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Resources in teaching

• the importance of resources
• their role in providing an image or
representation of concepts in
Why resources in mathematics?
• Abstract nature of mathematics - to help
pupils understand mathematical concepts,
ideas and the underlying principles of
numerical calculations etc
• Learners’ heterogeneity in both motivation
and learning rates (differential needs)
• To promote relational learning (as
opposed to instrumental for reproduction)
• New trends in learning emphasis i.e
learning instead of teaching. Teaching to
match the intended learning.
• Shift in teaching approaches focus on
constructivism, child- centeredness,
individualized learning - the teacher is a
stimulator of reflection, a facilitator of
learning, a mediator between knowledge
and learning ( Not provider of information).
Shift from a ‘given body of knowledge’ to
one that is social in its origin and
applications makes the role of resources
• Any form of conceptual support e.g.
concrete, simulated, printed, abstract or
human used to support and/or facilitate
learning. They establish learning
• .
• Manipulative materials with varying
amounts of structure, ranging from natural
objects to manufactured materials
• Abstract materials
• Instructional aids
• Own bodies
• Socio – cultural or environmental
• The mathematics textbook
Roles of resources
• Every topic can be expressed in terms of
teaching resources
• Higher retention of learned concepts; by
verbalizing their thoughts through
discussions and reporting.
• Creativity- intellectual and imaginative.
• Equity – activities involve all learners.

Roles of resources
• Interest and motivation. Inquiry - analytical
• A positive attitude of the learners towards
mathematics lessons
• All these opportunities are only possible if
the resources are effectively used
Effective use of resources
• Use the resource for specific instructional
• Be familiar with the material or device
prior to using it with students
• Prepare the students
• Use the material correctly. The activities
should be simple enough to encourage
slow learners and be able to challenge fast

• Conduct a Follow up to: clarify confusing
points, discuss interesting points, point out
subtle points that may have been missed
and correct misconceptions.
When selecting resources consider,
• Appropriateness,
• level of sophistication,
• technical quality,
• cost factors,
• availability,
• time and
• storage
Mathematics text book
• Authors interpretation of curriculum
• They support implementation of
• a major factor in determining what topics
are taught and how they are taught.
• Teachers consult it more than the syllabus.
• It dictates the scope, sequence, and even
the pace of the mathematics program. It is
thus a powerful means of determining the
teaching strategy especially when
instruction is inadequate.
Mathematics text book cont..
• can be used instrumentally or relationally
depending on the teachers conception of
the nature of mathematics and how
children learn mathematics.
• Text books supplement syllabus, should
not replace it,
• Teachers need to use at least three
textbooks for reference
Roles of a text book
• Reference: direct experience. Visual aids and
classroom instruction cannot provide all
instruction necessary. There is need for
reference to cover some of the instruction
from the textbook.
• Planning: writing lesson plans and schemes
of work.
• Provides a sequential approach to teaching
• Provides support in content for teachers with
inadequate background
Roles conti…
• Due to limitation of resources, in many
schools, the textbook provides the basic
and sometimes the only resource
• Learning mathematics depends on
mastery of concepts and skills, which are
established through practice. Textbooks
provide exercises for practice.
• It provides similar services as dictionary
or an encyclopedia for English and Social
Studies as it is a store house of facts,
theorems, formulas and definitions to
which reference if frequently made
• List at least ten titles of mathematics
textbooks for secondary schools.
Quality of textbooks

• Topics:
• The Mathematics
• The language
• Pedagogy.
• Physical characteristics
• What are some limitations that have been
observed in popular classroom texts?
Proper use of textbooks.
• Select topics and scope as most textbook
authors include more content than necessary.
• Update textbook information from other
sources such as library , internet or other
• Textbook should be used as resource or
reference. Avoid verbatim copying of
examples and explanations. Teachers need
to generate similar and more related
examples from those provided in textbook.
• Both students and teachers should use
the textbook as a source for questions,
exercises reading and reference materials.
It can be used to source questions for
independent study and other text
references for the same topic.
• Students need to be assisted on how to
use the book to access information , read
the narrative, use chapter summaries,
review and solve problems.
• Answers to some questions must be
understood as rein forcers. Correct
responses confirm understanding and
wrong response suggests further study of
the concepts.
• Textbook tests must be supplemented
with other test types such as unit tests,
diagnostic, open book and performance

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