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Veronica Flores
April 8, 2024
OGL 482
Professor Guzman
This thematic analysis is a project that will identify
the themes of my leadership. I will go through the
themes and reference different sources throughout
my college career.
Research Process and Methods

Review Assignments Analyze Assignments Coding

This step consisted of
The first step was to go The next step was to analyze organizing and coding
through all of my past the assignments. assignments to identify
assignments. themes.
Research Process and Methods

Rough Draft Matching Themes Cleanup

I created a rough version of I went back to do any final
the final project so that I I went through my touchups and make the
could look at the project as a assignments to match the presentation look whole.
whole and change what I theme to 3 different
needed to. resources.
OGL 482
Three Questions (3Q):
What brings you joy?

Data Sources What are you good at?

What does the work need you to do?
These three questions were asked as an assignment to reflect on myself

Legend as a leader.

Book Project (BP):

This assignment was to provide an analysis and review of a book about
leadership. I chose to read Deep Work by Cal Newport.

Holland Personality Traits (HPT):

Holland code is a way of grouping traits to find a match based on
personality (RIASEC).
OGL 482
Kuder Assessments (KA):
-Kuder Career Interests Assessment (KCIA):

Data Sources This assessment identifies career interests based on personality.

-Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment (KSCA):
This assessment identifies my strongest skills based on my personality.

Legend -Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised (SWVI):

This assessment identifies what is important to me when looking for a

Career Anchors Assessment (CAA):

This assessment identifies factors that are important to you and careers
that align with those factors.
OGL 482
DISC Personality Test (DISC):
A personality test that looks at four aspects of the personality

Data Sources
(Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and compliance).

Big Five Personality Test (BP):
A personality test showing the five major characteristics of
an individual’s personality as follows: Openness to
experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and natural

Humammetrics Jung Typology Test (HJTT):

A personality test that shows the ideal career choice,
communication and learning styles, and behavior under
OGL Major
Eliminating the Unnecessary (ETU):

Data Sources
An exercise from OGL 365, The Integrated Worker, that
challenged me to cut back on a bad habit and write about
how it impacted me.

Legend HEAR model (HEAR):

An exercise that allowed me to practice the HEAR model in a
real situation with a partner and reflect on the results.

Mindfulness Model (MM):

A reflection on an exercise that focused on taking a period of
mindfulness and allowing myself to slow my brain down.
Opportunity is missed by
most people because it is
dressed in overalls and
looks like work

-Thomas Edison
Themes I am dependable I work well with

I enjoy problem I value job security I value a work-life My family is

solving balance important to me

I like rules/structure I am highly analytical I am organized I am a fast learner

Theme: Theme Statement
I am dependable I am a person who stays true to my word, when I say I
am going to do something it is important to me that I
Data sources with relevant data (3) follow through.
• I have a logistician personality which means when I
Contradictory Evidence
commit to something, I follow through. (HJTT)
My downfall is my strong work ethic. While it can be an
• My Holland code is ICE which is investigative,
asset to myself and others, if I take on too much I can
conventional, and enterprising. The conventional side
become burnt out leading to missed deadlines. (HJTT)
shows that I am an organized and dependable person.
• “Loyal and reliable, they almost always fulfill their Reflection
duties to the people and organizations that they’ve I am a dependable person when it comes to both
committed themselves to, and do so on time.” (HPT) personal and professional lifestyles. This is based on my
• I scored 39% steadiness on the DISC personality test personality traits that make me who I am. I will always
which shows that I am highly motivated to get things do my best on a project and work to the best of my
done. (DISC) ability. I get the job done on time and follow through on
• I am a hard worker and put a lot of effort into my all guidelines to the best of my ability.
responsibilities. (DISC)
Theme: Theme Statement
When it comes to being professional, I can work with
I work well with others anyone regardless of outside factors. I get along with
people easily, and at work, I work well with a team.

Data sources with relevant data (3) Contradictory Evidence

• I have learned how to become more outgoing in my life. I can come off as cold when I am focused on the facts.
I took the Big 5 personality test twice and saw my “Effusive expression of emotional warmth is not
extroversion score go from 6 to 32. (BF) something that ISTJs do without considerable energy
• I work with people in a customer-based industry and am loss”. (HJTT)
confident in my leadership skills in this role. (KCIA)
• I do what is necessary to get the job done correctly and Reflection
on time. This includes leading a group to make sure I am the type of person who can get along with anyone
everything is completed. (HPT) at work regardless of my personal feelings. I focus on
• I am an effective communicator and use precise getting the job done and communicating effectively with
language to verify understanding. (HEAR) my team. I work well with people typically at the
• I am honest with people and do not engage in mind expense of my social battery. A day of working well
games, especially at work. (HJTT) with others will have me feeling depleted at the end of
the day.
Theme: Theme Statement
I enjoy problem solving I am good at problem-solving and oftentimes have to
think quickly on my feet to solve a problem.
Data sources with relevant data (3)
Contradictory Evidence
• I can remain calm during a stressful situation to think
While I am good at following the proper procedure to
with a clear head. (HJTT)
• I value the success of the organization so I will do my problem solve and I will use my critical thinking skills
to solve the problem to the best of my ability, creativity
best to solve a problem in the moment to keep the
is my downfall. If the problem is outside of my scope of
business running smoothly. (HPT)
• My natural reactions score from the Big Five test is 42. information I may struggle to quickly solve the issue.
This means I do not get irritated by small issues that
arise. (BF) Reflection
• I remain organized during work, therefore, when a
While I like my daily routine, a challenge is a nice way
problem arises I know the steps to follow to ensure that
to mix up the routine and potentially learn something in
the problem is solved. (HPT)
the process. I try to solve problems with a clear head
• I am good at figuring out the solution to a problem.
and follow all of my resource steps.
Theme: Theme Statement
I value job security The most important aspect for me when choosing a
career was to find a job that had amazing job security.
Data sources with relevant data (3)
• My top three values are lifestyle, security, and income
Contradictory Evidence
from the Super’s work values inventory assessment.
I believe there is no contradictory evidence to this theme
because every career I have pursued has been based on
• My primary career anchors are security, stability, and
the notion that it would be useful in many organizations
organizational identity. (CAA)
to provide security.
• My openness to experience is low which shows that I
like to have a routine and know that I am going to have Reflection
a job. (BF) Job security has been the number one goal of my
• I understand that I will have to provide for my family decision to pursue any degree since before I went to
and I want to have a job that will benefit me in that. college. I am a person who likes to know plan and I
(HPT) would like to know that I will be able to get a job in the
• I am interested in a career in business analytics because future.
I know that every organization needs that line of work.
Theme: Theme Statement
One of the most important aspects of a job for me is the
I value a work-life balance work-life balance. I would like to have the freedom to
support my family in outside events like weekend games
and not have to work all the time.
Data sources with relevant data (3)
• My top three values are lifestyle, security, and income
Contradictory Evidence
from Super’s Work Values Inventory. (SWVI)
I am a very hard worker, so taking work home
• I want to be able to balance work and doing things that I
sometimes is going to happen. I do not want to make it a
enjoy, this helps me have something to look forward to.
regular occurrence. (HJTT)
• I want to come home from work and rest after being
stimulated all day, implementing mindfulness(MM). Reflection
• I strive to leave work at work and come home to focus It is important for me to have a healthy balance of work
on my family. (ETU) and family. I would never want my work to take away
• I am working on implementing techniques from Deep from my personal life.
Work to get everything done at work and not have to
take work home. (BP)
Theme: Theme Statement
My family is important to me My family is the most important aspect of my life. The
family I am building with my fiance as well as my
Data sources with relevant data (3) current family.
• I want to be able to provide for my family which is why
Contradictory Evidence
my primary anchors are security, stability, and
I believe that family being important to me is beneficial
organizational identity. (CAA)
in my work life. I do not see too many contradictions for
• My fiance’s family is a major reason why my
this theme.
extroverted score has increased in the past year. (BF)
• I typically support my family with whatever they are
working on and work hard to help them. (HJTT) Reflection
• My family brings me joy, especially my six nieces and My family is very important to me, and they have given
nephews. (3Q) me practice in solving some of the issues in my work
• My family conflict has developed my sense of conflict life.
resolution and emphasized the importance of
communication. (HEAR)
Theme: Theme Statement
I like rules/structure I am a rule follower in life especially in the workplace.
As a leader, I make sure my team understands that I will
Data sources with relevant data (3) follow the rules.
• “Integrity is at the heart of people with the ISTJ
Contradictory Evidence
personality type (logisticians)”. (HJTT)
My dominance score is a 4%. As a leader, it is important
• “They value structure, follow rules strictly, and respect
to be able to take control of a situation before it gets
authority, showcasing their strong will and dutiful
worse. I sometimes have an internal struggle as to when
nature”. (HJTT)
I should step into an issue. (DISC)
• “Conventional occupations frequently involve
following set procedures and routines.”. (HPT)
• I appreciate learning new techniques that can be Reflection
beneficial in my daily life. Implementing the HEAR
I like to follow the rules that are set in place at work. I
model has helped me dissolve conflict. (HEAR)
make sure that everyone knows that I will follow the
• When an issue arises, I critically think through each
rules, this way they understand that I am serious about
solution. I follow the resources provided to me to
certain issues.
thoroughly assess the issue. (HPT)
Theme: Theme Statement
I am highly analytical All of my personality tests had one running theme, I am
analytical. This is the reason I am striving to become a
Data sources with relevant data (3) business analyst.
• My top two results for the Holland assessment are
Contradictory Evidence
investigative and conventional. Both of these results are
A downside to being highly analytical is that I do not go
highly analytical. (HPT)
with the flow. It is hard for me to take on an assignment
• All of the jobs recommended to match my personality
without structure or looking at the whole picture.
are analytical jobs. Intelligence analyst and database
analyst are my top two options. (KCIA)
• My conscientiousness score is high indicating that I am Reflection
driven by logic and objective analysis. These are I am the type of person who likes to analyze every
important qualities for an analyst. (DISC) aspect of a situation before I take something on. This
• Everything that I do, I do in steps to make sure that I can be a good thing in the workplace. However, it can
complete everything I am supposed to. (BP) lead to burnout if I am not careful. That is why I like to
• I am calm and practical, looking at all aspects of the start early and take all the time I need so I do not feel
situation to make an educated decision(HJTT). pressured to get things done.
Theme: Theme Statement
I am organized I am an organized person at work and at home. I like my
life to have routine and order.
Data sources with relevant data (3)
• I am organized and effective, I like to maintain order.
Contradictory Evidence
A downside to being organized is that I can become
• Stability is a top anchor for me, meaning that I like
stressed if everything is not in the way that I expect it to
things to be in order and I like routine. (CAA)
be. It is also difficult to accept when I need to change
• Steadiness is a top personality trait for me and I like to
the way I am doing something. (HJTT)
maintain the “stability of my environment”. (DISC)
• Conscientiousness is high for me and this means that I Reflection
am detail-oriented with high-quality work. (DISC) Overall, being such an organized individual has only
• I take on big projects with ample time and think through benefited me. However, there are times when my
each part of the process. (BP) organization can stunt my creativity, and my adherence
to order can block the vision that I am trying to create.
Theme: Theme Statement
I am a fast learner I am a fast learner when I am put into a new role I can
adapt quickly.
Data sources with relevant data (3)
Contradictory Evidence
• With my strong work ethic, I strive to learn things at a
Even if I learn something new, and I know it is the right
fast pace in the correct way. (HJTT)
way to do something, I still always double-check my
• As an introvert with extrovert tendencies, I like to let
work. If that means checking with my boss or looking
the work speak for itself. Therefore I create exceptional
up the information again, I prefer the reassurance.
projects even if I have to learn on the job. (DISC)
• I am disciplined enough to learn something new on my
own. (CAA) Reflection
• I prioritize knowledge by teaching myself new things. I In order to be successful in my role, I am always
am a firm believer that we are always learning to grow learning new ways to approach a project. I take it upon
as people. (HJTT) myself to become a resource for my team and prioritize
• As a leader, I take it upon myself to learn something the new knowledge.
new in order to help my team understand the new
information as well. (HJTT)
Personal Vision
I will continue to learn and grow, sharing what I
know along the way.
The most important thing that I have learned this far in life is that we are
always going to make mistakes. As someone who puts a lot of effort into
my work, I think it is important to give myself grace along the way.
Throughout this process, I have learned about how others see me. As a
leader, I want to be a good example to them. I would never put the
pressure on someone else that I put on myself, and that has taught me to
have empathy for myself and others.
Personal Mission
I will be committed to living my life to the fullest,
pursuing my dreams with success, and
maintaining the priorities that bring me happiness.

I am the type of person who could easily let my work consume me. I
have faced burnout before, and it is important to me that I prioritize
my well-being above all else. Knowing what I know now, I try to
focus on the things that keep me going in life. I strive to spread
positivity to those around me. I try to focus on one day or week at a
time and create mini-goals for myself.
As I have stepped into my role as a shift
supervisor, I have learned how to communicate
easier. I feel more confident in handling issues that

Chart arise and I can see that reflected in my different

introversion scores.
Big 5
This chart shows the percentages of my results
from the Big Five Personality Test, the second
time I took the test.
• Dominance - pursues challenges, is assertive,
receptive to logic
• Influence - People-oriented, outgoing and
enthusiastic, prone to people pleasing
• Steadiness - cautious and accepting, maintain
stability, calm or patient, struggle with
• Conscientiousness - cautious and skeptical,
driven by logic, a tendency to overanalyze

Shriver, 2023
Overall I have learned a lot about myself from this assignment. It allowed me to
look at all the assessments I have taken over the course of my major and reflect on
what I have learned about myself. I went into college with no idea of what I wanted
to do for a career. I took career tests before I ever decided on my major. I now
know that I made the right decision in my major and I am excited to see what the
future has in store.
Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login: Kuder journey. Kuder Journey®. (n.d.).

Holland’s six personality types. (n.d.).

Shriver, E. (2023, December 20). What are the Four disc® personality types?. Situational Leadership® Management and Leadership Training.,helps

Strengths & Weaknesses: ISTJ personality (logistician). 16Personalities. (n.d.).

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