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Paper 2 – Example essay

LO: To understand what a Paper 2 should look like and to further understand the mark scheme

The Requirements:

 105 minutes (SL and HL)

 One comparative essay in response to one question from a
You need to create a OneNote choice of four.
document called ‘Structuring  Questions may have a political, stylistic, reception or
Paper 2’. thematic lens. Although still relevant, context is not a
major focus anymore.
 The criterion: Knowledge, understanding and
You also need a copy of the
interpretation (A – 10 marks), Analysis and evaluation (B-
Paper 2 mark scheme. 10 marks), Focus and organisation (C – 5 marks) and
Language (D – 5 marks)
 35% of the overall grade 25% at SL and 25% of the
overall grade at HL
Paper 2 – Example essay
LO: To understand what a Paper 2 should look like and to further understand the mark scheme

Example questions: The Requirements:

o In what ways and for what reasons do the works of prose fiction you have studied
seek to represent thought or interior consciousness?  105 minutes (SL and HL)
 One comparative essay in response to one
o Authors are aware of the power of their works to shock the reader. Referring to at
question from a choice of four.
least two of the works in your study, explore some of the methods they have
employed to do this.  Questions may have a political, stylistic,
reception or thematic lens. Although still
o Discuss the role of education and/or learning (in the widest sense) in at least two
relevant, context is not a major focus
works you have studied.
o “Authors use the portrayal of characters who are somehow trapped or  The criterion: Knowledge, understanding and
imprisoned as a means to criticize society”. Referring closely to at least two of interpretation (A – 10 marks), Analysis and
the works in your study, show to what extent and in what ways this statement
is true. evaluation (B- 10 marks), Focus and
organisation (C – 5 marks) and Language (D
o How does a particular term or concept, such as childhood, change in the way it is
– 5 marks)
represented? Consider the way in which this idea is explored in two of the texts you
 35% of the overall grade 25% at SL and 25%
have studied.
of the overall grade at HL
o Do works of literary merit reflect the spirit of the time and challenge it? Discuss
with reference to at least two works you have studied.
Break down the question

• Deconstruct the question – what are

• you being asked to do? What is your
“Authors use the portrayal of characters who are
• focus? somehow trapped or imprisoned as a means to
• • What are the keywords? criticize society”. Referring closely to at least two
of the works in your study, show to what extent
• • How are you interpreting the question and in what ways this statement is true.

• in terms of your chosen texts?

• • What is your view? What are you
• trying to prove? How do you respond
• to the question?
Paper 2 – Example essay
LO: To understand what a Paper 2 should look like and to further understand the mark scheme

Writing an Introduction…why so hard?! Literature writers often aim to captivate their

Statement readers through graphic details in their texts,
A good introduction should adhere to the following which, when are based on true events, are
conventions (although not necessarily in this order). Follow Text Summary horrifying. ‘Persepolis’, written by Marjane Satrapi
the success criteria to write great introductions, which will (title, author, in 2000, is an autobiographical bildungsroman,
lead to fantastic essays. which opens with an 8-year-old Satrapi retelling the
story of her life growing up during the Islamic
o Begin with a phrase that immediately indicates that you Revolution in 1979, and the sacrifices she had to
have considered the question Statement make as a child under the new regime. Her western
o State the name of both texts detailing the readers are exposed to the atrocities she suffers as
o State the text types. points raised a young girl including torture and death. ‘The
o State the full name of both authors Things They Carried’ written by Tom O’Brien is a
collection of linked short stories about a platoon of
o State the dates that the texts have been published
American soldiers fighting in the Vietnamese war.
o Clearly state your thesis and the points raised (answer Thesis In ‘The Things They Carried’, O'Brien plays with the
to the question and your area of focus). Statement genre of metafiction; he writes using verisimilitude
o Summarise the aspects of the plot and context which are to portray the harrowing effects war had on his
relevant to the question. characters. In both cases, the writers purposefully
manipulate real life events using a variety of writing
techniques in order to portray characters deeply
affected by war and criticize the societies in which
they live to an unsuspecting audience .
• Create your own introduction based on the question:

Works of literature often show us how people suffer from the

actions of those around them. To what extent do you find this to be
true in at least two works that you have studied?
Essay Structure


OPTION 1: Block
Alternating Topic


BP 1: TEXT 1 → Topic 1 BP 1: TEXT 1 → Topic 1 BP 1: TEXTS 1 & 2 → Topic 1

BP 2: TEXT 1 → Topic 2 BP 2: TEXT 2 (with references/comparisons to TEXT 1) →

Topic 1 BP 2: TEXTS 1 & 2 → Topic 2

BP 3: TEXT 2 (with references/comparisons to TEXT 1)

→ Topic 1 BP 3: TEXT 1 → Topic 2 BP 3: TEXTS 1 & 2 → Topic 3

BP 4: TEXT 2 (with references/comparisons to TEXT 1) BP 4: TEXT 2 (with references/comparisons to TEXT 1) →

→ Topic 2 BP 4: TEXTS 1 & 2 → Topic 4 ***optional***
Topic 2


Paper 2 – Example essay
LO: To understand what a Paper 2 should look like and to further understand the mark scheme

Analytical writing – be consistent!

Now you need to prove that your answer to the question that you gave in your introduction is correct. Do this by using evidence from the text to support
our argument. Look at the list below – do your paragraphs consistently have the following in them:

 Make a clear and articulate point which supports your thesis/answers the question.
 Use Evidence from the text (a quotation) which supports this point and integrate this into your paragraph.
 Make sure that you give the context of the quotation (who says it, to whom, why) to support your analysis and reflect your knowledge and
understanding of the text.
 In your explanation note as many of the devices present in the quotation as possible and explore the meaning.
 Note the effect of each of these devices in detail: What this makes the reader think/feel/imagine (remember to make it relevant to the question).
 Zoom in on specific parts of your quotation in your explanation.
 The best PETER paragraphs will also explain HOW the device/s creates its/their effect.
 Link your final sentence back to your thesis / the question.

Task: Look at the example paragraph given.

1. How well does it do in relation to the checklist?

2. Is there anything missing that you would include?
Paragraph Structure

For levels 4-5- Block/Alternating Structure For levels 6-7- ‘By Topic’ Structure

Comparative Topic Sentence/Language Comparative Topic Sentence/Language

Point Point

Evidence (with context)

Evidence (with context)
Techniques (genre, conventions, language, structure)
Techniques (genre, conventions,
Explain (analysis, meaning, effect, context)
language, structure)
Comparative Topic Sentence/Language to TEXT 2
Explain (analysis, meaning, effect,
context) Evidence (with context)

Techniques (genre, conventions, language, structure)

Refer(Link to thesis and question)
Explain (analysis, meaning, effect, context)

Refer(Link to thesis and question)

• Create your own comparative paragraph based on the question:
Works of literature often show us how people suffer from the
actions of those around them. To what extent do you find this to be
true in at least two works that you have studied?
Paper 2 – Example essay
LO: To understand what a Paper 2 should look like and to further understand the mark scheme

Conclusion – End strong

You must always write a conclusion. It is one of the most important parts of the essay. It is the last thing the examiner
will read and it is your chance to sum up your thesis/answer to the question in order to impress them. You should
always leave sufficient time to complete a strong conclusion.
Follow the success criteria below in order to bring your essay to a strong conclusion:

• Clearly answer the essay question by stating your thesis and showing how you have proven this to be true in your
• Include similarities and differences.
• If relevant, include an evaluative comment.
• Phrases such as: It is clear to see... It can be argued... It is obvious that... Can help you to write a good conclusion.

 Avoid use of first person (I/ME/WE/US).
 Do not mention anything which you haven’t mentioned before.
 Do not include quotations.
Paper 2 – Example essay
LO: To understand what a Paper 2 should look like and to further understand the mark scheme

Let’s read: You’ve got an example response to the question:

How does a particular term or concept, such as childhood, change in the way it is represented? Consider the way in which this idea is explored in
two of the texts you have studied.

1. Read the essay

2. Annotate for the success criterion (using the 4 criterion below).
3. When done, look at the mark scheme (/30). What mark are you giving it and why? Make sure you have a justification for each of the 4 criteria.

A – Knowledge, Understanding and Interpretation (knowledge and understanding is clear and consistently demonstrated, made regular links to the
keywords in the question, targeted all aspects of the question, offers interpretations of implicit and explicit meanings, clearly establishes points of
comparison throughout, discussed effects, included alternative interpretations)

B – Analysis and Evaluation (made regular links to the keywords in the question, chosen well-selected references that are relevant, referred to or quoted
examples, referred to relevant contextual details to explain points and explained how this affects meaning, use appropriate jargon, commented on the use
and meaning,)

C – Focus and Organisation (included introduction with thesis, made comparative topic sentences, made links between paragraphs, made regular links
to the keywords in the question, used discourse markers, included a conclusion)

D – Language (Used synonyms and different sentence structures, used formal expression, proofread work, checking for spelling, punctuation and
Paper 2 – Example essay
LO: To understand what a Paper 2 should look like and to further understand the mark scheme

Homework – practice, practice, practice!

Works of literature often show us how people suffer from the actions of those around them. To what extent do you find this to be true in at least
two works that you have studied?

1. Read the essay

2. Annotate for the success criterion (using the 4 criterion below).
3. When done, look at the mark scheme (/30). What mark are you giving it and why? Make sure you have a justification for each of the 4 criteria.

A – Knowledge, Understanding and Interpretation (knowledge and understanding is clear and consistently demonstrated, made regular links to the
keywords in the question, targeted all aspects of the question, offers interpretations of implicit and explicit meanings, clearly establishes points of
comparison throughout, discussed effects, included alternative interpretations)

B – Analysis and Evaluation (made regular links to the keywords in the question, chosen well-selected references that are relevant, referred to or quoted
examples, referred to relevant contextual details to explain points and explained how this affects meaning, use appropriate jargon, commented on the use
and meaning,)

C – Focus and Organisation (included introduction with thesis, made comparative topic sentences, made links between paragraphs, made regular links
to the keywords in the question, used discourse markers, included a conclusion)

D – Language (Used synonyms and different sentence structures, used formal expression, proofread work, checking for spelling, punctuation and

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