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March 15, 2024
Tinikling is a traditional Philippine folk
dance which originated prior to Spanish
colonialism in the area. The dance
involves at least two people beating,
tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the
ground and against each other in
coordination with one or more dancers
who step over and in between the poles in
a dance.
Share one interesting fact
about the folk dance Tinikling.

Share one interesting fact
about the folk dance Tinikling.

Maria and the Dance Tinikling
Once upon a time in a small village in
the Philippines, there lived a young
girl named Maria. Maria was known
for her grace and agility, and she had
always been fascinated by the
traditional folk dance called
Tinikling. 6
Every evening, Maria would watch the village
elders practice the Tinikling dance in the town
square. She admired the dancers as they
gracefully moved their feet in between the
bamboo poles, avoiding getting their feet
caught. The rhythmic beats of the music filled
the air, and Maria couldn't help but be
captivated by the beauty of the dance.
One day, Maria mustered up the courage
to approach the village elders and express
her desire to learn the Tinikling dance.
They were delighted to see her
enthusiasm and agreed to teach her the
intricate steps and movements.

Maria dedicated herself to learning the
dance, practicing day and night. She
would imagine herself as a bird, swiftly
moving her feet in between the bamboo
poles just like the graceful tikling bird
that inspired the dance. With each
practice session, Maria's skills improved,
and her passion for the Tinikling dance
grew stronger. 9
Finally, the day of the village festival arrived. Maria
was excited and nervous as she prepared to perform
the Tinikling dance in front of the entire
community. As the music started playing, Maria's
feet moved with precision and grace, perfectly
synchronized with the clapping of the bamboo
poles. The crowd cheered and applauded as Maria
showcased her talent and dedication.

From that day on, Maria became known
as one of the finest Tinikling dancers in
the village. She continued to perform the
dance at various festivals and events,
spreading the beauty and cultural
significance of the Tinikling dance to
The story of Maria and her love for the
Tinikling dance serves as a reminder of the
power of passion, dedication, and the
preservation of cultural heritage. Through her
determination, Maria not only mastered the
dance but also became a symbol of the rich
cultural traditions of the Philippines.

Differentiated Activities
Group 1- Word search puzzle
Direction: Encircle the words related
to the story. The words can be found
horizontally, vertically, or
diagonally, in any direction (left to
right, right to left, top to bottom,
bottom to top).
Differentiated Activities
Group 2- Use words in a sentence
Direction: Choose ten important
words in short story. Construct
sentences using those words.

Differentiated Activities
Group 3- Creative Writing
Direction: Ask students to write
a different ending to the story,
exploring their own imaginative
twists and turns.

Differentiated Activities
Group 4- Reader's Theater
Direction: Assign them different
scenes or parts from the story.
Have them practice and perform
their scenes, bringing the story
to life through dramatic
reading. 16
Answer the following questions:
• What inspired Maria to learn the
Tinikling dance? How did her passion
and dedication contribute to her

• How would you describe the cultural

significance of the Tinikling dance in
the story? What does it represent about
the Philippines' rich heritage?
Answer the following questions:
• What lessons can we learn
from Maria's journey in
mastering the Tinikling
dance? How does her story
highlight the importance of
perseverance and embracing
cultural traditions?

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