What does Dr. Grant come to understand about the T-Rex when he is
confronted with it?
g. If he is very fast, he can get away from it.
h. There is no escape from the T-Rex. He is going to die.
i. If he stays very still, the T-Rex will know he is there, but it will
not be able to see him.

4. While Nedry is headed for the docks, he is confronted by a dinosaur.

How does this dinosaur incapacitate Dennis Nedry?
j. It spits venom on him.
k. It uses its sharp teeth to nip at his clothing.
l. It screeches in a harsh and angry way.

5. Why does John Hammond think that nothing can stop him from opening
Jurassic Park?
m. The dinosaurs are so amazing, people will want to see them,
even if the situation is dangerous.
n. This is his island and he will open the park when he feels like
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 180
o. He thinks that he has enough money to buy off anyone who
tries to tell him otherwise.
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ___________________________________ Fourth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

6. Dr. Wu finds that all of the dinosaurs that are capable of breeding have
something in common. What is it?
a. They all are carnivorous.
b. They all lack feathers.
c. They all share frog DNA. He used frog DNA to supplement their
missing strands.

7. Before Ed Regis is devoured by the juvenile T-Rex, what does Dr. Grant
watch unfold between the two beings?
d. Ed Regis tries to use a cell phone in order to call for help, but
the juvenile eats the phone out of Regis’s hand.
e. The juvenile T-Rex appears to be making a game out of
attacking Ed Regis. It seems like the animal is playing with the
f. The adult T-Rex loses interest in Regis and allows the juvenile to
take over the kill.

8. Who do Muldoon and Gennaro find while tracking footprints?

g. They find Lex.
h. They find Dr. Grant and Tim.
i. They find Dr. Malcolm.

9. Why is John Hammond totally sure that his men will be able to find his
missing grandchildren?
j. His grandchildren are very resourceful. They can take care of
k. This park was built for children, so they will most certainly be
l. They are with Dr. Grant. He has complete confidence in Dr.
Grant’s abilities.

10. What image reminds Dr. Grant that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park do not
have normal reactions to human beings?
m. He watches while
Mindytwo Hadrosaurs
Killgrove Copyright 2017perform a mating ritual. 181

n. He watches Lex feed a baby triceratops..

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Fifth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer
the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

1. Dennis Nedry stole fifteen embryos overall. How much would

those be worth on the open market, according to Muldoon?
a. They would be worth about a billion dollars.
b. They would be worth 100 million dollars.
c. They would be worth between two and ten million dollars.

2. What happens when Muldoon and Gennaro leave behind Dennis Nedry’s
d. Almost immediately, he is consumed by the velociraptors.
e. They watch as the body washes down the river.
f. He is devoured by the compys/scavengers.

3. Why is the aviary not open yet?

g. The pterodactyls attack any animal that comes into the area.
h. There are not enough pterodactyls in it yet. Hammond wants
people to be awed by his exhibits.
i. The pterodactyls keep attacking and killing one another. The
scientists need to find a way to keep the dactyls alive.

4. What does Dr. Malcolm really mean when he talks about the idea of
j. He is referring to someone who is rather smart, but is also short-
sighted. The person is unable to see beyond the current situation.
k. The person is book smart, but he/she lacks practical or common
l. The person is called intelligent by theoretical standards, but the
same person constantly makes mistakes. They do not use their
intelligence in the proper way.

5. What issue does Dr. Malcolm take with engineers and scientists?
m. Scientists can never leave well enough alone. They are always
trying to conquer something.
n. Scientists only care about accomplishing. They never stop to think
if they should do something, just because they can.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 182
o. Scientists refuse to believe in a concept until it stares them right
in the face. They lack faith.
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ______________________________________Fifth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

6. How does Muldoon feel about the raptors?

a. He recognizes their intelligence.
b. He thinks they should never have been created.
c. He knows they will be the reason the park will never open.

7. When the raft goes over the waterfall, why does Tim become so
d. At first, he thinks that Dr. Grant has drowned.
e. He can see the T-Rex waiting for them and so he assumes
that they are all going to die.
f. When he surfaces, he sees Lex’s orange life vest in the
teeth of the T-Rex. He thinks she has been eaten. Then,
when she surfaces, it looks as though she may have

8. Dr. Grant goes into the cave. What does he quickly learn is locked in
there with him?
g. He is surrounded by a pack of velociraptors.
h. There is a juvenile male velociraptor in the cave.
i. There is a small library in there. He can find a map of the
park, and that will help get them out of this area.

9. Just as the T-Rex is about to bite Tim, what happens?

j. Lex strikes it on the nose, so it turns its attention towards
k. A helicopter flies overhead and it distracts the animal.
l. The tranquilizer finally kicks in and the T-Rex passes out.

10. According to Dr. Malcolm, ,what is wrong with scientific power?

m. Scientific power is relentless. It is unstoppable.
n. Scientific power
Killgrovenot require
Copyright 2017 any discipline to attain. 183
o. Scientific power is fleeting. It can be replaced at any time
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Sixth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

1. Why does Dr. Grant insist that he and the kids take the
velociraptor with them back to the center?
a. He wants to show everyone that there are ways to defeat
b. He wants to prove that the dinosaurs are breeding in the
c. He wants to ask the scientists to examine the velociraptor and
see how closely related it is to the animal that bit Tina in the
beginning of the story.

2. What kind of problem are the raptors causing over at the resort?
d. They have come in through the front gates and they are
roaming towards the aviary.
e. They have broken down the barriers and are headed towards
the mainland.
f. They have jumped up onto the roof and they are going to
break through the bars of the skylight very soon.

3. Once the raptor is following the kids, how does Tim try to distract it?
g. He makes loud noises.
h. He places steaks all over the ground.
i. He tells Lex to run one way while he turns and runs in the
other direction.

4. How do Lex and Tim get away from the raptor?

j. They trap it in the freezer.
k. They race away from it and into the kitchen area.
l. They lure it outside and then they run towards one of the

5. While Dr. Sattler is working to distract the raptors, what does she notice
about their behavior?
m. They are following a leader.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 184

n. They keep looking over their shoulders.

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Sixth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

6. Why does Tim have so much trouble working with the computer
a. It is a touch screen model, and he does not know that.
b. This is a high-tech piece of machinery that he has never
encountered before.
c. Tim is not the one who is good with computers. He needs to
let his sister, Lex, take over with this problem.

7. Tim is surprised to see two raptors standing outside of the control

room. Why is this shocking?
d. It means that the raptors are able to track the humans.
e. It means that the raptors were able to jump more than ten
feet in the air.
f. It means that the raptors have abandoned the roof and are
now coming after the kids.

8. Dr. Malcolm scolds John Hammond. Fill in the blank below to correctly
complete Dr. Malcolm’s sentiments. He says, “You can make a boat, but
you can’t make _____________________________________________.”
g. It sail
h. The ocean
i. People who can row it

9. When Lex and Tim run into the nursery, what happens to the baby
j. It jumps up on Tim’s head and starts tearing at his hair.
k. It bites Lex on the arm.
l. It is torn apart by the two adult velociraptors.

10. Briefly stated, how does Dr. Grant defeat the velociraptors?
m. He poisons them.
n. He uses extraMindy
doses of tranquilizer
Killgrove Copyright 2017 on them. 185

o. He hides while the T-Rex kills the velociraptors.

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________ Seventh Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer
the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

1. What disaster has Hammond been afraid of all along?

a. He was very worried about the fate of his grandchildren.
b. He sincerely did not want his dinosaurs to be harmed.
c. He was afraid that the dinosaurs would escape and they would
destroy the planet.

2. Originally, there were twenty-four people on the island. What happened to

those people?
d. Of those twenty-four, eight are dead and six more are missing.
e. Of those twenty-four, only three survived.
f. Of those twenty-four, twelve went missing, four volunteered to
stay behind, and everyone else was sent home in a set of

3. What happened to the three young raptors that had tried to stowaway on
the supply ship?
g. They were brought back to the island and delivered to Dr. Wu.
h. They were dumped into the ocean.
i. They were killed immediately.

4. Why does Dr. Grant insist upon going out to find the raptor’s nest?
j. He has to know how many animals are on the island so that they
can safely get rid of them.
k. He wants to see how the raptors behave when they are together.
l. He does not wish for the authorities to destroy the raptors. He
wants to study them more closely.

5. How does Dr. Grant explain that Mr. Gennaro is at least partially
to blame for what happened at Jurassic Park?
a. Gennaro helped Dr. Wu create the DNA cloning procedure.
b. Gennaro helped Hammond find investors. His money paid for the
c. Gennaro was in charge of overseeing the work done by Dennis
Nedry. If Gennaro had
Mindy paid
Killgrove closer
Copyright attention, Nedry never would186
have been able to mess with the security systems and the
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________ Seventh Iteration: Assesment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer
the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

6. While he is thinking over the situation, what does Hammond decide about
Dr. Wu and Mr. Arnold?
a. They should be fired immediately. He will hire someone new
who can do the job to his satisfaction.
b. He is pleased with their work, but he plans to track down Nedry
and make that man suffer.
c. Neither Wu or Arnold were ever capable of doing the job
correctly because they both lacked vision.

7. How does Hammond feel about the presence of his grandchildren on the
d. He feels like they have been nothing but trouble.
e. He is so relieved to know that they are safe.
f. He is wondering how they would describe the park and the
encounter to their friends back home.

8. What happens to John Hammond in the end of the story?

g. He is one of the survivors who is evacuated from the island.
h. He volunteers to stay and talk to the authorities once they
i. He is eaten by compys/scavengers.

9. While watching the dinosaurs arrange in their formation, what does Dr.
Grant suddenly see?
j. They do not want to escape the island. They want to migrate.
k. They are all gathered around one rather large male.
l. They are preparing to defend themselves.

10. What does Dr. Grant learn while he is speaking to Dr. Guitierrez?
m. For the past few months, animals moving in a migratory pattern
have been eating all of the lysine-rich food crops in the area.
n. Dr. Guitierrez managed to capture a velociraptor and he is
keeping it in cold storage.
o. One of the larger dinosaurs,
Mindy presumably
Killgrove Copyright 2017 a T-Rex, is being 187
shipped to America. It is going to be placed in a holding pen
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________ Dinosaurs: Assessment

Directions: Match the dinosaur on the left with the characteristics that describe it on the
_____1. Velociraptor a. This was one of the largest
carnivores to ever
walk the earth.

_____2. Procompsognathus b. This dinosaur has 17 hard plates that run

from its head, down its back, to
its tail

_____3. Hypsilophodonts c. This dinosaur had a flat, duck-bill as its snout.

_____4. Tyrannosaur d. This dinosaur is known for its


_____5. Triceratops e. This animal had two crests

running along the
top of its head.

_____6. Stegosaurs f. “Good mother lizard”

_____7. Dilophosaurs g. It was only about the size of a


_____8. Maiasaurs h. These animals have not been

researched very
well, so scientists know very little
about this
group of dinosaurs.

_____9. Hadrosaurs i. There are almost 130 different

types of this

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 188

_____10. Pterodactyls j. This name means “three-horn face”.
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ______________________________________ First Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

1. What is the setting of the story?

a. September 1984, Isla Bonita, off the west coast of Aruba
b. January 1993, Isla Nombre, off the east coast of Mexico
c. August 1989, Isla Nublar, off the west coast of Costa Rica

2. When a boy is brought into see Bobbie Carter, what does she think might
have happened to him?
a. She thinks he might have been hurt while using sharp knives in a kitchen.
b. She thinks he might have been mauled by an animal.
c. She thinks he might have been injured while swimming in the ocean.

3. The injured boy who is brought to see Bobbie Carter is only able to speak
one word. What is that word?
a. Hupia
b. Raptor
c. Dinosaur

4. How is Cabo Blanco almost like paradise?

a. It is a stretch of untouched wilderness.
b. It is the location chosen to house the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.
c. It is a wildlife preserve.

5. Tina is keeping track of the animals she encounters on her vacation. How
does she describe the new animal she interacts with on the beach?
a. It is a lizard that is about the size of a small child. It is brown with yellow
spots. It has a forked tongue. As it approaches her, it makes a soft purring
sound, like a cat would.
b. It is a small lizard that has a very pungent smell. She can smell it before she
can see it.
c. It is a lizard that stands on its hind legs. It is dark green with brown stripes
on its back.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 189

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ______________________________________ First Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
6. When Mike finds his daughter, Tina, what has happened to the little girl?
a. She has been bitten by an animal.
b. She has been stung by a jellyfish.
c. She has just seen something that scared her badly. She is certain she just saw a T-

7. Dr. Guitierrez is trying to identify the type of animal that Tina encountered on
the beach. When she makes a drawing for him, his suspicions are nearly confirmed.
How is her drawing different from what he anticipated?
a. The animal drawn by Tina is the wrong color. He thought the one that attacked her
was brown and green. The one she drew was brown and yellow, with a touch of red.
b. The animal in her drawing has a longer neck and she drew it with three toes when
there should really be five.
c. The animal in her drawing is a hulking figure. It is much larger than the animal he
thought she saw.

8. How does Tina compare the animal she saw to a bird?

a. The animal was chirping. She thought it might be a bird because of the sounds it
was making.
b. It was eating insects. She saw it with a worm in its mouth.
c. The footprints it left in the sand reminded her of a bird. It was also moving its head
up and down.

9. Why did Elena lie to the mother and the authorities about what happened to
the newborn child?
a. She was worried that she would be reprimanded for leaving the child alone.
b. She didn't want the mother to be able to sue her later.
c. Elena really could not explain what happened. Since she didn't have the whole
answer, she decided the best thing to do was make up something that might be close
to the truth.

10. How is Alice Levin critical to the story?

a. She is the newest director of technology at Jurassic Park.
b. She is the first person to see a dinosaur running away after it has attacked a child.
c. She is the first to recognize a dinosaur in the drawing Tina made.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 190

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name _________________________________ Second Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
1. Dr. Alan Grant and his team are in the process of unearthing a fossil. This find has
the potential to be very important. Why is that the case?
a. If the fossil is intact, it will be the first example of a herbivore ever
b. If the fossil is intact, it will be the first example of a carnivore ever
c. If the fossil is intact, it will be the first example of a baby carnivore ever

2. What is Dr. Ellie Sattler’s specialty?

d. She is a paleobotanist.
e. She is a paleontologist.
f. She is a mathematician.

3. What did Dr. Grant once do for InGen?

g. The company sponsored many of his digs and paid for him to ship the
findings to a secret location.
h. The company picked his brain about amber and the uses of this
i. The company paid him to prepare a document concerning the eating
habits of young dinosaurs.

4. During this section of reading, John Hammond contacts Dr. Grant. What does he
j. He wants Dr. Grant to come down and visit his island this weekend.
k. He wants Dr. Grant to identify the animal that bit Tina McDermott.
l. He wants Dr. Grant to continuing working to find the first juvenile
velociraptor remains.

5. Gennaro reviews the list of people who will be on John Hammond’s island for the
weekend, and he is satisfied when he learns that Dr. Ian Malcolm will be there. Why
does Gennaro think that Malcolm’s opinion can be trusted?
m. Malcolm is known for his brutally honest nature.
n. Malcolm is a well-respected mathematician. He would not tarnish his
reputation by giving a false testimony.
o. Malcolm has been saying that John Hammond’s project would not
work from the start. .He has always been a nay-sayer. It will take a
great deal to persuade him otherwise.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 191
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ________________________________ Second Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
6. While Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler are looking over the documents they have received
from John Hammond, which of the following is NOT something Dr. Sattler thinks about
the park?
a. She thinks it looks like a zoo.
b. She thinks it looks like a fortress or something the military would have
c. She thinks it looks like a very hospitable resort.

7. What one element of the velociraptor’s life would Dr. Grant desperately like to know
more about, if it was possible?
d. He wants to know more about their appetites.
e. He wants to know how they behaved with one another and how they
functioned as a pack.
f. He wants to know whether or not they had feathers on their skin.

8. Why did John Hammond invest in so much computer technology for his island?
g. He wanted to make sure that everything was state-of-the art. He spared no
expense to make his park great.
h. He wanted to keep personnel costs low. He wanted to hire as few people as
possible who would be responsible for running the establishment.
i. He recognized that the computer systems would be able to track the
dinosaurs, the patrons, and the other animals on the island better than any
human could.
9. Why does Dodgson call together his core team at Biosyn headquarters?
j. He needs to discuss the company’s policies with them.
k. He tells them about John Hammond and how InGen is cloning dinosaurs.
He needs his team to agree that they should try to steal the dinosaur DNA
and create their own beings.
l. He tells them about John Hammond, InGen, and the creation of dinosaurs.
Then, he challenges them to go out and make something even more

10. How can Dr. Malcolm be so certain that John Hammond’s project will fail?
m. He does not think that John Hammond has raised enough money to
support this venture.
n. He does not think that John Hammond has secured the good opinion of
enough “experts”.
o. He knows that the island is bound to behave in an unpredictable manner. It
will be impossible to control.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 192
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Third Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
1. When Dr. Grant first lays eyes on a dinosaur, what does he really want
to do?
a. He wants to ride one.
b. He wants to sit back and observe the way they behave around one
c. He wants to inspect the animal. He wants to give the dinosaurs a
standard physical.

2. While walking near the swimming pool, Ellie notices something that is
disconcerting. What is it?
d. There is a poisonous fern growing near the pool.
e. There is a baby dinosaur, a compy, wandering amongst the rocks.
f. There is not a proper drainage system.

3. Aside from the scientists and the people who operate Jurassic Park, who will be at
the resort this weekend?
g. John Hammond’s grandchildren, Tim and Lex, are there.
h. John Hammond’s son and daughter, Tom and Sophie, are there.
i. John Hammond has hired actors to play his children this weekend.
These kids, Russ and Jen, will pretend to love the resort in order to
please Mr. Gennaro and the other investors.

4. How were the scientists at Jurassic Park able to procure dinosaur DNA?
j. They found bits of amber that held mosquitos inside. Then, they
withdrew the blood from the mosquitos and began creating life.
k. They collected many fossil remnants and, with the aid of
bioengineering, started creating new dinosaurs by putting bones back
l. They located a particular species of frog that lives only in the West
Indies. This frog is known to be related to other prehistoric beasts. They
used DNA from these frogs.

5. While giving the tour of the laboratory, Dr. Wu admits to something that could
potentially be problematic. What does he tell the scientists?
m. He does not always keep track of the names of the animals they create.
n. He does not want the dinosaurs to be sold as pets.
o. He aims to prove that all dinosaurs, at one time, had feathers.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 193
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Third Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer the
following questions. Select the best possible answer.
6. According to Dr. Wu, why are none of the animals in Jurassic Park able to
a. They are all female.
b. They were designed to be free of sex organs.
c. Dr. Wu does not say this. He knows that some day “life will find a

7. Why did the Jurassic Park scientists make their dinosaurs “lysine dependent”?
d. They wanted to make sure that all of their dinosaurs received the
proper nutrition.
e. They knew that the dinosaurs would struggle to adapt to the
environment that was unlike the one they lived in during their first
time on earth.
f. They wanted to make it so the dinosaurs could not escape and
survive. By making the dinosaurs dependent on lysine that ensured
that the dinosaurs had to receive daily supplements in order to live.

8. Why does Dr. Grant like children?

g. He loves how they always say what they are thinking.
h. He loves their enthusiasm, especially for dinosaurs.
i. He loves how they are unafraid to ask questions.

9. Mr. Muldoon has a healthy amount of respect for the raptors, but
he also fears them. Why?
a. He recognizes their great intelligence.
b. He watches them as they hunt together and he feels that they are an
unstoppable force.
c. He knows what they are capable of doing with their sharp claws.

10. When Dennis Nedry messes with the computer system, many problems occur.
Which of the following is the most severe and the most dangerous result?
d. The cars are stranded.
e. The phones are dead.
f. The fences are down, so the dinosaurs are free to roam.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 194

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________ Fourth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.
1. When the T-Rex breaks out of its paddock, what does Ed
Regis do?
a. He uses the radio to call for help.
b. He tells the children to make loud noises in order to distract
the dinosaur.
c. He gets out of the car, abandoning the kids, and runs for his

2. What happened to the land cruiser that Tim was hiding inside?
d. The T-Rex picked it up in her jaws and threw it.
e. The T-Rex used her nose to push it over a guard rail.
f. The T-Rex kicked it using her massive foot. It was scraped
badly by her toenails.

3. What does Dr. Grant come to understand about the T-Rex when he is
confronted with it?
g. If he is very fast, he can get away from it.
h. There is no escape from the T-Rex. He is going to die.
i. If he stays very still, the T-Rex will know he is there, but it will
not be able to see him.

4. While Nedry is headed for the docks, he is confronted by a dinosaur.

How does this dinosaur incapacitate Dennis Nedry?
j. It spits venom on him.
k. It uses its sharp teeth to nip at his clothing.
l. It screeches in a harsh and angry way.

5. Why does John Hammond think that nothing can stop him from opening
Jurassic Park?
m. The dinosaurs are so amazing, people will want to see them,
even if the situation is dangerous.
n. This is his island and he will open the park when he feels like
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 195
o. He thinks that he has enough money to buy off anyone who
tries to tell him otherwise.
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ___________________________________ Fourth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

6. Dr. Wu finds that all of the dinosaurs that are capable of breeding have
something in common. What is it?
a. They all are carnivorous.
b. They all lack feathers.
c. They all share frog DNA. He used frog DNA to supplement their
missing strands.

7. Before Ed Regis is devoured by the juvenile T-Rex, what does Dr. Grant
watch unfold between the two beings?
d. Ed Regis tries to use a cell phone in order to call for help, but
the juvenile eats the phone out of Regis’s hand.
e. The juvenile T-Rex appears to be making a game out of
attacking Ed Regis. It seems like the animal is playing with the
f. The adult T-Rex loses interest in Regis and allows the juvenile to
take over the kill.

8. Who do Muldoon and Gennaro find while tracking footprints?

g. They find Lex.
h. They find Dr. Grant and Tim.
i. They find Dr. Malcolm.

9. Why is John Hammond totally sure that his men will be able to find his
missing grandchildren?
j. His grandchildren are very resourceful. They can take care of
k. This park was built for children, so they will most certainly be
l. They are with Dr. Grant. He has complete confidence in Dr.
Grant’s abilities.

10. What image reminds Dr. Grant that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park do not
have normal reactions to human beings?
m. He watches while
Mindytwo Hadrosaurs
Killgrove Copyright 2017perform a mating ritual. 196

n. He watches Lex feed a baby triceratops..

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Fifth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer
the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

1. Dennis Nedry stole fifteen embryos overall. How much would

those be worth on the open market, according to Muldoon?
a. They would be worth about a billion dollars.
b. They would be worth 100 million dollars.
c. They would be worth between two and ten million dollars.

2. What happens when Muldoon and Gennaro leave behind Dennis Nedry’s
d. Almost immediately, he is consumed by the velociraptors.
e. They watch as the body washes down the river.
f. He is devoured by the compys/scavengers.

3. Why is the aviary not open yet?

g. The pterodactyls attack any animal that comes into the area.
h. There are not enough pterodactyls in it yet. Hammond wants
people to be awed by his exhibits.
i. The pterodactyls keep attacking and killing one another. The
scientists need to find a way to keep the dactyls alive.

4. What does Dr. Malcolm really mean when he talks about the idea of
j. He is referring to someone who is rather smart, but is also short-
sighted. The person is unable to see beyond the current situation.
k. The person is book smart, but he/she lacks practical or common
l. The person is called intelligent by theoretical standards, but the
same person constantly makes mistakes. They do not use their
intelligence in the proper way.

5. What issue does Dr. Malcolm take with engineers and scientists?
m. Scientists can never leave well enough alone. They are always
trying to conquer something.
n. Scientists only care about accomplishing. They never stop to think
if they should do something, just because they can.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 197
o. Scientists refuse to believe in a concept until it stares them right
in the face. They lack faith.
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ______________________________________Fifth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

6. How does Muldoon feel about the raptors?

a. He recognizes their intelligence.
b. He thinks they should never have been created.
c. He knows they will be the reason the park will never open.

7. When the raft goes over the waterfall, why does Tim become so
d. At first, he thinks that Dr. Grant has drowned.
e. He can see the T-Rex waiting for them and so he assumes
that they are all going to die.
f. When he surfaces, he sees Lex’s orange life vest in the
teeth of the T-Rex. He thinks she has been eaten. Then,
when she surfaces, it looks as though she may have

8. Dr. Grant goes into the cave. What does he quickly learn is locked in
there with him?
g. He is surrounded by a pack of velociraptors.
h. There is a juvenile male velociraptor in the cave.
i. There is a small library in there. He can find a map of the
park, and that will help get them out of this area.

9. Just as the T-Rex is about to bite Tim, what happens?

j. Lex strikes it on the nose, so it turns its attention towards
k. A helicopter flies overhead and it distracts the animal.
l. The tranquilizer finally kicks in and the T-Rex passes out.

10. According to Dr. Malcolm, ,what is wrong with scientific power?

m. Scientific power is relentless. It is unstoppable.
n. Scientific power
Killgrovenot require
Copyright 2017 any discipline to attain. 198
o. Scientific power is fleeting. It can be replaced at any time
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Sixth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

1. Why does Dr. Grant insist that he and the kids take the
velociraptor with them back to the center?
a. He wants to show everyone that there are ways to defeat
b. He wants to prove that the dinosaurs are breeding in the
c. He wants to ask the scientists to examine the velociraptor and
see how closely related it is to the animal that bit Tina in the
beginning of the story.

2. What kind of problem are the raptors causing over at the resort?
d. They have come in through the front gates and they are
roaming towards the aviary.
e. They have broken down the barriers and are headed towards
the mainland.
f. They have jumped up onto the roof and they are going to
break through the bars of the skylight very soon.

3. Once the raptor is following the kids, how does Tim try to distract it?
g. He makes loud noises.
h. He places steaks all over the ground.
i. He tells Lex to run one way while he turns and runs in the
other direction.

4. How do Lex and Tim get away from the raptor?

j. They trap it in the freezer.
k. They race away from it and into the kitchen area.
l. They lure it outside and then they run towards one of the

5. While Dr. Sattler is working to distract the raptors, what does she notice
about their behavior?
m. They are following a leader.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 199

n. They keep looking over their shoulders.

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ____________________________________ Sixth Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please
answer the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

6. Why does Tim have so much trouble working with the computer
a. It is a touch screen model, and he does not know that.
b. This is a high-tech piece of machinery that he has never
encountered before.
c. Tim is not the one who is good with computers. He needs to
let his sister, Lex, take over with this problem.

7. Tim is surprised to see two raptors standing outside of the control

room. Why is this shocking?
d. It means that the raptors are able to track the humans.
e. It means that the raptors were able to jump more than ten
feet in the air.
f. It means that the raptors have abandoned the roof and are
now coming after the kids.

8. Dr. Malcolm scolds John Hammond. Fill in the blank below to correctly
complete Dr. Malcolm’s sentiments. He says, “You can make a boat, but
you can’t make _____________________________________________.”
g. It sail
h. The ocean
i. People who can row it

9. When Lex and Tim run into the nursery, what happens to the baby
j. It jumps up on Tim’s head and starts tearing at his hair.
k. It bites Lex on the arm.
l. It is torn apart by the two adult velociraptors.

10. Briefly stated, how does Dr. Grant defeat the velociraptors?
m. He poisons them.
n. He uses extraMindy
doses of tranquilizer
Killgrove Copyright 2017 on them. 200

o. He hides while the T-Rex kills the velociraptors.

Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________ Seventh Iteration: Assessment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer
the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

1. What disaster has Hammond been afraid of all along?

a. He was very worried about the fate of his grandchildren.
b. He sincerely did not want his dinosaurs to be harmed.
c. He was afraid that the dinosaurs would escape and they would
destroy the planet.

2. Originally, there were twenty-four people on the island. What happened to

those people?
d. Of those twenty-four, eight are dead and six more are missing.
e. Of those twenty-four, only three survived.
f. Of those twenty-four, twelve went missing, four volunteered to
stay behind, and everyone else was sent home in a set of

3. What happened to the three young raptors that had tried to stowaway on
the supply ship?
g. They were brought back to the island and delivered to Dr. Wu.
h. They were dumped into the ocean.
i. They were killed immediately.

4. Why does Dr. Grant insist upon going out to find the raptor’s nest?
j. He has to know how many animals are on the island so that they
can safely get rid of them.
k. He wants to see how the raptors behave when they are together.
l. He does not wish for the authorities to destroy the raptors. He
wants to study them more closely.

5. How does Dr. Grant explain that Mr. Gennaro is at least partially
to blame for what happened at Jurassic Park?
a. Gennaro helped Dr. Wu create the DNA cloning procedure.
b. Gennaro helped Hammond find investors. His money paid for the
c. Gennaro was in charge of overseeing the work done by Dennis
Nedry. If Gennaro had
Mindy paid
Killgrove closer
Copyright attention, Nedry never would201
have been able to mess with the security systems and the
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________ Seventh Iteration: Assesment

Directions: After you have finished reading the assigned section, please answer
the following questions. Select the best possible answer.

6. While he is thinking over the situation, what does Hammond decide about
Dr. Wu and Mr. Arnold?
a. They should be fired immediately. He will hire someone new
who can do the job to his satisfaction.
b. He is pleased with their work, but he plans to track down Nedry
and make that man suffer.
c. Neither Wu or Arnold were ever capable of doing the job
correctly because they both lacked vision.

7. How does Hammond feel about the presence of his grandchildren on the
d. He feels like they have been nothing but trouble.
e. He is so relieved to know that they are safe.
f. He is wondering how they would describe the park and the
encounter to their friends back home.

8. What happens to John Hammond in the end of the story?

g. He is one of the survivors who is evacuated from the island.
h. He volunteers to stay and talk to the authorities once they
i. He is eaten by compys/scavengers.

9. While watching the dinosaurs arrange in their formation, what does Dr.
Grant suddenly see?
j. They do not want to escape the island. They want to migrate.
k. They are all gathered around one rather large male.
l. They are preparing to defend themselves.

10. What does Dr. Grant learn while he is speaking to Dr. Guitierrez?
m. For the past few months, animals moving in a migratory pattern
have been eating all of the lysine-rich food crops in the area.
n. Dr. Guitierrez managed to capture a velociraptor and he is
keeping it in cold storage.
o. One of the larger dinosaurs,
Mindy presumably
Killgrove Copyright 2017 a T-Rex, is being 202
shipped to America. It is going to be placed in a holding pen
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name __________________________________ Dinosaurs: Assessment

Directions: Match the dinosaur on the left with the characteristics that describe it on the
___S__1. Velociraptor a. This was one of the largest
carnivores to ever
walk the earth.

___G__2. Procompsognathus b. This dinosaur has 17 hard

plates that run
from its head, down its back, to
its tail

__H___3. Hypsilophodonts c. This dinosaur had a flat, duck-bill as its snout.

_A____4. Tyrannosaur d. This dinosaur is known for its intelligence.

__J__5. Triceratops e. This animal had two crests

running along the
top of its head.

__B___6. Stegosaurs f. “Good mother lizard”

__E___7. Dilophosaurs g. It was only about the size of a hen.

__F___8. Maiasaurs h. These animals have not been

researched very
well, so scientists know very little
about this
group of dinosaurs.

__C___9. Hadrosaurs i. There are almost 130 different

types of this

_I____10. Pterodactyls j. This name means “three-horn face”.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 203

Media Connections


Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
Student Name ______________________________________ Reflecting on the Novel

Directions: Once you have finished reading the story, reflect upon the sources the author
cited at the very beginning. Re-read the following quotes.

“Reptiles are abhorrent because of their cold body, pale color, cartilaginous skeleton, filthy
skin, fierce aspect, calculating eye, offensive smell, harsh voice, squalid habitation, and
terrible venom; wherefore their Creator has not exerted his powers to make many of them.” –
Linnaeus, 1797

“You cannot recall a new form of life.”- Erwin Chargaff, 1972

Follow-up Questions:

1. Look at the first quotation. Why do you think Crichton selected this one to put at the
very beginning of his book?

2. How does Crichton address the subject of “reptiles” throughout the story?

3. Now, look at the second quotation. Why might it be considered paradoxical?

4. Again, why do you think Crichton elected to place this idea at the beginning of his work?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 205

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

1. What is the setting of the story?

2. Extended thinking: If you have read the book, what flaws do you notice in the opening

3. What is Dr. Alan Grant doing when the viewer first meets him?

4. What did Dr. Grant and his team find, according to the computer?

5. Dr. Grant explains why raptors were so dangerous. What reasons does he give?

6. How does Dr. Grant feel about having kids?

7. Why does John Hammond need the endorsement of doctors Sattler and Grant?

8. What does Nedry tell Dodgson was John Hammond’s mistake?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 206

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

9. What does Dr. Ian Malcolm study?

10. How do Grant and Sattler react to seeing their first dinosaur?

11. How did the scientists at Jurassic Park get dinosaur DNA?

12. Why do the scientists (Sattler, Grant, and Malcolm) stop the ride?

13. How do the Jurassic Park scientists know that the dinosaurs they have created cannot

14. Why does Malcolm find fault with the creation process at Jurassic Park?

15. How does Muldoon prove the intelligence of the raptor?

16. Why does Dr. Malcolm say there is a problem here, at Jurassic Park?

17. Why does Dr. Sattler express concerns?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 207

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

18. Why is the Tyrannosaur paddock so disappointing to the tourists?

19. Dr. Grant very suddenly jumps out of the moving vehicle. Why does he do this?

20. What is wrong with the triceratops?

21. What does Dennis Nedry steal?

22. What sort of problems did Nedry create?

23. What does Tim find in the car?

24. How do Lex and Tim attract the attention of the T-Rex?

25. How does Dr. Grant distract the T-Rex away from the kids?

26. Why do Dr. Sattler and Muldoon go out into the park?

27. How is Nedry incapacitated by the dilophosaurus?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 208

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

28. What do Dr. Sattler and Muldoon find once they reach the T-Rex paddock?

29. What does Dr. Grant do with his raptor claw? What is this act supposed to symbolize?

30. What is the illusion of Jurassic Park, according to Dr. Sattler?

31. When Dr. Grant finds the broken eggshells, what does that mean?

32. Why is Muldoon concerned when they approach the raptor paddock?

33. What happens just after Dr. Sattler turns on the power?

34. How does Muldoon suffer defeat?

35. How do the kids know a dinosaur found them in the restaurant?

36. Why can’t the raptors be contained?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 209

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

37. How do Lex and Tim trap one of the raptors?

38. Lex is able to work a miracle. What does she do?

39. Just when it seems they are going to be devoured by the raptors, what happens?

40. As the small group of survivors flee the island, Sattler and Grant watch the birds. What is
this meant to symbolize?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 210

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

1. What is the setting of the story? It takes place on the Isla Nublar. Isla Nublar is located
120 West of Costa Rica.

2. Extended thinking: If you have read the book, what flaws do you notice in the opening
scene? 1. There are too many people on the island. In the book, Hammond tries to have
as few people involved with the project as possible. It is mentioned many times that only
twenty people are there. Next, it looks as though dinosaurs are being transferred. This
does not happen in the book. The raptors were so dangerous, people would not have
been asked to do this kind of job.

3. What is Dr. Alan Grant doing when the viewer first meets him? He is working at a dig site
in the Badlands near Snakewater, Montana. He is trying to view a specimen on a
computer and lamenting the use of technology.

4. What did Dr. Grant and his team find, according to the computer? They found a

5. Dr. Grant explains why raptors were so dangerous. What reasons does he give? They are
pack hunters, so they can attack from any side. They used claws to slash their prey.
Therefore, “You are alive when they start to eat you.”

6. How does Dr. Grant feel about having kids? He says they are noisy, messy, expensive, and

7. Why does John Hammond need the endorsement of doctors Sattler and Grant? He
needs the opinions of dinosaur experts in order to get the investors and lawyers off his

8. What does Nedry tell Dodgson was John Hammond’s mistake? Hammond got cheap on

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 211

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

9. What does Dr. Ian Malcolm study? He studies Chaos Theory. He links it to the laws of

10. How do Grant and Sattler react to seeing their first dinosaur? They are stunned. They get
out of the car and go in for a closer look.

11. How did the scientists at Jurassic Park get dinosaur DNA? They found pieces of amber
that had preserved mosquitoes in it. They extracted the blood from the mosquitoes and
started testing the DNA.

12. Why do the scientists (Sattler, Grant, and Malcolm) stop the ride? They want to go into
the lab and see the eggs.

13. How do the Jurassic Park scientists know that the dinosaurs they have created cannot
breed? All of the animals are females.

14. Why does Malcolm find fault with the creation process at Jurassic Park? He thinks life
will find a way to procreate. They can’t control the natural breeding habits of these

15. How does Muldoon prove the intelligence of the raptor? He explains how they attacked
the fences systematically in order to find the weaknesses. They never went for the same
spot twice.

16. Why does Dr. Malcolm say there is a problem here, at Jurassic Park? The scientists here
didn’t earn the knowledge for themselves, so they don’t take any responsibility. They were
so preoccupied with what they could do they didn’t stop to think if they should do it.

17. Why does Dr. Sattler express concerns? They have poisonous plants in the building. They
are dealing with violent creatures that no one can possibly understand.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 212

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

18. Why is the Tyrannosaur paddock so disappointing to the tourists? Up until this point,
they haven’t seen any dinosaurs. “Will there be any dinosaurs on the tour?”

19. Dr. Grant very suddenly jumps out of the moving vehicle. Why does he do this? He
noticed that there was a sick dinosaur lying out in the field.

20. What is wrong with the triceratops? Dr. Sattler can’t be sure. She thinks that it has been
eating berries from a poisonous plant, West Indian Lilac, but she can’t prove it. She wants to
stay behind and keep working with the animal.

21. What does Dennis Nedry steal? He steals dinosaur embryos.

22. What sort of problems did Nedry create? All of the electric fences are down, telephones
and radios are not working, and the cars have stopped moving on the tour.

23. What does Tim find in the car? He finds night vision goggles.

24. How do Lex and Tim attract the attention of the T-Rex? Lex shines a flashlight, he closes a
door, and then she starts screaming.

25. How does Dr. Grant distract the T-Rex away from the kids? He lights a flare and throws it.

26. Why do Dr. Sattler and Muldoon go out into the park? They are going to rescue the kids.

27. How is Nedry incapacitated by the dilophosaurus? The dilophosaurus spits on him and it
blinds him so he doesn’t know another one is waiting in his vehicle.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 213

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

28. What do Dr. Sattler and Muldoon find once they reach the T-Rex paddock? They find one
vehicle, pieces of Gennaro, footprints, a hurt Ian Malcolm and the abandoned car.

29. What does Dr. Grant do with his raptor claw? What is this act supposed to symbolize? He
tosses it away. He says that he may have to evolve too and this is meant to symbolize the
beginning of that growth.

30. What is the illusion of Jurassic Park, according to Dr. Sattler? The creators thought they
could control everything, but they cannot.

31. When Dr. Grant finds the broken eggshells, what does that mean? The dinosaurs are
breeding. When the DNA was blended with that of a frog’s it made some dinosaurs able to
change from female to male. Grant says, “Malcolm was right. Life found a way.”

32. Why is Muldoon concerned when they approach the raptor paddock? The shutdown
knocked out the raptor fences and now the raptors are free and hunting them.

33. What happens just after Dr. Sattler turns on the power? Tim receives an electric shock
from the fence. A raptor appears and it attacks Ellie. She then finds Mr. Arnold’s mangled

34. How does Muldoon suffer defeat? Before he can shoot the raptor, he is attacked by a
different one from the side.

35. How do the kids know a dinosaur found them in the restaurant? They see the Jell-o
shaking. They also see the profile of the dinosaur through the screen.

36. Why can’t the raptors be contained? They can open doors.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 214

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.

37. How do Lex and Tim trap one of the raptors? They lock it in the freezer.

38. Lex is able to work a miracle. What does she do? She manipulates the computer and
gets the security systems and phones back up and working.

39. Just when it seems they are going to be devoured by the raptors, what happens? T-Rex
attacks and kills the raptors.

40. As the small group of survivors flee the island, Sattler and Grant watch the birds. What is
this meant to symbolize? Student responses will vary. Some will say that the dinosaurs are
very much like birds. Others will say they are watching the birds migrate. This means that
the dinosaurs probably won’t stay contained on the island, either.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 215

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
1. Zach and Gray fly into an airport. What is the name of the place?

2. On what island are Zach and Gray staying?

3. Why is the Indominus Rex so special?

4. It is clear Aunt Claire is a disappointment to her nephews. How?

5. Fill in the blank. “The key to a happy life is to accept that you are never actually in

6. Fill in the blank. Mr. Masrani says, “Jurassic World exists to remind us how very
___________________________________________________________ we are.”

7. What sort of speed bumps has the crew experienced with Indominus Rex?

8. How does Mr. Masrani react to the Indominus Rex?

9. What is Owen’s job?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 216

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
10. What does Hoskins want to do with the raptors?

11. Fill in the blanks. This conversation takes place between Hoskins and Owen. Hoskins
says, “Progress always ___________________________________________.” Owen replies,
“Maybe progress should ________________________________ for once.”

12. Lowery, Masrani, and Owen all remind Claire of something in regards to the dinosaurs.
What do they tell her?

13. What problem does Owen point out about the Indominus Rex?

14. How does Owen avoid being eaten by the Indominus Rex?

15. Why can’t the people kill the Indominus Rex?

16. What does the Asset Containment Unit (ACU) quickly learn about the Indominus Rex?

17. What recommendations does Owen suggest?

18. Why do Masrani and Dr. Wu argue?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 217

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
19. How do Gray and Zach escape from the Indominus Rex?

20. By looking out on the field of defeated dinosaurs, what does Owen realize?

21. What do Zach and Gray find in the abandoned sectors?

22. What does Hoskins strongly suggest to Masrani?

23. What happens when the helicopter crashes?

24. How do the pterodactyls wreck havoc on the amusement park?

25. How does Claire help Owen?

26. Why does it seem that Owen agrees to fall in line with Hoskins and his plan?

27. Who is the Alpha of the raptor pack?

28. How does Owen keep up with the pack?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 218

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
29. When the humans notice the raptors and the Indominus Rex communicating, what do
they come to understand?

30. Fill in the blank. Claire says, “He’s scared. It’s okay to _________________________
when people are scared.”

31. Why does Lowery refuse to evacuate with the others?

32. What does Hoskins plan to do with the Indominus Rex?

33. How does Owen regain the trust of his raptors?

34. Gray suggests getting more of something. What do they need?

35. Why does Claire ask Lowery to open Paddock 9?

36. How is the Indominus Rex destroyed?

37. Claire asks, “So what do we do now?” How does Owen respond?

38. How does the movie conclude?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 219

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
1. Zach and Gray fly into an airport. What is the name of the place? It is called Juan
Santamarta Airport. It is located in Costa Rica.

2. On what island are Zach and Gray staying? They are on Isla Nublar. It is the home of
Jurassic World.

3. Why is the Indominus Rex so special? She is the first genetically modified hybrid. She
was specially designed to be an attraction in the park.

4. It is clear Aunt Claire is a disappointment to her nephews. How? She hasn’t seen them in
seven years. She won’t be spending time with them this afternoon because she is too
busy. She won’t see them again until 8 o’clock tonight. She doesn’t really know anything
about them.

5. Fill in the blank. “The key to a happy life is to accept that you are never actually in
____________________________________________________________.” Control

6. Fill in the blank. Mr. Masrani says, “Jurassic World exists to remind us how very
___________________________________________________________ we are.” Small

7. What sort of speed bumps has the crew experienced with Indominus Rex? She ate her
sibling. She learned how to anticipate where the food would be delivered and she ate
someone’s arm. She tried to break the glass that protects the people from the rest of the
exhibit. She is intelligent.

8. How does Mr. Masrani react to the Indominus Rex? He says she is fantastic. She will
definitely scare the kids because he thinks the adults will be scared too.

9. What is Owen’s job? He works with velociraptors. He is working on training them.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 220

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
10. What does Hoskins want to do with the raptors? He wants to use them as military
weapons. He wants to use them to replace thousands of soldiers.

11. Fill in the blanks. This conversation takes place between Hoskins and Owen. Hoskins
says, “Progress always ___________________________________________.” Owen replies,
“Maybe progress should ________________________________ for once.” Wins, Lose

12. Lowery, Masrani, and Owen all remind Claire of something in regards to the dinosaurs.
What do they tell her? They remind her that the dinosaurs are living things. They are more
than just numbers. They are more than assets. They are living things. They will react as they
see fit in any given situation.

13. What problem does Owen point out about the Indominus Rex? They don’t know exactly
what was used to create this animal. *He also says it is a problem that the I.R. has never
been out of captivity.

14. How does Owen avoid being eaten by the Indominus Rex? He covers himself in gasoline
in order to mask his smell.

15. Why can’t the people kill the Indominus Rex? The investors have put over 26 million
dollars into this animal, so it would be unwise to throw away that investment.

16. What does the Asset Containment Unit (ACU) quickly learn about the Indominus Rex?
She clawed out her device and she can camouflage herself.

17. What recommendations does Owen suggest? He tells Claire to evacuate the island, kill
the Indominus Rex, and he suggests that Masrani talk to people in the lab in order to find
out what they really made.

18. Why do Masrani and Dr. Wu argue? Masrani said they created a monster. Dr. Wu says
they did what they were told to do. They created something that was Bigger, Scarier, and

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 221

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
19. How do Gray and Zach escape from the Indominus Rex? They jump off a cliff and into the

20. By looking out on the field of defeated dinosaurs, what does Owen realize? The
Indominus Rex isn’t eating the others. It is killing for sport.

21. What do Zach and Gray find in the abandoned sectors? They find a section from the old
park. They find pieces of the original Jurassic Park. They are near the cafeteria. They find
night vision goggles and one of the old vehicles that used to give tours.

22. What does Hoskins strongly suggest to Masrani? They need to use the raptors to go after
the Indominus Rex.

23. What happens when the helicopter crashes? Masrani and his crew die. Then there is a
breach in the aviary and the pterodactyls escape.

24. How do the pterodactyls wreck havoc on the amusement park? They dive bomb and pick
up people. They eat the visitors. They break through many stands and restaurants. They
also start attacking the baby dinosaurs.

25. How does Claire help Owen? He was being attacked by a pterodactyl. She shot it and
saved him.

26. Why does it seem that Owen agrees to fall in line with Hoskins and his plan? Hoskins
says this is happening with or without Owen, so he might as well help.

27. Who is the Alpha of the raptor pack? Owen is the Alpha.

28. How does Owen keep up with the pack? He rides on a motorcycle.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 222

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Jurassic World (2015) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
29. When the humans notice the raptors and the Indominus Rex communicating, what do
they come to understand? The Indominus Rex is part raptor.

30. Fill in the blank. Claire says, “He’s scared. It’s okay to _________________________
when people are scared.” lie

31. Why does Lowery refuse to evacuate with the others? Someone needs to stay behind
and run the computers and the boards.

32. What does Hoskins plan to do with the Indominus Rex? He wants to replicate it, shrink it,
and use it as a soldier.

33. How does Owen regain the trust of his raptors? He removes the head gear that was
attached to Blue.

34. Gray suggests getting more of something. What do they need? They need more teeth in
order to defeat the Indominus Rex.

35. Why does Claire ask Lowery to open Paddock 9? She wants to release the T-Rex.

36. How is the Indominus Rex destroyed? T-Rex and Blue team up to fight against him. Once
the Indominus Rex is close to the water, the mosasaurus (the big water whale/dino) chomps
it and pulls it under.

37. Claire asks, “So what do we do now?” How does Owen respond? He says, “We should
probably stick together . . . For survival.”

38. How does the movie conclude? The T-Rex climbs the helipad and growls into the

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 223

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
1. Where does the story begin?

2. What does it mean to “scrub the image”?

3. Why is the ball red?

4. How did John Anderton find Howard Mark’s house?

5. In the commercial for Precrime we learn the tagline is “Imagine a world without
murder.” What happened six years ago that made Precrime possible?

6. What did Precrime do for the nation’s capitol?

7. When John leaves work, how does he unwind at the end of his day?

8. How do precogs tell the difference between what someone is planning and what
someone will do?

9. When John is explaining how the precogs work and the treatment they are given, what
does he tell Danny Witwer about them?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 224

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
10. According to Witwer, how are the precogs responsible for giving people hope?

11. What is the flaw within the Precrime system?

12. What happens while John is in the temple with the precogs?

13. How was the murderer of Anne Lively able to remain a John Doe?

14. What two glitches are related to Anne Lively?

15. Why does John’s boss believe he is there, working in this particular unit?

16. How does Danny find out about John without permission?

17. Who does John see is going to kill a man named Leo Crow?

18. Why does Wally give John two minutes before he hits the alarm?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 225

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
19. What does John suspect?

20. Why is it difficult for John to travel without being identified?

21. Why does John say he has to run?

22. How does John escape from the federal agents?

23. Why was Dr. Iris Hineman not proud of creating Precrime?

24. What was the real nightmare for the children Dr. Hineman treated?

25. What information did John never know about, even though he was in charge of the
Precrime program?

26. Where are the minority reports stored?

27. According to Dr. Hineman, what interests all creatures?

28. Which precog always carries the minority report?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 226

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
29. Danny Witwer is certain that John won’t just run away and never come back. How can
he be so sure?

30. What sort of surgery does John have performed?

31. Why does Lara say she left John?

32. What does John remember while he is recovering from surgery?

33. Upon reviewing the premonition, what does Witwer spot?

34. Why does Wally think John stole Agatha?

35. Why does John take Agatha to see his hacker friend, Rufus?

36. What does Agatha want John to see?

37. What does Agatha beg of John?

38. What does John find in Leo Crow’s apartment?

39. What choice does John make?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 227

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
40. What truth does Leo tell John?

41. How does Witwer know the murder was staged?

42. How can a person get away with murder, even though Precrime exists?

43. What happens to Danny Witwer?

44. How is Anne Lively important to Agatha?

45. For what two crimes was John arrested?

46. How does Lara realize that Lamar knows more than he is telling?

47. Why does John call Lamar?

48. What footage does John make sure is shared with the world?

49. How does Lamar plan to react to the situation?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 228

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
50. Explain the choice Lamar now faces?

51. What choice does Lamar make?

52. When was the Precrime program abandoned?

53. What happened to all of the Precrime prisoners?

54. What happened to the precogs (Agatha, Arthur, and Dashiell)?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 229

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
1. Where does the story begin? It takes place in Washington, D.C. They are in the
Department of Precrime.

2. What does it mean to “scrub the image”? They are looking at the crime scene and trying
to figure out where it will take place.

3. Why is the ball red? It means the crime was one of passion. It was not a premeditated

4. How did John Anderton find Howard Mark’s house? He realized Howard left the front
door open.

5. In the commercial for Precrime we learn the tagline is “Imagine a world without
murder.” What happened six years ago that made Precrime possible? Three miracles
called precognitives were put into action. They can predict when and where the crime
will occur.

6. What did Precrime do for the nation’s capitol? It effectively stopped crime. There have
been no murders there for years.

7. When John leaves work, how does he unwind at the end of his day? He take drugs so he
can forget the painful past and he watches old home movies.

8. How do precogs tell the difference between what someone is planning and what
someone will do? They don’t see intentions. They only see the future. They only see
actions that are going to happen.

9. When John is explaining how the precogs work and the treatment they are given, what
does he tell Danny Witwer about them? He says, “It is better if you don’t think of them
as human.”

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 230

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
10. According to Witwer, how are the precogs responsible for giving people hope? They are
god-like. They can predict what is going to happen and then people are saved because of
those predictions. John’s men seem to agree with this analogy because they say, “We are
more like clergy than cops.”

11. What is the flaw within the Precrime system? The human element creates the flaw.

12. What happens while John is in the temple with the precogs? Agatha grabs him. She asks
him, “Can you see?”

13. How was the murderer of Anne Lively able to remain a John Doe? He swapped out his
eyes and was able to fool the data scanner.

14. What two glitches are related to Anne Lively? Agatha’s information about her is not
being held in the system. Anne Lively is also a missing person.

15. Why does John’s boss believe he is there, working in this particular unit? If Precrime had
been in place six months earlier, John would not have lost his son.

16. How does Danny find out about John without permission? He goes into John’s
apartment and finds his drugs and the videos.

17. Who does John see is going to kill a man named Leo Crow? It is him. John is going to
commit a murder.

18. Why does Wally give John two minutes before he hits the alarm? He sees the same
image John sees. He knows that John is going to commit a murder, but since he has always
liked John, he wants to give him a little bit of a head start.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 231

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
19. What does John suspect? He thinks Danny Witwer set him up in order to prove there is a
flaw in the Precrime program.

20. Why is it difficult for John to travel without being identified? In this society, even the
advertisements recognize him and shout out his name when he passes.

21. Why does John say he has to run? Everybody runs.

22. How does John escape from the federal agents? He allows the car to be built around him
and then he is able to drive away from there.

23. Why was Dr. Iris Hineman not proud of creating Precrime? She was trying to heal these
children who were suffering from brain damage. She never meant to create this program.

24. What was the real nightmare for the children Dr. Hineman treated? These murders they
were envisioning were actually happening. These children were seeing the future murders.

25. What information did John never know about, even though he was in charge of the
Precrime program? He did not know about the minority reports. These present themselves
because sometimes the precogs disagree. They don’t think the future will end up in the
same way.

26. Where are the minority reports stored? They are inside the precog who predicted it.
They download the memory inside the person.

27. According to Dr. Hineman, what interests all creatures? They are all interested in their
own survival.

28. Which precog always carries the minority report? Agatha, the female, is the strongest
one. She is the most gifted, so she always has the minority report.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 232

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
29. Danny Witwer is certain that John won’t just run away and never come back. How can
he be so sure? He knows that John thinks he is innocent, so he will try to prove his

30. What sort of surgery does John have performed? He has his eyes removed and a new set

31. Why does Lara say she left John? John reminded her too much of her son.

32. What does John remember while he is recovering from surgery? He remembers how
Sean was kidnapped while they were playing together at the city pool.

33. Upon reviewing the premonition, what does Witwer spot? There are four people in the
room when John kills Leo Crow.

34. Why does Wally think John stole Agatha? She is the key. She takes care of the other two.
Without her, they cannot make the predictions. Now, John can kill whoever he wants.

35. Why does John take Agatha to see his hacker friend, Rufus? He needs to unlock the
images that are stored in Agatha’s head. He needs to see what will happen to him.

36. What does Agatha want John to see? She wants him to see who murdered Anne Lively.

37. What does Agatha beg of John? She begs him to make the choice to walk away from
Crow. He doesn’t have to commit the crime.

38. What does John find in Leo Crow’s apartment? He finds evidence that Leo abducted

39. What choice does John make? He doesn’t kill Leo. He puts him under arrest.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 233

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
40. What truth does Leo tell John? Everything was a set up. John was supposed to kill Leo. If
he cooperated, Leo’s family would be taken care of and things would go according to plan.

41. How does Witwer know the murder was staged? There was too much evidence left on
the scene. No murderer leaves all of the photos just laying out on the bed.

42. How can a person get away with murder, even though Precrime exists? Someone who
has access to the previsions can pay a second person to do the deed. While that second
person is being arrested the real murder can be done and it will just look like an echo to the

43. What happens to Danny Witwer? He is shot by Lamar.

44. How is Anne Lively important to Agatha? Anne is Agatha’s mother.

45. For what two crimes was John arrested? He was arrested for killing both Leo and Danny.

46. How does Lara realize that Lamar knows more than he is telling? When she brings up
Anne Lively, he pretends he has never heard the name before. Later in their conversation,
he says something about how the woman was drowned. Lara had never even brought up
the drowning.

47. Why does John call Lamar? He wants Lamar to know that he knows what happened to
Anne Lively and to Agatha.

48. What footage does John make sure is shared with the world? It is what Agatha saw
happening to her mother when Lamar killed her.

49. How does Lamar plan to react to the situation? He plans to kill John.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 234

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Minority Report (2002) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
50. Explain the choice Lamar now faces? If he kills John, the precogs were right and people
will continue to believe that Precrime works. But, if he kills John, he will be sent away to the
virtual prison.

51. What choice does Lamar make? He shoots himself.

52. When was the Precrime program abandoned? After running for six years, it was broken
apart in the year 2054.

53. What happened to all of the Precrime prisoners? They were released and some were
watched closely by the cops for years.

54. What happened to the precogs (Agatha, Arthur, and Dashiell)? They were released and
allowed to live in peace.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 235

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
1. When the movie opens, what is Mae Holland doing?

2. Why do Mae’s parents think she should date Mercer?

3. Mae receives some exciting news from her friend Annie. What is it?

4. How would Mae describe the Circle to her grandmother?

5. What is Mae most scared of?

6. Essentially, what does Mae do at the Circle?

7. On Dream Friday, what does Eamon Bailey present?

8. What will the new invention allow people to do?

9. What is one of the mottos at the Circle?

10. During the party, where does Annie take Mae?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 236

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
11. How does Mae say she feels about her new job at the Circle?

12. How is Mae’s home life different from her life at work?

13. What sort of blips did Mae have with the social aspect of work in her first week?

14. How many messages did Mae miss by not activating her social account last week?

15. When Mae goes to do her medical intake, what pleasant surprise does she receive?

16. How does Stenton prove his point that the government needs to be open and honest
with all of their affairs?

17. What did Mae really think about the Santos presentation?

18. Why does Ty think he can trust Mae?

19. Why isn’t Ty proud of what he created?

20. Why does Mercer come to see Mae at work?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 237

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
21. How does Mae break the law?

22. Fill in the blank: Eamon Bailey says, “I am a believer in the ________________________
of human beings. When we are our best selves, the possibilities are endless.”

23. Mae joins Eamon for an interview one Dream Friday. Why does she appear before the
other Circlers on this occasion?

24. Why do the red text bubbles start appearing around Mae?

25. How does Mae say she and the viewers can have an impact on a foreign government?

26. Why is Annie surprised to hear that Mae will be attending and broadcasting the next
Concept Kingdom meeting?

27. What new idea is promoted at the special Concept Kingdom meeting?

28. Why does Mae push so strongly for the voting initiative?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 238

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
29. Why did Mae’s parents disconnect their cameras?

30. Mae appears on a Dream Friday to introduce SoulSearch. What is this program designed
to do?

31. How long did it take the participants using SoulSearch to find the fugitive, Fiona

32. Who does the audience suggest Mae find next with the help of SoulSearch?

33. How does Mercer react when the people find him?

34. What happens to Mercer?

35. How does Mae respond to Mercer’s catastrophe?

36. Why is Annie at home, in Scotland?

37. Mae tells her parents that she has to go back to the Circle. Why does she feel obligated
to return?

38. What sort of job do Stenton and Bailey offer Mae?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 239

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
39. Ty acknowledges that Mae has the power to change everything. What does he mean?

40. What has Mae realized about herself over the last few days?

41. What does Mae invite Eamon Bailey and Tom Stenton to do?

42. How was Ty a part of Mae’s plan?

43. How do the Circlers keep Mae’s presentation going?

44. How does Mae conclude her speech to the Circlers?

45. How does Mae react to being surrounded by drones at the end of the movie?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 240

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
1. When the movie opens, what is Mae Holland doing? She is kayaking. She chooses to
ignore her phone when it rings while she is out on the water.

2. Why do Mae’s parents think she should date Mercer? He is from the neighborhood. He
helped fix their roof.

3. Mae receives some exciting news from her friend Annie. What is it? Annie got Mae an
interview at the Circle.

4. How would Mae describe the Circle to her grandmother? Using TrueYou makes
everything seamless. You no longer have to remember multiple passwords.

5. What is Mae most scared of? She is most scared of unfulfilled potential.

6. Essentially, what does Mae do at the Circle? She works in customer experience. She
handles questions and problems that are presented to her by the customers.

7. On Dream Friday, what does Eamon Bailey present? He presents the Circle’s newest
innovation– SeeChange.

8. What will the new invention allow people to do? The wireless camera will transmit an
image via satellite. It will show with amazing clarity whatever people want to see in real-

9. What is one of the mottos at the Circle? They believe that sharing is caring. They also
think that knowing is good, but knowing everything is better.

10. During the party, where does Annie take Mae? She takes Mae to Bailey and Stenton’s
private office. It is the place where all of the major decision are made. This is where they
make all of their plans for the Circle.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 241

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
11. How does Mae say she feels about her new job at the Circle? She is excited. She is
grateful to be there.

12. How is Mae’s home life different from her life at work? Her father is suffering. Her
mother is bragging about her new job and the salary. Mercer is making snide little
comments about smiley faces and frowns. She experiences a different sort of stress at work.

13. What sort of blips did Mae have with the social aspect of work in her first week? She is
not attending events on the weekend. She is not connecting with other Circlers.

14. How many messages did Mae miss by not activating her social account last week? She
missed 8,000 messages.

15. When Mae goes to do her medical intake, what pleasant surprise does she receive? She
is going to be able to put her parents on the Circle health plan. They will help treat her dad’s
16. How does Stenton prove his point that the government needs to be open and honest
with all of their affairs? He introduces Olivia Santos, the congresswoman for District 14.
Santos is going to become transparent. All of her actions will be accessible in real time on
her TrueYou page.

17. What did Mae really think about the Santos presentation? She thought it was a bit

18. Why does Ty think he can trust Mae? She reminds him of himself when he first started
working. She doesn’t seem to have a cynical bone in her body.

19. Why isn’t Ty proud of what he created? It is an invasion of privacy. The Circle is gathering
data about people and they are using it in any way they want.

20. Why does Mercer come to see Mae at work? He wants to talk to her about what she
posted. Her post caused trouble for him. People are calling him a deer killer. They are even
sending him death threats.
Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 242
Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
21. How does Mae break the law? She crawls through the gate at the boat shop, steals a
kayak, and takes it out after hours.

22. Fill in the blank: Eamon Bailey says, “I am a believer in the ________________________
of human beings. When we are our best selves, the possibilities are endless.” Perfectibility

23. Mae joins Eamon for an interview one Dream Friday. Why does she appear before the
other Circlers on this occasion? She is there to help the others see that secrets are lies. To
that end, she decides to go transparent. Every moment of her life will be shown to the

24. Why do the red text bubbles start appearing around Mae? They are the comments from
people who are watching Mae throughout the day.

25. How does Mae say she and the viewers can have an impact on a foreign government?
They have sent over 180 million frowns to the government regime.

26. Why is Annie surprised to hear that Mae will be attending and broadcasting the next
Concept Kingdom meeting? Those meetings are sensitive. She doesn’t think the Circle will
want all of those ideas out there for the public to see.

27. What new idea is promoted at the special Concept Kingdom meeting? When people
register for a TrueYou account they will be registered to vote. Mae recommends that all
voting age citizens be required to have a Circle account so that every person will then be
required to vote.

28. Why does Mae push so strongly for the voting initiative? She thinks she can promote
democracy. Everyone can have their voice heard by registering with the Circle and voting.
She is seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. She thinks she is fighting for the rights
of the people by making it appear as though all of their votes should be counted.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 243

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
29. Why did Mae’s parents disconnect their cameras? They needed their privacy.

30. Mae appears on a Dream Friday to introduce SoulSearch. What is this program designed
to do? It allows users to look up a person and using the technology and the help of others
worldwide they can track a person in less than twenty minutes. Mae uses it to find a
murderer who has escaped from the law. The woman’s name is Fiona Highbridge.

31. How long did it take the participants using SoulSearch to find the fugitive, Fiona
Highbridge? It took them less than ten minutes.

32. Who does the audience suggest Mae find next with the help of SoulSearch? They want
her to find Mercer.

33. How does Mercer react when the people find him? He tries to flee the scene. He yells at
them to go away and he jumps in his truck and drives.

34. What happens to Mercer? He drives his truck off a bridge.

35. How does Mae respond to Mercer’s catastrophe? She goes to stay at her parent’s house.
She unplugs for a few days.

36. Why is Annie at home, in Scotland? She almost overdosed on speed. She nearly worked
herself to death. She has gone home in order to get well.

37. Mae tells her parents that she has to go back to the Circle. Why does she feel obligated
to return? She says she is the only one who can do this. She explains how the system and
the tools need to be changed.

38. What sort of job do Stenton and Bailey offer Mae? They want to give her a lighter
schedule and more freedom, like Ty.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 244

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
The Circle (2017) Movie Viewing Guide

Student Name _________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching the film, please answer the following questions.
39. Ty acknowledges that Mae has the power to change everything. What does he mean?
He means that whatever she says while she is on camera will be heard by millions of people
around the world.

40. What has Mae realized about herself over the last few days? She has learned that she
does not want to be disconnected.

41. What does Mae invite Eamon Bailey and Tom Stenton to do? She invites them to join her
in going transparent.

42. How was Ty a part of Mae’s plan? He made all of the Circlers private information public.
He hacked into Eamon’s and Tom’s emails and posted those on TrueYou.

43. How do the Circlers keep Mae’s presentation going? When the lights go out, they light
up the auditorium using their camera flashlights and screensavers.

44. How does Mae conclude her speech to the Circlers? She says, “The future won’t wait.”

45. How does Mae react to being surrounded by drones at the end of the movie? She smiles
and simply says, “Hello”.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 245

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
1. Fill in the blank: “Sometimes the monster is the _________________________. “

2. What role did Igor play in the circus?

3. Fill in the blank: “It is hard to judge cruelty when you have never known

4. What did Igor do when he wasn’t performing?

5. Why does Dr. Victor Frankenstein say Igor is being wasted?

6. How do Victor and Igor get out of the circus?

7. How does the doctor help Igor?

8. With his newfound freedom, where does Igor go?

9. What does the detective make of the lion’s paw he finds?

10. After seeing the Wanted Poster, how did Frankenstein comfort Igor?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 246

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
11. What does Frankenstein intend to prove?

12. Igor wants to know more about Frankenstein’s project, but Frankenstein is reluctant to
share. How does he distract Igor from the subject?

13. Where do Lorelai and Igor meet again?

14. Why is Lorelai afraid of Frankenstein’s claim?

15. What is Frankenstein’s dream?

16. Why does Frankenstein think Igor should not see Lorelai again?

17. Why does Frankenstein want Igor to go to the college with him?

18. How does Igor frighten the monster?

19. How do Igor and Victor disagree about Gordon?

20. Victor wants to show the value of their work. How will they do that?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 247

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
21. How does Victor incriminate himself in front of the inspector?

22. Why does Igor think it is time to talk to Victor?

23. Why has Victor’s father come to visit?

24. What did Victor intend to create?

25. How do Igor and Victor want to use the lightning?

26. Why does the Inspector feel compelled to find out what Victor is doing?

27. Upon returning from the ball, what does Igor find?

28. Fill in the blank: “Death is an _____________________________ from which no man or

woman can be returned.”

29. When does the Inspector believe he will be reunited with his wife?

30. Why do Victor and Igor part ways?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 248

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
31. What is Finnegan’s plan for the future?

32. Why is the Inspector removed from the force and the case?

33. Why is Victor’s pocket watch precious?

34. Why does Igor feel like he has to go to Victor’s aid?

35. Igor tries to stop Victor from doing the experiment. Why?

36. What is all of this about, according to Igor?

37. For Victor, what is all of this work about?

38. Fill in the blank: “I will give you life! I will give you life!
______________________________________________________________ ascending!”

39. At first, how does Victor greet the creation?

40. How is Victor disappointed in his monster?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 249

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
41. What is the only thing we can do?

42. Why couldn’t Igor and Victor defeat the creature with a few blows?

43. Who does Victor ask for forgiveness?

44. Why did Victor leave Igor behind?

45. When might Victor need Igor again?

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 250

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
1. Fill in the blank: “Sometimes the monster is the _________________________. “ man

2. What role did Igor play in the circus? He was a clown, a hunchback, and a freak.

3. Fill in the blank: “It is hard to judge cruelty when you have never known
_________________________________.” kindness

4. What did Igor do when he wasn’t performing? He was a doctor. He studied human

5. Why does Dr. Victor Frankenstein say Igor is being wasted? He is able to perform a dry
surgery in a matter of minutes without preparation, but he is a sideshow in a circus.

6. How do Victor and Igor get out of the circus? They crawl out of a sewer hole.

7. How does the doctor help Igor? He removes the mucus or abscess and he straightens
Igor’s back. He applies a back brace so Igor will begin to walk upright.

8. With his newfound freedom, where does Igor go? He goes to visit Lorelai in the hospital.

9. What does the detective make of the lion’s paw he finds? It implies that a sicko is out
there. He says it signifies evil, sinfulness, and mischief.

10. After seeing the Wanted Poster, how did Frankenstein comfort Igor? He assures Igor that
he is no longer the same person they are trying to find.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 251

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
11. What does Frankenstein intend to prove? Death is only temporary.

12. Igor wants to know more about Frankenstein’s project, but Frankenstein is reluctant to
share. How does he distract Igor from the subject? He points out how Igor now has a
laboratory and access to all kinds of books and materials.

13. Where do Lorelai and Igor meet again? They find each other at the club.

14. Why is Lorelai afraid of Frankenstein’s claim? He is challenging the natural order.

15. What is Frankenstein’s dream? He dreams of a time when hope will replace fear.

16. Why does Frankenstein think Igor should not see Lorelai again? She is superstitious and
is a distraction.

17. Why does Frankenstein want Igor to go to the college with him? As partners, they are
going to present their work.

18. How does Igor frighten the monster? He throws fire at it.

19. How do Igor and Victor disagree about Gordon? Victor sees it as progress, while Igor
sees it as terrifying and maniacal.

20. Victor wants to show the value of their work. How will they do that? They will use a man
as their next project.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 252

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
21. How does Victor incriminate himself in front of the inspector? He refers to his creation.

22. Why does Igor think it is time to talk to Victor? Lorelai helps him see that Victor is
bullying him and he is on the wrong path.

23. Why has Victor’s father come to visit? The school administrators wrote to him in order
to let him know they plan to expel Victor.

24. What did Victor intend to create? He wants to make a modern Prometheus.

25. How do Igor and Victor want to use the lightning? They are going to harness it and use
the extra power to animate the man.

26. Why does the Inspector feel compelled to find out what Victor is doing? It is his moral
obligation to stop Victor.

27. Upon returning from the ball, what does Igor find? Police are breaking into the lab.

28. Fill in the blank: “Death is an _____________________________ from which no man or

woman can be returned.” Abyss

29. When does the Inspector believe he will be reunited with his wife? When he dies, and
they are both with God, he will see her again.

30. Why do Victor and Igor part ways? Igor does not want to leave London. He doesn’t think
what Victor does is right. Victor has to run away to Scotland in order to escape the police.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 253

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
31. What is Finnegan’s plan for the future? He wants his family to control the new
technology Victor is developing.

32. Why is the Inspector removed from the force and the case? He went into Victor’s home
without a warrant.

33. Why is Victor’s pocket watch precious? It is a reminder that God sent us into this world
as weak and imperfect. People are destined to die.

34. Why does Igor feel like he has to go to Victor’s aid? Victor is his friend and he gave him a
new shot at having a life.

35. Igor tries to stop Victor from doing the experiment. Why? He knows Finnegan wants to
kill Victor once the monster is created.

36. What is all of this about, according to Igor? Victor wants to stop others from suffering
the death of a loved one.

37. For Victor, what is all of this work about? He took his brother’s life, so now he must
create a new life.

38. Fill in the blank: “I will give you life! I will give you life!
_____________________________ ascending!” Prometheus

39. At first, how does Victor greet the creation? He greets it as a brother.

40. How is Victor disappointed in his monster? He does not think it is a true form of life. It is
not animated in the way he imagined.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 254

Jurassic Park
Media Connection
Victor Frankenstein, Starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

Student Name _______________________________________________________________

Directions: While you are watching this media connection, please answer the following
41. What is the only thing we can do? We can try to stop the monster.

42. Why couldn’t Igor and Victor defeat the creature with a few blows? It has two hearts.

43. Who does Victor ask for forgiveness? He asks his brother, Henry, for forgiveness.

44. Why did Victor leave Igor behind? Their work was done.

45. When might Victor need Igor again? When he figures out how to make the monster
think, he may need Igor’s help again.

Mindy Killgrove Copyright 2017 255

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Media Connections


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