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Salvador F. Bernal
Salvador F. Bernal
• Salvador F. Bernal was born on January 7,
1945 in Dagupan City
• He was Died October 26, 2011 at (aged 66)
Quezon City, Philippines
• He studied and earned a philosophy degree in
1966 from the Ateneo de Manila.
• Salvador F. Bernal designed more than 300
productions distinguished for their originality.
• As one of the known and acknowledged guru
of contemporary Filipino theater design,
Bernal shared his skills with younger
designers through his classes at the University
of the Philippines and the Ateneo de Manila

Salvador F. Bernal
• In 1995, Bernal organized the PATDAT
(Philippine Association of Theatre
Designers and Technicians) to promote
and professionalize theater design.
• And in 1995, by way of Philippine
Center of OISTAT (Organization
Internationale des Scenographes,
Techniciens et Architectes du Theatre),
he introduced Philippine theater design
to the world.
• Bernal was named National Artist on
May 26, 2003.

Salvador F. Bernal
• The award citation notes that “sensitive
to the budget limitations of local
productions, he harnessed the design
potential of inexpensive local materials,
pioneering or maximizing the use of
bamboo, raw abaca and abaca fiber,
hemp twine, rattan chain links and gauze
• In doing this he exemplified the
versatility of Filipino materials for
design and proved that the poverty of a
production need not imply a poverty of
the imagination.”

• Some of his works are Rajah
Sulayman, Abaniko, La Traviata,
Tomaneg at Aniway and Pagkahaba-
haba man ng Prusisyon sa Simbahan
din ang Tuloy (Much Ado About


• Salvador Bernal has received the National Artist Award in 2003
for theater design. He was known as the "Father of Philippine
Stage Design".
• He transformed the theater and production design, by elevating
them to respected art forms. He built up Philippine stage design
and also brought in new techniques to enhance audience
• His works inspired future artists and designers, leaving a lasting
impact on theater and visual arts. Bernal’s artwork highlights the
artistic potential of stage and design.


Padua Anthony
Thank you
Charlyze Quitaleg

Erlich Velasco

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